The Dark Lord Harry Potter

Chapter 82: Planning for the Future

"Are you upset with me?"

The beautiful white-haired girl glanced up, from where she was sitting, to the man she had fallen hopelessly in love with. They had yet to have a full conversation concerning his actions, and because of this it felt as though a wall had been built between them.

"I… wish that you had chosen a different course of action, but I am not angry with you. I know that this incident will save future lives, end bigotries, and make society a better place but…"

"But you dislike the notion of killing people to get there."

"I do, especially children."

"They were not innocent Hedwig, they were cruel and merciless bullies for the sake of being bullies."

"I know, I saw how they affected Luna. What they did to her was awful."

The raven-haired boy paused, "You seem to have actually grown a bit… fond of her, haven't you?"

The owl-turned-girl blushed slightly, "After I got used to her… yes. It is nice having someone to talk to that is a girl, no offense."

"None taken, I find her company quite pleasant."

"And I am sure that has nothing to do with how pretty she is, especially naked."

His lips curled up into a smirk, "So you think she is pretty hm?"

"Wh… n-no I mean… yes but…"

"I will be sure to inform her of your newfound feelings, she has been pestering me a bit lately as to when we will have our official 'threesome' after all."

The pale girl was left sputtering, and without a proper response.


"This night we light candles for those precious ones lost." Albus Dumbledore softly called out to the nearby staff and student body. Normally there would have been a ceremony in the Great Hall but considering how many had died it just did not seem fitting. Instead they lit candles outside, each student carrying one as they gazed into the night sky.

"Each was a friend, a brother or sister, a son or daughter, a future parent… each was taken before their own time. Let us not forget them, but instead carry them with us for all our remaining days. Let their lives inspire us more than their deaths ever shall and let us all become greater for knowing them."

All bowed their heads in silent mourning, and thus none saw the smile on a certain blonde Ravenclaw's face.


"Sirius Orion Black." Lucius Malfoy intoned with a calm and steady voice as he walked towards the man. "As representative of the Wizengamot, and the government of Magical England as a whole, I would like to extend our most sincere and deepest apologies for the travesty you have had to endure for the last twelve years. Although it means little now I assure you that all prisoners are currently having their cases reviewed to avoid such an appalling fate as you have had to suffer through. We have made a deposit into your accounts, but as we all know time is worth far more than gold. I can only give you my solemn word that this shall never happen again."

It was missed by none that Minster Fudge was not present at the ceremony, citing personal reasons for being at his ancestral home instead.

"Thank you, Lord Malfoy." Harry had informed him that he was to act civil during any public meetings with the man, despite any history they might have had. The teen had plans for the blonde and doing anything to disrupt them would cause problems that the former convict did not want. "I appreciate your sincerity and humility in this matter. I can see why my godson has spoken so very strongly in your support."

The Slytherin's mouth twitched ever so slightly, a sign of annoyance. Both men, being of Pureblood origins, knew that in such a meeting there was always a secret competition, who could act the most humble, and thus garner a favor from the other.

Thus far Sirius was winning… and they both knew it.

"Yes, and I would be remiss if I did not thank you and he once more. I do so hope that you will accept the invitation to the ball I am throwing in your honor this summer."

"Only if you will agree that all fund raising will go towards your election. I have the utmost confidence in you spending it well."

Back and forth they went for over ten minutes, negotiating in a way that even had those of the 'minor' Pureblood lines confused. Finally, they settled for what appeared to be a truce, and ended with a slight handshake and simultaneous bows to each other.


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