The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 113 - The fallen princess is not as good as...

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Princess Xia Lan certainly understands the consequences of hurriedly leaving Skoda. []

As a diplomatic corps, her every move fully represents the attitude of representing the empire behind her. Although Ingrid’s national power is not as strong as Byzantium or Barrich, it is an existence that can compete with the old powers such as Gilman Verding. Under the rule of the Queen, the overall strength of the Ingeway Empire has been increasing, compared to Fording and Gilman, there is a tendency to go downhill, which has caused the royal family of Ingeway. There is a completely different kind of arrogance-being proud of your family and the potential contained in the family is not simply being proud of the power currently possessed by the royal family.

The same is true for Xia Lan, but it is this pride that prevents her from defying her mother’s orders…because all pride comes from this majesty queen who kills decisively. Without her, there would be no Ingrid today. .

This feeling sounds very similar to the Naga Empire, but it is actually not the same. The difference between humans and Naga is obvious. The most important thing is that it is reflected in social awareness-humans will complain, there will be more, they will go Trying to do what he wanted to do, but the Naga had already given up the inner resistance to the ruler because of the cursed fate.

Fahna and Garros did not conflict with the Queen of Naga, but with her orders-there was a big difference.

And now, Princess Xiaran decided to lead the envoy to leave Skoda, more because her inner disagreement with the queen after crossing the ocean, it seems that because of the distance, she began to have more courage and confidence. Think about the future you can control.

“His Royal Highness, we are surrounded.”

The commander of the Ingeway fleet was all sweaty at the moment, and he had to be nervous-this is the inland waters of Scola. Of course, the Ingeway envoys driving away from the port can’t talk about it. As far as diplomatic issues are concerned, Sharan’s behavior did not give His Sovereign Lord Scola any face, so it is quite natural that her ship was completely surrounded by a whole fleet of Scola who was immediately chased. 【Ye*zi】【Yu*you】

It seems that it is only at this time that Scola is not stingy to show his naval strength-a small country like the large battleship of the Ingeway flagship class has more than seventy ships, and there are three more huge ” The “Dreadnought” class warship, whether it is offensive firepower, range, sailing speed, or load, has far surpassed Ingeway’s ships. This difference does not appear to be intuitive in the data, but at this moment, Xialan can clearly In the field of vision, he saw that the Skoda flagship, a behemoth, looked across from him.

Skoda’s attitude is very tough, and the soldiers who have just come to convey the message told Princess Sharan: If the footsteps of the fleet are not stopped immediately, the Kingdom of Skoda has the right to launch an attack on the ground of violation of the territory.

Xia Lan made this decision not without considering the consequences. Her behavior was like gambling. Although her fate as a political victim was already doomed, she did not intend to make too much resistance. She suddenly changed her mind.

“Make a gesture of confrontation, and send someone to tell them that the princess of the Ingeway Empire does not mean that they will marry, I have the power… to choose my own ending.”

Faced with the encirclement of countless ships, Xia Lan directly let the captain choose to continue the confrontation-the captain of the lower level of helplessness had to wipe the forehead with cold sweat to order, he already thought that the high princess was crazy, This kind of decision can’t be achieved by ordinary people. Skoda now has sufficient reasons to directly fire and destroy the entire Ingeway fleet.

Everyone believes that once this confrontation evolves into a conflict, I am afraid that the imperial fleet will not last for three hours.

The decision of Her Royal Highness is really cold. In the eyes of ordinary people, she is just betting on her life…After all, Ingewei is here to be a political marriage gesture, and the value of the gift of dedication is certainly not What can she rely on the fruit of the tree of Hida in Murphys? It can only be your identity as a marriage princess-but who can confirm that Skoda Kingdom will change its mind because of a princess’ willfulness?

But the turn of events exceeded everyone’s expectations. The Skoda fleet, which was tough enough to go to war soon, finally changed its formation, took a posture to prepare for negotiations again, and once again dispatched an official envoy ship. (You can go to the leaf when you read the novel

“His Royal Highness, the other party agreed to renegotiate and said that the previous agreement can be compromised!”

The captain felt that he was walking on the line of life and death, and his emotions were inevitable. Of course, he would not know what Princess Xia Lan was thinking-the arrogance of the country’s habits now exceeds Xia Lan’s imagination, of course. Understand that unless he poses like a dead net, the opponent may not give any room for maneuver.

Chess moves, so that Princess Xia Lan will no longer see her as a vase when all the members of the mission suddenly.

However, Xia Lan felt that it was extremely frustrating to do so-the other party agreed to continue the negotiation, but after winning more conditions, he was still just a married princess… It seems that no matter how hard he tries, he seems to be unable to escape this shackle.

