The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 22

Mix it up, make it, pick it up.

And so the next day.

After breakfast, he said he would also bake bread before waz arrived, so he helped me with that too.

Cook the cane and overnight sleeping dough in a specially made mould ordered from Leggles to make the shop menu.

In the meantime, Lana said, “I’m gonna bake some sweets. Yo!,” he shouts with a bubbler up.

As tense as ever.

Well, that’s cute again.

“You make it like a treat?

“Hehe…. it’s chiffon cake!

“Chiffon Cake”

I don’t remember.

Or only cookies are sweets I know.

Is it natural not to know?

“What kind of cake is that?

“Fluffy, tough but easy”

It’s tough, but easy?

What, that.

“How’s Fran doing?

“Oh, yeah… I’m scared of something…”

“Then I’ll make it quick. Eggs first.”


Let’s just try to make it.

Place the eggs in a bowl separately from the white and yellow.

I wondered how to do it at first, but they have the method of leaving only yellow in the shell of an egg that is broken in half.

I use both, so divide them properly.

“Put sugar in the yellow one.”

The amount depends on how much you make, but the recipe Lana remembers uses three eggs.

In that case, two tablespoons in a spoon.

However, Lana’s previous life world and this world were a little sloppy because the spoon was different, so I didn’t know if it would work.

You won’t give up anyway if you fail.

Because it’s about Lana, who kept cooking the wheat bread until she was able to cook it well, adjusting the daily amount with the bees.

Refresh your mind and even mix the sugar in its yellow body.

Anyway, mix thoroughly until white.


“It’s hard, isn’t it?

“Mm, understanding…. it’s a pain to keep spinning with your bare hands”

“That’s why I want a hand mixer that stirs easily. I’m telling you, that’s not the end of it.”


Add milk and a small amount of oil to the whitened yellow body.

And stir again…… also mix……

Put flour over there…… mix again.

Duh, how long do I have to keep mixing this…

“Come on! Good luck making meringues!

“You’re not gonna tell me you’re still gonna mix it or anything, are you?

“I’ll mix it up. I’ll mix it up better than just now.”

“You’re lying ”

The next thing to mix is egg whites.

Three tablespoons sugar.

“Not a lot?” When asked, “Lana says with a distant eye,” the taste of sugar disappears to the point where it surprises me. ”

Oh, that’s silly……

“Come on, time to mix.”


Mix even again.

But this one becomes a white, fluffy object to my surprise.

Hey, what’s this… what’s this about egg whites?

The guy who thought about it and the guy who did it first are crazy.

Was Lana’s past life full of stuff like this?

You’re out of your mind.

“Yeah, when the meringue’s about to get up, okay.”


“I mixed the egg whites with sugar and foamed them. I also use it for other treats. So, for chiffon cake, mix this with the one with the yolk and milk and flour from earlier”

“I’ll mix again…”

My arm is getting tired.

“I’ll put it in the cake mould when I mix it together. If it’s true, I’ll bake it in a doughnut-shaped mould… there’s no other way in the world.”

“Also, no more mixing?

“Don’t mix, don’t mix”

… or are you finally done or mixed up?

A hand mixer, let’s hear more about the shape and make it as soon as possible.

I don’t want to do it again. Or mix it up.

“Bake in a hot oven…. I’ll cook it while I see how it goes.”


Unlike Lana’s world stuff, the oven I made is a little too bad at temperature control.

With that in mind, Lana regularly opens the lid to see how the cake looks, while taking notes on her notebook.

Yeah, you’re still zero willing to give up.

I’m willing to make it to my own satisfaction.

“Yeah, is that about it? Make cream while it’s cold.”


“Guess what, I’ll mix it up.”

“Oh, I said it was over…!

“The cake body!

Got caught.

“… ah”

“Oh, you know, I’d like to make some raw cream… it’s made differently…”

“They’re going to use this…”


What I lifted was a chunk that makes a raw cream called ‘Cream Butter’.

Foods sold at Waz’s, just add the chocolate to the milk and stir.

“Do you mix again…”

“I’ll do my best too. It’s common for you to make one bottle and leave it there, isn’t it?

“That’s what he said.”

I gave up and mixed it up.

Oh, I stirred it!

“Demand for such things as hand mixers… no, I really thought of the need”

“Good. That’s right, hey, you absolutely need it. I wonder why people in this world can’t think of anything!

………… and this is how me and Lana went through a lot of hard work and finished making raw cream and chiffon cake.

As if I had anticipated its timing, the door would be knocked.

“Hello -! At the livestock store.”


After cleaning up, ask Lana to prepare the bread and open the door.

Then there’s the wazz and the beautiful woman person.

It’s Laurent, Wazz’s mother.

“Hello, I’m here to deliver the cows”

“Hello, then I’ll show you to the cowshed”

“Yes, please”

“Fine. Hey!

“Oh, I just got something good done. I’ll invite you to a tea party after work.”

