The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 7

Request of the Supreme Bishop, Part 1 – In the Town of Meesia

“Ha… ha… ha…”

“In the meantime, I’m gonna come face to face with the church in this city! Alfi, grab your stuff and go to the example lodge!

And Sister Anoln rushing to say it fast or not. I’m pretty exhausted even with the alphilis of fine health running around about three mountains, but I can’t help wondering what kind of strength she’s in.

By the way, this is the west gate of the town of Meesia. It would have been about three minutes ago, but after Alphilis talked about his curse, when he came back for more, Anorn was standing bright blue screaming something out. When I speak, I am put on a horse to be dragged by a sister with a bloody eye, who has driven the streets so far at an unscrupulous pace to this day. It may be a miracle that no one was slaughtered along the way.

Along the way, most of all, the poor thing was sending two people the kind of gaze that horses would ask for help with so much flying, but it didn’t have the kind of atmosphere where you could call Anolun’s ghostly shape a break in front, etc.

“(Sorry, horse… I’ll fill you with good feeding leaves later…)”

And, in my heart, Alphilis came this far with an excuse. You thought the horse could be killed by Sister if he stopped too, and he kept running desperately at an unscrupulous pace.

Because of that, the horse also seems to have finally exceeded its limits, and he doesn’t try to move by letting himself fall asleep despite his travels under heaven. Why should it be brought to the attention of everyone whose streets take place on such a heavenly outing? It was an embarrassing, dying alphilis, but for now I manage to wake up a horse, give him a drink of water, and then look for the inn that the gatekeeper screw introduced me to.

“It’s huge, this city…”

Alphilis finally calmed down and looked around, but the walls to enter the city are high, and the number of guards the city employs is a bit alongside the army. Though it is only by listening, the city here in Meesia is one of the largest cities on the continent where Alphilis is currently located that goes into ten fingers. It is the main streets of the north that do not merge, but the main streets of the east and south lead to this city, with many pedestrian streets anyway. Alphilis hears that the population does exceed 800,000. It is not impossible because it is said to be the largest and safest of the three streets connected from the Eastern group of nations.

If the nation to which Meesia belongs, the kingdom of Furgund, is the one to which more excel in trading, it is no surprise that it is even more prosperous. Unfortunately, Furgundo has not invested in commerce, so the development of Meesia is also not good. Still, Meesia is the largest city Alphilis has ever seen. Alphilis accidentally cheers the streets of the city with the products of its outdoor stores that are worthy of the year.

“Wow, beautiful”

Gems, food and textile products carried from the southern group of countries. Colorful objects take the heart of Alphilis. It would take three days just to look around the store on this street. There are four more streets like this, and that’s exactly what Meesia can call a big city.

“Oh, no. We need to slow the horse down for now.”

Even as Alphilis was pulled behind her hair, the dewstore rethought to put it behind her, and suddenly she was called from behind as she walked slightly in search of the inn.

“Ma’am, are you looking for an inn? We’ll keep it cheap. It’s 50 pent with a stable overnight! What do you say?”

It was the cheerful Beastman youth who had spoken up. A beast man was considered a creature like the middle of a man and a beast, but is now considered a completely independent species. Appearances are close to humans, but furrows are often deep, and many people have tails or wings, depending on their race. They form a state mainly in the South, but I guess in this Meesian where streets from the South meet, the Beastman is not so rare either.

Alphilis has hardly ever seen a beast man on his journey either. Some lands were deeply discriminated against. Alphilis didn’t have a particular sense of discrimination, but it’s hard if you ask me if I can trust him. It is also conceivable that you do not have to bother following the Beast Man.

“Unfortunately, I can already guess. More than that, you, the Beast Clan?

“Oh? Is your daughter a rare beast man? By the way, we’re halfway there.”

I see. I do think the appearance is even closer to humans than the Beast Man, the Alphilis impression doesn’t seem wrong. Without ears and tails, it’s about a little hairy human.

“You don’t look very beastly. I’ve seen some of them on my journey, but I’ve never seen anyone around the city in grandeur. Because I’m from the country.”

“Right. These big cities are good, but areas where commerce hasn’t developed are highly biased and dangerous to us. I’ve only been here and south about Beatim.”

