165. Restoring order.
Galahad slowed their progress, moving only after the Guardsmen took control of the area. Morrigan was eager to move faster, but Galahad's stick loomed over her like the promise of inevitable doom, so she did her best to be patient. Besides, after she had executed that Cridian noble and then rampaged through his camp, leaving no one alive to tell the tale, they had to do everything else the hard way. She observed her older brother-scion and the way he commanded the legions. Morrigan contemplated the fact that his methods, despite being slower, were much more effective. He lost fewer soldiers, and while the rebels were horrified by the inevitability of his arrival, the common folk almost welcomed them as peacekeepers. It had been a few days, and Morrigan was starting to have doubts about her previous methods. The people of the reconquered lands were terrified by her actions and looked as if they lost all hope. The commoners who surrendered to her older brother were slightly anxious, but it seemed like they had lived through worse things. She still couldn't quite catch the difference in their approach, but the more she talked with and listened to Galahad, the more she realised something was changing in her. Maybe Galahad was right all along? Perhaps the King gifted his high-ranking denizens with this mystical spark about which Galahad always talked? She couldn't tell...
Morrigan diligently followed Galahad ever since and continued to watch him. While she enforced her will and demanded others to follow her orders, Galahad issued directions and strategic orders. While she lost oversight of a battle in that camp because she was personally engaged in combat, her brother watched the fighting from observation points or at least from behind their lines. His orders were short and precise, and at first, they sounded like a joke to her. "The enemy is attacking the right flank. Anchor the left flank and reply on the right." or "Ignore the forward troops and focus on the central formation. After engaging the centre, the cavalry may hit the flanks." In her opinion, such orders were too vague, but to her further frustration, they worked. She observed the clash between Legio Ferrata and the forces of two Cridian Barons. The rebels had well-fortified positions between the hills. While not precisely protected by a magic barrier, their fort used the natural environment to render the magic attacks almost useless. While she pointed that out, he just laughed and once again proved her wrong.
Once Galahad demonstrated that "almost" does not mean "impossible" and positioned his field artillery in a way to bombard the hidden fortress, she noticed a deep change in her. These little details and long conversations with her brother finally made her critique her own way of thinking. She carefully studied the maps, observed the terrain, and slowly began noticing little hints and subtle suggestions that, once put together, allowed her to look at the bigger picture more clearly. Morrigan tracked the movement of Fulminata and gasped as the realisation dawned on her. She never looked at the Legion as a whole. Under her command, the Centuriae were fighting alone, but they were fighting as a Legion under Galahad. The Cohort formed Centuria, the Centuriae formed Maniple, and the Maniples formed battle lines of Acies Triplex. That effective formation allowed for the rotation of soldiers and closed any gaps in the battle line with the Maniples awaiting in the second line. No one could flank you without risking getting their own force cut off. The use of different types of units like Archers, Mages, and Cavalry additionally gave an advantage to the Legions, and that flexibility was unthinkable for other similarly sized armies. Then, of course, the field artillery allowed the Legions to lay sieges and capture entire cities.
Morrigan gazed at the field where the rebel army, a tad over seven thousand soldiers, was systematically deprived of cover by a relentless barrage of magi-cannon fire. Once the sparse foliage was shredded to pieces alongside the outer palisade protecting the stronghold, their main forces suffered heavy casualties before they learnt to stay behind the hills. The field artillery began their indirect fire at the stronghold, which surprised the defenders, judging by the panic that broke near the fortress. They replied with a clumsy, slow return fire of catapults that shot flaming barrels, which were mostly crushed upon the protective barriers covering the Legion. However, some of the projectiles set a meadow ablaze, indirectly killing more than a few legionnaires. Yet, Galahad simply ordered the use of water magic to put down the flames, and the attack continued. A narrow path that led between the steep hills of this mountainous region was seemingly helping the less numerous defenders. But the thin forest that grew on the hills wasn't a significant obstacle for the Legion. The fate of the defenders was sealed once the heavy infantry, followed by the archers, successfully scaled the hills.
