The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

Lorebook 2. Irene.

"Irene!" Mother called her with an angry voice, but Irene was not there any longer.

She ran away from home with her two friends with the hope of a better life. Irene felt betrayed by her own family when she found out they planned to give her away as a wife to an old disgusting noble from the neighbouring county. She discarded her title and her line and fled away into a night full of pouring rain.

With her two friends that were once her personal servants, but she never treat them as just servants. Irene started her life as an adventurer far away from her old home. With the passing years, they moved further and further from Ibrevell Kingdom until they finally decided to stay in the multiracial Cridia Kingdom. Her escape was three years ago and her family never found her. It was not an easy job but with her two friends, they managed to find two more people for their party.

Time was passing and Irene just felt that her family is looking for her. She knew they will take revenge on her one day but the defiance that made her run that night changed into resignation. Her two friends started dating some guys from the city but she secluded herself and rarely left the room except times they took a job. Irene was tired.

Irene looked into an old broken piece of polished steel that Sulinna brought yesterday. She looked at herself and barely recognized herself. From the daughter of Ibrevell Baron, she changed into a worn-out shade. She was thinner but they managed to earn enough money to eat well enough. After the previous Irene only big clear blue eyes and long hair black as night left. She was a high elf, one of the last few thousand that still lived in this once bountiful world.

Irene touched her long ears, giving signs of her noble birth but fortunately, no one knew about this in these lands. She was still young but her tired eyes and destroyed skin made her look far older. She touched a single treasure she took with her on her self-imposed exile. A mythril ring she received from her grandfather. It was not magical or enchanted in any way but made from just a mythril. It was sewn into her shirt as a last resort to give her coin for food.


When Merkett returned to the room with her boyfriend Paul, Irene was watching out of the window into the darkness. Merkett told her about the new job they managed to secure and waved Irene goodbye. Tomorrow they would embark on their next journey.

This quest was strange from the beginning. They fought many easy targets on their way to the dungeon so when they finally made it there they lost half a day to rest. Fortunately near the Desolate Forest Dungeon was an Inn where they managed to catch a breath. When they finally paid the entrance fee to the Cridia kingdom guard it was already late.

Desolate Forest Dungeon was a place of forever dusk. There is always dimmed light that deceives the unprepared who are consumed by endless fights, stop counting the passing time. However, her group was prepared. Smaller than usual groups tend to be but it always prevailed.

But not this time.

This time was different. Dungeon monsters were tougher than usual and more fierce. Like the dungeon itself wanted to kill them. After much effort, they managed to run with a loot big enough to cover the entrance fee.

They somehow managed to exit in a different place than they should have and almost immediately run into slavers.


After this, everything went downhill. She did everything that was in her power to forget... But how could she forget? They took their time with them, they enjoyed their screams and begging for mercy. They raped Merkett even when she was bleeding and started losing her consciousness. They raped Sullina even when she puked with her own blood. She was raped, her friends were killed in the process and now she is going to die as well. She survived because she could heal herself but was too weak now to do anything. She already cried her eyes out and waited for the worst.

But the worst never came.

Instead, death came for slavers and mercenaries that ravaged her body and almost have broken her mind. She couldn't help but smile when she saw their skulls crushed in hands of servants of this dungeon. They died begging for mercy and with soiled pants. They died cut in halves or pierced with swords. That sight gave Irene happiness and certainty that when she finally dies she can tell her friends she saw the death of these monsters.

But she still was spared. Dungeon monsters took them deeper inside the dungeon where an incredibly handsome man welcomed them all in Avalon. He gave them food, clothes and allowed them to take a bath. He promised them safety and they believed him. They all bowed before him and cast away their miserable lives. They pledged their lives and fealty to him and he accepted them. He was their King and near him was walking the true Queen.

But Irene was barely holding herself together. At first, she was afraid that those monsters could impregnate her but fortunately, she was a healer and was able to determine that with her skills. For once luck smiled upon her.

The days passed with daily meetings with the King and Queen. And that finally brought Irene back to life, she had to pretend everything is all right before them. But it was at first a lie until she found a small chapel of an unknown god and she entered it without hesitation. She prayed for her friends, she prayed for herself and with each passing moment, she was feeling better. And it was then that she received direct confirmation that at least this God exist. He bestowed his blessings upon her and with a scream that no one heard or she ever told about anyone she was healed.

A burning sensation like boiling liquid started flowing in her body: it made her kneel at first and then lie on the floor of the chapel, screaming in pain. She raised her hand towards the ceiling and saw gold glitter over her previously broken arm. It was healing with an incredible speed and when glitter moved elsewhere she felt only happiness and almost euphoria. With each scar from her body disappearing she felt happier and happier. Like that terrible day has never happened. Her body was burning but she no longer was screaming, she was laughing and crying out her thanks. She felt fire slowly retracting from her arms and legs concentrating on her torso, she felt it even in her crotch or deep inside her chest and stomach.

When this stopped she saw her new class. Cleric of Eriar.

