Chapter 48: 48 A Spy For Who?
"I see. I will be cautious. Bree doesn't need this on top of everything else. Thank you for explaining it to me. Do you think that the vampire will come back for her?"
"Which one? I guess that it does not matter. They are both connected to a vampire. Bree's will, but he will fight every step of the fucking way. If I can, I will see about getting an audience with those related to him." Alice smiled, then shook her head. "Blake, I might be gone for a week. Will you be okay on your own?"
"If that is necessary, then that is what will have to happen. I will help Jenna and Seth keep track of the brat." Blake kisses Alice on the cheek and hugs her from the side.
"Okay, thank you for the hand, Blake. I think that it would be wise to take turns until she is in the daycare. Bree has too much on her plate." Jenna smiled at the two.
Seth came out of the room and closed the door. "I will stay here overnight. Bree's couch is where I will sleep. I wanted to stay away from home. After Cole passed away, I think I need a break from the house. Bring me my homework for this week. I can claim that losing family has made me want to be alone." He raised an eyebrow at Blake and Alice's closeness.
"Ah! I am sorry that I was not able to save your brother. How are your parents' fairing?" Alice looked at Seth, then looked at Blake, "remember, I gave my blood to Bree."
"Vampire's blood, that is what Brielle fed your parents, Seth. You were not in the association yet, but now that you are, you require knowing that a vampire's blood is worth a lot on the black market." Jenna shook her head.
"The difference is that when the blood is given willingly, the individual that takes it will recover, whereas blood stolen may or may not work. After everything Bree did for me, it was the least that I could do to repay her." Alice looked at the door and silenced the group. She waved to Jenna and mouthed, 'go check on her.'
Jenna walked over, opened the door, picked up Mia and carried her back to bed. "You need rest. The guests were just leaving."
Blake and Alice left the penthouse. Seth saw them out and thanked them for everything, then went and sat on the couch. He looked down the hallway and went, checking on Brielle. He cracked the door open and saw that she was okay. Seth grabbed the blanket from the couch and sat in front of Brielle's door. He fell asleep quickly.
The following day, Brielle woke up and looked around her room. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes. She got out of the bed and staggered, almost falling to the floor. Knocking over the lamp on the nightstand, Brielle flops back on the bed.
Seth, startled awake, turns and pushes the door open. "Are you okay, Bree?" Seeing the glass on the floor and Brielle on the bed, he lets out a sigh. "Stay there, and I will be back with a broom."
"It's in the closet near the bathroom." Brielle covers her eyes. 'Wait… what time is it?' She looks on the nightstand and sees that the clock now says that it is eleven in the afternoon.
Back in the room with the broom, Seth quickly swept up all the glass and looked at Brielle. "I know what you must be thinking right now. What am I doing in your home? I took a week off school because of Cole's passing and sent Jenna to school to get my homework for the week. I am staying here with you. Both Mother and Father know that I am here, so there is no excuse to send me away, and Mia is at the daycare."
Brielle sat up slowly and looked at Seth. "If that is what you want to do, then I will not fight you. As you know, I am on house arrest, so I will not be leaving. Leo did say that there is some paperwork that I can do from home, but I am assuming that Jenna stole my computers?"
"Oh! That is what she was boxing up yesterday. I am in the same boat as her as you need to rest, Brielle." Seth dumped the glass in the garbage next to the bed and looked at her face.
Feeling dazed, Brielle stares off at the corner of the room and tears start to flow down her cheeks. Reaching her hand up, Brielle touches her tears. "Why? What does shitty things always have to happen to me?"
Seth drops the dustpan, sits next to Brielle, rubbing her back and letting Brielle lean up against his body. "That is not completely true. You have both Jenna and me. We would be suffering without you, and you saved my parents, Alice, Blake and even Mia." A hint of disdain enters at the last name.
"What happened with Mia?" Brielle let Seth help her lay back down in the bed.
"Alice said to not mention it to you yesterday, but I don't think it should be held back from you. Alice thinks that the girl is a pair with a vampire and is following commands to follow you around. We do not know what the purpose is." Seth looked at Brielle and saw that she had turned white. Rushing from the room, Seth grabs his phone and calls Leo. He comes back and hands the phone to Brielle.
"Bree, I know that you can hear me. Nothing will happen. I am on my way with Will. Stay in your apartment and do not go anywhere." Leo doesn't wait for a reply and hangs up the phone.
Brielle drops the phone and starts panicking. Hyperventilating until she passes out and stays that way until Leo and Will arrive.
Leo enters the apartment, looks around, comes straight to the bedroom, and looks at the two. "Good thinking, calling me Seth. Now tell me what happened." Listening carefully, Leo nods his head and waves Will to hunt the girl's room. "Don't worry, will get down to the truth." He ruffles Seth's hair and looks at Brielle.
Brielle's eyes flutter open, and she looks at Leo. "Is it his doing?" Her voice comes out shaky.
"We don't know, but we will tell you as soon as we are aware. Luke said that if you need a place to hide, that you can go and stay with him." Leo sat down and looked in her eyes and saw the fear. "Scratch that. You are going right now, I will pack you a bag of clothing, and then we will take you to the airport. Seth, you are welcome to go, or you can stay. I will guarantee that Brielle will be safe."
"I will stay. That way, I can explain to Jenna and Blake." Seth gets up, goes to the cupboard, pulls out Brielle's laptop and passes it to Leo.
Leo finishes packing, then turns to Brielle, "okay, do you think you will be able to walk or do you need to be carried out?"
Before Brielle can speak, Will comes back and hands a device to Leo with a grim look on his face. "There is a chance that your building is compromised. Not completely sure if this is active, but I suggest that we take it to the warehouse and active it if it hasn't been yet."
Looking at the piece, Leo places it in his pocket, picks Brielle up and looks at the bag. "Seth, grab that bag and come with the three of us. Will, let's get out of here and go to the airport and then to the warehouse. Let's see was the snake drags in."
Seth picked up the bag and followed behind Leo closely. Seeing Brielle shake, he looked at Leo, concerned. Will pulled him back and whispered to him about what happened, and Seth's eyes grew round like saucers.
Leo and the group got in the elevator and went to the parkade. Letting Will open his door, Leo climbed in, still holding Brielle. "Bree, I still haven't found her. She is as elusive as the fox demon tribe. Do you think that she could be one of them, or is she a human?"
Brielle looked up at Leo, pushed herself away from him and sat on the seat next to him. She closed her eyes. You are a fool. Just leave me be; I will get through all of this."
"No, you are leaving. So you will go to my place, you will gather your wits and come back stronger. If you keep disagreeing, I will call Master." Leo glanced at Brielle and saw her glaring up at him. "That's the Brielle I know."
"Fuck you, Leo." Brielle hissed out the words, then turned and stared out the window, resting her forehead on the glass. "Thank you."