162. The Grand Festival
My wives teleported away before even the echo of closed doors died out. I was left behind, encircled by the Flower Girls, who made puppy eyes at me. Even Lanka joined them, making me chuckle. I extended my hand and teleported them to their homes. After a few moments, I returned to the throne room and joined Thiule, who took out a report and sat at the conference table hidden behind one of the pillars.
"Sorry, Thiule..." I started, but he just cracked a smile.
"I'm actually glad, my King. You saved me from this madness, at least for a moment... Besides, I need just a few minutes to take a shower and dress up."
"Still, I feel bad. Anyway, what have you got?"
"I have a full analysis of the Metakan soldier's capabilities and skills. It was... Shamefully easy to obtain the bulk of these pieces of information, my King." Thiule looked guilty. "But from what I can tell, the Metakans were truly sent to establish a friendly relationship between our countries."
"I'm so happy to hear that. We already have our hands full with rebellion and Berna." I exhaled, relieved. "We have to observe them, but I'm more concerned about the civil war and aftermath in Metaka itself than our guests."
"We also might have to provide some additional screening for them, my King. I'm not sure if their security forces would be sufficient if they don't use everyone." Thiule flipped the page in his notepad. "I'm not concerned with their safety, but you always say, my King, to be prepared for the worst-case scenario..."
"Agree... But I'm afraid that it will have to wait a bit. Anything concerning?"
"Not... Really?" Thiule exhaled, and he looked up, a bit tired. "They seemed to be as honest as their position allowed them to be. They are also very lost and quite angry that they were unceremoniously cast away from Metaka. However, with each day, they are more and more excited about Arcadia."
"I think it's safe to assume that we have a non-aggression pact secured for the foreseeable future." I tapped one of the documents left by Metaka's diplomats. "That being said, we have to keep monitoring them as they would us. Thank you, Major. You are free to go." I nodded and saw him take a deep breath. "Need a teleport as well?"
"You would save my life, my King." He smiled meekly.
"Let's just keep it our little secret..." I smiled as I teleported us away.
I returned home only to find out that Irene and Hestia already teleported to the Grand Temple. I also noticed the black tuxedo and my Royal Mantle were waiting for me while the four of my wives made last-minute adjustments to their almost non-existent makeup. It was amusing to reminisce about the time they discovered that makeup ruined rather than enhanced their look. Nonetheless, I couldn't deny that very light makeup made them even more attractive, despite the fact that I thought it was impossible...
I felt robbed of the actual wedding ceremony; surprisingly, my wives were not. I guess it was due to the differences in expectations and priorities? I mean, I get that the World's System was absolute, and I even admit that I abused that to my advantage. Anyway, I tried to occupy my thoughts as best as possible to stay out of the picture as much as I could. I still was VERY uncomfortable about religion, and yet, here I was, in the Grand Temple of Avalon, attending the wedding ceremony of Blair and Callicarpa. And Auburn and Dahlia. And Thiule and Lanka. Annnd Tulir and Idna. As the Royal Family, we stood, of course, in the most honourable place in the entire cathedral. I nervously awaited divine retribution as if that particular place was some focal lens that finally made me noticeable. However, it's been a while now, and HE must know. It's not like I could hide from HIM...
"Theon!" Amber somehow managed to shout at me in a way only I could hear her. "For Heaven's sake, focus! You look so bored..."
"Bored?! I'm terrified." I tried to protest, but she just scoffed at me.
Fortunately, this ceremony was private, so no one stared at me. While Irene was a very zealous Saintess, she was also hmmm... Creatively productive? Nah. She was lazy when it came to creating many ceremonies, so she declared that Eriar wanted people to pray to him privately. She introduced some ceremonies like weddings, funerals, public blessings, and celebrations, but she mostly improvised. Somehow, she got her hands on a wedding vow and liked it so much that she incorporated it into the ceremony. I softly smiled, looking at the four couples who decided to wed today. We blessed them and were content with their happiness, so I decided to put aside my fears and pay attention to the ceremony, just in time to see Irene and Hestia stand in front of the couples, ritually and symbolically connecting their hands.
