The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 170 - The final battle (9)

There are almost millions of creatures in purgatory. At this time, the chaotic army with Sarnaga, Cozuhir, and Muse has almost exceeded one million, and more are all along the open plane. The fissures go to other planes—for these creatures, the risk of invading the other planes for the first time is much lower than staying here to fight against those terrible deities.

Some of the plane fissures appeared above the sky, some appeared on the ground, and even appeared together with the magma erupted after the earthquake. Countless purgatory beasts were simply running aimlessly, relying on instinct in this barren The land was searching for everything they could devour, and when they gradually avoided the gods and lords who were shocking, they found that on the horizon not far away, the three armies were standing still…

The herds that are hungry, cruel and forage completely by instinct immediately turn around. They long for blood and flesh-eating meat, no matter whether the other party is an angel, a human or a blood family-the instinct evolved over thousands of years tells them Compared to the terrible guys behind him, the army is truly a “weak man”.

In this way, the herds that appeared on the ground one after another seemed to smell the smell of sharks and ran towards the distance, because the number was too large, and the situation of encirclement was formed almost immediately.

And at this moment of tension, the heads of the three “coincidentally encountered” armies were stalemate against each other under the turbulent plane of the day, and no one made concessions.

Perseus and the three main angels stood in front of the army of 30,000 angels, in front of Murphys, Ashcandi, Andalil, and Jeanne, not far away, William Clement and Scarlett Li was talking aloud with the twelve direct patriarchs of the blood tribe, and the gust of wind caused by the turbulence of the plane occasionally came with a few words-

“…I’m not here to negotiate…”

“If not…who would be willing to be the running dog of the lords?!”

“What about the Clement family?”

“…Goddess? Traitor!”

“Enough-do you want to live or die?”

“Five Thousand Blood Races! One step away, you may have no one left!”

Like a quarrel, but the crowded side is more than weak in strength, Kurkala is not willing to use force in front of William, perhaps because he can not see the expressionless Ashkan not far away What level Di and Murphy have reached now-of course, more likely because of the army of 30,000 angels and the four main angels next to them.

It’s hard to say how Perseus is now. The three people in front of him are almost “acquaintances”: Ashcandi was once held in the “land of confession” by himself in the plane of heaven, and Murphy was killed. The main angel Mars, the guy who made the angel plane and rescued Ashcandi personally, although these two people are born in the human plane, they have absolutely no good feelings for angels…just that station Jeanne was on the side, but he couldn’t even say a hard scene.

“Death Angel” has now been reborn in the human plane. Although he told her about everything before, the memory of the main angel can never be repaired. Joan of Arc is Joan of Arc, the little nun who smiles in the sun, after all, is no longer a “death angel” who tears his face in the Magnus Council and Mars.

So Perseus had mixed feelings at this time. He never thought that the final result would be like this-Jeanne did not allow humans to deal with possible crises, but instead brought 150,000 messy human legions to purgatory to die?

“Come back, humans, this is no longer an area where you can dabble.”

In the end, it was the Angel of Wisdom who started the conversation. At this time, he knew that “The Dusk of the Gods” had already begun. After the order was maintained for ten million years, this chaotic battle was destined to start. The 30,000 troops behind him may be the only blood that the angel plane can survive in this war. As for Urie and those angels in the vortex of the battlefield, Perseus has no hope.

Facing his words, Murphy didn’t answer anything immediately, but just shook his head, and then raised his finger to the distance.

Perseus turned back and found the hundreds of thousands of purgatory troops that were madly rushing around. The face under the hood changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down and turned to whisper: “This belongs to all A plane war…”

“Since it belongs to all planes, why can’t humans participate in it?” Murphy finally spoke, his tone didn’t seem so tense, the gust of wind rolled up the sand and blew past, but fell gently in the wall of law in front of him, ” In every battle, heaven and **** are tossing around in the human plane. Those wars…the death is not so much brought by **** as it is caused by you.”

“For thousands of years, you have used the human plane as a chessboard and thought you played chess wisely. Now you can’t bear to walk on the chessboard, but you find that the facts are not as you think, right?”

The unhurried words of Murphy made the main angel of the Magnus Council do not know how to refute for a while-because the actual situation is indeed not much different from what Murphy said, Perseus could not help but again Looking back and looking into the distance…whispered: “I don’t care what happened before, at least now I leave, we may still have a ray of life, humans, do you really want to be obsessed?”

