The Chronicles of a Scalebound Sage

[80] First Princess of Yuhia

The lesser zmei were the familiars of the royal family, they were massive three-headed dragons. The sorcerer nature of the royal family of Yuhia meant they had a connection to the beasts that no one else had been able to cultivate. The fight for succession to the throne was well under way, as the elderly king did not have much longer. Out of the twelve princes and princesses only three were seen as potential next rulers: First Prince Arnar, Fourth Prince Baldur and the First Princess Sigrun. 

Sigrun had the smallest of the three factions vying for the throne, so when it was discovered that the Nazem were traitors she knew she had to install one of her supporting noble families as the lords of the domain. The domain had become an economic powerhouse and would boost her standing in the running several fold. The problem was, her brother Arnar already declared that the domain would belong to the Salstars. It meant she would have to contest the claim.

Princess Sigrun saw the potential in Lavi as a special economic zone. She believed that with proper governance the territory could prosper for generations as a major trade state. But the First Prince had the advantage since his faction also had the Salstars, and she had no noble families who could compete with them head to head. The Tujewli were the most powerful family that supported her, but they weren’t as prestigious in combat. What they lacked in power was more than made up for in their political acumen.

The princess saw Lavi in the distant moonlight; it was the key to her success. Sadly, it had been nearly a month since her brother had arrived. She was sure the Salstars had already completed their Show of Power and that the land would now be fully contested. 

She sat upon a golden throne on the back of her familiar. Her legs crossed as she looked at the city with disappointment. Her brother would ruin this place with his rule and xenophobic shortsightedness.

Sigrun would have to lay siege to the city if the Salstars had already taken the walls. A battle for the fort city would all but devastate its economy for a few decades. She had to trust in her faction to rebuild. The princess had no choice but to wait for the scouts to return and march to take the city.

Her Left Hand, a man by the name of Thorfinn, bowed at the feet of her familiar. “Your Royal Highness, the scouts have returned. They have requested an audience with you and the Tujewli Patriarch to report.”

The Princess stood and jumped down from the massive three-headed dragon. The world seemed to shift for a moment and she was instantly safely on the ground. Under the glow of the crescent moon the Princess’ beauty was striking, especially against the backdrop of the dark forest. Her tiara was adorned with crystalline flowers which glowed all the brighter under her sorcery. Her antlers also told of battle with countless marks etched into them, whispering of conflicts hard fought and won.

Her armor was a marvel of wendigo metalworking and the ancient art of runesmithing. It was a perfect blending of form and function. Plate mail was meticulously engraved with intricate patterns that wove into countless interlocking enchantments. Every inch was ornate yet practical, every curve and joint perfectly fitted to her lithe frame. From the center of her chest a soft light pulsed to her heartbeat, radiating out along the patterns.

She looked out to the city that would soon be the battleground of her making. She was larger than life in that moment; an imposing figure of strength and regality. However there was a deep sadness that weighed heavily on her because of the actions she must take. She was on a journey that demanded sacrifice, and that she turn part of herself into a monster.

She took a final long look at the city and steeled herself for what she had to do next. “Keep a lookout here, Dagny,” Sigrun said as she touched her familiar’s leg. She then turned to Thorfinn. “They haven’t been gone very long, the gates must have been closed.” She sighed as they walked. “Do you think we’ll be able to take the fort if that is the case?”

Thorfinn wore the common regalia of a Hand but in the royal colors of gold, silver and black. His face was covered with a veil that bore the insignia of the royal family. He was careful not to outpace the princess, always one step behind her.

“It is difficult to say, Your Highness,” Thorfinn stated. “With your aid I am sure we can breach the walls, but it will depend how entrenched the Salstar forces are. Reports say that Ulfar is not here; he sent Ingrid. Apparently he is training a new heir.”

“That is a bit of good news. Ingrid will be troublesome, but not as much as Ulfar would have been,” Sigrun said. “She is powerful, but that man rivals Arnar. I doubt anyone here but me could subjugate him. It is a shame what happened with Helga, but maybe some good will come of it.” She was quiet for a moment, then took a breath. “When this is done, remind me to visit her in the Salstar Mausoleum. I think I have been avoiding it long enough.”

“Of course, Your Highness,” Thorfinn agreed.

“Thorfinn, do you think this is the right thing to do?” the Princess questioned. “This isn't some battle against the druids; I'll be leading us to fight our own people.”