Blair looked at his bride who wore a long, white wedding dress. "I, Dastra Blair, take you, Callicarpa May, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life."
It was almost time for the grand party, and Bjorn adjusted his attire. He had politely refused to attend the wedding ceremonies but made sure the people inviting him knew that he wished them the best and would surely attend their party. Some may say that his life was at its peak. He was one of a handful of people in Avalon who had direct access to the King as one of his most trusted advisors. He was also a chief advisor of many departments and a guildmaster of Carpenter’s Guild... But Bjorn hardly could say he was happy. He couldn't deny that he had achieved much more than he ever thought possible. He was a Master Craftsman, the best in the entirety of Avalon. No one was better with woodworking than he was, and it didn't matter if he was asked to make a carpentry piece or build a ship. He was elevated to the rank of viscount and possessed unimaginable wealth. Yet... There was an emptiness in his soul. Ragnar, Verni, and Ian, his closest friends, didn’t have similar problems, and Bjorn could only wonder why. But he never was able to ask. He was always quiet and possibly shy, but he never wanted to be a burden to his friends.
He walked the streets of Avalon, fondly recalling his memories of when he found himself here for the first time. The area around him was empty, just like the first time when he and his friends had been saved. Everyone was at the grand party being held in the vast underground training zones made for legions. Why? Because of laziness. No one wanted to clean after such a huge party, so the King had decided to hold it in the training zones that would later reset to their original state at the end of the week. Bjorn smiled at that thought as he turned at the central plaza, but his smile crumbled as he noticed the doors to the Adventurers Guild open. He slowly entered the empty building only to find out the lights were lit, but no one was there.
"Hello?!" He yelled as he went deeper inside the building, but no one replied.
He went towards the other side of the room to turn off the magical chandeliers, but he had a strange feeling that someone was there. He slowly scaled the staircase, wondering who that might be. The corridors were dark as the lights had been turned off, but on the second floor, he found that a faint light was seeping from under one door. He activated the protective runes grafted on his pendant and opened the doors only to exhale with relief.
"Miss Eri? What are you doing here?" he asked the woman, whose head of purple hair was the only part of her visible as it peeked out from behind a pile of papers and books scattered across her desk.
"Iiiiik!" she screamed and jumped. "Oh, Gods... Lord Bjorn! In the name of Eriar! You startled me..."
"Sorry... I didn't mean to." He deactivated his pendant and crossed his arms, waiting for her to emerge from behind the desk.
He had seen her a few times when she ordered equipment for the guild but never had the opportunity to talk with her. She always was quiet and seemed to be consumed by her work. But what could she possibly be doing in the guild today? However, as she slowly stepped from behind her fortress, his heart skipped a beat. In that very moment, as Bjorn gazed at Eri, he finally understood what he was missing for possibly his entire life.
"Lord Bjorn, it should be me to ask what you are doing here," she timidly asked as she avoided his gaze. "I still have so much to do that I'm afraid I can't spare any moment..."
"Nonsense, Miss Eri!" Bjorn objected and covered his mouth. He was afraid to move, bewildered by her beautiful face. She wore a cute but simple dress of light shades of purple that matched her amethyst hair. She looked at him surprised, and Bjorn felt a blush covering his cheeks, but he couldn't help it. What did Ian tell him to do? Ahh... Right. "Miss Eri, would you go with me to the party?"
He awkwardly extended his trembling hand, feeling like an idiot. But to his surprise, Eri also blushed and took his hand with her own trembling hand. She looked deeply into his eyes and simply nodded her head. It was then that Bjorn understood he never again wanted to let her go...
The Grand Party was held not only in Avalon but in each town and city under the direct control of my forces. But in Avalon, the tables were full of all kinds of foods available throughout my Kingdom. It was still exotic to some people, but I couldn't blame them. Not so long ago, they were starving, but now it seemed that lack of food would never be their problem again. With full bellies and safety they previously could only dream of, they celebrated with cheerful shouts. People danced and participated in various festive activities. We officially welcomed the Metakans, who publicly assured everyone about their country's friendly intentions, giving the people additional hope for peace. With the party in full swing, we enjoyed a well-deserved moment of sweet, careless happiness.