“Wow! Sasu but a former nobleman!

“Well…… are you sure?

“We won’t be able to eat it alone, and it’s the first time I’ve made it, so there’s no guarantee of flavor, but I hope so.”

I can tell by the look on their faces that the expectations of the two of them are booming tremendously.

But let’s get you to work first.

Horses and cows who pulled the carriage.

On that carriage is a cage, and in it sheep and goats.

I eat shabby grass for swallowing.

I’ll show you to the cowshed and get every carriage in the fence.

Hang the plates and release the caged sheep and goats to the grazing grounds.

Only sheep came to me first, what is this?

I really don’t remember doing anything so nostalgic.

“In the meantime, I kept hay in the bait box.”

“Yeah, it looks fine. Plus, the pasture is in order! I think so!


Good for you.

and take off the rope of the cow we pulled the carriage with us and direct them to the grazing land together.

Slow down until evening.

“Can I come and see how the chickens are?

“Yeah, fine.”

“Thanks, Wazz”

“Fine. Nothing, I was just wondering.”

Wazz likes animals purely.

The chick I got grew up fast and now grows into a young chicken that also lays eggs.

The eggs I just divided into egg whites and yolks are eggs laid by this chicken.

They give birth to one properly every day, but it’s not going to be enough for one.

When I talked to Mr. Laurent, he told me he was selling two sperm eggs and ten copper coins.

Put that in the feather box and you’ll be born in about two weeks.

“Feathered boxes are a little expensive because they become dragonstone tools, but they’re thirty pieces of silver.”

“Mmm, I’ll have it then”

“Thank you”

“So you were willing to sell what you were bringing?

“Ah, alas. I was actually gonna thank you for the bread, wasn’t I?

“Isn’t bread a discount for sheep?

“Ho ho ho”

… I think I might have this mother for that son.

Well, that’s fine.

“Neither the chickens nor Lucy have any health problems!

“Thank you. Then install this.”

“Ah, hatchery!

“Your mother’s quite a businessman, too.”


I mean, it’s finally like a ranch.

Cows, sheep, goats, horses, chickens….

And beside the grazing grounds, even to the fields.

Well, it’s not enough for a self-sufficient life yet.

“Yeah, you know there’s gonna be bores around here?


“It’s a kind of wild pig. But I have fangs and I eat everything with omnivores. When you come down from the mountains, you vandalize the fields, so you hunt bores in the spring and autumn entrances.”


“It’s very dangerous because it’s coming in. Because it’s about as big as a lid around a livestock pig, and as big as some people die from fangs stabbing their stomachs in a rampage! Don’t ever come near me if you see me, just go in the house.”

“Oh, I see.”

Mother and child get angry with her serious face and snort unexpectedly.

Are there such dangerous wildlife out there?

Incidentally, there are other rare carnivores named Bear and Wolf, but they come out.

But those guys are more habitat on the mountain, so they’re less likely to meet if they don’t go into the mountain in a detour.

“Hunting guns and stuff, Mr. Hersus the arms dealer sells them, so maybe we should buy them before fall, huh? I think Hersus will teach you how to use it.”

“A hunting gun… if that does come out, I might want it for protection. How much?”

“Hey, I think it’s about ten silver coins because it’s cheap. We’ve had livestock hit by Wolf before, so I have a hunting gun… like that for sure?

“Ten silver coins, thank you. Next time I go to town, I’ll get it.”

“Oh, but the bore can eat all the meat if it smells out, and the guts can be a good preserved food, depending on the cooking method! The bones are dry, finely crushed, mixed with livestock bait, and the bones get sturdy!

“Wow, shit.”

Which is scarier, right?

But the meat is good.

I’m tired of being stiff with all the dried meat, and I can’t eat cows, pigs, and chickens without fresh meat after I go to town.

“Oh, maybe there ‘ll be a hunt at the fall entrance.”

“Yes, there will be bore hunting for winter preserved edibles. The hunting of Uriboa is the main focus so that there aren’t too many springtime destinations.”


“Brother, you’re young, and you’re going to be invited to a hunting club this year? Noblemen go hunting or something, right?

“Yeah, I hear the highly-identified ones hunt for their taste. I’ve been busy with chores and I’ve never been there at all.”


I didn’t lie.

I hunted, I’m noble.

But it’s mainly the collection of Alefalds’ hunted prey.

Ask the dog. Ask the dog, don’t you think?

They can’t use hunting dogs.

That’s why I have to go.

It doesn’t make sense.

“Welcome back.”

“I’m home.”

“I’m sorry to bother you”

“Sorry to bother you!

“Welcome! Wazz, Mr. Laurent. Sit down, sit down!

Oh, Lana, did you finish cleaning up after me?

… Clean up later, it would have been pretty tough.

Is that something I can’t do to make it a little easier…?

Dragonstone tools for automating dishes and washing them… Yeah, with that, Lana could try a lot more things, too?

Hand mixers, let’s think about the blueprints.

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