“I’m sorry if I made you feel bad, I didn’t say it made a deep sense. I’m a little surprised that the first person I’ve talked to in this city was the Beast Man.”

“Well, if that’s all you’ve got, it sure looks like you’ve just arrived. But I can honestly apologize to you, the beast man. You’re a handsome man. Then I’ll tell you where to find the inn you’re looking for.”

The young beast man seems to kindly tell us where the inn is. I wouldn’t normally take that offer, Alphilis, but I felt like this beastman youth seemed okay to believe, so I decided to talk to him. Because if Alphilis, unsure of his sense of direction, wanted to find an inn on his own, that might not have been possible at sundown. Alphilis shows the map he kept from the gatekeeper’s screw.

“I’m here, you know what I mean?

“I’ll take care of this city. Which… oh, here we go two streets to the right and the third street to the left. Quiet streets, but lots of inns. Surely the red sign should be marked with Scoop’s mark.”

“Okay. Thank you very much.”

“By the way, my shop is welcome just for dinner! It’s filled with southern food, so drop by if you feel like it! There’s a bubble sign on the green!?

“Yeah, I’ll talk to him.”

Alphilis smiles back and leaves the spot behind. The young beast man is still smiling at me and waving at Alphilis. He’s a very nostalgic beast. But when the first person I met in this city seemed like that was a good start, Alphilis got in a good mood.

In this day and age, the beast man is the object of discrimination. That was because for a long time there was no united nation among the beasts, and there were so many species that would determine the upward and downward relationship with power, that there were so many beasts on the side of the Demon King over humans. Moreover, due to the high level of combat power of the beast man, the human side was frequently consumed boiled water on the battlefield and was only hostile rather than intimate. For this reason, he was identified with pure, non-negotiable demons such as oaks and goblins, and became the target of persecution as a subrace (Demi Human).

But about 100 years ago, a united nation appeared on the side of the Beast. Technically it appeared more than one, of which the largest force, Gruzaldo, suddenly declared that he was not hostile to humans. Those who also wanted to deepen their interaction with Gruzaldo appeared on the human side to respond to this, so that they could interact as they do today. However, in large metropolitan groups, the old prejudice against the beasts is still present in the region. Well, such prejudice wouldn’t matter to Alphilis, who can also interact with pure demons.

That’s how we got to our destination safely, Alphilis. When Screw’s son told him the circumstances, he thanked Alphilis generously and did arrange for him to stop it for free. They also serve meals except for lunch. It’s because you’re stuck.

Alphilis told Sister Anolun to wait in her inn, but it was harsh to wait for her, the first time she had seen such a big city thrive, and since Anolun misplaced herself in the inn reception, Alphilis decided to go out, leaving a saying. And…

“Wow, wow, this sword!

“Oh. Lady, you have high eyes!

So what a colorless story Alphilis goes first to the weapons store.

But it’s also boring to just look at the sword, so Alphilis goes outside to see even the beautiful jewelry store earlier.


At that moment, she closed her eyes to a pair of people walking down the street. It is a combination of small sisters and knights. Even though there are a lot of people on the street, it’s a strange thing.

The little Sister has the same outfit as Sister Anoln and will probably belong to the same church. I have golden hair to my shoulders as well as anorn, and the color of my crisp, large eyes is green. Is he about 10 years old? But what can I say, I couldn’t describe it well for Alphilis, but can I just say that Aura is different from a normal person? I don’t know what it looks like, she thought it was a child that leaves her uncomfortable.

The knight, on the other hand, has green eyes on his golden hair as well. Though not big, he would be taller as a boy. He wears no armor and is wearing a travel costume, but he carries a machete on his back that is as long as Sister’s back, creating a distinctly unparalleled atmosphere.

“(That’s an amazing user… could you be a lot stronger than me?

There is a huge difference between a face that is straight, elegant, and also visible to a good man, and the sharp atmosphere that surrounds him as a warrior. Not that big of a man, but his body would also be covered in sawdust stretched out muscles. This one is also uncomfortable from the first impression.

“(Coming straight over here?

Its bizarre yet atmospheric pair walk straight towards the Alphilis as if there were no crowd. Rather than sewing the hedges, it was as if people gave way against them. And when he came before Alphilis, the little Sister turned to her with a very loving smile.


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