From the height of my throne, I observed the people who had become my friends enjoy themselves. My wives were laughing and drinking with the new brides and a few other women. Princess Cassmira was discussing something with Wendy and Hestia alongside them. I saw Bjorn dancing with Eri, and I nodded with a smile, seeing them both finally looking happy. In front of me, Ian was telling Prince Leonard how he and the Flower Girls had defeated the Lich. Rizk'a was dancing with a Nekomi woman I recognized as one of Annika's apprentices. It seemed like Mia's knight had found a sense of peace, and I was glad to see him calmer and collected. Ban and Blair were telling Thiule, Tulir, and Auburn a story about how they once managed to steal an entire barrel of wine from the stocks when both of them had served in the Cridian army. The story concluded, predictably, when they woke up the following day with massive headaches. I chuckled at that.
I danced with my wives, ate something, and danced again, this time with the brides and even Princess Cassmira and Princess Elisabeth. I was happy and hoped this time would never end. But I knew better... The forces of evil cast a long shadow over this world, gripping its people in its ugly hands, making them lose their hope and will to fight. So, while Berna's armies were preparing for war and rebels were making their moves, it was a perfect time for a celebration. It was time to show the people that Arcadia was far stronger than anyone could have imagined. I have been painstakingly rebuilding the hope in the hearts of my people, and they have followed me, becoming far stronger than ever before. Their will to fight was like a roaring flame once again, ignited by the spark of hope I gave them. I gave them purpose, and I gave them relative safety. But among all the things I gave them, the most important was a promise that as long as I would be their king, they would continue to live like this.
That was why it was so important to give my people Heroes. They needed someone to look up to, and I was someone they could hardly relate to. Putting aside other things, the sole fact I was Champion of Eriar was so abstract that the people were overwhelmed, to say the least. When they started thinking about anything else, I could see in their eyes that I had already reached the top of an unimaginably tall mountain where they could not follow. But people like Blair, Ban, Lanka, and the rest of the Flower Girls were not only beloved by the people but were also one of them. They were people born in this world who had set an example of loyalty and virtues. The various festivals were going to show the unbelievable prosperity of Arcadia. The Eternals, who now simply lived in the noble district, were loyally backing me, making most people recognize me as their legitimate ruler. The diplomats from the neighbouring countries would only further inspire Arcadia’s political importance. I took a stroll across the fake fields under a fake sky and carefully observed the real people who were having very real fun in the underground training zone. The children played various games in the many areas that were prepared especially for them. Adults were talking, laughing, or simply dancing, enjoying the occasion. I talked and joked with the people, and eventually, I found myself passing the table where my wives, the new brides, and Hera were talking. It was already a good few hours into the party, so the alcohol did its thing, and while my wives and brides retained their dignity and were just tipsy, Hera looked more than a bit drunk...
"Of course we want children!" I overheard Callicarpa reply to someone's question. "And this is a bit of a problem...*sigh*."
"Why?" Irene blinked a few times without understanding.
"Well... Dastra would like to have a son," she said as if that explained everything.
"Like most of the men." Lanka shrugged.
"No, no, it's not that, Lanka." Lavender flatly smiled. "You see, we Dryads give birth only to daughters."
"Sooo whAt?" Hera babbled surprisingly coherently. "Youuu have frinds fffr thaa't! *HICK!*"
"Hera, I think you should take a nap..." Hestia sighed with concern, but Hera only groaned at her, making everyone giggle.
"*HUMPF!*" I felt the surge of divine power swirling around Hera, who put her arm over Callicarpa's shoulder, forcing her to squeal in surprise. However, Hera suddenly spoke with a suspiciously sober voice and looked softly at the Dryad. "I, Hera, the Goddess of marriage, maternity, and marital harmony, bless you with the promise that your firstborn will be a boy!"
Callicarpa's eyes went wide as she looked at Hera in shock. Lanka, Idna, and Dahlia glanced at each other, needing only a moment to silently agree that they were next for that blessing. In the meantime, Hera, who sobered up thanks to her own powers, smiled brightly at Hestia. "I felt awful that I couldn't find any fitting gift for any of you girls. So if I can make this wish come true, it would be something at the very least."