That's it then. She was healed, her body was dripping with sweat and she was weak. But she pursed her lips and climbed on her knees to say thanks to the Eriar.

But Eriar did not respond to her.


She returned quickly to the home she was given and took a bath. After it, she inspected her body and was in shock. In the big mirror, she saw that every single scar was gone. Almost two centimetres of the cut-off tip of her left ear had grown back. She swallowed a cold ball that formed on her throat and touched herself down there. She was purified by the Eriar and his flames.

Irene quickly picked up fresh clothes she received from the Queen and despite the late hour, she runs to the chapel where she prayed the entire night. She cried and thanked for this miracle her new God bestowed upon her and begged him to lead Merkett and Sullina's souls to a happy afterlife.

But Eriar never responded.

However, he never had to. Irene believed in him.


A few days passed and they all fought with King Theon's denizens in big training chambers where they fought everything from the lowest of monsters to the scions themselves. They leveled at the terrifying speed that she thought impossible. At the end of their first day, they were at level nine on average, by the end of the second day they were fifteen. After a week they were level thirty. And each day King Theon and Queen Amber checked their progress.

Irene was fortunate to get acquainted with Queen herself while they studied under the tutelage of Stella. In shock, Irene discovered that Queen Amber was in reality a mortal. A Half-Elf that King saved and then gave her The True Name which granted her immense power. They both very quickly become best friends as they both were the same age of twenty-one. She felt happy in the presence of the Queen and never once felt fear in the presence of the King. She rather fell in love with him, broken by the fact he is not paying attention to her. But how she could blame him?

Compared to Lady Amber, Irene looked mediocre. She was tall, slim, and now when her scars and defects were gone she once again could call herself attractive. Her smooth skin was white and looked better than ever before. Her long hair, dark as lightless night was smooth as silk and reached almost to her thighs. Her noble face was petite and captivating but it was her incredibly blue eyes that caught anyone's attention. And yet... And yet compared to Queen Amber she would be just a meaningless addition if King Theon ever decide to... No...

No. That was crazy thought and impossible. She was in love with that incredible man but...

She still wakes up at nights with screams and cries. She never sleeps with lights turned off since that fateful day. Nightmares still haunt her, never allowing her to fully heal and forget about what happened.

She finally met that one man she loved and knew full well he belong to another woman. Even if he is not a human at all but a dungeon core. He is compassionate, merciful and wise.

And she... In her mind, she was just a used plaything.


A few days later, an explosion shook Avalon. She woke up in King's private quarters and was still stunned after surviving that blast. She tried to save her Queen and Friend's life but Amber was dying and she was too weak to save her. And then King gave her a true name.

Irene va'Theon

By taking this name you became a chosen maiden of Dungeon Core Theon. In his domain, you can always find respite and protection. You will be revered as a *path choice* by his denizens and your fate will be forever tangled with his.

The True Name grant you class.

Class: Saintess available upon accepting True Name.

Saintess is chosen champion of Eriar who holds true authority over this world. You are his oracle, his voice and the extension of his will in this world. There is no wound you can't cure or effect you couldn't dispel, you are walking benevolence and mercy.

Class effects:

You can learn any healing magic.

You can learn any buff magic.

You can perform Saint Miracle once per 24 hours.

You can tap into the natural mana around you to enhance passive skills.

Increased mana recovery.

Title: of Avalon available upon accepting True Name

of Avalon is blessed by the King of Avalon Theon himself. You will be granted bonus statistics for your intelligence, wisdom, and charisma based upon % of Theon's own statistics. This title has multiple paths to choose from.

Immunity to confusion, mental domination, stun, freeze, and poison.

You can choose from four options.

Path of Queen.

You are a wife, joy and Queen to King of Avalon Theon. You will be granted a portion of Theon's MP as a permanent buff to your max MP (+100000). You can freely travel wherever you want in his domain in an instant. Denizens of Avalon will obey your commands as if given by King himself. As long as he lives you will be spared the hand of passing time always being his joy and crown jewel. Your resistances are ultimate. You can never leave Avalon or King Theon's side for more than one week as you are the Queen of Avalon.

Path of Lady

You are a sworn ally and friend of King of Avalon Theon. During your stay in his domain, you will be granted +5 MP recovery to your basic MP recovery. You can learn new spells from his Magic Tower four times quicker than other adventurers and you will be granted your own safe house within his domain.

Path of...

"I ACCEPT THE PATH OF QUEEN!" Irene shouted and everything near her lost its colours.

Irene with fear looked around and saw Amber, Theon, and Lanka frozen in time. She was still sitting in bed near Amber...

"DON'T BE AFRAID, IRENE." A loud voice boomed behind her.

When Irene turned around she started screaming her lungs out. Half of the room was gone and she saw the enormous creature covered in bright light shining from behind and above it. The creature itself was unthinkable at first glance. Massive wings were spread over the length of the entire room but the creature was much taller than the room it was in. This was unaffecting the creature in any way as its wings passed through the enchanted stone like it wasn't even there. In the middle of the creature where its body should be was an entanglement of different shapes and pieces of other creatures and eyes. Not just two but many eyes looking in every direction. Over the creature was some sort of ring burning with light and fire but levitating over it.

