The Breeding Goblin Has Reincarnated

Chapter 3: Greed

[You are being offered physical intimacy by a female human for the first time. Due to the relationship and environmental factors, you brethren have accepted your influence. Depending on how you satisfy her physical cravings, a new Skill could be developed.]

It seemed like “Incest Slave’s Ownership Rights” was an event that had a lot to do with competence. For an infant to ‘own’ a slave was a feat in itself, and there were a lot of eyes watching. They saw his less wrinkly and ‘cuter’ body close in on his mother.

She leaned on the wall with a twisted affection.

Looking at him with anticipation.

Unable to struggle even if she wanted to. Having no strength in her body due to having just given birth not too long ago. Fill’s little body approached her with an unusual amount of self-awareness in his eyes. He was not foolish like the Goblin Scavengers.

Knowing how much of a lesser species they were.

This was not self-hatred. The reason he was cold enough to kill his own father was due to being aware of his position. Like how sex with a goblin was the most horrid experience. Only a Succubi straight from Hell would be able to enjoy a one-on-one.

But what about a ‘Human’?

“Impossible.” He thought. 

Looking at her curvatures and fleshy body with a solemn gaze. His particular race being ‘male only’ was an imperfection built into their species. Their parasitic insistence on kidnapping and enslaving the opposite sex of other races was proof of ineptitude.

He had a long stare to compare her to himself.

Despite being the ‘weaker gender’ physically in her own race, she was stronger than the average goblin to the point they were wary of her. The scavengers watching them curiously felt that she may try to kill the infant, but that wasn’t their business to meddle.

They’d only stop her if she tried to escape.

That was their only duty.

Fill understood their gazes and looked up at the system prompt again. If he was to understand that actually ‘satisfying’ his mother was important, then he had to forgo the simple breeding presses that these goblins were known for. He had to be smarter.

He approached his mother.

Seeing the blush on her face had became deeper.

His lover had taught him a thing or two about a woman’s body… and that was that he needed to adjust himself if he wanted to satisfy his partner. He was taught that every woman had tolerances that differed from each other. So what was his mother’s?

With a subtle gesture, Fill started by touching her feet. Seeing that her body was covered in dried semen and dirt. This unsanitary environment had made her reactions dull. She didn’t even react much to the odd sensation of having her sole touches.

He looked around the cave.

“Come.” He spoke with his eyes and guided her.

“Where are we going?” His mother seemed a little scared to move around. Goblin Scavengers took a good look at them. They were wary of this rare infant mutant would break the rules. None of them daring to approach first due to the cleaver he was dragging.

Simply keeping them watched.

The human priestess had felt their intense gazes.

Instinctively using her arm to cover her nipples due to the traumatic experiences. Curling up despite walking while closing her eyes. An uncontrollable reaction she could not stop herself from doing. She didn’t want to be tortured again for amusement.

“…Now this is tough.” Fill thought after glancing.

Continuing to guide her until he found the place he was looking for. The cave was not small, and there were many places here that were used for a variety of reasons. This particular place being where the ‘water torture’ of captives were being handled right now.

His mother opened her eyes when they stopped.

“No… Please don’t hurt me…!” She immediately got scared. Seeing the familiar wooden board she had once been tied to before having her head submerged into the pond. This place had a flowing stream and clean water, but all she saw were the torture tools.

Fill held her by both hands and forced her to look into his eyes. Pulling her down from her wrist to his level and making direct eye contact. He pointed at the board, and then the clear water. Only a person experiencing ‘Ocular Communication’ understood.

“You want to bathe me?” She figured it out.

It wasn’t hard to understand why she was so confused by his actions. Goblins had no concept of bathing. Their skin was horribly diseased and teeth rotten for a reason. The only time they ‘washed’ was when they were getting ready for the next battle.

Bathing before battle being more of a ritual.

Even scavengers followed this habit.

Still, his mother could not resist the urge when the opportunity presented itself. Cleansing herself and taking care of her body was something rare in this cave. The look on her face became mixed with more wary enthusiasm rather than simple anticipation.

Perhaps it was hard for her to completely believe…

Fill assured her that this was real. He washed his hands in the flowing water and a found a suitable place. Grabbing one of the wooden mats at the side and laying it down for her. He invited her closer. His hands and fingers expressing his thoughts vividly.

His mother laid down on the mat like he’d insisted.

He knew that simply throwing water at her would cause her more pain than pleasure. He especially gave attention to the wounds on her wrists. It didn’t seem like she had been casually taking torture without trying to escape, but her wounds were light.

Likely a result of her specialty in healing.

It was easy to look around for things to use when he’d got used to the cave’s layout. There were many discarded items left in their backpacks from stealing from bag holders in adventurer parties. Some were just properly prepared no matter where they went.

After being gone for a moment, he returned with bandages. He grabbed a bowl and cleaned up her wounds, then wrapped it with the clear cloth wrap taken from discarded luggage. He was following his mother’s instructions despite seeming independent.

A gaze was much deeper than words. Allowing her to express complex concepts to him despite it being his first experience. He realised that ‘living beings’ were much more fragile than those of Hell. These simple bandages did a lot to improve her overall health.

