The Crimson Throne

Chapter 131: Replacement

"The Crown Prince is currently of ill health," the Étoile Emperor stated, answering the Duke's question.

"Yes, yes," the minister hurriedly agreed. The Emperor's well-timed rescue helped relieve the tension mounting in his body. "His Highness is in no condition to attempt such a prolonged journey."

"Is it so? Please send my regards to His Highness, Your Majesty." Gerard inclined his body. "I pray for him a speedy recovery."

'Is His Majesty speaking the truth? Is the Crown Prince suffering from an ailment?' Elaine asked the Third Prince.

'Are you doubting His Majesty's words, Lady Estella?' he replied.

'No, I…'

'My elder brother is indeed suffering, though his tormentor is no ailment,' Alexander quipped.

The Emperor again addressed the room, interrupting their secret exchange. "The Léonas Empire has formally invited us to their new Emperor's coronation. Unfortunately, I cannot attend due to prior arrangements."

Nickolas' coronation. The day has finally come. Though the event happened before the original storyline began, Elaine had expected its arrival.

"Normally, the Crown Prince would take part in my stead," the Emperor continued—his complexion grave. "However, because of the unforeseen illness that has weakened his body, I cannot in good conscience allow him to participate." His fingers massaged his wrinkled brows as though to soothe a pounding headache.

Everyone's gazes moved to Alexander standing behind him. If the Crown Prince could not attend in place of the Étoile Emperor, then the Third Prince should substitute for his brother—a natural succession order. The older of the Marche twins, Amara, frowned. Her eyes alighted with worry. Despite the Emperor and Minister Soter constantly comparing the journey to an arduous endeavor, all those in attendance understood the actual peril lay in waiting at the destination. Would the Étoile Emperor risk losing his more accomplished son to protect the Crown Prince? It was a quandary challenging to entangle.

Alexander stepped forward and bowed before his father. "Your Majesty, please allow me to attend the coronation in the Crown Prince's stead."

"Are you certain of your choice?" the Emperor solemnly inquired. His azure eyes darkened, piercing down at the silver-haired young man.

"Yes, I am."

After a long pause, the Emperor finally nodded. "Very well."

"Your Majesty," Minister Soter exclaimed and dropped to the floor. "Please reconsider the decision. His Highness' talent and wisdom are indispensable to the court. We have recently initiated many significant efforts in Étoile and cannot afford to lose His Highness' service for several months."

Some other ministers chimed in, following his lead. "Your Majesty, we beseech you to reassess."

"Pray tell then, who should attend the Léonas Empire's event?" The Emperor slightly curled his lips, eyes panning the chamber. "Or are you suggesting I choose from those present here tonight?"

The ministers stayed silent, yet their demeanors already answered the Emperor's question.

Dark storm clouds descended on the chamber, weighing down the atmosphere and everyone's spirits.

Elaine finally deciphered the reason behind the riveting performance by the Étoile Emperor and his court. Except for Alexander, those children attending tonight's carefully crafted stage were candidates to substitute for the Crown Prince in the Léonas Empire's coronation. In all appearances, the Emperor was bestowing an honor to the individual replacing Louis' position. However, considering the current state of the two empires' relationship, it could mean walking into a death trap. Because of the event's significance, the Emperor could not pick a random, low-rank ambassador. It must be an individual of high status yet not important enough to incite a war if an unfortunate incident happened during the coronation.

Elaine's gaze studied those around her. Including her, the candidates were all unfavored princes and children of dukes and marquises. One of them would have to become the honorable sacrifice to the empires' conflicts. Several ideas clashed in her mind, and then a daring thought appeared. Before she could weigh her decision, Elaine saw movements from the Duke of Lévis' corner. There is no time left for hesitation. She gritted her teeth and stepped forward. "Your Majesty, it would be my honor to participate in the Léonas Empire's coronation in place of the Crown Prince," Elaine announced.

The entire chamber's movements abruptly halted as all eyes focused on her. Even Gerard stared at Elaine with incredulity.

'Lady Estella, do you understand the repercussions of your proposal?' the Third Prince's voice cautioned in her ears.

'I do, Your Highness,' she replied.

"Are you certain of your choice?" the Étoile Emperor inquired—streaks of amusement flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty. As the Crown Prince's fiancé, I have an obligation to represent His Highness in these circumstances. I am confident I will not shame His Highness or the Étoile Empire," she bluffed.

"Do you object to your daughter's decision, Duke Geris?" The Emperor's gaze turned to Gerard.

The Duke advanced and stood beside Elaine. "I am honored that my daughter will represent our mighty empire by attending the new Léonas Emperor's ascension ceremony," he said, placing a hand on Elaine's shoulder. His expression was of a proud father.

Still an excellent actor, as always, she secretly scoffed. The pain pulsating on her shoulder signified a different reaction.

"You have a dutiful daughter, Duke Geris," the Emperor lauded. "If there are no objections, I shall conclude tonight's gathering."

"Wait, Your Majesty." A familiar voice perked Elaine's ears.

"What is it, Commander d'Amboise? Do you have an objection?"

Elias? What is he planning? She slightly shifted her body and saw the male protagonist moving toward the center. He stopped before the throne and bowed.

"It is too dangerous for Lady Estella to attempt the journey alone. Please allow me to accompany Her Ladyship to the Léonas Empire," he declared.

The silence chamber once again erupted in whispers.




Is Elaine crazy? Maybe lol

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