“It’s you who are obsessed…”

Murphy shook his head helplessly, “Now escape, where can you escape? I don’t want to solve the problem, I just want to avoid, enough to hide, wait for time to smooth everything and then crawl out? Is it like? Those blood races learn?”

The twelve blood races insinuated by Murphy at this time seemed to finally close their mouths because of William’s few words, one by one hesitated, no longer supporting and refuting anything as hard as before.

Here, Perseus felt that it didn’t make much sense to argue this way, so he said: “Humans have human choices, angels have angels’ retreat.”

“I’m afraid it’s gone.”

As soon as Murphy’s voice fell, the chaotic battlefield of the gods in the distance changed again.


In the valley of Doom that has been razed, the battle between hundreds of gods and three purgatory lords has entered a fierce battle.

In terms of quantity, the gods from the temple plane have the absolute upper hand. They can even say that twenty or thirty siege is enough for the purgatory lord, but in fact, the three purgatory lords are not Not as bullying as you think.

The battle lasted for 20 minutes, the sky changed color, the ground was completely overturned and shattered, the sound of popping, breaking the air and shouting one after another, the “realm of gods” overlapped each other, and the colorful light with powerful skills Howling, the muffled sound after being hit is like thunder, no matter who heard it, it is impossible to imagine that someone can survive this blow…

Unexpectedly, hundreds of gods have been besieged to the present, but the three purgatory lords still maintain a strong fighting spirit and fighting intentions. Despite the adversity, they still stubbornly confront these gods.

The reason is that these deities are not as powerful as the gods of light.

The origin of “divine power” is only the believers. The believers who believe in the **** of light have the most human planes, so their strength is enough to contend with Sarnaga and even have a slight upper hand, followed by the “Goddess Mar”, because the Augustus has long been The worship of many believers, the goddess in a green robe fought with awe-inspiring spirit, and the magic skill matched her arrogant posture, fighting with the long sword of Kosusil. Among the remaining deities, “God of War” Quiz’s long axe hammer is bombarding the muse with immense power, and elemental deities such as “Ice and Snow” and “Fire” attack the three lords with overwhelming magic- -Apart from these gods with a little more strength, the remaining “God of Blacksmith”, “God of Alchemy” and so on are not able to pose more threats to the three lords.

The fallen angel Cosuhir created hundreds of avatars of indestructible bodies, and the muse’s plague and curse weakened the power of these deities themselves, and then cooperated with Sarna to strengthen the metamorphosis. Ability, a group of deities who have never fought together collectively can’t find a breakthrough in no time. But soon, as the **** of light and the goddess of Marr joined forces to make Kosuhir’s “noumenon” one after another, the gods who had endured for a long time did not say anything, and immediately concentrated their firepower on the fallen angels who fell to the ground!

But in such a moment of effort, Muse and Sarnaga caught the flaw, and while they were defending the emptiness, they killed two weaker gods in succession-the corruption of Muse let the killed The guy didn’t even have time to scream and turned into a black smoke. Sarnagar’s giant claw directly dismembered a poor worm that fell into his giant claw…

Although in the eyes of mortals the deity is immortal, but in the eyes of the purgatory lord, the so-called “immortality” is because they can still use the “divine power” to maintain the existence of the soul after losing. At this time, the bodies of the two killed gods dissipated, but the soul was too late to escape and was burned away by the two lords who had already prepared!

It is not easy to erase the divine power, but at this time the decisive actions of Muse and Sarnaga make the gods of the temple who have not experienced “death” for a long time suddenly change color.

It seems that at this time, they remembered this battle… which was the key battle between heaven and hell.

Kosuhir traded for the death of the two deities at the cost of minor injuries. It seemed to be “earned”, but in fact he got himself into a worse situation. The deities who were desperately besieging were aware of this. ,Being more ruthless.

Although it is known that no one can keep their hands in this kind of battle, the existence of more than one hundred power crowns and such planes has caused such an impact, and the impact has gradually spread to the entire purgatory. It must be clean, revealing a sky with cracks in space and time.