"The enemy soldiers should be exhausted by now." Galahad pointed out as he issued an order to stop the cannon fire.
She nodded in confirmation and observed the battle using the eyes of an Eagle. It was another thing she had learnt from Galahad. "The enemy regrouped a few hundred soldiers near the ruined entrance. But it doesn’t look like they were going to attack our forces. Do they defend the entrance itself?"
"Yes... Our observations prior to the attack didn't show anything concerning. Indeed, we couldn't infiltrate the complex, but it should be purely a military installation." Galahad shrugged and nodded toward the Legate, who then executed his silent order.
The archers on the hills started showering the enemy ranks with volleys of arrows that cut down many enemy soldiers. The rebels' desperate attempt to push back the legion was quickly countered by the forces sent to cover the archers. The heavy infantry marching down the hills threatened to completely cut off the core of the rebel forces, which made their line falter. As the rebels hesitated, obviously unprepared for such a scenario, Morrigan looked at Galahad and finally noticed he was observing her intently.
"Why?" she asked, and using the tip of her finger, she marked the hills near the enemy base on the map with magic light. "Why were they not prepared for these hills to be captured by potential enemies? Once taken, these hills give a huge advantage to anyone holding them. They should be fortified and well-protected to provide additional support for the stronghold below. They wouldn't even need mages to protect themselves if they used them as a base for catapults and archers."
"An excellent question. If we capture the commanders alive, you can ask them about it before their execution. But if I have to guess, I would say logistics." Galahad nodded towards her as if he had given her a hint and expected to hear her expand upon it.
"Hmmm..." She tried to look at the problem from a different, much harder angle. "They are mortals, so they would need accommodation for all the forces needed to hold such outposts... Which would take up more space... But these hills are quite big."
"Close." Galahad nodded in approval and pointed at the map with the stick he decided to keep. "By logistics, I meant the supply chain needed by the Mortal garrisons. Even you have to eat, Morrigan. But you are also right about the extended infrastructure needed to facilitate these soldiers. Sleeping quarters, kitchens, magazines, lavatories, armouries, and infirmaries. Each additional facility increases the costs and number of soldiers needed to run such outposts smoothly. Then you have to keep such forts supplied. It's a cost so enormous for Mortal armies that it cancels any gain from having such an outpost so close to the main stronghold."
"Was this a reason why King Theon decided to use the various types of skeletons as the core of his forces?" she carefully asked after the moment needed to consider what Galahad had said.
"To be honest, I don't know. But that might be true." The Death Knight shrugged. "I never asked what the reason was."
"Your kin never sleeps, never eats, feels no pain, your stamina regenerates very quickly..." Morrigan fixated herself on the idea. "I think these qualities only help the skeletons, Brother..."
"Possible." Galahad agreed with a nod and tapped at the map with his stick, reminding her to focus on the battle.
"Hmmm... If building a stationary fort is too expensive, shouldn't the stronghold commander man these hills before a potential battle?" she asked, silently acknowledging Galahad's arguments. "After all, digging trenches and cutting a few trees to reinforce their positions is free."
"Excellent observation, Morrigan." Galahad looked into the distance. "But he had to have oversight to prepare trenches beforehand and keep them in good condition or have had enough time for the preparations before the battle."
Legio Fulminata broke the rebels' battle line, causing another panicked response near the stronghold entrance. It was evident that these soldiers, while brave, lacked any serious leadership. Galahad watched as half of the Legion reached the stronghold entrance when a bright flash of light blinded him for a moment. The violent explosion shook the earth and tossed both of them into nearby shrubs. His runes kicked in just in time to save him from any serious injury, but his bewilderment left him staring at the smouldering ruins in the distance. Half of Legio Fulminata was caught in the explosion, and the other half was so close that they suffered various degrees of damage. That meant they effectively had lost an entire Legion for the time being. There was a big hole where the fortress once was, from which a thick, black, irritating smoke seeped. Galahad couldn't decide if he was in the mood to swear or simply sigh, so he just stood up.
