The Deadman

Chapter 127: The Silvian Conflict 5

A reporter sat down in front of his laptop with a pile of documents on his table. 

September 21, 2099, 10:00am

Conflicts escalate as multiple facilities are hit. Allied nations, who had sworn to fight for the country of Wisteria.

It had always been known for its vast natural resources and advanced technology. However, in recent years, the ruling government has become increasingly ambitious in their efforts to extract and utilize these resources named ‘korium’. Leaks from insiders revealed that they had built a massive machine, capable of using these resources at an unprecedented rate, but at a great cost to the environment and the surrounding countries.

Other countries had grown concerned about the environmental and ecological damage caused by the machine, as well as the fact that Wisteria is monopolizing the resources, denying access to other nations. Diplomatic efforts to resolve the situation had failed, and tensions had grown to a boiling point. And although there is a media blackout, recent escalation in conflicts and global interest has revealed a conflict that is now dubbed as Silvian Conflict. With the increasing demands for information and their inability to keep the people out. A coalition of neighboring countries declared war on Wisteria, citing their disregard for the environment and their aggressive monopolization of resources as the reasons for their actions. They believe that the Islands of Wisteria are mismanaging the volatile resources, and fear detonation would lead to a global unrest.

Insider sources reveal the conflict has become intense and brutal, with both sides using advanced technology and weaponry in their battles. Revealing the Wisterian-made Mechanized Armored Soldier (MAS) and the Sentinel droids that make up the fighting forces of the Wisterian Islands. The coalition forces had been focused on destroying the refining machine, citing that it was the key to their power. Wisteria, on the other hand, used their technological advantage to defend their territory and maintain control of their resources. Fending off the countries who have declared war on them.

Unbeknownst to the world, This conflict has raged for months, with heavy casualties on both sides. The coalition forces were able to cripple the refineries of the Wisterian Islands and yet there are no signs of Wisteria and the Consortium backing down.

Recent statements coming from the coalition forces have said: “The war had come at a great cost, but this is necessary to prevent the continued ecological destruction and resource monopolization by the Wisterian. They are playing with materials that are nature-made nuclear fusions and their greedy monopolization of these materials and hoarding might result in an ‘ecological and worldwide’ disaster that would harm the planet.”

The coalition forces reaffirms their choices and hopes the world would see how dangerous the materials that they have gathered and demand a peaceful negotiation in handling this conflict so no more blood can be shed.

According to the official statement released by the government of Wisteria, the country had been falsely accused of monopolizing resources and causing harm to the environment. They affirm that they had been operating in an efficient and responsible manner, with the goal of providing for their own people and contributing to the betterment of the world.

They state that the coalition's actions were unjustified, motivated by greed and a desire to control the korium resources for themselves. They claim that the coalition's accusations were baseless and that they had been working to address any concerns through diplomatic means.

Wisteria’s statement also emphasized that the coalition had launched an unprovoked attack on their country, causing immense loss of life and destruction. They assert that they had been forced to defend themselves and their sovereignty, and that their actions were in self-defense.

Furthermore, the government of Wisteria argues that the coalition's true goal was not to protect the environment, but to exploit the resources for their own gain, and that the coalition's own actions in this conflict were environmentally damaging.

The statement concludes by affirming that Wisteria would continue to defend its sovereignty and resources, and that they would work towards a peaceful resolution through diplomatic means.

In response to the statement released by the government of Wisteria, the coalition issued a counter-statement calling out the country for their lies and distorted version of events.

The coalition stated that the evidence of Wisteria's monopolization of resources and environmental destruction was overwhelming and undeniable. They accused the government of Wisteria of attempting to deceive the international community and shift the blame for their actions.

The coalition also demanded that the government of Wisteria come clean and reveal the truth about their actions and the true extent of the damage caused by their resource-extracting machines. They called for an independent investigation to be conducted, with the participation of international experts, to determine the facts and hold those responsible accountable.

The coalition also emphasized that their actions had been motivated not by greed, but by a genuine concern for the environment and the well-being of the people of Wisteria, as well as the neighboring countries who might be affected if a detonation occurred. They affirmed that their goal was to bring about a sustainable and responsible use of resources, and to prevent further harm to the environment.

The statement concluded by reiterating the coalition's commitment to finding a peaceful and sustainable resolution to the conflict, but also warning that they will not hesitate to take necessary actions to protect the environment and the rights of the affected people.

The reaction of the internal community to these statements varied widely, with some citizens supporting the Wisteria government's claims of self-defense and false accusations, while others believed the coalition's claims of environmental destruction and resource monopolization.

Some citizens argued that the Wisteria had always acted in the best interests of the country and its people, and that the coalition's actions were unjustified. The international community believed that the Wisteria government's statement accurately reflected the events and that the coalition was motivated by greed and a desire to control the resources.

Others, however, felt that the Wisteria government was not being transparent about the true extent of the damage caused by the resource-extracting machine and the environmental impact of their actions. They believed that the coalition's claims were true and that the government was covering up the truth to protect their own interests.

