The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 165 - The final battle (4)

January 20.

Various countries on the mainland have basically completed the task of clearing the walls, and the hoarded food is in transit. It is foreseeable that for another week, most of the humans hiding in the city walls or fortresses will be ready to fight for a protracted war.

It’s just that the various actions of the human plane have been completely ignored by purgatory at this time-those lords would never think of it… while they are proud of their plans, Murphy has already anticipated the ultimate purpose of these guys And began to make preparations.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, with the carduelis behind. Although anticipating the enemy first, Murphy understands that this does not mean that he can become a 100% final winner-hell is big, the lords are strong, and the people who participate in it are all top-level ones. Group of guys… Each group of participants in the abyss, sinking, angel, temple is not something he can easily deal with.

Now it seems that it is completely unrealistic to rely on force alone to solve problems. So how to use the brain to save the human plane from disaster is the premise of Murphy’s entire plan.

While the whole continent was busy with the illusion of war created by Murphys, the rivers in Lampard and Byzantium quietly appeared a batch of troops different from humans.

The Naga under Fahna finally infiltrated into the unfrozen river in the winter after a long journey. The number of troops of more than 70,000 was not all strong soldiers, but it was those who were displaced by her and had no income for the time being. People-compared to the deep sea, these shallow rivers and rivers full of fish are completely heaven for these naga. All the Naga who participated in the mission can get a metal weapon as a reward, and what they have to do is to assist the ship to transport a large amount of weight, so these Naga troops have no objection to this mission, even one by one. With great motivation, I was afraid that I would not be able to get paid if I was left behind and could not complete the task.

As a result, a batch of supplies began to be transported from Byzantium, Lampard, and the Principality and territory outside the country towards the direction of Murenthal. The waterway is opened at a faster speed, and the transportation speed and efficiency have been improved more than ten times.

In the eyes of other kingdoms, this action seems to announce that Byzantium has focused the defensive focus on Murenthal, and as for Byzantine’s intention to do so… they know nothing about it.

It was on the afternoon of January 21st that Byzantium and Lampard’s intentions to do so showed some signs.

Outside the city walls of West Sellin, a total of 30,000 mobile operations teams including the infantry group, the cavalry group, and those recently integrated “celestial candidates” were queued up here, waiting for the next action.

Of these troops, the 4,000 knights of the Cavalry Regiment belong to the Dark Blade Knights, 20,000 are the original infantry sequence, and the team of 6,000 is the most recently recruited “natural pick” by Lampard.

Compared with the original soldiers of Lampard who have experienced several wars, this 6,000-person team has no military capacity at all, and it can even be said to be completely scattered. At this time, these temporary patchwork “warriors” The celestial beings are equipped with weapons and standard armor one by one, but in the cold wind, these guys who have not fought or even have little military literacy stand up, squat down, and even a small number of people get together to warm up. Compared with the infantry regiments on both sides, it is basically a group of farmers.

As the commander-in-chief, Murphy was standing on the wall, squinting slightly at the troops in front of him, wondering what to think about. Hegel on the side was talking with Heisel about the content of the next exercise. The words “pay attention to the formation” and “prohibit the order” made the tall Heisel frown badly. Looking worriedly below

Obviously everyone understands that the temporary patchwork team appeared on the battlefield at this time is really difficult to understand. No matter how strong the Heysel army is, there will be no way to train thousands of farmers who have not been on the battlefield in a few weeks. Today, suddenly all of Lampard’s mobile armed forces were pulled out to practice formations. In the eyes of ordinary people, perhaps the only role is to compare how strong the military qualities of those elite soldiers are…

Because Jeanne seemed to be a little uneasy these days, Ashcandi accompanied her in the church to chat, hoping to understand what was happening, so at this time Murphy stood alone in front, always expressionless Looking down.

Behind him, is the high priest Andariel-it is reasonable to say that she appeared here is strange, after all, military exercises are mostly based on familiar formations, and currently do not use various auras and divine aids. She will not participate in the exercise… but apparently, his face slightly reveals that Andalier has something to do today.

Beside her, the expression was more tense than Andariel, but the old man wearing a feather cloak and a wrinkled face.

“Relax, the purpose of the exercise is to find deficiencies. With me in, don’t worry about failure.”

Murphy’s words made Andalil’s face soothing, but the old man squeezed the stick in his hand-speaking, his identity was much lower than Andalil, but in a sense In terms of speaking, it is also a religious leader…Muttal, a strange old man by name, is a low-key “voodoo” sect leader who was incorporated into the Murphys forces.

After the disappearance of the Holy See, the voodoo sect was finally free from the bitter sea, but they were only weak, and they always lived in the jungle and rarely touched humans, so they were almost forgotten by Murphys in the corner. It wasn’t until the Lampard began a large-scale recruitment a few days ago that the great consul found them again and made a series of demands. And until this time…Muttal still couldn’t believe that he was standing in front of Murphy, and will participate in all the battles that may occur.

