The Artful Match

Chapter 44: 44 What Happened?

The girl looks sad until she goes into the room and sees Brielle on the bed. Letting go of Jenna's hand, she runs to Brielle, "Mama!" tears fill her eyes, and she reaches out to be picked up.

Leo lifts the girl on the bed and watches the girl start snuggling Brielle. "You have been out for a week. Anytime that we had free, we brought her here."

Brielle let the girl cuddle up to her, and she patted her on the head. "I am sorry for worrying you. A week is longer than I thought. How many children are left?"

"Just this one. There have been a dozen or so parents that claimed that she was theirs, but blood samples proved that the information they gave was false. The boy that used sign language is still around as well. Will and Sam have decided to adopt him." Jenna came to the side of the bed and patted the girl on the head.

"Mama, bad people tried to steal me." Tears raced down her cheeks as she buried her head on Brielle's stomach.

"Shhhh. You're safe now. Those bad people are all gone. Sorry, I left you all alone." Brielle hugged the girl and wiped her tears from her eyes. She looked up at Leo and saw him shake his head. "I don't know what will happen, but one thing is for sure. If we send the package anywhere else, it will not fare all that well. For now, I was thinking that since you were going to be housebound that you might keep her by your side."

Nodding, Brielle looked at Jena. "How was your first day of school?" still comforting the girl, she smiles weakly.

"School…. Yeah, about that… I have been with little sister and have not been there yet... Leo wrote a note for me and sent it to the school through Seth. Lucas, Seth and Blake have been collecting all the notes for me and bringing me my homework. So, I promise that I will not fall behind." Jenna scratches the back of her neck nervously.

"You did the right thing. I am not upset. Your little sister needed your help, and you gave it to her. I am proud of you." She lifted the little girl. "Sweetie, do you remember your name?"

"I thought it was Julie, but it doesn't feel like it's my name, Mama. So I don't remewber. Grandpa asked me the same thing." She looks at Brielle, "oh! But I am tree." She holds up three fingers.

"My, how big my little girl is." She looked at Leo and watched him shake his head. "Then how about I give my girl a name?" Brielle lays there thinking. "Mia, do you like that name, Sweetie?"

"Mia? That is my name? I wuv it, Mama!" Mia hugs Brielle with all her strength, "Mama, I sat in your room."

"I had a hard time getting her to leave. I promised her that we would come back and that you wouldn't be lonely if you woke up alone in the room. It has been an interesting week." Jenna smiled and lifted Mia off Brielle. "It is time for us to go finish our lunch. We can come back and see Mother when you eat all your vegetables."

"Mia, go with your sister. I will rest a little longer, and you can tell me about your week after you eat everything." Brielle waves at the two. When the door closes, she snaps her head to Leo. "What the fuck was that all about?"

Sighing, Leo rubs his hand on his face. "I don't know, but that girl was so attached to you. You passed out, and I carried you and her off the bus. I carried you here. Jenna carried Mia while following, and when Jenna stopped, the girl freaked out, calling you Mama. So we had to create something so that she would calm down. Asurlon looked at her, and her previous memories were wiped, so if we took her memories of the weekend away, she would have nothing left. After exhausting the leads we had, it was decided that she would stay here for the time being." Leo sat down in the chair next to the bed. He stared at her. "What happened that weekend?"

Blinking, Brielle thinks and starts reciting what she remembered. "I will admit that there are a lot of blank spots in my memory, and if I think about them, my head hurts, but I think I met someone who would be important to me. I can't be certain." Shaking her head, she looked at the IV bag. "When can I leave this room? Also, what are we doing about Mia?"

"Today if you want. If you feel like you need more rest, take another day. As for the girl, Asurlon has decided that if you want, you can be her mother. You do have that spare room in your apartment." Leo looked at her, watching for a reaction.

"Alright. I will take Mia home with me today. I will need someone to drive me, as I do not think that I will be able to drive myself." Brielle sits up and looks around the room, and finds a child drawing of her.

The door opened, and Will was huffing and puffing. "Bree! Thank goodness. I was worried about you. I heard that you woke up and came as fast as possible." Trailing behind him was the boy.

Brielle looked at the boy and waved, then signed. "It is good to see you again. How are you doing?"

"It is I that should be asking you that, but I am well, thank you for asking. Are you okay now?" The boy signed back, then stopped for a second. "Oh, that is right. My name is Dallas."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Dallas. I am Brielle. Congratulations on your adoption. You are lucky to have found your forever home." Brielle kept signing but started speaking. "I will adopt Mia if that is what is required of me. Have you thought about what school to send Dallas to?"

Will smiles and talks while signing. "Jenna and Dallas have hit it off as friends, so I was thinking about enrolling him at the same school so that he starts off with a friend. What do you think of this, Dallas?"

"I agree with Will on this. It is too bad my son has almost finished his schooling, or else we could send them all together. If time allows it, I will introduce you two." Leo spoke calmly while signing.

"I would love to go to the same school as Jenna! I have heard many great things about others that are our age. I look forward to meeting your son, Sir." Dallas bows to Leo and Brielle.

Brielle smiles, then closes her eyes and small things roll through her mind. A bat was in her hotel room and many bottles of wine. "Can you prepare for my trip home? And I will need to get clothes for Mia."

"Oh god, no. That girl has more than enough clothes." Will shakes his head.

"Mother met the girl that was in Jenna's arms and went on a shopping spree. She said that no girl should have only a few outfits." Dallas hopped in while smiling.

Brielle smiled, "I will have to thank Sam. Okay, then all I will need to worry about for now. I will take her home for now. If anything pops up and her parents are found, what will we do?"

"For now, the kidnapping incident hasn't been wiped as it will affect her negatively, and that is that last thing that we want to happen. For now, she will live with you, and we will take it from there." Leo pats Brille on the shoulder.

"My Mother may have gone a little overboard on her gifts for your daughter." Dallas signed quickly, "Also, I have been learning to read mouth movements."

"That is great. I am glad that you are improving. Seriously, Sam has enough to do with you and her wedding." Brielle shakes her head and looks at Leo and Will. "How is everything with what happened last week, and has he been looking for me?"

"As far as I can see, he is still looking for you, so it is good that you will be forced to be in hiding. As for the week, everything was easily covered. There was not a lot of work that you had to do. Jenna was with Mia the whole time, so that was a relief. She was great with her." Leo looked at Dallas, "the four of them went shopping. I think that Jenna picked out some furniture for your apartment for Mia."

"She did! There were some really adorable items that Mia fell in love with, and Jenna pulled out a credit card, I think?" Dallas thinks back to what happened.

"As for when I got back with you, it was a bit of a gong show but show how we were able to get everything done, and the one no two left are Dallas and Mia." Will looked at Brielle and saw that her colour was finally coming back. "What happened, Bree?"

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