The Blue Eyes

Chapter 35 - ANDRE

It was already late in the afternoon when Kevin had just finished writing down what equipment he would borrow from the laboratory where he worked at.

Today, Kevin did as he planned to borrow some tools he needed from the laboratory. Yes, that was his idea last night. The laboratory where he worked was officially funded by the government, so he couldn't borrow the equipment carelessly without submitting a formal application letter. If he dared to do so, then he could be punished.

In the application letter, Kevin honestly wrote that he wanted to research a specimen at his home. The laboratory manager probably would ask about what specimens he would study, so he better prepared for an answer. He had an option to buy new equipment for his research, but it didn't seem like the best alternative because he might have to spend years of his savings on it.

The equipment he wanted to borrow was not that many, though. He just needed some digital equipment to do a simple examination on Kris. Not to forget, he would also take the DNA samples. After that, he would secretly study the samples in the laboratory where he worked. That was too risky, but most of the sophisticated equipment in the laboratory was large in size and immovable.

After he completed the application letter, he handed it to one of his juniors. He instructed the junior to hand over the letter to the laboratory manager. Sometimes, seniority still existed at his workplace, but it was not that bad.

Kevin did some stretches to relax his stiff muscles after a long day of work. He had written a lot of reports today. He finished all of them alone because Andre had not been seen in the laboratory all day.

Last night, after listening to Kevin's answer which sounded very ordinary to him, Andre just said goodbye and immediately hung up on the phone. He said he wanted to hurry home to meet his beloved wife. Kevin still remembered how he felt like throwing up last night because of the man's disgusting tone.

Kevin didn't expect that his answer would sound ordinary to Andre. Yeah, his answer that he was with a man instead of a woman was nothing special in Andre's ears. At first, he wanted to tease Andre by saying that, but Andre just responded to him with an "Oh." That was not funny at all.

But, he didn't see Andre in the laboratory today. He tried to call his colleague's phone number, but it turned out that the phone was dead. He also asked his other colleagues, but they didn't know Andre's whereabouts. That was very unusual. Andre was a very disciplined person, and he usually wouldn't just neglect his work like this.

Choosing to ward off his anxieties, Kevin finally tidied up his belongings. He then stood up and turned to a colleague who was busy with his laptop. "I will go for a while to pick up my little sister," he said to the colleague.

After obtaining approval from his co-worker, Kevin then rushed out of the laboratory and continued walking until he arrived at the place where he parked his favorite black sedan. The raven-haired man then entered the car and immediately drove the four-wheeled vehicle to Blue's school.

Yesterday he had felt guilty for forgetting not to pick up Blue even though he had promised, and today he didn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

Kevin insisted that yesterday was not his fault, but it was Kris's fault, who took up his time so that he forgot not to pick up his beloved sister. Ah, talking about Kris made him remember the incident last night when the two of them were at Kevin's biological parents' house.

No, nothing happened there. After Kevin finished talking to Andre on the phone, he said to Kris that he would go back to his own house. Kris asked him to stay the night, but the human refused and still wanted to return to his house. He said that he had to feed his pet fish.

"You choose to leave me alone for pet fish?"

That was Kris's response last night. It sounded like he was accusing him of having an affair with a fish.

Too preoccupied with his own thoughts, Kevin didn't realize that now he had arrived in front of Blue's school. The handsome young man stopped his vehicle, but he didn't have to bother getting off because Blue had been waiting for him in front of the gate. The girl spotted his car and immediately walked over to Kevin's black car. The blue-eyed girl immediately opened the door and got into Kevin's car.

"I thought you would ditch me again today, Brother," said Blue as her thin hands swiftly fastened the seat belt.

Kevin smiled as the soles of his feet began to press the gas pedal, bringing the car back to the asphalt. "I just made a mistake once, Blue. That won't happen again," he said confidently.

"Where were you yesterday, Brother? Were you busy in the laboratory? If you are busy, you don't need to pick me. The café is not that far, anyway."

Kevin paused for a moment at Blue's questions. 'How should I answer the question?' He thought in confusion.

There was no way he could say that yesterday he was busy. He was indeed busy, but he was busy with Kris. If Blue found out that he was back in touch with Kris, the girl wouldn't be happy.

"I will still try to make time for you, Blue. You must be lonely now because you have to live alone. If you need friends, you can call me." Kevin finally chose to ignore the questions.

Blue just nodded in resignation at Kevin's words. It seemed like she didn't notice that Kevin didn't answer her questions earlier, and Kevin could breathe a sigh of relief.

"By the way," Kevin's voice broke the silence again. "Did you walk alone yesterday when you went to the café for work?"

The question made Blue frown a little. Her hands unconsciously pinched her school skirt. She remembered that yesterday she met a werewolf who had previously attacked Kevin. They talked about a lot of things which in the end made Blue startled and confused.

The girl knew she couldn't tell Kevin about that. The older man would surely feel worried if he knew the truth, and he would ask her to stay away from the werewolf. That was why she chose to keep the meeting with the werewolf a secret.

"Yes, yesterday I walked alone like usual, Brother," she finally lied.

Kevin seemed to buy Blue's answer, and he only nodded briefly as a sign that he believed the young girl's words. "You still have to be careful even though the café's distance from your school is quite close. The werewolves are back, and they are getting more and more dangerous," said the young man.

Again, Blue got nervous when she heard Kevin mentioned werewolves. She was right, Kevin would have been immediately worried if the man found out that yesterday she had met a werewolf. Not only that, she couldn't imagine how Kevin would feel if the young man found out that she was also a werewolf.

Kevin had been driving the car for a few minutes, and now the four-wheeled vehicle stopped in front of the café where Blue worked part-time.

The scientist was just about to say goodbye to Blue, but the sound of his phone ringing from his pants pocket interrupted him. After seeing the name of the caller, the young man immediately answered the call.

"Hello? What's up?" Kevin asked someone on the other end of the phone.

Blue silently watched Kevin talking to someone on the phone. At first, Kevin's expression looked relaxed, but then the expression changed drastically. She caught on to the change, the change when Kevin's face turned pale, and it also radiated a deep sense of shock and sorrow. The strange expression made Blue feel anxious and uneasy.

Kevin had not said anything to the person who had called him, and it seemed that he was just listening carefully to what the person who called him was talking about. But, that was precisely what made Blue feel even more curious. She wondered what Kevin was listening to until the handsome man showed a pathetic expression like now.

A few minutes Kevin was silent with his phone stuck to his right ear, and suddenly, the scientist limply dropped his smartphone onto his lap. It seemed that the phone call had been cut off, and Kevin didn't say a word until the end of the call.

Blue's anxiety grew even more as she observed Kevin's condition, which now looked even worse than before. The man even now seemed to be having trouble breathing and his body was shaking violently.

The girl with long hair finally ventured to touch Kevin's right shoulder carefully, then she gently asked, "What happened, Brother?"

Blue's touch on his shoulder made Kevin flinch a little. The young man then turned to the girl and looked at her with teary eyes. In a voice as low as a whisper, Kevin replied, "Andre died."

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