The Crazy Adventures of Kevin






Fate's scream of anguish could be heard throughout the entire prison facility, even Kevin who had made his way to the escape pods could hear it.

Damn it, is he done with her already?’ Kevin thought as the ceiling above him cracked open. Metallic sounds could be heard after some debris fell from the ceiling, but dust accumulated in the area. But the dust couldn’t hide Khans purple eyes that glowed in the dust.

Khan immediately cleared the dust with a swipe of his hand. "You wouldn’t be leaving without me now, would you?" Khan asked as a smirk appeared on his face.

“What do you expect me to do? You and the giant of a lady were tearing up the place! I don’t know about you but even I have places to be.” Kevin immediately barked back at Khan. Even though he didn’t stay back to watch his fight with Fate, just the danger he felt from Khan and Fate made him realize that he wasn’t Khan's match at all. As Kevin, he would rather go all out than cower in fear of his death.

Khan stretched his hand and pointed to Kevin. Kevin immediately backed off and turned his whole body into that of a Petrosapien.

“Tch, primates. I am asking for the transmitter from the automaton you took down.” Khan asked as his outstretched hand formed into an empty palm gesturing for something.

“Oh, why didn’t you say so?” Kevin said as he relaxed his mind. Instead of transforming back to his humanoid form completely, he restructured the Petrosapien body into that of a Spartan armour with a shield in his left hand. Even though Khan wasn’t killing him, he wasn’t going to trust someone who murdered the entire inmates except him like as if he were just cleaning his room.

“Alright then. Lead the way to that room where you found the philosopher's orb.” Khan said as he collected the transmitter from Kevin.

“Uh, I forgot the place. I told you I was out cold.” Kevin said as he scratched the back of his head.

“Oh, that’s alright. I can help you remember.” Khan said as he smiled menacingly.

“Haha, it’s alright.” Kevin chuckled nervously and navigated through elevators and corridors, occasionally taking out any automaton who thought they were wise. Previously, Kevin had already hacked the entire prison facility using his Technomorph traits and secured his escape route, until Khan showed up.

“Well, this is the place.” Kevin said as he pointed to two large doors that were closed. Kevin, didn’t like the position he was in. He the bully was being bullied and pushed around by someone other than himself! He hated every moment Khan existed and breathed next to him freely as if Kevin were no more than an ant he let live.


Just take what you want and leave.’ Kevin thought to himself as he kept on reinforcing his shield, making it denser with each passing second slowly enough for Khan not to notice but quick enough to make one of the strongest shields. He could turn into a Technomorph and survive a few hits from Khan since he would be able to literally pull himself together, but Khan's energy that he didn’t know of would atomize him. And besides Kevin didn’t want to reveal everything he had to Khan except if the situation called for it.

Khan looked at the doors and proceeded to fiddle with the transmitter in his hands. It took him ten minutes but, the doors eventually opened. He could destroy the doors but he didn’t know the security measures already put in place there and decided to be careful since he was just minutes away from completing his lifelong goal after all. Kevin was impressed but not by much since he could override the security measures with his Technomorph ability.

Khan walked in and took in the sight of precious materials and lost and forbidden treasures all in one place. The whole place exuded a weird feeling that wanted those who found them to free them, take them, and use them while it also gave off a warding or get out of here feeling.

Kevin didn’t look inside since he was afraid of looking at the philosopher's orb again. Khan picked a weird-looking Tetris cube and went for the philosopher’s orb.

“Okay, I think our deal ends here. There are enough escape pods so I’ll take one and be leaving.” Kevin said so but didn’t move from his position to test how Khan would reply. Khan stretched a palm in his direction and an energy blast streamed out.

The blast was going for the next place where Kevin would be if he had moved and that terrified Kevin. Kevin’s chest rose and shrunk quickly as adrenaline flowed through his body.

He could have killed me!’ Kevin thought as he saw the hole made in the wall extend for many walls after the first.

“Oh, you are still there. You are right, our deal is done.” Khan said without turning back as he slowly unlocked the intricate box containing the orb.

“Haha, it’s alright.” Khan chuckled as if imitating Kevin earlier and shooing him away with one hand. Kevin was simply beside himself at that point, he had just gone through another life-and-death situation again. Kevin took a deep breath and ran to the nearest elevator he could find and set the number to where the escape pods were located. Before he left the elevator he hacked it and made sure none of the elevators and teleportation pods would work so as not to allow Khan to follow him in case he survived holding the orb.

Kevin also hacked all the cameras that were both microscopic and invisible/camouflaged to feed him visual information to his escape pod. He also took over all the servers in the prison and became the admin/warden of the prison facility. He removed all traces and digital tracks that could be traced back to him as well as put dozens of microscopic trackers on Khan he found in the prison facility since he took over the main frame. Kevin then put his ship into hyperdrive mode after stealing engine parts and power cores from the remaining escape pods, thereby rendering them useless.

All of this was down quickly as he zoomed about in his Kineceleran form (XLR8). He finished in minutes, transformed back to his base form, and put his ship on hyperdrive mode as his ship elevated from the ground vertically and surfaced on top of the ceiling through an opened hatch. His ship illuminated itself with lights as it went from zero to tearing a hole in space and vanishing through it with light speed.

He had escaped prison, he had escaped Khan and he escaped Fate as well.



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