The Blind Swordsman of Orario

「Little Thief」


"Hmm…" Looking at Erland's Status sheet Naaza held a contemplative look, her left thumb up against her bottom lip as she leaned her torso over the store's counter.

"With this, he could go anywhere…" Her patron god stood beside her with a pitiful expression, his fingers interlaced in the sleeves of his robe.

"...." Meanwhile, the culprit of today's meeting stood off to the side touring around the establishment by whatever scent led his nose. Sometimes he'd uncork a tube to get a whiff, or hastily catch a few he may have accidentally dropped.

But either way, it was clear he was avoiding all responsibility as the instigator.

"Did you tell him that already…?"  Naaza remarked with half-lidden eyes, staring at her patron god accusingly.

"Hm? Ah, yes. Keeping it hidden would only serve to be detrimental to his development. But as would he continue to stay with us… Two skills upon inscription, two! I haven't heard of a case like this before! At most some adventurers would have only had one skill upon receiving their first Falna, and even that is an infrequent occasion…"

"Well… at least we don't have to worry about him going in the Dungeon anymore." Saying that Naaza took the sheet in her hands before tossing it in a vat alongside a reagent and reactant of her choosing.


And just like that, the evidence was dissolved and disposed of without leaving a single trace.

"But I like keeping records of my members' growth…" Only Miach mourned the loss of what he equated to baby photos.

Ignoring her god's moping, Naaza narrowed her eyes at the boy prancing around her pharmacy.

"And you… So you could see us the entire time, huh?" At that, a sardonic grin crept its way onto her face. "That explains an awwwful lot y'know~"

"Hahaha!" The boy settled down the tubes in his hand before turning around to face his newest colleague and boss. "Maa~ I didn't really mean to trick or deceive you guys or anything like that. It's just that… well, it's a little hard to explain."

After revealing his Status and skills to his patron god, Erland didn't mind sharing his information with the Familia captain. Especially when the former even asked for permission to do so beforehand.

If they were working together, from now on it was only natural to share his capabilities. At least that way they'd know what he can and can't do.

"All I can really see are silhouettes." He remarked, covering his gray eyes with one hand. "And that only applies to living beings. Things that don't have a pulse or a presence don't appear in my vision."

"So that's what the cane is for…" Muttered Miach.

"Yep!" An overenthusiastic confirmation came from Erland's lips. "My skill allows me to see living things even beyond walls or in situations where others normally wouldn't be able to see anything. Like in super dark or foggy places."

He made his way to the counter before sitting atop it, dangling his legs as he stretched his arms into the air, letting out a satisfied groan as he arched and cracked his back.

"And this Armament Haki…?" The young Chienthrope asked inquisitively. Feigning disinterest as her hands which focused on her work were betrayed by her perked-up ears.

"Does exactly as it says." Erland held his arm before him for the others to observe, coating it in his Haki as he gave a short explanation. "By 'spirit life force' I'm guessing it means my stamina. I get pretty tired when I use it too much."

Miach took up the boy's offer for inspection, gripping the arm as he noticed it carried a steely texture. Even applying his entire force on it did nothing to affect the outer layer of skin, it was both unmalleable and rigid.

"How fascinating… And you had access to these skills before receiving a Falna?" The god asked curiously.

"Mm, one day after a lot of training they just showed up!" Erland said vaguely, laying on the border of truth and lie.

"What kind of training…?" The Chienthrope asked.

"Hahaha. Well, for a couple of years, I just spent my time learning how to dodge things without seeing them by letting a swinging jug hit my head."


"And then, after that for a few more years I let one of my childhood friends hit me on the back with a wooden sword! Hahaha."

'Y-Your laughs don't seem so convincing!' Both Miach and Naaza thought.

"I-I see…" Said Naaza, before she moved to the back room where her atelier was stationed.

"...." Coming back after a few seconds she carried a wooden trove adorned with several locks. Wordlessly, she took Erland's hand and forced his hand into the box after opening it.

"This is…?" He said unconfidently.

"Monster drops," Naaza said unenthusiastically. "Specifically a Kobold Nail and Goblin Fang is what you will be looking for." She led his hands to the two objects of the discussion.

"You're only going to the early upper floors, right? Despite you're enthusiasm to explore the Dungeon please remember we're a mercantile Familia first and foremost. Procuring materials and your life should be your only priorities. What was that thing your adviser is known for saying…?"

"Adventurers shouldn't go on adventures? Or something like that I think…" Erland memorized the structure of the drops with a wry smile.

"Precisely," She said, before transitioning into a sterner and harsher tone. "Whatever you do, don't underestimate that thing." At that, her face paled a little.

"Un, I promise I won't." Seeing as how this was no laughing matter to the girl in front of him, Erland adopted a serious disposition.

"...Good," She said, before exhaling strongly.

"...." Watching the scene in front of his eyes, Miach smiled warmly, pondering the development his Familia would take with a new ace to the party.


It was an early morning, the sun had just begun to crescent over the Labyrinth City as a layer of daybreak mist enveloped the city, creating a refreshing atmosphere for those wandering the surprisingly filled and lively streets.