"I SAID, DON'T BE AFRAID!" It replied, making Irene scream even harder.

"*SIGH*... Fine." The creature before her eyes covered itself with all twelve pairs of its wings creating a large feather ball. After a brief moment, all wings violently stretched and Irene stopped screaming. She always thought that Theon was handsome. But the men that emerged from under the wings was just on another level...

"You are okay?" He cut her thoughts. Irene was able to only nod.

"I told you to not be afraid." He told her once more and this time somehow that angered Irene.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" She shouted at him transforming all her fear into anger. "You came here in such insane form and you ask me to stay calm?! Who in their right mind would not be afraid of your appearance?!"

"Listen, we were created that way. We are just built for different tasks than mortals." He said shrugging his arms and crossing them in front of him.

"Just who are you?" Asked Irene alarmed by him calling her 'mortal'. Even Theon never referred to other people around him using the term mortal.

"I'm Archangel Uriel. You can ask Theon about me, if you manage to remember about me when I'll leave. Anyway... Eriar can't intervene in this world. Period. That's the rule he has broken to sanctify you and restore your body and soul back to the state of purity and innocence." He said with a serious face. "However, by accepting the fate of the Queen of Avalon, and being elevated as Eriar's Saintess you have shifted and broken some seals over his current state. You also allowed us to manifest in this world once again. And by us I mean Angels."

"You are..." Irene in panic put her hands together in prayer and closed her eyes.

"Oi! Chill out. Don't you think, you would be standing untouched this long if I don't mind your attitude?" Uriel laughed. "Here is the deal. While we can manifest it's, for now, a bad idea to do so. That's where you came to the picture. You will be holding the authority of the heavens. And listen here, girl."

The Angel made a few steps towards her, with each an insane magic pressure almost hammered out air from her chest. With each his step, the entire world shook and stars darkened. She felt the incredible power of dungeon core and saw what Theon is capable of, but compared to the Angel he was just a speck of dust. In front of this Angel, all who held power were insignificant. Even land and air trembled in the presence of the messenger of heaven. Before she was afraid of his monstrous shape but now she was petrified by the infinite and uncomprehensive power.

"All those who call themselves gods of this world are nothing compared to my Lord. My Lord is The God to whom Theon was devoted before he died. The God who allowed this world to exist. Eriar is just an overseer but you are allowed to pray to him. He is not a God. He is not even a Saint." Irene looked at the outstretched wings of the Angel which seem to swipe stars from the sky. But she was obliged to listen and she did so even when her eardrums shattered and blood flowed from them. She still listened. "You will be our Living Saint Irene va'Theon. You will wield one day power to banish all evil and bring this world back to light. You will be able to perform Miracles, Irene! Whatever you wish and we could grant will be given to you Irene. In your hands will be one of the greatest powers of the universe, Irene. The power that dwarfs Theon and Ambers's powers combined. Because the Miracles defy every logic and rule, they shatter the shackles of laws and ignore what's considered impossible. Never misuse that power Irene va'Theon."

He waved his hand and a gust of pleasantly warm wind hit her face. She felt all her wounds closing and shredded eardrums regenerating. She was standing in full glory basking in the power of the Archangel. She only could bow to him.

"I will do as you ask. But what I should do?" She asked but without fear in her voice.

"Good! You have the most significant role to play Irene. You and Amber must shield the sanity and humanity of Theon. As you are chosen to purify this world he is chosen to protect it. You must be with him. He must succeed Irene! Over the years more and more people will surround Theon. Even I can't tell how many other Queens he might end with because his future is shrouded and covered. We can't see it. But with every single person near him, he will be stronger. With each friend, he will overcome his limits just to protect you all. Once he was a warrior of immense acumen and wisdom. He never killed anyone who don't deserve that and never rose his weapon in anger. He was a leader and commander but never a King." Angel's voice shifts to pain. "Tell him I'm sorry I can't say this to him directly. Tell him we will honour our part of the deal. Tell him that he still remembers who he was. Tell him that he is doing well!"

"I will!" Irene shivered desperately trying to remember every word Archangel said.

"You will if you manage to remember, girl, but I beg you to remember. Raise your head!" He ordered her and she obeyed. "Take this as my gift to you. This will protect you our chosen one. This is our gift to you Saintess Irene va'Theon!"

She was forced to raise her hands and received an item that should not exist. In her hands was floating Archangel feather burning with power covered by arcs of golden light. The moment she touched it, it embedded itself into her soul and she felt shifts inside her power. Before it was calm and soothing but now it was a roaring whirlwind of power that only could be described as divine. When she raised her head the Angel was gone, but she hear his voice calling her from afar.

"This is all evidence you will ever need. Hold this gift, Irene. And pray for a Miracle to save your sister Queen of Avalon!"

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