Chapter 41: 41 Memory Loss and Captured
Pull out his phone, Will speed dials and waves Brielle out of the room.
Leaving the room, Brielle runs to the hotel and impatiently presses the up button. The doors open, and she immediately taps her card. Tapping her foot on the ground, she glared at the numbers slowly climbing up. When the elevator door opened, Brielle raced to the hotel room, then whipped the hotel room door open. "Are you here?"
Ketan had sat on the couch thinking about what to do about the hunter, whom he obviously had an attraction to. He could hear her heart racing before she entered the suite. He stayed seated, thinking. ~Living room, little hunter.~
Brielle races to the living room and raises her hand, smacking him across the cheek. "You disappeared…. Why? Did I do something wrong?"
Ketan took the hit; he looked up into her eyes. He pulled her into his lap. "I'm sorry, but I wanted to turn you. The urge to drain you fills me, and I thought if I went away, it would fade." He tucks her hair behind her ear. "We are two beings from separate worlds."
"Do you think I care? I help your kind all the time., Why do you think I was stationed at the offering site." She reaches up and touches his cheek. "I am not afraid of you."
Ketan's eyes turn sad, "I know, but I am afraid of myself." Ketan gently pulls her closer and kisses her lightly on the lips. ~ I'm so sorry.~ Ketan kisses her once again and casts a memory-blocking spell while crying. When her body goes slack, he lays her down on the couch. "Goodbye, my little hunter. I hope that our paths never cross again. For your sake, not mine." The tears fall down his cheeks as he apparates from the room to a dark ally. Ketan hits the wall with his fist, still crying. Not hearing the person sneaking up on him until it was too late. Ketan got collared by a silver collar with a cross etched into the metal. He decided not to fight, as all he could think of was what he had done to his little hunter. A burlap sack was placed over his head, then his hands and feet got cuffed.
"We got what you requested, Vladimir…. Of course, I am sure that it is genuine…. You can check the goods in an hour." The man closed his phone and helped three others lift him up. They threw him in the back of what he assumed was a van. He felt a needle inject him with something, and everything went dark.
Brielle came too and touched her lips. 'What happened? I came to my room, and now I have passed out on the couch. Did I see that person…" Brielle tries to think about the one that was supposed to be here, but she can't remember for the life of her. "Fuck!" Brielle got up and started pacing the room, trying to remember parts of the weekend. She pulls out her computer and looks at the notes that she had been making over the weekend. "A vampire." She touched the screen, and tears flowed down her cheeks. "What did you do to me, vampire?"
Shaking her head, Brielle starts looking at the missing children's reports online. As she came across the pictures of the children, she wrote down the names. Then printed out the files. After finding all the names, she left her suite and rushed back to Will.
Will looked up at the door that opened. "That was quick. Were you able to find all of them?" seeing Brielle nod her head, he took the offered papers. "Okay, now is the best time to move them all to the plane. How do you want to go about doing that?"
A knock on the door happens as the door opens. "I can be of some assistance. There is a small bus that is used for tours during the daytime. I can get it out front and drive you guys to the airport." Casimir looked at the two.
"What about the daylight. It will be rising any moment now. It will hurt you if you go out in it… won't it?" Brielle looks at Casimir, interested.
"I'm a daywalker, and I sleep only once a month. So if you are okay with me helping, I would like to." Casimir smiles at the two and looks at the human children.
Will looks at Casimir, "We will take you up on your offer. Since you are able to stand the sun, it would be good to have another set of eyes with us. Most of my stuff is packed in my room. You two stay with the rugrats, and then you can go and collect everything, Bree." He waved and left the room.
"Bree? Not a bad nickname." Casimir looks at Brielle and sees the confusion in her eyes. "Do you know who you pulled your scythe on at the ceremony?"
Brielle closes her eyes and tries to remember but frowns. "I remember doing that action, but in my memory, I cannot see that person's face. I think they fucked with my memories."
Casimir closes his eyes, feeling the powers from his prince. "I will tell you that pulling the scythe on the Prince of Darkness wasn't the wisest idea, but I think I understand why you did that. It doesn't look like he drank your blood, but if you do not remember his name, then I will not mention it."
"So, he is a vampire. I remember bits and pieces… he called me Little Hunter. His face is blurry to me, but I know that I there was a lot more there than what I can see." Tears filled her eyes, and she looked up at Casimir.
Patting her on the head, he looks down at her. "It will be okay. The fact that you remember anything means that you mean more to him than he wants you to know. There is a chance that you are his true mate." Casimir pulls out his business card and hands it to her. "If you need assistance in anything, I will make myself available to you. I do have a lot that I require to do, but I will make time for you. Do not do anything to cost you your life."
Taking the card, Brielle nods her head. "I can't say that I won't be in danger, but I will promise to take care of myself." She looked at the door and smiled at Will. "I will be back with all of my stuff."
"Go ahead. We will get the children loaded into the bus out front." Will nods and looks at Casimir. Once Brielle left, he stopped smiling and looked at Casimir.
Brielle rushed to her room, but this time she was not impatient. She got into the room and quickly started to pack everything. She looked at the couch and touched her lips. 'H-he kissed me. That is why I keep touching my lips. It has been forever since I have kissed someone. I will now hunt for you, but not like Leo hunting for his girl.' Sighing, she lifted the box of wine to the front door, then called the front desk. "Good morning. Is the bell boy available to help me carry out my items from my hotel room?"
"Good MORNING! It is good to hear from you. Actually, he is off duty, but I am free to come and lend you a hand. That is if you do not mind my help." The girl chipperly replies.
"That would be amazing. Thank you so much, Alexis." Brielle hangs up her phone and gets back to finishing her packing. She left most of the bags on the floor except the one she was holding. She opens the door and smiles at the girl. "How are you feeling?" Brielle was looking at the bandages on her neck.
"Fantastic! The vampire is treating me extremely well. He paid so much for my blood. I will now be able to take care of my family. I hope that you do not mind. Furthermore, I could tell that there was an attraction between you two." Alexis starts to load the dolly with Brielle's bags and wine.
Smiling, Brielle shook her head, "I think that there was, but I can't remember what he looked like or his name. Even I could sense that there was something there. Until I see him again, I won't know what has happened. Thank you for your assistance. I didn't think that he would pay for all the wine."
"Nonsense, there were a couple others at the desk, and those in the penthouse suites get preferential treatment. I, too, hope that you meet him again. I really am just a blood vessel of his. I hope that you do not mind, as I have a family to take care of." Alexis looks away, embarrassed.
Brielle lifted her chin using a finger. "You do what you feel is right for yourself and your loved ones. I do not mind that you give him your blood. As far as I remember, he has a taste of my blood through his mark, but that mark seems to be more of a familiar."