The Cheat Seed

Chapter 101: A Cheat Perk? But...

"Which means I can use my system for casual purposes as well. And look what I found in my inventory"

Marcus grinned as he showed his inventory to the demon.

The demon's eyes gleamed as he looked at the inventory and laughed.

"No way!! KEKEKEKEK"

[CR Cheat Perk: Omnipotent Master Of 6969]


"The name... *Cough* is interesting... I wonder what it would be... but I'm more interested in the perk I was supposed to obtain after clearing this dungeon"

Marcus said as he tried clicking on the perk which was shaped as a science lab vial.

But it didn't seem to react. It could've been probably because the system obstructed it for the time being or it could've been because he still had to finish the hidden memories and regain his powers back first.

"I know what a cheat perk means... But what's CR?..."

Marcus blinked at the words before him, on the window tab,

"Well... CR... CR... Marcus, there's a lot to check inside this thing... You better ask your system itself when you get it back... This is like out of my comprehension... I simply can't find it inside this 'vast' knowledge of your system."

The demon replied, scratching his raven back hair.

"Well, I'll ask about it later then... Let's focus on our main task"

Marcus nodded.

"Ai... Ai Marcus. You aren't supposed to know all this yet... I mean because I am the system, just for now, I do feel sad for myself. How the hell did I go from being your greatest, mysterious inner demon to just an extra who's supposed to follow your lead?"

The demon retorted.

"I don't know!..."

Marcus grinned as he looked back at his demon. He had started regaining his facial expression but the Marcus before the hidden files was no more, his eyes said so.

"Maybe it's because I am the Main Character?"

He finished his words before sprinting into the woods.

"Right... wait till I get my power... I'll wipe that smile right off your face"

"Our battle will be legendary"

The devil laughed as he receded his words at the border.

Marcus had already faded away out of his vision two seconds ago, but the inner demon wasn't intending to idle around as well, So he darted, following the footprints left on the dirt ground by Marcus.

"Where are you even going, Marcus?"

The demon asked as he caught up with Marcus.

"Oh finally... you are here? and I thought I was going a bit too fast... glad I slowed down or I would've had to stick posters of your name on these trees Mr. Obsidian"

Marcus chuckled as he peeked at the demon beside him who was running at the same speed he was.

"Yea... Stop roasting and tell me where the hell you are running to."

The demon replied to him.

"Eh?. You don't know?... Of course, we are going to search for the second perk I was supposed to obtain... I thought, as a system, you were supposed to know all about this?"

Marcus talked as he sprinted, squatting and jumping branches and fallen trees.

"Eh? Perks?... Listen to me Marcus, there is nothing in this system's knowledge that provides you perks after you clear a hidden file... Even though I said I can't search through all of it... but trust me, there's absolutely nothing regarding 'A Cheat Perk' inside this system's injected knowledge."

The demon announced. His voice carried genuine surprise.

"Then why'd you act all knowing back then when I showed you the perk?"

Marcus asked.

"What do you mean?. I was genuinely surprised when I saw the perk. I was laughing because the time you took to realize that the system was still inside you was phenomenal. I laughed because I had simply underestimated your genius."

The demon clarified.


"Don't give me that look... I am telling the truth here... I am still shocked at how quickly you were able to realize that you still had the system window inside you..."

The demon repeated.


Marcus squinted at the demon as he dashed through the woods. He was examining the obsidian man beside him before letting out anything from his side.

"Whatever... Okay then, I trust you. Right now, as I said we are going to find the second perk I was supposed to get... and I might have a rough idea as to where that is."

"Ah!!. Got it. So you aren't hurrying for the next hidden file huh?."

The demon asked while he changed course behind Marcus as the path dwindled.

"Even though there's this annoying chain left to break... I think I must aim for the perks first. I don't know why but from my gut feeling and your confession, I think the cheat perks are going to be something very vital for me to get stronger."

Marcus explained.

It was true, just like Marcus said... he did have to search for the period first. It was vital because even the system knowledge denied the existence of perks as 'Gifts' after clearing every hidden file.

Marcus's guts said that... someone far stronger... probably the creator himself had taken an interest in him.

He emanated this from the events which had taken place in his life 2 years ago. Whatever had happened to him till now... wasn't supposed to happen at all.

First, it was at the guardian trials. He had broken through the limits of the dungeon itself and even his system and the old man's eyes had asserted that.

It was enough to prove that the rules or the laws, which the system had declared to him... could be infringed.

"If I am right... then I might get the perk right over here"

Marcus jumped as he finished his words.

Marcus, who leaped out of the woods, opened his eyes and introduced his vision to a larger opening than the one before where he went through the second hidden file.

The demon soon joined him but got lost in thoughts as soon as he lifted his hands to watch the magnificent scene before him.

Marcus grinned as he climbed the golden steps one by one. It was, without a doubt...

The Golden Temple of the 'Ninety Tailed Demon Fox'.

"Kekekek... It does have 90 tails..."

The demon snorted.

He had seen the demon before when he was inside Marcus. But it was all just murky visions to him that were impossible to believe.

But as of now, he was outside and breathing, at the same time running his eyes over the tall statue of the demon fox which Marcus conquered and domesticated.

It was certainly, even for a demon like him, a gorgeous sight to behold.

"Yep, it does, and stop gawking at it. What we came here for is not to scrutinize and praise the statue. Instead, *Grin* why we came here is for its eyes"

Marcus maintained his grin as he looked up at the glowing eyes of the statue.

The demon followed his gaze.

"So there's where it is"

The demon said.

"But how are you going to reach that high? We are just correspondent to powerless mortals inside this... at least for now..."

"Well about that...."

Marcus suspended his words as he gradually strolled towards the statue.

"....You are a strong mortal aren't you Mr. Obsidian?"

"Yeah, I do have an Obsidian body... Well yeah, I am, just for now, simply one of the strongest amongst the powerless mortals. So? Why'd you ask?"

The demon shrugged his shoulders as if accentuating his doubt.

"It's simple..."

Marcus stretched his limbs before turning back to look his demon in his eyes.

"You boost me up... and I'll climb"


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