The Crazy Adventures of Kevin








Back on planet Sylvie.


The planet and its people seemed to be improving a little day by day as Kevin cultivated energy on the planet. One of the days Kevin was rounding up on his dream spaceship, a female guard named Tessia thought she could keep Kevin company and ask a few questions to get to know the saviour of her planet a little more.


“Well, Tessia, do I look like the person from the prophecy?” Kevin asked as he tilted his head.


“Your hair does fit the description. It also mentioned that you would be a wingless man who could fly with strikingly handsome features.” Tessia mentioned with a smile on her face. She knew that once Kevin was done and stepped out, only the crown queen would be the only female allowed around him. She didn’t mind shooting her shot now, in her thoughts it would be better to strike first and hard.


His normal self would be flustered and at a loss for words, but because of the unnatural calm that accompanied his mind, he just smiled back and went back to work.


“But, King Kevin. Where do you plan on going with that? Are you leaving us?” Tessia asked as the tone in her voice decreased.


Kevin wished he hadn’t turned to face her but cleared his throat.


“Well, I have other businesses that need my attention. I believe I have been away for too long.” Kevin replied trying not to stop midway in his sentence. He actually liked the place and saw himself developing the planet's technology and reputation but the looming danger of Sylvie returning and using him made him rethink his stay.


“But, but, the planet needs you. We need you!” Tessia reasoned with Kevin and stepped outside the normal conversation someone like her and Kevin were to have, if she were the crown queen it would be different but she was just a high-level warrior who was assigned to guard Kevin’s quarters to stop other fairies from disturbing his work mostly.


Tessia moved closer to Kevin to express her want for Kevin to stay but a figure who watched them from an orb afar felt disturbed but continued watching anyway.


Someone is watching me. It feels too obvious. I’ll address that later.’ Kevin thought as he felt something watching him.


“Listen here, we have only just met and you talking to me as if you know me.” Kevin stated, his arms folded and his eyebrows arched.


“Um, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to…” Tessia tried to complete her sentence as he backed away a little.


“You don’t know if I am pure evil, you don’t know if I am a scam, you don’t know if I am a threat, you don’t know me.” Kevin stated as a portal opened just outside his workshop and a beautiful female figure wearing a purple evening gown that had tiny stones that reflected light and accentuated her curves, with veined wings flew out of it gracefully. Her all-white hair danced around her waist as if gravity didn’t apply to its swaying and her lips were a natural red shade that brightened her pearly white teeth.


The crown princess as usual was without footwear but wore a gold anklet just like Sophia. Kevin inspected her for an instant and confirmed it wasn’t Sophia but the person who was watching him and Tessia earlier.


“I am sorry for my previous actions my King.” The crown queen said as she kneeled before Kevin which prompted Tessia to kneel as well.


“Save your apologies, my decision remains the same,” Kevin said as he was about to resume his final touches on his ship.


“Incredible, my lord. I have explored a small part of the cosmos. But even someone like me with little to no experience in space travel, I have to say that the design is quite aesthetic, one can only wonder what it’s truly capable of.” The crown queen commented as she got up and flew next to Kevin’s ship.


Kevin wanted to teleport her anywhere away from here but sensed honesty from her and let her continue.


“Well, I do know some spacecraft engineering and a lot about alien tech-I mean extraterrestrial technology, so I am a bit exposed to that.” Kevin replied smiling warmly, finally someone could openly appreciate his hard work.


The crown queen was happy at Kevin’s reaction and looked at Tessia once who immediately understood and left the workshop.


“Why did you send her away?” Kevin asked as the crown queen hovered some distance away from him.


“Oh please, we both know what she was trying to do. And I have to say, she wasn’t even smooth about it.” The crown queen commented.


“C’mon don’t be harsh. I will give her a three out of ten for actually attempting.” Kevin remarked and went back to work.


“And me?” The crown queen hovered behind Kevin.


“Well, so far, you haven’t bugged me too much. You haven’t invaded my personal space like Tessia who acted like we have always known each other. You also know a thing about spacecraft even though it’s as amateur as the next ignorant person.” Kevin began to list his observations some of which made the crown queen nod and the last making her turn her face away.


“So I’ll give you a four… point five.” Kevin finished his estimate as he went through his ship.


“…Anyway, I know you are going to leave either way.” The crown queen said as a plant began to grow from the ground to shape itself like a chair for the queen to sit on.


“My name is Ashley. Call me Ashley. But at least work with Sophia on making a portal, location mapping, or something. You can leave, but at least remember to come back once in a while. Only the royal family and Sophie know the real reason why you are the saviour of this planet so I can understand why you would want to leave.” Ashley concluded as another plant grew from the ground to form a table.


“Maybe. But I don’t owe any of you anything. I will leave.” Kevin reaffirmed his statement as the workshop went quiet except for the sounds of welding and Kevin’s Artificial Intelligence helping in whatever way it could.


Ashley sighed and summoned a jug and two cups from her portal, she filled both cups and drank from one.


“Why don’t you at least stay for the feast?”

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