The Artful Match

Chapter 7: 7 Messy Office

"Pffft, you will need some work. You look like you ate sour grapes. You need to make your face more blank. That will not be easy for you as you are so expressive. For now, I must say it is nice to actually see my surfaces. Do you have an area you want me to place the finished files?" Brielle gives Jenna a small smile.

"Yes! I found these containers. I was thinking that one could be for the need to file pile and the other could be the not completed file. I want to make sure that you know what you need to get done, and they stack on top of each other, but for now, as you finish them, just hand them to me, so I can file it right away." Jenna had picked up many of the files that were on the ground and made a mountain on her desk.

Brielle went back to the computer, entering all the kills that she had completed for the last month. 'I should really stop procrastinating when I finish a hunt. If I did the paperwork sooner, then I would not have a pile to deal with.' Brielle finished the following file and held it out.

Jenna seeing the file, took it happily and was filing everything by year, month, and days. Placing the oldest files on the bottom. She happily walked around the room and started to organize the files that she found into piles by year. The ones handed to her went straight into the filing cabinet. "How long do we keep the files for?"

"Five years then the paper files get boxed up and placed in the vault." Brielle stretched a little and looked around at the floor. "So that is what my carpet looks like? It's been a while since I have seen it. Do you need any boxes? I can get Leo to bring some."

"Leo? Why would he be the one to bring you boxes?" Jenna looks confused then shakes her head. "I will need a few. I have found some pretty old files. Your workers were so lazy." She says this last part with a sigh.

"Yes, well, they didn't last more than a week." Brielle picked up her phone and called the primary office. "Leo.~ I need the packing boxes for old years, and since I know you finished with all your reports, do you mind grabbing me a stack?"

"You know that I am not your errand boy… but I will get you the boxes. I am curious to see how your office is coming along. I saw it earlier, and *whistles* yeah, that was a disaster." Leo chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. I knew that you would enjoy that. I will keep Jenna under my wing. She is not one to complain, and besides, I really need an assistant." Brielle let out a sigh and was slowly clicking away at the computer.

"Alright. I will be there in thirty minutes. I have something things that I have to check out on the system before I can run the errand for you." Leo hung up the phone and continued his search on the flights trying to pin it down when more flights seemed to be added. 'Fuck!'

Jenna had all the files sorted by years and happily looked at the piles. In the lowest drawer, she pulled every file and looked at the different years in the file folders, sighing. 'If I ever meet one of the workers Bree had, I will personally kill them. Sloppy fucking slobs!'

Brielle saw the frown on Jenna's face and silently got up and looked at what she was looking at. "Ah, that explains your expression. Yes, this was done by one of the workers that I had, but that does not mean that you can go and kill them."

Jumping for Brielle's voice being right next to her, she places her hand on her racing heart. "Jeez, you scared the bejesus out of me. I won't kill them, but I still do not like how they treated your files. I will have a lot of sorting to do." She started a new pile and added the files to the correct piles. "There is just so much that I will need to get done."

Brielle patted Jenna on the head, "if anyone can get this mess sorted, it would be you. Leo will be down in roughly thirty minutes with the appropriate boxes. The main reason I asked for Leo to bring them is because he and I will both have to go to the file room with the files. He has the second-most authority, so he can get into anything in the building, whereas I can access some things but not the file room."

"Ah! That actually makes more sense now. I will get all of this done right away." Jenna smiled and stood up and looked through all the files in the first drawer pulling out the ones that did not need to be in there. She then sorted those. "Do not worry about this. I will get it all done, and when you look at all these files, you can see that you are dedicated to your work. There is no way that you would complete this many files if you were not dedicated!"

Brielle walked back to her computer, started on the following file, read over the case, and then filled out the data needed. She looked at the deceased picture, and her heart went out to the girl. 'Every should I lost was so depressing. I need to be careful that I do not over drink.' She placed the finished file to the side after stamping it and got to work on the next one. Forty-five minutes later, there was a knock at the door then the door opened.

"Whoa! You actually have a nice carpet in your office. I never knew that." Leo pushed in a cart that had all the flat boxes. He looked at Brielle and saw that she held her middle finger up to him; this caused him to chuckle. "Come on, I'm joking, Brielle. Jenna, you are doing fantastic. This is the first time in years I have seen the floor."

Jenna got up and dusted off her pants. "Just because you compliment me does not mean that I will acknowledge you." She turned her head with a humph in defiance.

Brielle looked at the two and sighed. "Leo, what has got your panties in a bunch?"

"More fucking flights. It was bad enough that there were thirty flights, but now there are another two hundred. Who can afford that many flights all over the world?!" Leo sighs and starts to build the boxes.

*Whistles* "You and I can afford that many flights. I think anyone from here can afford that much. Do you want help narrowing it down?" Brielle looks at the frustrated Leo.

Shaking his head Leo lets out the breath. "I will do this on my own. It will be more pleasurable for me that way." His narrowing as he places the box down with the file folders inside the box.

Jenna took the first box and started with the oldest year on the floor, and sorted as she placed the files in the box. "It sounds like you are going to have a hard time. I am looking forward to being able to make a little more money now that I am officially a trainee."

"Jenna, you are only sixteen. I will not be sending you in the field for at least six to twelve months. Besides, you need more training before you hit the fields." Brielle looked at Jenna while typing on the computer.

"I will agree with Brielle. I was young when I started in the field, but that was because I had a different trainer who believed in tough love, and I was formally trained to fight at a young age. Brielle, Will, and I have the same teacher. Before you ask, he's doing well and will come back wherever he sees it fit to return." Leo had held his hand out to Brielle to stop her and then built the following box.

"Our trainer was tough, but that only made us stronger. I remember the time that I joined you in training. You were not happy about sharing Master with me." Brielle was working and talking at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah, but think about it from my perspective. I had been training with Master for six months before you came along and joined us. I really hated you at first, but you grew on me." Leo placed the next box down and built the next one.

"There is so much that I need to learn for Brielle. Thank you for allowing me to be under her wing, Leo. I know that you were hesitant at first, but I knew that if anyone would let me work under them, it would be Bree!" Jenna finished with the first box but only pushed it aside and started on the second box.

Leo raised an eyebrow at Jenna's actions but just built the following box. "No, you are actually doing me a favour. Brielle needs a competent helper and just look at what you have accomplished on day one." He points to the piles of files on the ground.

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