“I can not say whether it is right or wrong, but I do know we must do what is required of us,” Thorfinn said. “Everyone here is here because they believe you should sit upon the throne of Yuhia. This is the biggest break we have ever gotten and we can't let it go. So, I believe in you, Princess. Regardless of the challenges we will have to face.”

“When did you get all serious?” Sigrun asked with a slight chuckle. “Where is the Thorfinn I know?”

“I thought you would prefer I acted seriously while we’re so close to camp,” Thorfinn responded, his tone far lighter. “What if someone found out we were… friends?” He covered his veiled mouth in mock horror. “When I am but a mere Hand? Nay! A lowly servant?”

Sigrun playfully pushed him. “You’re the only one I can talk to normally here,” She stated almost poutingly. “When you start talking like that when we’re alone it’s frustrating.”

“Well, Siggy, you know there are some people here who live and die on rank and ceremony,” Thorfinn retorted. “I’m just doing my duty to make sure you are what people need you to be. You are the First Princess.”

They entered the siege camp, which used geokinesis wizards to quickly change the landscape into a defensible position. Everyone saluted her with one hand over the heart and head bowed as she walked by. The campsite was only an hour into construction, so there was still much they had to do. In the center of the camp was a large tent which would be the strategic center of the siege.  

The princess took a breath before she entered; she would be the leader of the largest assault on a contested territory in their history. It was not something she was going to take lightly. 

“Hail, the First Princess,” Thorfinn announced.

Generals and commanders from her royal soldier forces and the Tujewli knights sat at a round table. They all stood as she entered. Vidar Tujewli, the Patriarch of their noble house, was standing next to a man dressed as a traveler. The traveler instantly fell to his knees and bowed as she crossed the room. She sat on a wooden throne which was slightly elevated on a platform and crossed her legs. On the table in front of  them was a large map of the fort city.

“You all may be seated,” Sigrun stated. 

Everyone but the man dressed in normal clothing sat. He remained bowed in place. 

“Your Highness, this is commander Grad of the scouting party. He has a full report,” Vidar stated.

“Rise, Scout Commander, what have we uncovered?” Sigrun asked. “It has only been a few hours since you were sent out.”

“Your Highness,” Grad stated dutifully as he stood and projected his voice. “When we arrived at the fort city the gates were all open. The banners have not been changed on any of the outer walls or demilunes. The outer city seemed to be running autonomously from the inner one. We spoke with some of the citizens, and apparently there was a fight at one of the inner wall gatehouses two weeks ago. The Isi Patriarch, who had been branded a traitor, escaped. Ever since then he has been drumming up support.”

“Who are these Isi?” Sigrun asked.

“They are a material user family who had been training soldiers and town guards from what we could confirm,” Grad stated. “There have been rumors spreading around the city that the Isi were targeted only because they were material users, not because they were traitors. The Patriarch is rumored to still be in the city and is gaining support for his claim.”

“What about the Salstars and the Prince’s forces?” Vidar asked.

“They have not been seen outside of the inner city, sir,” Grad responded.

“And you are sure of this?” Sigrun asked, dumbfounded by the news.

“Yes, Your Highness. We will continue our investigation, but it would appear that the Salstars failed their Show of Power.” 

Everyone in the room gasped in disbelief. 

“How can you be sure of that?” Vidar asked.

“From what the citizens told us there were three families who were supposed to be eliminated after the prince's announcement during the execution of the Nazem. The Fital, Drasi and Isi families. Of the three only the Isi Patriarch is still alive,” Grad said with confidence. “I personally scouted the inner city gatehouses and confirmed that the West gate is damaged and undertaking extensive structural repair. It appeared something broke out.” 

The princess laughed; she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This was better news than she could have hoped for. The Salstars could not have any claim over the city at all; they failed. The land wasn’t even contested. All she needed to do was walk in and they couldn’t do anything to stop her. This just went from a bloody civil war and siege to a simple annexation. It took her a few moments to get ahold of herself.

“We need to verify all of these claims and send a messenger to the fort palace,” Sigrun stated. “Thorfinn, I want you and a detachment to find the Isi Patriarch and bring him to me. We need to make sure he is protected. If the Salstars get to him first and kill him we will have to fight for the city.” The princess smiled at her good fortune. “It would appear the Forest Father has smiled upon us. Lavi will be under our banner, and it shall be a beacon of change in the Kingdom. Prepare the men. Tomorrow we take the Fort City.”


End of Book 1

--- Auther Note ---

Book two will start on July 2nd (Unless unforeseen delays) between now and then there will be interlude chapters.


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