She stepped towards the side of the deck, preparing to step on the boat for negotiation that was next to it, but suddenly stopped and looked back.

The attendant behind him didn’t understand what the princess was looking at. He wanted to ask, and then he heard what happened behind him. He turned around and saw that there were three more people for no apparent reason!

One man and two women, among the men who dominate the position, he immediately recognized it-the highest envoy of Byzantium!

He turned instinctively, blocking himself in front of the princess with a bodyguard posture, but he was pushed away by Xia Lan…


The princess’s exclamation was mixed with complex emotions, joy, accident, and a little jealousy.

The attendant was pushed aside by the princess. He also knew that there was a gap between him and the princess, and he dared not talk. He glanced at the other two women, but he was almost stunned.

The presence of Ashcandy and Scarlett in appearance completely kills all the noble ladies of the empire. It’s too dazzling, and it’s no wonder that Princess Xia Lan will pause after chanting Murphy’s name. There is pride capital, but she finds that there is nothing to be proud of in front of the two women.

From strength to appearance to figure to temperament… Xia Lan found that within three seconds of a pause, she found that she had no room to kill.

“His Royal Highness Princess Xia Lan.”

Murphy said hello, he and Ashcandi and Scarlett saw this somewhat unbelievable confrontation at high altitude, and they were wondering why the Engway mission was surrounded outside Skoda Port, so they landed directly at On the flagship that has been here.

In his identity, there was nothing wrong with it. Murphy politely said hello, but felt that Princess Xiaran’s expression in front of her seemed a little weird.

“Don’t you introduce me?” Xia Lan calmed her mind and forced herself to calm down-somehow as a high-level assassin, but in front of Murphy she felt like a little girl who had never seen the world before. It’s familiar to see the woman closer to Murphy-when I drank a lot of wine on the flagship and chatted with Murphy, I saw it from afar. The dark queen’s expression was indifferent at the moment, and her temperament was like an iceberg, oppressive. Extremely strong, while the other is plump and fat buttocks, with a charming expression in a calm expression, as unpredictable as Ashcandi.

When asked by him in this way, Murphy said sideways: “Ashkandi Misri, and my adjutant, Scarlett Gotham.”

Xia Lan salutes her greetings and is very polite, but she also knows that Murphy did not introduce Ashkandi’s position. It is estimated that the relationship is very strong. She suddenly felt a bit sour in her heart-because of this time, some thoughts have appeared in her mind. The inexplicable thoughts always give Xia Lan an irresistible impulse.

But at this moment she still sighed, did not think about anything, and looked up: “I am negotiating with Skoda, but as you can see… the process is not very smooth, I laughed.”

She didn’t hide the feeling of loneliness in her expression, as if she didn’t care whether the negotiation was successful or not.

“It’s also a matter of urgency to come here, but…” Murphy looked at the harbour in the distance, and there was no trace of the attack. “Isn’t there a Naga attack here?”


Xia Lan, who was not well informed, did not understand why he asked so, shaking his head: “I have never heard of this word.”

“The waters here should be within the territory of Bacchus or other mermaid nations. The Naga cannot penetrate their territory to carry out raids. The four ports of Augustus are forcibly attacked. It seems that this place has escaped. “

Scarlett gave a reasonable inference.

But her words made Xia Lan frown-the word “mermaid” is not a common word. Why is this woman’s head saying right now?

“Do not talk too much My purpose is also to negotiate, hoping to rent a ship from this country.” Murphy looked at Xia Lan, and after finishing speaking, he seemed to be too strong and a little bit. Bullying people… At present, the purpose of Princess Xialan coming here is 80% the same as herself. Obviously she has “crashed” with the other party again.

Xia Lan blinked and looked at Morpheus in front of him, but suddenly “fluttered” with a laugh and said, “Every time you appear, do you want me to change my plan to find another way out?” In Gilman, you couldn’t marry me. On the way to Augustus, you asked me to change the course. Now, you can’t let me continue to negotiate with the other party… every time I want to marry someone, you will Appear… Do you—”

The question “I have some thoughts about me” was really unspeakable. Xia Lan’s smile was a little ecstatic, and he waved his hand and continued: “Forget it, I also know that the identity of the Princess of Ingeway Empire is for you. It’s nothing. Since that’s the case, please ask me to smooth out the arrogant guys.”

She reached out to Skoda’s flagship in the distance, and a white gauze skirt did not have the decisiveness of a general. It seemed that she was just pointing to Murphys to show a chic landscape. It was unprovoked that Murphys was guilty. Come. (:)

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