The Character I Created Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 19

19 – Unwanted Colleagues (2)

“Come into the room.”

I was dazed the whole way up the stairs.

I tried to calm my pounding heart.

The department in front of you will become a colleague in the future.

Somehow she wanted to win her trust.

Like my benefactor, we had to be together for a long time.

If you do not even have basic beliefs, it will be even more difficult in the future.

That’s why I promised myself.

‘No matter what happens, no matter what you say, let’s show only modesty and kindness.’

I closed the door as soon as I entered the room.

It was difficult for other people to hear the story to be told from now on.

When she entered, she sat down at a table in the corner of the room.

He was still looking at me with a sad expression on his face.

“Put down your luggage and sit down.”

I followed the cold command without a word.

He carefully sat down across from the table.

We met eyes with a feeling of uncertainty about what to say from now on.

Finally, a sigh was heard when a place was set up for a conversation.

“Why did the master welcome such a person as a colleague…”


Are you talking about him? The title, which had been called by name until now, suddenly changed to the owner.

It seems that you are serving your superiors rather than your colleagues. Not only the name, but also the tone of voice has changed.

“What the hell did you do?”


My hair turned white due to a sudden rebuke.

Did I make any mistakes?

But it wasn’t my tone of voice.

“You’re asking how the heck did you catch the eyes of the master?”


“What happened and what was said while I was away. Please tell me everything.”

The neck went down slowly with tension.

Over the past few decades, it has received countless glances of contempt and criticism.

But I’ve never had such a cold stare as I do now.


The story was told from the beginning.

I was chased by the demon king army, hid in a cave, killed Arachne, met them, fell off a cliff, and fought a demon executive.

He explained everything. Meanwhile, the other party just listened to the story silently without any reaction.

At the end of the story, an uncomfortable silence passed.

Unknowingly, a cold sweat was running down my forehead.

As she was about to wipe her hurriedly, she opened her mouth.

“What kind of person do you think the owner is?”


This is an unexpected question.

My hair turned white at the unexpected words.

I couldn’t come up with an answer right away.

‘What do I think of him?’

Favourite, kindness, warmth. Countless words passed.

But I couldn’t express it so simply.

The words that came to mind were infinitely insufficient to express my thoughts.

The opponent is still waiting for an answer. I had to say something.

Reluctantly, I slowly opened my mouth.

I decided to spit out the feelings I had for him until now.

“He is,”

He saved me from dying and handed a potion for me.

But I refused the favor out of caution.

And because of me, he was in danger.

I almost died in the face of an Asmodian executive.

If I had been defeated, I would have faced a terrible future I couldn’t even imagine.

But he risked his life to save me.

He killed even the demon king executive and healed me.

Even, instead of blaming or criticizing me, he forgave me and accepted me as a colleague.

“It is a lifelong saver.”

It was a short period of time, but I was in debt so heavy that I couldn’t afford it.

He received a favor from him that he could never repay for the rest of his life.

He thought he was a benefactor he would never see again.

“And what?”


I had an experience that warmed my heart for the first time when I met him.

I always felt a warmth settled in my lonely and empty heart.

It was a feeling I had never experienced before.

What words should I use to express this feeling?

“The only person who trusted me.”

Faith. He gave me faith.

Likewise, I wanted to be someone he could trust.

I always wanted to be a helper that only helps.

Yongin was always arrogant.

But there were also strong men who defeated such an arrogant race.

They are called dragon knights, and it is said that they lived their whole life with the approval and protection of Yongin.

‘Maybe I…’

Simply in terms of force, he wasn’t strong.

Unconsciously, however, I was acknowledging that he was a higher being and stronger than myself.

“Did you know? The owner is kind to everyone.”

“Yes. I know.”

I knew it better than anyone. I couldn’t be unaware of it from a position where I experienced the favor firsthand.

“But he is very merciless to the ungrateful beast.”

The moment he heard her words, a cold dagger pierced the center of his chest.

The cold chill spread all over my body and my heart froze.

She said that he knocked down the man who was arguing at the tavern in one breath.

What if he despises me and is hostile to me?

I was holding my breath just imagining it.

His head was dizzy and he looked like he was about to cry.

“I’d rather give up now.”


“How much trouble will you cause to your master in the future?”

I couldn’t say anything. That’s right.

The sins of the past were so deep that I couldn’t even handle it myself.

“I’d rather leave now. I’ll tell you instead. ‘I’m grateful, but I’ll leave alone.'”


“Then your master will understand.”

Everything she said was right.

If I were there, I would put him in even more trouble.


“I can’t.”


It came out without me knowing.

But she didn’t think she had made a mistake.

What I just said is sincere.

I feel more confident than ever.

I didn’t want to leave this place.

I wanted to protect him.

Even if I push him into a limb. Even if you get into trouble.

I wanted to get through it with him.

“I’ve already made a promise to him. He said he would be my companion, and he’s come this far.”

My heart was still beating wildly with fear.

But I tried to convey what I wanted to say to the end.

“I know what Erina is worried about. He also knows how much he cares about Seohyun.”

