Chapter 46: 46 Second Trainee
There was a noise at the door, and the door opened. Jenna walked in, saw Seth with Brielle and smiled. "Seth, I must thank you for all your help over this last week." She swooped Mia into her arms and hid her.
Mia squirmed, slid down Jenna's body and rushed to Brielle's side. "Mama!" Mia tried to climb on the couch and almost fell in the process of climbing.
Seth catches the little girl and lifts his eyebrow up in question. Then helps her on the couch. "A daughter?"
"Has your parents filled you in on their jobs?" watching for confirmation. "Then you know that I just lied to you. Fuck." Brielle holds her arms out, "you must never repeat the word I just said. It is a bad word. Why don't you go with Tina to your bedroom and play for a moment?"
"Okay, Mama!" Mia snuggles her head into Brielle's cheek before sliding off and racing to Jenna's side.
Making sure the girl was out of sight, Brielle turned to Seth, "what I tell you should never be repeated." She looked at Seth, letting out a breath of air. "Olivia is my code name to hide my identity. My real name is Brielle. I have been a hunter for many years now. Losing my uncle is how I became a hunter. I did everything that I could so that your parents would live and that you would not be pulled into this world."
"My Mother and Father told me that they requested that you be placed in charge of their assets in case something happened to them. I am glad that you were there helping us. So this must mean that Tina is part of this world." Seth sat on the edge of the coffee table, looking at Brielle, "So what really happened?"
"Tina is my trainee, her real name is Jenna. As for what happened to me… I lost memories of a person. They forcibly blocked their memories of them from my memory, and when I tried to remember, it caused me great pain." Closing her eyes, Brielle briefly sees red eyes, and she punches the side of her couch. "I will kill him if I ever see them again."
"I see. I was told that I would be able to work at the association now that I know everything while my parents recover. I believe Mother said that they might be forced into early retirement. Do you know who my trainer would be?" Seth looked at Brielle, wondering what was going to happen.
"That is an excellent question. If you had a choice, would you like to join Jenna in her training, or would you rather have your own trainer? It is possible to choose if you feel close to someone. Otherwise, it could be randomly chosen." She looked at Seth and patted him on the head.
"You. I want to be trained under you. Mother and Father told me that if I was given a choice, I should choose someone I feel comfortable with. Is it possible for me to stay at the school I already go to? I would hate to move away just because my name needs to change." Seth glanced at the area Jenna had walked to earlier.
"We can work around it. You already had to move schools once, so we will leave you where you are, and you will be with Jenna. If you want to be my second ward, that is okay with me. You and Jenna will have to share the tasks, and you may need to help one of the two guys that I trained with. I may not always have tasks for both of you to do. For the first bit, I will get Jenna to show you what you need to do, but I will be working from the apartment for now. After school, you and Jenna will come here, and I will give you tasks." Brielle looks at her laptop and smiles, "we require finding a daycare for Mia."
Jenna pokes her head out and looks at the two chatting, then comes out. "Olivia, there is something that you need to know." She waits until Brielle nods at her, "I brought registration paperwork for the daycare next to the school. I was originally thinking of volunteering there since I love children, but I think it would be better to use the paperwork for Mia to go there. They allow people in the form to pick up children."
"Jenna, Seth knows our names and our job. His parents are being forced into early retirement, so the two of you will be my trainees, and I am grateful that you have that paperwork. You and Seth will be working side by side from now on." Brielle closes her eyes and sees those red eyes again, and her body shivers. Quickly, she picks up her phone. ~Leo, it was a vampire. Between the letter you showed me and the red eyes I see when I close my eyes, that cements what type of supernatural it is. Also, Seth has decided to join me as one of my trainees. I will share with you and Will as I do not really need two helpers, but he is more familiar with me.~
~I figured that would be the case. We will keep our eyes out for a vampire that might be the one for you. As for Seth, that is not a surprise. You helped him so much while his parents were in the hospital. I will get the paperwork all set up for your second trainee. Just remember the max is three at one time.~ Came Leo's prompt reply.
Flipping through the contacts, she stops on Alice's name and opens up the messenger. ~Alice, if you have time, could you come up to the penthouse. I will send Jenna down to come meet you and let you up here.~
~This is Blake. Alice is still sleeping, but can you send Jenna down as the sunsets. She wanted to talk to you anyways.~
~Alright that works for me, Blake.~ Brielle placed her phone back down, then looked at Jenna. "I need you to let Alice and Blake upstairs at sunset. What is Mia doing?"
"I can do that. Mia is colouring in a book that I got for her. I told her that I would be back after I asked about dinner." Jenna looked back at the bedroom.
Brielle nodded her head. "I already ordered food because Leo said that he would be checking in on me. That is the reason Seth is here. Speaking of which, Seth, make sure to give your notice. You will be working under me from now on."
"I was told to do that a week ago, so I did just that. I have one more week, but I told them that if you order, I will be the one to pick up your meals. This will be good since I will be one of your trainees." Seth gets up and unpacks the food on the kitchen table, and brings the porridge to Brielle. "Do you think you will be able to eat?"
Jenna got up and picked up Mia, carrying her into the dining room. Placing Mia on a booster seat, quickly, she gets to work on cutting up the food that Brielle ordered for Mia. "Eat slowly; I do not want you to choke on your food." She placed the chicken nuggets and french fries in front of her and added plum sauce and ketchup on the side.
"Okay, big siwter. I wike this food!" Mia eats carefully as to not make a mess.
"If you spill something, don't worry too much. I am more worried that you would shove it all in your mouth. I will go help Seth, then come back and eat as well." Jenna got up, and between the two, they got Brielle in a sitting position.
Brielle looked at the bowl, picked up the spoon and slowly ate as Seth held the bowl. "I will help Brielle eat. Go and have dinner, Jenna." Seth smiled at Jenna while holding the bowl for Brielle.
Watching Jenna go back to the table, Brielle closes her eyes. "You are in for some affection competition, but I will cheer you on. Thank you, but I think I will be able to eat on my own now."
Handing the bowl over to Brielle, he sits back and watches. "I noticed. Lucas would not stop going on about Jenna. I like Blake, though. At first, I was worried, but all he talked about was Alice. I made sure that I got into the classes that Tina wanted. This way, I could bring back assignments for her. Even if that meant that I was the only guy in the baking class."
Eating slowly, Brielle listens to Seth, "I am a firm believer that you are free to do what you want, and if you really want to be in that baking class, then so be it. What did the baking teacher tell you?"