The Bond That Even Gods Cannot Break

Chapter 21: Would You Like Some Tea?

Even though the crystal floor was cold, neither of the girls cared about it. 

She’s like a cat begging for attention. 

Noticing how Sophia innocently rubbed her cheek several times against their intertwined hands, Melissa had no choice but to stroke her silver hair. 

“It really is like snowflakes,” she murmured. 

As her fingers slid gently through the strands, Melissa felt her expression relax even further. 

“They’re your snowflakes now,” Sophia said, pulling Melissa into a tight embrace once more, a mischievous smile spreading across her lips.  “Did you like it?” 

“Snow curls, you know only bad students ask questions they already know the answer to.” 

“Then I’m your bad student,” Sophia whispered directly into Melissa’s ear, her chin resting on the girl’s shoulder as she continued to hold her. 

The sensual voice projected so close to her made the heart of the brown-haired girl pound harder once again. Her face, already red from all of Sophia’s teasing, clearly showed how affected she was by the provocations. 

Wait, does she still want to do more?

A pair of soft breasts continued to press against her arm, the warmth so comfortable that it had already blended with her skin temptingly inviting her.


Melissa remembered her own words. She had told Sophia to say what she really wanted to do, but she hadn't expected the repressed passion that was burning inside her to be so strong.

The girl who once couldn't even have her breasts seen without shrinking in embarrassment was now rubbing up against Melissa and subtly biting her neck as if demarcating her territory.

“L-Let’s see what we earned, Snow Curls.” 

Their endurance stats were no joke. If Melissa didn’t shift Sophia’s focus onto something else, they might end up doing “that” again and again until Sophia finally hit her limit. 

If that happens, will I even be able to walk? Though... that’s not a bad idea... No! I can’t think about this right now! 

Using her free hand to push the predator's face back to a safe distance, Melissa pulled some water from her inventory and handed it to Sophia to clean herself up. 

She heard a growl of protest but managed to get the girl to agree. Finally, turning her attention to her status panel, she began analyzing the points they’d gained from the battle. 

From what she could tell, defeating the Dream Eater had earned them enough experience for three levels, so they had three points to allocate. 

“I’m going to add the points to vitality. Are you okay with that?” 

“I’d be even better if you were the one cleaning me... Ouch...! Melissa, your meanie, you didn’t have to pinch me!” Sophia complained as she finished cleaning up, rubbing against Melissa for comfort from the punishment she brought upon herself. “Yes, increasing our HP is the safest choice, considering we don’t know what’s waiting for us ahead.”

Name: Melissa/Sophia

Race: Human    Level: 15

Class: Hedonistic Ritualist

Secondary Class: None


HP: 170/200

Strength: 11 Agility: 11

Resistance: 36(+20) Intelligence: 46(+25)

Vitality: 20 Mana: 42/310


After confirming that their stats had been correctly updated, both girls turned their attention to the final floating panel they had previously ignored.


New Class available for the ability [Oath of Love and Protection]

[Oath of Love and Protection]

Your bonds to protect your lover have proven strong and determined. By swearing to be the guardian of your lover by kissing the back of their hand, like a knight, access to a second class will be unlocked for one hour. The oath can be taken by both partners, provided that a different class is selected.

Cooldown time: 1 day for the same class per lover.

Currently available classes: 2


[Ascension of the Kitsune] 

With the determination to deceive even those who watch closely, your true desire to bring prosperity and protection to your beloved has overcome your mischievous and wild nature. Your senses will be heightened, and you will gain the strength to fight for your desires.

+20 Strength, +20 Agility 

Class Abilities: 2 


[Cunning Induction

Manipulate the target's perception of the user, altering their senses and emotions. 

The intensity of the effect is influenced by the level difference between the user and the target, as well as the target's rational capacity.


[Spiritual Reading]

View the stats and abilities of an individual lower in level than the user or up to twenty levels higher.


Reading the windows before her, Melissa whistled as she noticed the stat boosts she'd received. 

“So, all abilities can actually grow stronger after all... but what’s a Kitsune?” 

Melissa asked the question, already turning to the girl who, even after cleaning herself, still had her arm wrapped around her waist. 

“I thought bad students weren’t supposed to show off~” 

Sophia pouted, puffing her cheeks with a sarcastic tone, mimicking an upset child. 

Watching the girl squirm in mock protest, Melissa couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh. Using her free hand, Melissa slid her finger slowly up the girl's thigh, reaching her navel and slowly moving up to the base of her breast. Her fingers circled the nipple and subtly made their way to her collarbone, finally stopping when she pressed her lips.

"Smart students who answer questions correctly will get a reward later," Melissa teased.

Sophia felt a shiver run down her spine, her heart racing. Left with no choice but to stop playing around, she used the inventory to put her clothes back on before speaking.