He said he would share the responsibilities that I had to bear alone.

Also, there was a point that I felt greatly from the previous work.

It is also rude to offer a favor.

“But Seohyun trusted me. He doesn’t want to betray that trust. So,”

Have you ever bowed your head so much in your life?

That’s proof that I was arrogant.

“Can’t you just give me one chance?”

There were times when I thought I didn’t need a colleague.

I even slashed my mind.

From noble mtl dot com

I didn’t think there was anyone who could accept a b*tch like me as a colleague.

But it was only when he held out his extended hand that I realized that it was all my ego.

Maybe it is the last hope given to me. It was also an opportunity that would never come back.

“…I think you’re misunderstanding something.”

My heart was trembling. Those who do not even realize their ignorance are truly fools.

I didn’t even know what I was doing wrong.

“The owner is a very warm person. He is very kind.”

“Yes, I know…”

“Because of that.”


A bloody sound echoed in the room.

She hit her table with her fist.

I felt a sense of pressure on my body in the bloody atmosphere.

With a cold tone, she whispered into my ear.

“You must not cross the line.”


“Did you think that you became a companion just with your master’s permission?”

Contempt, anger, contempt. All negative emotions are directed towards me.

My lips trembled and my shoulders shrugged. I couldn’t even raise my head.

“I’m recommending you with kind words. Leave now.”

I remember the first time I met and collided with her.

The moment when the periwinkle flashed with overwhelming force is replayed in my head.

I was infinitely helpless and trembling in fear.

The feeling of not being able to move the whole body returned.

“Please leave on your own before I forcefully kick you out.”



All of a sudden, her face returned to a smile.

But it’s not the warm and pure smile he showed Seohyun-nim.

It was an endlessly cold and bitter laugh.

Cold air was flowing in the room.

In the chilly atmosphere, the light of a candle flickered, illuminating the interior of the room.

An unnamed dragon was sitting alone in front of the table.

Her face wasn’t very bright.

With a painful expression on her face, she was clutching her head as if in pain.

“Do you have any concerns?”

She was startled by my voice.

It seems they didn’t even notice that I came in.

“It’s nothing. I’ve been thinking about it for a while…”

“Because of Erina?”

“Oh, no!”

Unlike Erina, the nameless dragon couldn’t stand the lie.

Immediately after being stabbed, her face went pale and her eyes turned round.

“It probably didn’t sound very good. If you pretend, you know.”

There was a reason why I was absent from my seat on purpose.

This is to make time for two people to talk to each other.

It seems that the story did not work out as expected.

I could tell just by looking at the face of the nameless dragon.


I sighed. Fortunately, there was good news.

“Take it. A new robe.”

There was a harvest at the magic tool shop.

As I remembered, there was a robe with the characteristic of distracting attention.

Thanks to you, I lost a little bit of money, but I should earn it again.

“I wear it well so that I don’t get caught in the future.”

Even though it was just a trick, it can be said that the minimum safety device was provided.

“Thank you.”

The nameless dragon took the robe and bowed her head.

By the way, where does Erina go and is she alone?

“Erina-sama went out to see you for a while.”

“Yeah? When did she say she was coming?”

Shake your head. I’ve never had anything like this before, so I’m surprised.

I thought you would at least tell me and leave.

“What did Erina say?”


If you said something, we could even think about it together.

But she bit her mouth.

“I can’t tell you. I’m sorry.”

“What did you say?”


After thinking for a while, she bit her lip and looked at me and said.

“Hey there!”


“I have a question for you.”

She nodded her head as if to say something.

He seems hesitant to speak even after getting my permission.

After a moment’s hesitation, she finally opened her mouth as if she had made up her mind.

“Would you be able to tell what kind of relationship Seohyun is with Erina?”

This is a very difficult question to answer.

She was so complicated between her and me that I couldn’t even describe it in words.

However, if I had to sum it up in one sentence, it was like this.

“I want to be with you until the end.”


“But I just can’t believe it.”


It could not be twisted like this.

A complicated matter could not be solved in a short sentence.

I didn’t expect a nameless dragon to understand a relationship so complex that it was hard to put into words.

“Are you aware of the fact that Erina is overprotective of me?”


There was no answer, but it was something she knew.

Anyone will notice if she sees Erina during her return to the capital.

“Because I’m weak.”

“Seohyun is…”

He seemed to know what he wanted to say.

But objectively, it was true that I was weaker than Erina.

It was still far weaker than the target.

“I want to be strong no matter what I do. Enough to protect myself.”

“Erina-sama will be looking for it too.”

I laughed out loud. Rather the opposite.

“Erina doesn’t want me to be strong.”


I want to be strong. But she doesn’t want me to be strong.

“You’ll want to be protected and weak for the rest of your life.”

“It can’t be. Erina-sama was always thinking of Seohyun-nim.”

“You don’t understand?”

I didn’t expect the nameless dragon to understand this bizarre situation at once.

“You’ll find out soon.”

I haven’t had enough time yet.

If she stays with us, she will notice her.

I want to know as soon as possible.

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