The bottom trainer in the elf world

Chapter 37 Biological Instinct

Chapter 37 Biological Instinct
The unicorn didn't hesitate, as soon as Xia Yan said it, it followed suit.

He carefully took out the poison sac from the glass bottle with his tail, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it three times.

This is a completely different texture and taste from energy cubes, but it is also very delicious to unicorns.

Xia Yan's eyes were fixed on the unicorn, and after seeing that it had no unusual reaction, he felt more confident, and continued: "I ate the poison sac of the big needle bee."


The unicorn nodded and opened the glass bottle.

The difference from the Abo snake venom sac was that as soon as the glass bottle containing the bee venom sac was opened, a faint purple mist floated out immediately, and the whole room was also filled with a stench like rotting fish.

Xia Yan frowned, and took two steps back.

The toxin in this poison sac is much more powerful than he imagined.

The unicorn didn't hesitate, on the contrary, it was like seeing a piece of delicious stinky tofu, and the dog saw a lump. Ahem, anyway, it ate it after a few mouthfuls.

This time, the unicorn began to change.

Violet mist began to rise from its body, from the carapace of each of its limbs, from its mouth, from the top of its head and the horns of its tail.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

"It works, but isn't it enough?"


The unicorn also felt the changes in his body, raised his head in confusion, and looked at Xia Yan.

It feels weird right now.

There is an indescribable feeling, as if the cells in the whole body are moaning, but the small heart is beating very fast, and there is a feeling that it is about to jump out of the mouth.

If I had to describe it, it might be.
It's like the feeling that a person drank five or six cans of Red Bull at the same time, plus three or four cups of coffee, and finally poured a few cups of bitter tea.


Every inch of muscle and every cell in the whole body seemed to be trembling and excited.

Seeing the change of the unicorn, Xia Yan thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Eat the poison sac of the Abo monster!"

The elite-level Arbo monster is at least two levels stronger than the unicorn, and the poison in this poison sac is also the strongest.


Although the unicorn was puzzled, his movements did not stop.

Xia Yan explained, not knowing whether he was comforting the unicorn or comforting himself, and said: "It is common sense that poisonous elves cannot be poisoned, but this common sense is not absolute. If poisonous elves are poisoned too strongly, or the strength of each other If the gap is too large, it will still be poisoned.”

It's like being immune to superpower-type moves with evil elves.

But it would be ridiculous to say that a newly born evil-type elf can be immune to champion-level super-power elf moves.

I don't even need a champion-level elf. It is estimated that a little stronger can play a role, but the effect is different.

In the same way, the premise that poisonous spirits can be immune to poisoning is that they are within the tolerance range of poisonous spirits, and they will also be poisoned if they exceed it.

"Ordinary poison sacs can only be regarded as good supplements and food for poison elves, but it is impossible to increase the toxicity, so the most critical part of the similar method of 'breeding Gu' is to poison the poison elves !"

Xia Yan talked about the key information he got from the book.

That's why he went to the black market to buy so many poison sacs.

The unicorn must be poisoned first!

While listening to Xia Yan's explanation, the unicorn had already eaten the poison sac of the most poisonous Arbor.

For a moment, the thin layer of poisonous mist surrounding it was suddenly several times thicker, and the voice of the unicorn also changed its tone.

On the shiny horn on the top of its head, strands of light purple lines slowly spread, and the yellow carapace on its body was also slowly stained by circles of purple halos.

It looked like he had been poisoned.

"I originally bought so many just as a precaution, but now it seems that I didn't buy too much. I also ate the last one."

Xia Yan's hand tightly grasped the special antidote in his pocket, staring at the unicorn worm, and immediately used the antidote once its condition was not right.

Even if these poisonous sacs were wasted, nothing would happen to the unicorn.

And the unicorn no longer had the excitement it had before.

As a poison elf, it was the first time I experienced the poisoned state.

It's a bit uncomfortable.

But it still gritted its teeth and ate the last poison sac.

Xia Yan won't harm it, it knows how much it spent to buy these poison sacs, and it must not be wasted!

With the last poison sac eaten, the appearance of the unicorn completely changed.

The carapace, which was originally a yellowish color, has now completely turned into a maroon purple color, even the sharp horns on its head have not been spared.

"When a poisonous spirit is poisoned, it will stimulate its own toxins in the body to fight against it. It is similar to the so-called attacking poison with poison. If the poisoning is caused by external problems, it will be more troublesome. You can only use antidotes, but if the poisoning is caused by eating poison sacs , that's different.

Poison sacs are tonics for poison elves. They contain a large amount of poison energy, which can nourish and replenish their own toxins, stimulate their own toxicity, and produce so-called 'antibodies'.

And this antibody is actually a kind of toxicity enhancement. "

Xia Yan said calmly, but his heart was raised high.

Poison-type elves are immune to poisoning, which is similar to fighting poison with poison. When the foreign toxin is too strong and their own toxin cannot resist it, they will be poisoned.

The current state of the unicorn is that the foreign toxin is too strong, and its own toxin is too weak to resist the foreign toxin, so it is poisoned.

But correspondingly, while the poison sac poisoned the unicorn, it also provided a lot of poison energy, nourishing and replenishing its own toxins.

Under the pressure of external toxins, the evolution of biological instinct will strengthen its own toxins to fight against it.

This is the instinct of biological evolution in nature.

It is also a method of cultivating poison elves that has been passed down from ancient times.

"Hold on, unicorn! If you get through it, you will transform!"

Xia Yan was calm on the surface and gave the unicorn more confidence, but his heart was actually more nervous than the unicorn, and his hand holding the antidote was already covered with sweat.


There was pain in the unicorn's voice, but it was actually very relieved and frank.

This is from the trust in Xia Yan.

It's just the pain in the body, bear with it, and it will pass.

But this bears.

But it lasted a full three hours.

The dense purple mist that originally surrounded the unicorn insect has completely dissipated at this time.

It can't be said to dissipate, it's more like it's attached to the unicorn.

But now the unicorn seems to have been painted with a layer of purple paint, shiny and oily.

Eyes closed.

Xia Yan's hand holding the antidote was already stiff, but he didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

He has carefully considered and deduced the information in that book, and it is feasible, and the feasibility is not low, so he let the unicorn eat it directly.

He has also prepared for this. The high-level energy cube can provide enough energy for the unicorn to ensure that it will not be completely eroded by the toxin. The price of the special antidote is even more expensive, just in case.

However, judging from the current situation, the unicorn has been completely stabilized and should not be used anymore.

click -


A crisp, subtle sound sounded from the unicorn.

Xia Yan's spirit lifted.

Followed by.

ka ka ka-

More and more sounds appeared, fine cracks densely covered the body of the unicorn, and one of the biggest cracks directly penetrated from the top of the head to the tail.

And under the cracked gap, the crystal clear khaki color appeared in Xia Yan's sight again,


Scream softly.

The unicorn clawed at the restrained limbs twice, and slowly crawled out of the body that had been dyed purple with doubts.


Shelled out again!

(End of this chapter)

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