Shopowners swept the entrances to their respective establishments all the while doing their best to curry the attention of any of the meandering adventurers.

Cart vendors clamored on the streets offering an assortment of breakfast foods and eye-catching equipment.

A myriad of folk traveled down the eight main streets that led to the great tower of Babel, unified as if following a course they had taken many a time before.

The Pallums scurried as fast as their little legs could take them.

The Amazonneses traveled in large groups scantily clothed yet equipped with serious weaponry.

The Dwarves hollered paying no mind to the early setting spewing crude jokes or retellings of tales of valor.

Werewolves and Weretigers haughtily walked the streets with their chests puffed out proudly.

Elves reservedly took their steps paying great detail to their image, yet maintaining an aura of pride as they soaked in the stares of passing adventurers or folk.

So many different people from so many different backgrounds, and yet they each walked forward with the same goal even if their reasoning was misaligned. And that was to conquer the Dungeon in front of them.

Whether it be for wealth, power, or fame, each of the hundreds of adventurers walked with a unified purpose.

How many would accomplish their goal? How many would have their dreams snuffed out by the merciless Dungeon? How many would be torn apart? And how many would leave alive?

These were questions that were asked at the beginning and end of every day.

And yet, the answers were deemed irrelevant to the little thief scouring the crowd for her next victim.

'Blindfold, walking stick, fine clothes. A blind boy without anyone attending to him. Easy pickings.'

Remorse? Guilt? Morality? None of these mattered to the girl who raised herself in the slums. Why? Well, that's because her target was—

"Just another rotten adventurer…" She muttered to herself, almost as if to reaffirm her own feelings.

"If anything, let this be a lesson to him not to travel alone…"

She eyed the pouch on the back of the boy's waist.

Slyly, she shimmied through the crowd without coming into contact with anyone, today was a day off for her so she didn't even bother bringing along her Supporter backpack, making it all the easier to slip by.

With the clamoring and yapping of other people, she didn't have to worry about her footsteps being heard. And when she finally made it right behind him, she silently slithered her hands toward his waist—


At least until they were halted by even bigger hands.

"!" She jumped up in fright, instinctively pulling back her hands yet surprisingly finding that it was difficult to budge even a little bit out.

In shock, she followed to where those hands over hers had connected, until she met the face of her 'easy' and 'naive' target.

"No swiping~!" The blind boy said playfully, not loosening the glove-clad hands even a little bit.

"A-Ahahaha! You're funny mister!" Chestnut-colored hair and eyes with a petite and lithe figure, hidden underneath a baggy and rugged tan-colored coat whose hood obstructed most of her facial features.

Silently, the boy looked down at the figure several heads shorter than him.


For the little thief, the tension was palpable, practically to the point where she was afraid to even breathe. Unable to escape the man's grasp even with her full strength she knew resistance was futile. Her attempts at playing it off only resulted in cold looks. Even trying to slip her tiny hands out of her leather gloves was useless.

In this kind of situation, she was kind of glad she was unable to see his eyes. Even if that was what led to this in the first place.

Suddenly, the blind man's grip loosened. But even then she didn't dare to pull away at the risk of angering him.

"Hahaha! There's nothing to be worried about, kid!" At least that was until he all of a sudden started jovially laughing.

'Kid…?' She remarked inwardly.

"Though I gotta say it's pretty bad manners to lay your hands on someone you've never even met before. Haven't your parents ever taught you better than to do that~?"

A part of her wanted to instantly retort with a 'no,' but seeing as how the man seemed more friendly with this misunderstanding she decided to play along.

"Y-Yeah! Sorry, mister. I should have asked beforehand, huh?!" Internally she berated herself for losing her cool.

"Umu, umu!" The man uttered, gesturing with heavy nods.

"So… since I apologized can I go now…?" The thief said pitifully, a hint of hope forming in her heart as the man suddenly started smiling widely.

"While I'd love to say 'Sure! Hurry on home little scamp!' it'd be unreasonable to just let you go with just a warning y'know~? I have some pretty important stuff in this pouch after all! And things could have been reaaal bad if they went missing."


"So, what's your name, kid?"

The little thief hesitated but ultimately decided to not lie as it could put her in an even worse predicament than it already was.

"L-Liliruca Arde, sir!"

"Cool, you could call me Erland!" Said the blind boy— Erland, resolutely.


"So this is the Dungeon, huh? A lot damper than I thought it'd be…"

From behind Erland, a small voice spoke up.

"U-Um, sir?"

"As I said, just call me Erland."

"Ah… Mr. Erland then…" Lili spoke up hesitantly, her eyes wandering as she stood behind her former target unsure of what to make of the situation.

"Might this be your first time entering the Dungeon…?" She said as her face turned paler by the second.

Erland remained silent before turning his head back to his surroundings. Immediately the sounds of metal clanging, adventurers huffing, and monsters growling filled his head.

This was the 1st Floor, also cutely referred to as the Beginning Road. Because basically, that's just all it was, a single straight shot road or hallway with light-blue colored cave walls on each side and bumpy earth that made up the flooring.