Many international citizens called for an independent investigation to be conducted to determine the facts and hold those responsible accountable. They believed that a transparent and unbiased investigation was necessary to uncover the truth and to ensure that justice is served.

The civil society organizations and environmentalists groups were particularly vocal in their criticism of the government's statement, they have been calling for the government to take responsibility for the damage caused by the mining of these resources, and to take steps to prevent further environmental destruction and the dangerous hazard of these ‘nature-made nuclear fusion’ materials.

Overall, there was a sense of uncertainty and division among the international community, as they struggled to make sense of the conflicting statements and to determine the truth about what had happened.

In another statement, after an overwhelming support for the Wisterian Islands, the government of Wisteria once again accused the coalition of deception and false accusations. They reiterated their previous claims that the coalition was motivated by greed and a desire to control the korium resources, and that the coalition's actions are unjustified.

The government of Wisteria also accused the coalition of spreading misinformation and propaganda to justify their actions, and of attempting to paint Wisteria in a negative light despite the factual truth that it is the citizens of Wisteria are hiding in bunkers in fear for this unjustified rage. They also criticized the coalition for not accepting their offer for a peaceful and diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

The statement concluded by reiterating the government's commitment to defend its sovereignty and resources, and that they would continue to work towards a peaceful resolution through diplomatic means. Committing to their defense that they are unlawfully attacked by greedy countries.

The reporter looked at the time and kneaded his eyebrows. He had to get the report out before the coalition and the Wisterian forces arrive on his city.

The war between the coalition and Wisteria has resulted in significant damage on both sides. The coalition forces have focused on destroying the resource-extracting machine, which was seen as the key to Wisteria’s power. This has resulted in the destruction of much of one of the Wisterian islands infrastructure and the loss of many civilian lives.

On the other hand, Wisteria has used its advanced technology and weaponry to defend its territory and maintain control of its resources, causing heavy casualties among the coalition forces. The war has also resulted in extensive environmental damage, particularly in the areas where the battles were fought.

On the environmental side, it is reported that the resource-extracting machine has caused extensive damage to the ecosystem, including deforestation, soil erosion, and water pollution. The destruction of the machine and the surrounding infrastructure has also led to the release of harmful chemicals and pollutants into the environment. The coalition forces also caused some damage to the environment, such as bombing and artillery fire as the Wisteria forces goes into an offensive

The coalition has also reported that Wisteria has used the resources they were extracting for military purposes, and this has put the coalition in a difficult position, as they have had to spend a lot of resources to fight Wisteria.

The human toll of the conflict has been devastating, with thousands of civilian lives lost, and many more injured or displaced. The coalition forces have been accused of indiscriminate bombing and artillery fire that have caused heavy civilian casualties in the agricultural Islands of Wisteria . Wisteria has been accused of war crimes, including targeting civilian areas and using their mechanized battalions to assault communities.

Raising concerns  about the military capabilities of Wisteria, particularly in regards to their use of advanced technology and robotics. Reports have emerged of Wisteria deploying an army of robotic soldiers, known as "Sentinels" and MAS, on the battlefield.

These mechanized giants and droids are reported to be highly advanced and formidable opponents, capable of withstanding heavy fire and causing significant damage to the coalition forces. They are equipped with a variety of weapons, including machine guns, missile launchers, and smart weapons.

The coalition forces have expressed concern about the use of these mechanized armies, stating that they are a game-changer on the battlefield and that they have not encountered such advanced technology before. They have called on the international community to take action to limit the use of these weapons and to prevent them from becoming a norm in future conflicts.

The coalition's leaders have also expressed concern that Wisteria’s deployment of these advanced weapons might indicate that they have something more sinister in the pipeline, and that their use of this technology could be just the tip of the iceberg.

Furthermore, reports of Wisteria’s use of droids in the war have raised ethical and legal concerns, as droids are not considered as legal combatants and their use in war could be considered a war crime.

The international community is monitoring the situation closely, and there have been calls for an investigation into the use of these advanced weapons and the potential risks they pose to the future of warfare.

The economic damage caused by the conflict has also been severe, with many businesses destroyed and the economy of Wisteria severely impacted. The coalition has imposed sanctions on Wisteria, further exacerbating the economic situation. However, reports have stated that with the recent pull out of the LORES Consortium from the coalition’s countries. 

Overall, the war has been a tragic event that has resulted in significant loss of life, injury, displacement and environmental damage on both sides. The international community is calling for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, and for those responsible for war crimes to be held accountable. The war has also highlighted the importance of finding sustainable and responsible ways to utilize resources, and the need for countries to work together to protect the environment and the rights of affected people while also raising concerns about the future of warfare. 

The reporter scanned his document before setting up a scheduled email. Not far from his city was the sounds of firepower and the warnings of the Wisterian forces demand the evacuation of the city.

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