“How interesting…” Fill thought while seeing her look at her wounds peacefully. A light smile on that once twisted face that tried to hide insurmountable despair. She accepted his touch. Sensually feeling a reaction from him the longer he was assisting her.

His mother laid on the wooden mat weakly. It didn’t seem like she was sick, but the torment the goblins had regularly put her body through took a toll. Her overall health had deteriorated due to such a horrid environment. Her life being drained away from her.

And yet, she finally found some solace.

Feeling her son’s touch.

Those gentle hands that wiped away the grime.

Kneading her stiff muscles ruined by the restraints.

“Mmm~ Eh?” She let out a comfortable sigh, but was then surprised by her own reaction. Looking up with wide eyes to see that he wasn’t taking advantage of her plight. He seemed to genuinely want her to take pleasure in this, rather than trying to rape her body.

A goblin doing this was surreal in her eyes.

Fill did not throw water on her skin carelessly. He warmed it up with his body heat after applying the stream water to his hands. After he did so, she saw him wipe away the dirt on her numb body. Having occasionally grabbing the water or pouring it out.

Her numb body started to regain its lost senses.

She felt a heat in her lower body due to the intimacy.

This… did not feel innocent.

She sometimes felt his nail scrape her accidentally.

His body was no larger than a scavenger, but his large and brutish hands used to take lives felt like they belonged to an experienced master. He did not shy away from touching her in ‘special’ places. The scent of the cave replacing her own filthy smell.

They both fell into the pleasures of ‘touching’.

Fill felt satisfied whenever he saw her react to his touch. Gradually becoming bolder when he was sure she would submissively follow his lead. His mother was trembling. His middle and ring finger finding their way into her own cave. Clenching hard at him.

Her son felt her tightness.

It was similar to what he felt upon his birth.

Except the sensual feeling was solely on his hand.

Her lower body becoming wet.

His hands caressed and made her feel important. It was the first time she’d felt such a touch upon being captured. Her longing and desires made quickly fall into a trance. Being unable to see her offspring as anything more than a blessing in her tragic life.

This blessing was subduing her.

She couldn’t resist him.

“W-wait…” She knew that this was not right.

That she shouldn’t fall into his pace so easily.

His mother tried to move away and tell him that it was fine. That he fulfilled his role. That she didn’t need him to touch her body anymore. Trying to resist the urge to fall into a thoughtless trance. If she let him continue, she felt her mind would be broken.

That she’d forget the last bit of pride in her heart.

Fill watched her try to escape by backing away.

…Only to grab her by the thigh with his big hands.

His eyes were looking at her with direct intentions.

There was no humanity in his eyes. Only awareness of their positions. Those almost reptilian yellow eyes were paired with a more appealing face. He didn’t have the rough skin or diseased appearance like the other goblins. His appearance was supernatural.

“Did he always look so…” His mother thought while being unable to put the right words together. She initially wanted to escape, but felt herself being dragged back onto the wooden mat. Despite being his mother, this child did not treat her with respect.

“Right.” She quickly remembered just what he was.

A corrupted spawn born of rape and murder. He was no child despite being short and smooth-skinned. A creature of darkness. Even though he was now going against her wishes, she did not resist him. Feeling like it was better to be ‘his’ than any other goblin.

Feigning the delusion of having a choice in this.

Fill’s hands made her feel both violated and aroused for the first time. Different from the forced nature of how the other goblins impregnated her. He did not join their lower bodies, but his hands and many fingers felt far more invasive than a goblin penis.

His mother fell into depravity.

“Haha… Hehe~” Laughing despite being touched all over body like a doll. Being amused by the fact that her ‘firsts’ were being taken like this. It was either due to her broken mind, or having felt fulfilment from those hands that she’d made with her body.

What would be her future?

She stopped thinking about that…

Submitting entirely to her new master and feeling a rush like never before. She could feel that her aching body wanted more. Just a little bit more. There was a limit she was about to reach. Just a bit longer before she’d completely lose her mind to his carnal touch.

“Ahhhh~” A burst of liquids flowed down her leg.

Ejaculation brought her clarity. She once again tried to crawl away from him… only to be ‘washed’ like a piece of cloth. Fill’s short body became giant and domineering in her eyes. Seeing him as a monster that was taking pleasure in corrupting her body.

This being mostly true.

Fill found it amusing. Every time he brought her up to heaven, she would lose a bit of fighting spirit to deny his advances. He felt like she’d just lift up her ass and accept it if he’d penetrated her… but had decided to not do so for his own specific reasons.

He did not want offspring.

Those who were born of his blood could only be controlled by higher level beings like Succubi and Humans. There was a chance that any offspring of his could potentially do the same to him as he did his father. Killing him for their own personal benefits.

After ‘cleaning’ his mother for a while, he stopped.

Treating her like a pet rather than his equal.

[You have satisfied your first woman in life.]

[What do you find most important in this moment?]