The cracks in all planes of Unicom are like an eye, witnessing the original masters of the three purgatory below gradually losing space toss and wander…

“Come to trial–“

The voice of Jehovah seemed to have seen some waves. He seemed to have seen the Lord of Purgatory disappear forever. His palms were raised high, and he struck down **** the surviving Sarnaga…The fat Sarnaga was penetrated by his body Through the chest cavity, the beam of light threw a terrifying pit into the ground below. The wounded “Lord of Desire” lost his previous arrogance and looked backwards a few steps, thinking To laugh, there was a weird expression in the corner of the mouth.


This weird laughter came from his windy mouth, and the still-powerful Muse blocked the subsequent storm-like attack for him, and the smoky body became a little thinner, but with the branch Su Hill came to the side with his shoulders covered. The three lords suddenly revealed the feeling of “unity in common”. Suddenly even they themselves were stunned and laughed together.

This laughter seems to be a mockery of the gods, without any despair and madness after the end.

“go to hell!”

The giant axe of the **** of war Ques fell, and his body was almost twice the size of Sarnaga. He looked like a barbarian, muscular like steel, and seemed to have infinite explosive power-but Salnaga in front was not Unexpectedly, he reached out and blocked, but he completely cracked his big airy mouth and laughed.


A crash sound that should not have appeared exploded in front of Quetz, and a great force came with a huge pressure that blasted away, causing Quetz to flew out in an instant.

Immediately, the chaotic battlefield was silent for a moment, and these gods who stood high on weekdays opened their eyes wide and looked at the figure that should not appear here…

Two huge black long horns point to the sky, triangle-shaped cheeks, black barbs all over the body, the body flowing with magma has a powerful force far superior to the **** of war-the tall body seems to appear out of thin air in Sarnaga In front of him, this sudden figure silenced the gods for a few seconds, and when Phylras suddenly emerged from the ground, grabbed the “blacksmith god” and shattered and melted it, the gods of the temple Only a trembling and incredible uproar sounded–

“Firlas…Solanda?! You didn’t die?!”

“Solanda and Phillas played a scene with Curtriline and cheated the angels and the temple. Now that the five lords are gathered together, the plane of heaven may not be able to cope with it at all.”

Murphy’s voice echoed to Perseus’ ear, leaving the main angel who had just decided to leave to be stunned.

“Do you want to leave? When the gods of the temple die in the hands of the purgatory lord, where else can you escape?”

Not far away, Kurkala, who also noticed that the two lords who joined the battle group, became instantly paler. Obviously, he never believed that if he ran away at this moment, how could he still be able to win the pressure of this group of lords in the future What good fruit to eat…

It was at this time that Murphy suddenly looked into the distance and said: “Curray Lane…are you ready to escape?”

This sentence is a little bit headless, and Perseus and Kulkara feel that he seems a bit ignorant-so many troops are facing the end that is always crushed by the purgatory lord and the gods, and you Still worried about a trivial “Lord of Lies”?

But as his words fell, Ashcandi’s figure had disappeared instantly, and then Andalil followed him, drawing an arc in the sky, towards the distant sea like a purgatory beast Rushing out of the group-after all this happened, Murphy, who was still in place, still had that indifferent expression, looking at Perseus and saying, “Speaking of it… you really think that I have a group of no combatants ‘S army came here just to tell you this nonsense?”

Perseus was also not sure what he was thinking. Looking back at the enemy who was about to enter the attack range, the main angel finally gritted his teeth and whispered: “The purgatory creatures can’t be killed, don’t you Want to live and die here?”

“No, as long as we stand up to their offense, there will be a turn.”

“There is no turning point at all! This is impossible!”

“Stupid.” Murphy looked at this wise angel and refuted mercilessly: “Then… you think I brought this group of’celestial candidates’ who have never been to the battlefield. Here… for what?”

A flash of light flashed through his Perseus stood on the spot as if he had been sedated. After a while, his first reaction when he came back was to turn around and deliver towards the army The command-“Ready to fight!”

On the other side, William said something similar to Murphys, causing Kurkala to fall into contemplation, and then the twelve bloodline direct patriarchs looked at each other, and finally made a decision that they never thought about.. .Assist the Human Legion to defend against the Purgatory Army!

So in the next few minutes, the army of 50,000 blood races, 30,000 angels, and 150,000 human beings turned the spear that was originally directed inside out, and Qi Qi made a joint gesture against the army of purgatory.

And not far from these three armies, Kodrian, who was hiding in the herd and fled, was lifted into the sky by a sudden impact, and then was shot on the ground by Ashkandi, smashing into the ground. The depth of seven or eight meters…


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