The Character I Created Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 1

1 – Prologue

“Is this the end…?”

The hero defeated the demon king and the world was restored to peace.


“Really, this is the ending…?!”

I couldn’t contain my anger and slammed my fist on the desk.

The mouse flew away, but I don’t care as much as I do now.

“No, we should at least collect the rice cakes. What if we just end it like this?!”

‘Fantasy of Darkness’.

As the name suggests, it is a dark fantasy game.

It is a well-known game that has sold millions of copies all over the world.

And it was also a game that I fell in love with, grinding hundreds of hours in half a year.

Until 30 minutes ago.

“Damn. Why did I fall for this game…”

A dark atmosphere set in the Middle Ages.

Beautiful characters and a high degree of customization freedom.

High quality graphics and beautiful backgrounds worthy of that.

And to the murderous difficulty level that makes you forget all of this.

It’s been a long time since I thought that a game that was attacked by my taste was released.

I was looking forward to it so much that I made a reservation even before the game was released.

As soon as it was released, I put off all the games and rushed to ‘Fantasy of Darkness’.

[Defeat the Demon King. Take revenge for your family.]

The prologue is okay. A story of a hero gathering allies and becoming stronger in order to kill the demon king for revenge.

It is full of clichés, but it is perhaps the most classic story.

But the intro of the game is just a mask to hide the essence of the game.

“What if I die from mobs anyway?”

He died after being left behind by mobs that had crawled into the boss room.

I got caught in a trap that popped out of nowhere and died.

He was hit in the back by an NPC who appeared without a double track and died.

The difficulty level is also a problem, but it is a level that is deliberately made absurd. Even if it is unpleasant, there is a law.

After playing countless games, there have been more than a couple of times when I almost broke my keyboard because I was so mad.

Finally, there was the most serious problem.

Even though it was officially released, there was no ending.

While killing the demon king, he could neither meet nor defeat the demon king.

It was released after realizing up to the Four Heavenly Kings.

When the truth became known, the community went into an uproar.

For the sake of the ending, the people who played until the end began to swear at them all at once.

In the end, the game company announced that they would add an ending in an update later.

Up until this point, I was patient.

Despite the unpredictable wait, I forced myself to play the game and wait for the update.

Even though I had affection for the character I made myself, I forced myself to continue the game.

It has been half a year since the game was released. Finally, an additional update has been released.

And the update was sold as DLC.

Of course, public opinion exploded.

Even the ending made like that was ridiculously futile.

“The world has become more peaceful.”

The kingdom fell and countless people died.

Good people die for no reason, and bad people persist.

I don’t know why the Demon King invades humans. I just want to rule the world.

I didn’t even know what the goddess was doing. It just became air.

Episode that ended without being able to recover the double track.

The question remains unanswered and remains as a McGuffin.

Settings and text that I don’t know why.

Still unreasonable and dirty.

After a long time, game reviewers and the public joined forces and left a bad review.

There was a reason the community was harpooned every day.

The game company nailed it that there would be no further updates after the DLC, whether it was because they were swearing, or they were just liberated.

In the end, I also gave up on the game.

However, it is said that the round play was added for free to see if there was any conscience.

It is said that the 2nd round is different from the 1st and added changes.

But the interest that had already cooled did not return.

‘If I did it again, it would be a beggar ending.’

In the end, I couldn’t beat the current hit and found another game title.

After that, I haven’t touched ‘Fantasy of Darkness’ for over a year.

Perhaps even now, he is sleeping quietly in the corner of my room.

If only I could go back to that time.

I would have played up to the 2nd round no matter what I did.

Who would have known that I would drop into that game myself?

I am not able to do anything without my master.

He created me and the only reason I exist is to follow his commands.

You have to live by following all the commands your master gives you.

That is the only joy, salvation and blessing. It’s the reason I exist.

The master has given you an order.

Save the world and kill the demon king.

I was willing to wander the world according to his orders, killing monsters.

I picked up the weapon the master had chosen, and only wore the equipment he chose.

I met only the people whom he had appointed, and I was rewarded only as much as the owner wanted.

It was like a prophecy. As long as you follow the master’s orders, you can defeat even the strongest monsters.

Sometimes I was defeated in battle, but in the end even the Demon King fell at my feet.

I was always happy. Every day, waiting for his master’s voice, his heart trembled.

He always looked out for me, thought about me, and gave orders just for me.

I was different from other people.

Those who can receive the Lord’s blessings, and the rest are nothing but commoners.

After the adventure ended and the Demon King was defeated, he became a hero of the world.

He didn’t reveal his existence, so I took all the fame.

I just followed orders. Even though I didn’t do anything.

Only me was remembered as a hero.

What kind of person is the owner? How is he watching?

Out of so many people, why are you only blessing me?

I had so many questions, but I couldn’t even ask them.

I wanted to see his face even once, but I didn’t even have the right to open my mouth.

I’m just a doll that listens to the owner’s voice and acts.

I was happy nonetheless. I wanted to live the rest of my life, just following his words without thinking.

My master always believed that he would be by my side.

But my master has abandoned me.

You have left me.

267 Days after I was born by my master, I couldn’t hear my voice for the first time. The voice I heard every day was not heard.

I couldn’t stay sane all day.

Looking back on the past. I constantly wondered if I had done something wrong. But I couldn’t find an answer.

I wonder if he was angry with me, and as soon as the thought hit me, I couldn’t hold back my tears. That day, I couldn’t even sleep well.

Fortunately, the next day the voice was heard again.

But since then, there are more and more days when the master’s voice is not heard. Day. Two days. Later, the number of days without a voice for three days increased.

While waiting for my master, I lived with anxiety every day.

Will the master lower his voice today?

Will you look at me tomorrow?

Has it become useless to the master now?

Every time, I prayed with earnest heart.

‘Please look at me. Please give the order. Anything is fine. Please don’t leave me alone…’

But in the end, the master’s voice disappeared.

A week has passed and a full month has passed. Still no voice was heard.

After a month and two months, I did not realize it.

He left me.

From the day that fact entered my head, I lay in bed and wept every day.

After three months, I got out of bed. For the first time, I moved without my master’s orders.

I looked at the world through the window. Now I have become an ordinary person just like them.

For me, there was no meaning to living anymore.

I thought about taking my own life.

But maybe the master will come back someday. An ignorant loneliness grabbed me.

Four months have passed. During this time, I stayed at home and was constantly thinking about it.

Why did he forsake me?

Is it because I didn’t execute the command properly?

Did he make a big mistake against him without realizing it?


If not

Is there no more reason for him to look at me?

I wanted to hear his voice again.

I wanted to get another chance from the owner.

It’s been half a year. For the first time I came out of the house on my own.

I met a colleague named Serena in front of the house. She looked at me and she was startled. She said she was worried a lot because she hadn’t been out of the house for half a year.

I killed her.

I cut her body with a long sword. She collapsed without saying a word.

I heard screams around me. She was an old lady who ran a flower shop. She killed her too.

Since then, I’ve been wandering around the world killing people.

Killed everyone in the village. They were all turned into ruins.

He also killed all the people he saved while wandering around the world.

Killed all the people in the capital and destroyed the kingdom.

I also killed all of my colleagues.

The world has fallen into chaos as before.

Now I have a reason to see him again.

I waited and believed that the Lord would give me a blessing to save the world.

But still no voice was heard.

But I didn’t give up. It killed more people and made the world chaotic.

But still no voice was heard.


Why did you forsake me?

How the hell are you going to look at me again?

How long are you going to leave me like this?

Am I destined to never be able to meet my master?

Am I not even qualified to hear the master’s voice again?

Please reply.

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