1. Domination (Skill: Slave Training)

2. Foreplay (Skill: Superior Touch)

3. Communication (Skill: Sexual Analysis)

4. Connection (Skill: Carnal Love)]

Fill looked at his mother lying on the wooden mat next to him. He was sweating a lot from having exerted himself, but had continued to complete the current ‘event’ with an obsessive drive. He was even willing to dominate and force her into ‘enjoying’ it.

However, he did not value ‘Domination’ in of itself.

Domination was merely a tool. Those who had once treated him as a breeding unit had tried to dominate his mind with all sorts of curses. However, dignity was not always born of honour. No matter how completely ‘tamed’, any slave would start a revolt.

Similar to how he’d ran away from his fate.

‘Foreplay’ was simply preparing the female body to undergo impregnating. He also did not value it like any other goblin of his ilk. The only reason he even knew how to do it was his lover’s influence. She’d completely trained him to excel as a breeding tool.

The last was ‘Communication’ and ‘Connection’.

The former he’d felt an affinity towards, but the only answer to this multiple choice seemed to be the latter. After all, not doing so would deny the bond he’d made with his lover. Even though it was based on carnal pleasure, he believed their bond to be real.

After all, Fill genuinely loved his partner in Hell.

With the choice made, he decided to fill up his stomach in order to replenish his stamina. He had used too much energy in completing that event, and needed another meal. The only biggest problem was that he’d already ate his siblings and own father.

 What was there to eat?

Fill suddenly remembered that a mother’s chest was apparently where infants gained sustenance. Not giving it much though, he climbed up onto her defenceless body and sat on her stomach. Grabbing the two mounds of flesh on her chest with his hands.

They jiggled and moved around despite his best efforts to contain them. He may have large arms for his size, but that didn’t make his hand-size that much larger than adult scavengers. He had to fight her chest for a moment before finding the right grip.

“Ah~” His mother moaned under him in response.

He turned the ends where the ‘food’ would come out towards his mouth. Using his gums to bite down and squeeze out the liquids. His mother arched her spine backwards while holding in a scream. Lifting him up on her stomach as he firmly squeezed her tits dry.

“Why is there so much?” Fill thought while gulping.

The taste was as delightful as he’d expected.

But there was something else.

[You have drank ‘Breast Milk’.]

[Because you are an infant, ‘Growth Correction— Priestess Influence’ is being applied. You will gain more resistance to beings with ‘Holy’ Alignment and have the chance of obtaining Skill: ‘Regeneration’. It is impossible to gain the Skill: ‘Healing’ from this.]

Fill’s eyes widened in shock, but then turned greedy.

He wanted more of this.

Demons who resided in Hell were considered to be a higher rank when their ‘Holy Resistance’. Greater resistance to angels meant a deeper demonic energy in their body. For a ‘Dark/Evil’ aligned creature like him, this opportunity was an unmistakable treasure.

Her breast milk must not be wasted!

“S-slow down…!” His mother lost her strength fast when he started to drink her milk vigorously. It was as if her self-healing also applied to her breasts. The influence she had on his body became deeper, but Fill was not satisfied with only one ‘mother’ now.

He desired another one to steal more benefits. 

After thoroughly filling his stomach, Fill got his mother to her feet and pulled her towards where they originally stayed. He wanted to see if there were others worth his time. Looking around to see if there was any that were worth the risks of taking them.

He saw nothing special.

Warrior women, Fighter women, Archer women, and even Mage women… There were many types to pick from. However, many of them were on the verge of death. They already had their breasts sucked dry by their offspring, and laid on the ground lifelessly.

Their eyes completely devoid of any emotion.

Fill took a deep breath. He was a bit disappointed.

However, an incident suddenly occurred.

He saw a bull-horned woman with blonde hair…

…who had finally gone crazy!

The woman was likely half-animal and half-human in nature. He was not sure what type of species she was or her race, but what she had done was so hardcore that it terrified him. Even the other goblins in the vicinity didn’t dare get closer to her anymore.

At first, the scene was an ordinary sight here.

The bull woman… or ‘cow woman’ in this case. Was a lot larger than most men. She was tied with even stronger ropes and was more injured than the rest of the slaves. Her belly was bulging. She was likely taken out of the breeding facility not too long ago.

Ready to give birth.

However, what happened after that was truly insane.

After birthing several goblins, her eyes turned red with vicious ferocity. The newborn goblins didn’t even have time to resist… Their bodies had been immediately torn apart and gobbled up alive. Blood had splattered on the ground as she was struggling.

“…!” She shouted in the language of his mother.

The difference was that he couldn’t understand it.

Not even ‘Ocular Communication’ could work on someone who was blind with rage. He stopped for a moment in fear, but finally found a reason to take risks when he saw how large her breasts were. The greed in his eyes deepened with wild imagination.

Wasn’t a powerful ‘mother’ important?

Fill stopped and started to scheme inwardly. He was willing to use any means necessary. Manipulate all that was at his disposal for greater potential. A great dream of becoming much stronger upon reaching adulthood made him obsessed. Even a little crazy.

Watching at the cow woman became a vicious creature that ate her own children with intense eyes.

He would not waste the opportunity he was given.

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