Oddly enough, despite being a cave it was bright enough for the average person to see in without even needing a torch or lantern. The reason is the light casting emerald-colored crystals embedded in the ceiling.

"Yeah, in fact, I just got my Falna yesterday!"

At that, the young female Pallum just wanted to crumple to the floor and cry.

'First time in the Dungeon?! Just got your Falna yesterday?! You're joking with Lili, right?! Now that Lili thinks of it, where are your weapons! Do you just plan on fighting these things barehanded!'

Lili eyed the ravenous green and plump humanoid monsters with jagged teeth, their drooling mouths and ear-screeching cries making her face contort into that of disgust.

Though she didn't dare voice any of these opinions, the sudden shift in the color of her aura from orange to red was all Erland needed to know that the young girl behind him was having a fit.

Without saying a word Erland lifted his cane in front of him, placing one hand on its length and the other on the handle.

"Whoa…" Muttered Lili unconsciously, as the sheen produced by the blade's surface mesmerized her for a split second.

"This is my weapon," Erland said proudly. "There aren't many like it but remember specifically that this one is mine!"

"...." In an instant, most of the reverence Lili held for the blade was shattered with just that single line.

'Well, he was able to see Lili sneaking up on him so maybe he has a chance after all…' She watched the scene of him approaching one of the Goblins with bated breath, her feet ready to dash to the exit the moment he messed up.

In fact, it wasn't just her expecting things to go terribly wrong.

A few other starting adventurers, or even those training them, all stood by passively as they watched the blindfolded boy approach a monster that could tear his limbs off.

"He's going to get himself killed," One guy said confidently.

"E-Even then it's not like he came here with plans of getting killed, right?" A girl said hesitatingly.

"Take a look kids, this is what happens when you underestimate this place." An old man said, hoping to teach the latest recruits to his Familia the realities of wanting to be an adventurer.


Erland ignored the attention, he steadied his breathing, planted his feet, held his blade to his waist, and waited.

Slowly but surely, the range of his Observation Haki began to expand. Forget every being on the 1st Floor, he even perceived those on the 2nd as well.

But none of that mattered, for the only aura he cared about was the one of the green-colored monster headed his way.

"GHHaaaaHHH!" It screeched upon noticing his presence, its volume attracting its brethren that had been loitering around the area.

This wasn't the first time Erland stood face to face with a Goblin, in fact, he had done so before against several.

But, there was a difference between the monsters born from centuries of breeding out on the surface and the fully grown ones newly born from the Dungeon walls, at least according to his advisor.


And Erland was determined to find out what exactly that difference was.


The onlookers stared with bated breath.

The Goblins closed in with devious intentions.

The blindfolded boy held his fingers loosely around his sword's hilt.

And then— they pounced!


The next moment, a silver line shot across one of the Goblin's torso.

"Guh?" Cried out the creature confusedly.

But the line doesn't stop there.

It traveled to the creature's shoulder, back down to one of its thighs, then up to its outstretched arms, and finally marking its end at its neck.

One moment the monster was there, the next it was reduced to just slabs of meat. It wasn't even given a moment to release a roar of anguish.

But that was just one Goblin, there were still two more to go.

Without missing a beat Erland reinforced the idle sheath that had been in his left hand, stabbing it into the throat of the roaring creature that had attempted to flank him from the right side by crossing it beneath his extended right arm before taking his now free sword and stabbing it in the head as it dangled in the air lifelessly.

Sensing the last creature halt in its steps, Erland turned his head to face its direction.

"...." At this point, the audience was already at a loss for words.

Seeing the creature not move, Erland decided to be the first one to engage.

Bending his knee he tilted forward into the ground before launching himself, leaving cracks in the earth behind him as the knee he raised last second collided with the monster's jaw, sending it flying into the wall behind it.


The Beginning Road was silent bar the clangs of battle commenced by adventurers and monsters farther down the path.

Lili, who decided she had seen enough today, cradled her head in her hands.

"Hmm… Not all too different from the Goblins outside. If anything they coordinated worse, probably because they ain't as unified as the Goblins who've lived together on the surface for years." Muttered the blindfolded boy, ignoring the incredulous looks being sent his way.

"Haaaah… I guess I'll have to go deeper." Saying that he slid his blade back into its sheath,  leaving behind a satisfying clink and restoring its form to that of a deceptively normal cane.

"C'mon Lili! You're my guide so imma need you to keep up!"

If Lili was doubtful before then this time she was sure, there was no way she was going to be able to outrun this freak.

"Haaaaah…" Sighing, she ran up to each of the Goblins' remains before extracting their crystals, pocketing them before picking up the fang that had been dropped by the last one.

She may have entered the Dungeon without her usual equipment, but as long as she had value to her former target then she should be fine, right?

"Right…?" She muttered unassuredly.

"Wait for me, Mr. Erland!"

She chased after the boy she once claimed to be her target, blissfully unaware of the story she started.

---------- 「Author's Corner」 ----------

Honestly not much to report today. I was in the groove of things at the beginning of the chapter but in my personal opinion, things got iffy by the end. Especially the fight scene, for as short as it is I felt like there was something I could've done better.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think! Good evening, take care~!

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