"Ferrata! Defensive positions!" he ordered and helped stand up Morrigan, who looked as stunned as he was.
"The hell is wrong with them?!" Morrigan screamed as soon as she regained her voice.
"Well... They probably decided to take most of us with them. They will be horribly disappointed once they discover they went to their afterlife all alone..." Galahad shrugged.
"What was that? I didn’t sense any grand magic being prepared." Morrigan dusted off her tabard and plucked a few leaves from her hair.
"We have to investigate, but judging by the state of what has been left behind, I don't expect to find anything." Galahad sighed and helped his sister-scion get rid of the leaves that were entangled within her hair.
"Thank you." She smiled at him when he finished.
We had stalled for one month, and Berna seemed very close to calling our bluff. Elisabeth had an entire month to gain as much experience and knowledge as possible. I was pretty confident she used her time well. Back then, in my throne room, it was she who reached out for help, and after we accepted her, Elisabeth very enthusiastically burned all of her proverbial bridges with her past. Once she had pledged herself to my service, I could see her exceptionally high loyalty status. That only further assured me of my future plans, and now it was time to send her. She stood nervously in her gold and white armour. Ragnar's handiwork shone and sparked with dormant power, looking so fabulous that it almost screamed that Elisabeth was a hero godsent. Her aegis shield was special, manifesting the Royal Crest of Avalon, and her blade was shaped after my Excalibur, a fitting weapon for the Sword Saint. On her pauldron sat Twirll, who seemed to have perfected his new powers under the patient guidance of Lavender and Stella.
"We cannot wait any longer," I said, which made Elisabeth twitch with anticipation.
"I understand, my King." She bowed to us.
"It seems you are less afraid of this room than you were a month ago." Lavender smiled.
"Yes, my Queen." Elisabeth smiled as she relaxed. "This month has been the happiest time in my life. But with a little luck, I will be allowed to return to live a peaceful life."
"Remember that time is your ally, Princess Elisabeth." I smiled. "Your troops are ready. Major Raphael Nix will be in charge of the Guardsmen Regiment. I also attached ten Praetorians as your bodyguards. I was informed that you and the Major became good friends during your stay in the Military Academy."
"Yes, my Lord." She lowered her gaze and suddenly blushed.
"Keep her safe, Major." I winked at the tall Wolfkin, who smiled widely in return.
"With my life, Your Majesty!"
"Don't die out there, Princess, Major. You have your entire lives to live once you return victorious." We said our goodbyes, and Hestia blessed them. When everything was said and done, I shook hands with them and offered the closest thing I had to a blessing. "Good luck. Both of you."
"Thank you, Your Majesty." She once more bowed down, and they left the throne room.
It would take them about a week to get to the border using the fastest route without sparing their mounts. It would be a week of extensive bluffing on the part of my Slimes, who had to keep Bernans busy until it was too late for them to attack Arcadia. However, the Slimes’ reports were very optimistic, suggesting they had something prepared especially for such an occasion. They had yet to specify what it was, but I was confident they knew their job.
"There is one more thing we have to discuss." Amber started with hesitation in her voice. "I can't believe it's me who raises this subject, but I was informed that Jester's boss room is closed until further notice. It's crudely written that the reason is "painting the room and observing how the paint drys." Do you know something about this?"
I exhaled heavily as I leaned over my throne and combed my hair with my hand. As I pulled it back, I suddenly froze and looked at Amber from between my fingers. "He is not in Avalon..."
"WHAT?! Where is that maniac?!" Luna's eyes went wide in shock.
"What...? What is he doing there?!" I stood up in shock as I looked at my wives with panic in my eyes. "He is in Northern Berna."
"And what is he doing there?" Amber slowly covered her eyes.
"Uhm..." I raised my finger and chuckled. "He claims that he’s helping the Slimes. But he also admitted to committing a few memes."
"Memes?" Luna asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Ittttt's a... It's a long story."