The days of raising elves in the apartment

Chapter 2 The Arrival of the Elves

In the evening, Qin Feng sat on the sofa and watched the news on TV. No matter which station he switched to, it was all about the shocking things today.

"Fuck, this shock is actually shaking the whole country! This is too exaggerated, and it shouldn't be. A nationwide shock shouldn't have such low destructive power."

Qin Feng couldn't think about Sister Qi. He really couldn't figure out why this happened. If he couldn't figure it out, he just stopped thinking about it. Qin Feng was too lazy to waste his brain cells and went to bed!

During the next few days of vacation at home, Qin Feng also learned that not only the whole of China was experiencing an "earthquake", but all countries seemed to have experienced an "earthquake", which also caused various rumors to fly all over the sky.

Rumors such as the end of the world and alien invasion abound, causing great panic in society.

Fortunately, governments of various countries came forward to suppress these news.

The days seemed to go on like this. After that day, nothing seemed to happen, and people from all over the world were no longer panicking. It seemed like they were back to the way they were before!

The days passed, and it was as if the day of the 'earthquake' had never happened. The days once again returned to the boring life.

Until that day, it is also the beginning of a new era for the world!

It was a sunny morning. As usual, a fisherman went fishing in the place where he often went. He greeted the fishing friends next to him, made a nest skillfully, and habitually threw the fishhook out, while he sat on his own. On the chair he brought, his head swayed, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

The old man just shook his head a few times and found that the fishhook had been bitten.

The old man shook his head vigorously, and when he realized that he was not dreaming, he laughed: "Hahaha, I didn't expect that a fish would take the bait just after arriving. I have been so lucky in the past few days."

"Hey, Lao Zhang, today I didn't sit around all day without catching anything like before. I actually opened today. Congratulations!" The fishing friend next to him congratulated the old man, but what he said made the old man very unhappy. .

"It was all accidents before, not my true level. Today is my true level. Also, don't just look at it. I seem to have caught a big guy. Although it didn't struggle, I actually couldn't pull it. Get up and come to help, old man, I can’t hold on any longer.”

The old man also had a hard time saying that he was very happy to have something on the bait as soon as he arrived, but he couldn't pull it up. He let it go and he was probably depressed to death.

The fishing friend laughed, put the fishing rod on the ground, and came to help the old man, "Old Zhang, this fish is indeed quite heavy, please use more force!"

It took a full minute for the two of them to pull the fish up, but they were silent for a while as they watched the fish jumping on the ground.

"Old Zhang, are you sure it's just a fish? Although it looks like a carp, why does a carp wear a crown on its head?"

The younger fishing friend said in disbelief.

"Where am I going to know this! I've never seen it. By the way, although this fish has two white beards and a crown on its head, it should be edible. After all, it is a fish."

Lao Zhang was also surprised and confused. He had never seen this new species of fish, so how could he know about it.

The two of them looked at the carp still jumping on the ground, a little unsure, not knowing what to do.

The carp on the ground has dead fish eyes open and its body is orange-red. If Qin Feng is here, he will definitely know what it is. After all, it is the existence known as the predecessor of the great cruelty - the Carp King.

King Carp looked at the two people in front of him and trembled when he heard what they said. He didn't expect that the humans in this world were so different. He was made of bones all over his body. They actually wanted to eat him.

Although I don't have much fighting ability, not everyone can come and pinch me.

He spat at the two men and then hit the younger man with all his strength.

"Bang!" The younger man fell to the ground with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. The old man next to him suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at the scene in disbelief. His fishing friend was actually hit by a carp and vomited blood and fell to the ground. .

Seeing the dead carp looking at him, the old man immediately burst out with strength and speed that was beyond his age, dragging the groaning man lying on the ground quickly away from the river.

"Old Zhang, slow down...slow down, my pants are torn, and I'm rubbing my butt now." The person being dragged away couldn't bear it.

"Shit, I'm almost dead. Slow down a little. Do you want me to collect the body for you? Besides, I'm an old man. It's good if I can drag you away. You can also pick this and that."

Lao Zhang was also running and talking, breaking out at the fastest speed in his life.

King Carp watched the two people leave, then jumped into the river step by step, and then returned to the river with a splash.

After Lao Zhang's incident was revealed, other countries and regions also broke the news that they had seen species that they had never seen before, but their tempers didn't seem to be very good.

Some people saw these novel species and wanted to get close to them, but those species were frightened by them. After all, they also wanted to become popular by discovering new species, and their eyes were so unfriendly that the new species attacked those people. , but I didn’t do anything to kill him, I just lay in bed for a day or two.

But those who were attacked didn't think so. They directly told the local police station about the incident and even said that these new species were a fatal threat to humans, causing panic among the people. All the people wanted to avoid being harmed. We can only go to the police station together to talk about these things, and the police can only send the police out to kill these new species!

Slowly, new species are appearing in the world, but most of them appear in sparsely populated places. But how could such a large group of species appear in a country that cannot be discovered.

Therefore, people's panic has deepened again. Some bad-tempered elves will not tolerate people, especially the giant needle bees. As long as they are close to their territory, they will be attacked by them, causing casualties.

At this point, the conflict between elves and humans became deeper and deeper. The country directly prohibited people from going out into the deep mountains and old forests to avoid being harmed by the elves. The police also discovered that their guns did little harm to the elves, which greatly shocked the top brass of the country. , in order to protect humans from being harmed by them, various countries have launched armies to wage war against the elves.

And because of the power of elves, humans are extremely afraid of them and give them a unified name - Warcraft!

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