The Consequences of Time Loops

Oops - Guess I'm here now


One moment I was at home, chilling on my couch watching anime until way too late into the night. The next, I found myself teleported into the middle of a raging battlefield. I watched in stunned horror as two soldiers, one in blue and one in green, clashed in an awe-inspiring display of martial prowess.

“Your lord will not have our lands!” The blue man screamed as his sword glanced off his opponent’s shield, causing him to wince in pain.

“My lord already owns these lands, I am just helping him reclaim them.” the green man retorted, batting away his opponent’s shield and spearing him firmly in the middle of the chest. The man in blue looked despairingly in every direction before his eyes settled on me. Nothing drives home the reality of a situation quite like watching the light leave a man’s eyes in front of you.

I scrambled back as the man in green took notice of me. He grinned and walked over where I sat frozen on the ground.

“You look lost boy. Allow me to help you find your place among the deceased!” He said, thrusting the deadly implement toward me.

As the spear came toward me, time slowed. All I could think about was how I was going to die, with no idea who these people were or what I was even doing here. I probably got isekai’d, come to think of it. But if that were true what would my power be…

As I was musing, I noticed that time had slowed to a near halt. The spear tip was now resting directly against my chest, threatening to puncture me the same way as that blue soldier. Come to think of it, of the two of them the green guy seemed like the bad guy of the story. Who goes around killing weirdly dressed noncombatants in the middle of a war? It was really too bad that that the other guy died.

The pressure behind the spear began to lessen, and I looked toward the green soldier in surprise. Slowly, he began to reverse his actions, pulling his spear back and walking backward to where he fought with the blue soldier. I watched, transfixed as the once dead man stood back up, the light returning to his eyes before he engaged in battle once more with the green soldier.

The scene looked exactly as it did when I first arrived in this world, as time slowly crept forward they continued their deadly engagement. I looked around for something, anything that I could use to turn the tide of the fight but there was nothing close enough. So I did what anyone else would do in my situation.

Blue Soldier POV

I was steadily getting overpowered. Roderick’s forces were all empowered by strength and stamina enhancing spells, not to mention the enchanted magical items my opponent in particular held, a symbol of his renown as an Elite within their forces. With every blow I could feel my shield arm getting heavier and heavier. If only I had an opening…

“Your lord will not have our lands!” I screamed, swinging my sword at my green clad opponent in a desperate attempt to do something, anything. But it was blocked with a lazy flick of a shield, almost as an afterthought.

So this is it then. I barely heard what he said before he used his magically enhanced strength to knock my shield out of the way, leaving my chest defenseless for his spear. He grinned, knowing it was over.

“Hey you!”

A voice from the side startled both of them, just before something bounced off of my opponent’s face. I used this opportunity to back away and get some distance from the green clad enemy, then stole a quick glance over.

An oddly dressed man was standing there, looking for all the world like he just strolled out of a marketplace and was not directly in the middle of a battlefield. I noted that he was missing a shoe, and confirmed that was what hit the enemy in the face.

“That was a pretty good throw don’t you think? Wouldn’t believe how many tries that took me…” He said, smiling nonchalantly like he hadn’t just sealed his own death warrant.

The elite soldier turned toward him with malicious intent, and I took that opportunity to strike at his side, forcing him back.

“Get out of here, I don’t know how you got here but Roderick and his men will not hesitate to cut you down!” I shouted at the odd fellow, concentrating entirely on my opponent again. I would do everything I could to protect these people, even if it meant giving up my life!

“I knew it, you’re a good guy after all. Blue all the way!” I turned back to see the man strolling up to the two of us. “Mind if I help you out? I think the two of us can take him.” He said, casually plucking my dagger out of its holster like he owned it.

“It seems I have two rats to kill for the price of one, how lucky for me.” Roderick’s Elite said, running at us with deadly intent.


“Ah damn, he died again.” I said, looking sadly down at Blue Solder guy. This was the 6th time he’s died so far. “Let’s just go back…”

Time rewound to just before the deadly wound, giving me a chance to stab out at the Green Soldier with my newly acquired dagger. He was forced to avoid the attack and aborted his offence against the Blue Soldier, much to his relief.

I turned to face my new blue friend. “Hey man, not for nothing but you’re kind of holding me back. Do you mind if I take your sword and do this on my own?”

I took his open mouthed gaping as a yes and plucked the sword out of his hand. Hell yeah, dual wielding time!

BLUE Soldier POV

It was a fight the likes of which I had never before seen. The elite soldier was being toyed with, the stranger was running circles around him reminiscent of a new apprentice sparring with a master.

It was uncanny, every time the elite went to attack the newcomer would already be dodging, attacking a new exposed area each time. It was impossible to hit him, and despite the strength and stamina enhancements it was obvious who was coming out on top. Death by a thousand cuts had never been more accurate.

The Elite was breathing heavily now, anger coloring his face as he stared down his unexpected opponent. “Who are you? Surely these weaklings could not have afforded enough to hire on someone as skilled as you.”

The man smiled. “I’m just a champion for justice. I see someone evil fighting someone good, it’s easy to know which side to be on.”

The green clad soldier snarled, then swung at him. The man had already began dodging, getting behind the Elite and doing a completely unnecessary 360° spin before stabbing him in the back with the sword. I couldn’t even find it in me to be surprised anymore. I had gone from certainly dying on the battlefield to being saved by a ridiculous stranger in the span of 5 minutes.

“I can’t thank you enough for your help. Is there anything I can do for you, or get you?”

He looked thoughtful. “Could you tell me where I am? Also probably when. I have a feeling home is a long ways away.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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