“Okay, let’s get started.”

Following Murphy’s words, Heysel began to issue instructions-the cavalry regiment under the city walls first moved, and they formed a trident formation and roared past. Then an infantry team immediately followed, perfectly matching the cavalry charge route, and rushed past the imaginary enemy formation.

Their team has always been neat, and the sound of the steps has even reached a certain unity, awe-inspiring and full of momentum.

But then, the situation began to change.

The phalanx composed of six thousand new “celestial picks” was at the end. Although they also received the order to charge forward, these guys who had never been on the battlefield were completely different from other infantry arrays after starting. . The huddled team moved forward in a mess. After running for a few steps, there was no formation at all. Even the direction of the charge changed after two hundred meters, skewed in the wrong direction. The place runs away…

Hegel and Irindal, who looked at this scene, frowned, and they looked at Murphy involuntarily. They all doubted his real thoughts in their hearts, but they only saw Murphys looking down at the original posture. After the team collapsed and scattered itself, it turned to Andalil and said, “It is now–“

“it is good!”

The high priest’s small face was tense, and she began to chant the prayers with some nervousness. As her palms lifted, a halo descended from the sky, and it fell firmly among the scattered soldiers in the field of vision.

“Amplification of power”, the original role of this aura is to stimulate the potential of the soldiers’ bodies and enhance their physical strength, but unlike other large-scale auras… it can accurately delimit the scope of action according to the caster’s will.

So at this time, only the scattered infantry team was affected by the halo, but it did not affect any other soldiers.


Murphys just called a name, and the latter raised the wooden stick in his hands in fear-there are three fighting methods of the “voodoo” sect, one is the transformed “Musad”, and the other is the summoning creature. , There is also a “shaman”. The Musads who once fought with Murphy have the ability to transform into beasts, and they have another skill that has not been demonstrated…that is “beast control”.

By influencing the mood and spirit of the beast, the effect of commanding the beast or herd was achieved. This witchcraft immediately reminded Murphy of a possibility, so he brought together these “natural choosers” who did not know how to fight. And started this bold attempt…

Mutatar’s “beast control” was enveloped by the wall of law released by Murphys, a dark red halo flashed over, and then the wall of law enveloped Andalil together.

Immediately afterwards, the originally scattered team of six thousand “celestial pickers” began to change.

The six-thousand-infantry team, which has divided itself into three parts, slowly began to gather. The rhythm of the soldiers began to gradually unify, and the direction of the charge began to change…

It seems that there is an invisible voice correcting their state for them, initially the direction of the charge, then the internal structure of the team, and then the pace…

Seeing these changes, Ilyndall raised her eyebrows, and seemed a little amazed that this team could act so compliant with Murphy’s will, but for Hegel, Heysel and others, this scene happened right now, However, they only felt the heartbeat.

By the time Murphy began to use the “law” to master the team skillfully, Heysel had completely rounded his eyes, and could not even speak.

Hegel on the side was also dumbfounded, unable to restrain his voice: “I…I never thought…the army can still be mobilized like this–if…all teams can do that, then –“

He was even excited that his beard was trembling, and others might not understand what it meant, but he and Heisel, who were familiar with the military, knew that if the various teams of an army could be monitored and manipulated by the commander in real time, then their combat power would be almost It is growing exponentially!

In the war of this era, the command issued by the commander was passed down through the messenger. If the army is larger, it may be more than ten minutes before the news is received. The army in the melee can only use the slogan and horn as the Orders, such as “advance” and “retreat”, are acceptable. If they are more complicated, they will be helpless. Therefore, the significance of “Hundreds of Warriors” in this era lies more in their keen combat consciousness-soldiers know that they appear in the right place at the right time and in the right way, which is far more important than their own combat power. Much more.

For example, in the defeat of the Holy See, Pope Giovanni’s scheduling mistakes and irreparability almost declared his final counterattack failure, and now…

Looking at the formations that have been the same as other infantry regiments under the orders of Murphy, UU reads the book www. Hegel has been completely convinced-he believes that with such a powerful way of commanding, any team is enough to realize its maximum potential!

No morale? Insufficient field experience? Archbishop Joan of Arc and the High Priest of Andalil’s aura can completely solve these remaining problems.

Reminiscent of the more troops being condensed by Byzantium, Hegel couldn’t help but think of the scene of hundreds of thousands of armies harvesting enemies like war machines under the control of Murphys… The Duke seemed to be thinking about something at this moment, but the slightly raised corner of his mouth made people understand… no matter who is his enemy, the next thing will be unlucky.


Thank you [Qianmengzui] and [Meng Meow Cat] for your monthly ticket! The goddess gave three, thanks for your support!

I am now in a small cover. I can’t change it for the past three days. I have written so much so far today. I will probably write some more for the manuscript at night. Try to be more than 5,000 tomorrow.

There is also a recommendation below, “Fake Mecha Division”, a hot book in the new book list, worth reading!

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