"Kitsune are supernatural foxes found in Eastern culture and folklore. They are known both as benevolent beings that bring prosperity and as mischievous spirits that cause trouble. In many stories, Kitsune are portrayed as messengers of deities. In romances, they transform into beautiful women to seduce men."

Concluding her general explanation, the girl puffed out her chest with pride. Once again, with no choice but to laugh at such an attitude, Melissa also got dressed before replying.

"Alright, so if I understood correctly—foxes, seduction, and a nice stat boost for both of us. Sounds like a great deal to me. Should we test it now?"

Sophia glanced at the timer, counting down for the secondary class they'd used back in the forest. 

"Although we spent years inside that dream world, only a few hours have passed here. I think it’s better if we save this secondary class for when the Druidess's spirituality is ready to use. What do you think?"

"Whatever you decide will be done, Snow Curls," Melissa whispered, resting her chin on Sophia's shoulder as she hugged her. "I'm sorry for saying earlier that we ended up in this situation because of you."

Melissa was truly remorseful. Her soft voice matched the sadness in her expression. After a few moments of silence, with no response from Sophia, Melissa grew anxious, fearing her words had hurt her somehow.

"H-Huh?!" But just as she was about to turn to look at Sophia, Melissa felt not only her cheek but her entire mouth being pulled.

"I thought I told you we cleaned up our mouths after that kiss, but apparently, it wasn't enough. This reminds me of the times I had to drag you to the library by force. I just remembered how stubborn you are when it comes to accepting something."

Sophia sighed, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction as she watched Melissa’s surprised and panicked expression.

Letting go of the girl’s cheeks, Sophia smiled and pulled her closer. 

"As I said before, it’s fine, you silly girl. It’s okay if you want me to make the final decisions, but give me your opinion too. I want to consider it, alright?"

Seeing Melissa nod like a puppy caught doing something wrong, Sophia laughed and pointed to the other side of the massive hall.

"Now for your first task, my sweet and lovely Melissa. Should we head to the next floor?"

Noticing Sophia smiling, waiting for her response, Melissa thought for a few moments before speaking. 

"Yes, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything else left to do here, and we can’t go back the way we came."

"Certainly! Then onward to the exit!" 

Satisfied with the answer, Sophia tugged on their interlocked hands and led the way toward the door that would take them to whatever lay ahead in this dungeon.

As the massive hall was the size of a large football stadium, it only took a few minutes for them to reach the door, which was already open.

"I swear, if there’s another trap like the one at the entrance of this floor, I’m going to kill whoever the hell designed this dungeon."

Melissa huffed at the sight of the next set of stairs. Sophia, on the other hand, simply pulled her into an embrace.

"Just in case~" she hummed.

Though Melissa wasn’t entirely confident they could handle whatever awaited them, the bold smile on the girl who hugged her so joyfully left no room for doubt. As long as she was with Sophia, Melissa felt she could take on the entire world.

They climbed the stairs carefully, their focus sharp for any irregularity. The moment they reached the final step, the staircase vanished beneath their feet.

This was different. Both girls sensed it immediately.

They couldn't see the end of this place. The sky, darker than the blackest starless night, was pitch black, contrasting starkly with the ground, which was covered in a seemingly endless field of wisteria blossoms stretching to the horizon. There were no landmarks, no path to follow, and above all, no mission prompt had been issued by the system.

"Welcome, Melissa and Sophia."

The voice that reached their ears immediately drew their attention, and they turned quickly toward it. The instant they laid eyes on the speaker, they froze.

The woman’s complexion had a light tone reminiscent of a sunny day, perfectly complementing her striking crimson lips. Her arched eyebrows and curved lips gave her an air of arrogance, yet at the same time, she exuded the calmness of a nurturing mother.

Her two red eyes drew them in as if they were staring into the explosive flames of a volcano that had lain dormant for thousands of years. Her wheat-colored hair, subtly golden, was braided down her back, reaching her knees.

Her delicate skin was adorned with an outfit that resembled a Nordic cloak yet also carried subtle hints of ceremonial Eastern attire. A necklace of shimmering jewels rested around her neck, and her high, dark boots contrasted with her exposed thighs. Although the combination was unusual, it seemed to perfectly complement her features and soft curves.

If beauty could cause wars, the mere presence of this woman in the world could bring nations to their knees.

"It’s a pleasure to finally speak with both of you. My name is Dianthus, the goddess of family and love!" She then walked toward them and embraced both girls, who were too stunned to react, their minds struggling to process what was happening.

Noticing their confused expressions, the woman who had introduced herself as a goddess placed an open palm over her mouth as if remembering something shocking.

"Oh my, where are my manners, my beloved daughters? Would you like some tea?"

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