Chapter 24: 24 An Exchange
~I like that you have gotten some information. I will register her into the system under the classification that you are the monitor of them, and the fact that they live in the suite in the building makes it a lot easier to keep track of them. How was Jenna's move?~ Leo went back to the computer.
Brielle stepped out of the elevator and stood near the door, hearing the two laughing as they work on getting things set up. ~Not bad. We acquired some help from the board member's son. Jenna has taken a shine to him.~ She sneaked into the room, took a picture of the two building a bookshelf while laughing, and attached it to the message. Then she knocked on the door. "How's it going, you two?"
Lucas jumps up in shock while Jenna turns and smiles at Brielle. "We've almost got everything built. I just have a lot of sorting to do. I have the dishwasher going and laundry. That will take a while before I catch up, though. Did you get what you needed to complete?"
"Jeez, Olivia. You scared the bejeebies out of me! Do you have a bell that you wear?" Lucas covered his heart while looking at her, shocked.
Brielle holds in the laugh and schools her face. "At least I knocked and didn't sneak up on you. That would've been more fun to see you jump out of your skin. I don't think wearing a bell will help either, as I am used to moving silently on my feet. I'm not too fond of others knowing what I am up to. I finished most of what I need to do. I was going to tell you two that it is getting late and that you could finish tomorrow. I will be getting your school paperwork done, then heading to bed."
"Ah, okay. If you have things you have to do, then go ahead and get them done. I will let Lucas leave after we finished this bookshelf. It is almost complete and will only take a few minutes." Jenna jumped up and hugged Brielle. "Do you want to come down for breakfast? I was thinking about cooking french toast."
Brielle patted Jenna on the shoulder, "sure, that sounds great. I will be down around eight in the morning. I will bring my coffee with me. Finish up quickly and skedaddle, Lucas."
"You got it, Olivia. I will finish this; then I will take off." Lucas continued working on the shelf, then hammered the rest of the nails into the back of the bookshelf. Carefully he lifted it up. "Damn, these are some nice shelves."
Brielle turned and left the room, climbed into the elevator and went up to her penthouse suite. She stepped out, walked into her living room and flopped on the couch. Covering her eyes, she feels her phone vibrate. "Ugh." She pulls out her phone, looking at the message from Leo.
~Awww, puppy love. I have got all that information updated. Is there anything else that you need to tell me?~ Leo waited for a reply.
~Yes, but it is classified information that I found out. I would rather tell you in person. I also would like to start that mission tomorrow. There is no point with stalling now that Jenna has a friend to keep her company.~ She sat up and finished filling out the paperwork for Jenna, then started the paperwork for Blake. ~Shit, I need documentation for Blake~
~When you are ready to, I will meet you in person. You can brief me on the way to the airport. Then I will give you the documentation. I had it rushed so that you could get the paperwork done.~ Two pictures were attached.
~Thank you. I will finish this, then try to sleep.~ She placed the phone down and started typing away using the information that Leo had given her. Once she completed that, she got up, went to the bathroom, and filled the bathtub with hot bubble water. She got undressed, then climbed in and started reading her book while relaxing.
Ketan opened his eyes and grabbed his chest. An unbearable thirst hit him, and he staggered to the fridge. He ripped the door open, grabbed the bagged blood and tore it open. Guzzling the blood, he grabbed another and repeated the process until the fourth bag was emptied. With his back to the wall, he slides down to the ground holding the fifth bag. 'Fuck, this is getting out of hand. I can last longer. I do not need a partner. There is no way I can condemn another to this life, whether or not they will become killers. I just can't bear to do it.' He bites into the fifth bag, slowly draining the blood. Once the blood was finished, he dropped the empty bag and stared up at the ceiling, lost. ~Kitsune, I don't want this cursed life. Why me?~
~You do not have a choice in the matter. You are supposed to help me but to do that, you have to acquire a partner, and to… you know what I'm going to say. I will not lecture you on what you have to do. You do not need to hear that from me. Your thirst is increasing and will only get worse with each time you drink my blood. I am limiting you from drinking my blood, Ahriman.~ Kitty had been lying in bed looking at the ceiling, thinking about what to do.
~You seem a bit distracted. Is everything okay? I already knew that was coming; it is not wise for you to continue to feed me your blood, as delicious as it is. I will try not to ask you for it as much. I'm going to wash up and wander around the mall.~ Ketan finally got up and picked up the empty baggies, and tossed them in the trash.
~Enjoy your time and remember to be vigilant. You never know what could be lurking in the shadows.~ Kitty cuts the connection and lets the tears slide down her cheeks. "I miss you already, my hunter."
Sighing, Ketan walked to the bedroom and got into the shower. He let the water run down his body, soaking his clothes in the process. He hit the tiled wall with his fist, then ran his hand through his hair as the water ran down his body. He turned the taps off and stripped his clothing off. On his back was a phoenix with its wings spread up. The wings went down the back of his arms up to his elbow. It was a vibrant red, orange and yellow colour mixture. The tail of the phoenix reached to his lower back and had golden eyes. He tossed the shirt aside and proceeded to undress everything. Once everything was off, he slipped on the hotel robe and walked to the door. He opened the door and looked down at the pup he blew off earlier.
Gretta was looking at the ground and went to knock on the door but instead felt the strong muscles of the man she greeted earlier. "Oh! I'm sorry... I-I was told to come and check up on you." She traced the muscles with her eyes, then watched the water drip down his body.
"Do you like what you see, little pup?" Ketan stepped aside and let Gretta walk in.
Gulping, Gretta nodded her head and looked into his eyes. She took a tentative step into the room. "I know that I may not be beautiful, but if you want, I can warm your bed while you are here or feed you my blood. I hear that the experience is life-changing." Fidgeting, Gretta shifts from one leg to the other, then back again. She was extremely nervous.
Ketan slams the door, then lifting her chin using only his pointer finger, he looks into her eyes. "Do you fully understand what you are offering me? I do not usually take pups to my bed, but if you truly desire me, then I will give you what you want." Ketan licks his lips and brings his lips to her ear, "I will make this enjoyable for both of us, but I will not become yours; that is not possible. Do you understand?"
"Y-yes, I understand." Gretta feels him lick her neck and shivers before her body goes slack and starts to fall to the ground for him breathing in her ear.
Catching the pup, Ketan smirks, then carries her princess style to the bedroom. He lays her on the comforter and runs his hands down her sides, causing her to shake. "Are you experienced?"
"Y-yes," Gretta's voice hitches, "but only with my kind. I have never been with another species. My boss told me to do everything I can to please you. No-not that I wouldn't want to without orders." She watches as he slides her dress up her body.
"Smart little lady. I will treasure this rare treat you are offering me. I will not kill you but remember that I will only do this once, and remember I do not do attachments." Ketan kissed her thigh, then slipped the dress over her breasts and finally off her head. He pulled the ribbon holding her hair up, and it becomes untied. He drops the ribbon on the dress he tossed on the ground. He heard her whimper under him as his hands traced down her body while not showing more of himself to her. "Jealous?"