"Something?! That would make Dastra and me so happy! Thank you! Thank you!" Callicarpa started jumping in excitement as she hugged Hera, who hugged her back with jovial laughter.
I shook my head in a mix of disbelief and amusement just before I heard Amber calling me. "Theon?"
"Yes, my Darling?"
"What with our gifts?"
"Well... It's not exactly like we could bring them here..." I mused, making them laugh. "But it's about time, isn't it?"
"MHMM." Amber expectantly nodded towards me.
"Our King..." The four new brides bowed politely at me, and I noticed their grooms nearby.
"Ah, stop... It's your party, after all!" I smiled and theatrically bowed towards them with a grin. "Excellent timing, boys!"
"Let's start with Dahlia and Auburn!" Luna smiled, producing a large jewellery box, which she gave to the young Wolfkin woman.
"They are gorgeous..." Dahlia moaned, seeing the large diamond necklace and matching earrings, ring, and bracelet.
"You will also need a home." I smiled, giving them the key to one of the mansions. "It's fully staffed, so don't worry."
"Thank you, my..." Auburn started.
"Aaa!" I raised my finger with a smile.
"Thank you." They chuckled.
"You both are also granted the title of Viscount." Amber hugged Dahlia. "Thank you, Dahlia, for everything."
"Idna and Tulir!" Aoi grinned, suddenly appearing before them, not even giving Dahlia and Auburn time to gasp at being elevated to such a significant rank. "You will also need a new home! Living in your current one would be awkward for you and Lanka."
"But don't worry, you won't move too far." Hestia winked and whispered into Nekomi's ear as she hugged her. Hestia then handed her the key, making Idna chuckle. "It's the one you liked."
"I heard you are going to take over the guild tomorrow officially. Congratulations, Viscountess!" She was close to tears as she received a ruby jewellery set from Aoi.
"Thank you..." Idna smiled timidly, taking the precious gift.
"Lanka... And there you are, Thuile." Irene hugged the small-framed Nekomi with tears of true happiness in her eyes. "I'm so happy for you!"
"You are more than just a friend to us, Lanka." Amber passed the jewellery set box to Irene, who then gave it to Lanka. "You saved my life and were always for us when we needed you, Lanka."
Lanka gasped in shock, seeing the diamond and sapphire jewellery set that sparkled with each move. The wide and elaborate necklace with flower motifs, set with hundreds of smaller gemstones and at least a few dozens of the bigger ones, was worth more than half of the Cridian capital before its fall. But it wasn't alone; it was part of a matching set of earrings, rings, bracelets, and brooches. However, after exchanging hugs with my wives, Lanka quickly smiled and put on the jewellery.
"My sister!" Lavender hugged Callicarpa with tears in her eyes.
"After all, you were first, Lavender!" The Dryads laughed at each other.
The last jewellery set was made of emeralds and sapphires. The floral motifs were so intricate that you could hardly imagine the mastery of the goldsmith. However, Ruby was a genius capable of crafting such a miraculous art piece.
"Auburn! Tulir! Thiule! Blair! There is really not much that I can give you. Gold? Fame? Titles? You already gained them by your own merits." I grinned at them. "What I can give you are unique and powerful familiars. If you wish, I will grant you the right to form a bond with Wyverns and Living Armours. Also, I ordered special carriages just for you, but it will take time to finish them."
"Thank you, sir!" They grinned at me.
"I have also prepared sets of specially commissioned weapons and armours for all of you, but I can't say they’re incredibly innovative, nor something you wanted to receive at your wedding. So tell me. Is anything you truly desire?"
They looked at each other for a moment, but I had probably asked something very important in a very awkward moment. However, Blair just smiled, and I knew that sad, tired smile. I was sure it had been painted on my face in my previous life.
"What about an open favour? If we ever need something or require help, could we ask you to grant that favour?"
"If only I could help or grant that wish..." I smiled similarly, and only Hestia and Lavender understood us.