The Artful Match

Chapter 22: 22 I Will Pay for Everything

Brielle sighed and shook her head. ~Whatever, as for the vampire and human, I was thinking of offering them sanctuary. There is nothing wrong with helping them, offering them what they deserve. It is rare for a vampire to keep a human alive. Don't you think?~ Brielle looked at the time, then got up from her spot, placed her piece of pizza down and collected the other box that she had ordered, then grabbed a few of the things on the table. "I will be back shortly." She smiled then left the room, looking at her messages.

~It is peculiar. Maybe they have an old connection? That could explain what is keeping her from turning or even killing them. I am intrigued, but at the same time, it is not a big deal. It just proves that not all vampires are bloodthirsty. Good luck on the mission.~ Leo replied and didn't expect another message until later.

Brielle took the elevator down and unlocked the front door. She placed the pizza box on the counter and sat in one of the two chairs at the table. She was breathing lightly; roughly about ten minutes later, the vampire appeared behind her and was about to attack her. "I am here in peace." Brielle dropped her weapon.

"What do you want if you are in this deserted apartment?" The vampire kicked the pole away across the living room.

"I bought the apartment. I was getting an apartment for my ward. I came into the unit, and I shooed everyone away. I brought pizza for your human and some snacks. Not only that, but I really don't mean any harm." Brielle pointed to the box and didn't move.

"Mmmmmm, I smell pizza. Is it a treat day today?" a teenage boy popped out and saw that lady sitting in the chair. He grabbed something from the room and raced toward Brielle. Before he could reach her, the vampire pulled him behind her.

She shuffled over to the box and opened the lid, smelling the contents. Then shuffled back, bringing it to the table, placed it down and proceeded to look in the bag. Once she saw that there was nothing altered, she let out a sigh of relief. "Go and wash up, then you can have some pizza, okay?" She looked at the boy adoringly and watched as he walked to the bathroom. "So, what do you get out of this hunter?"

"Besides knowing that I didn't have to kill an innocent soul? Nothing unless you decided to help someone's parents that I know, but that is a separate matter. I will not demand anything strenuous on you." Brielle was smiling at the vampire, "My name is Brielle, not in the apartments I am called Olivia. I will not ask for your true name, but what do you call yourself?" She extended her hand out in a friendly manner.

The vampire reached her hand out and shook Brielle's hand. "It is nice to meet you, Brielle. I am Alice, and the human boy is Blake." She took her hand back and was still a little weary.

"If you want to stop running away, I can transfer this unit into your name. I told the manager that you work graveyards and that you were a coworker of mine, so transferring the paperwork under your name is easy. I will even help pay the utilities if you need it. Again, there is nothing I will demand, but please don't run away. I am giving you the opportunity to stay in one place, giving Blake a stable household."

Finally, Alice sits in the chair, "for how long have I been tracked? Don't give me any of that shit that I have not been tracked. I know that you guys keep tabs on all supernaturals that you find."

"The information in the system says that you were found two years ago. That was when you were being monitored from then until now, but the hunter tracking you lost you six months ago. We have you classified as a class one, which means harmless and only needs to be monitored. If you decide that you want to stay in this unit, I will be the hunter you can deal with since I live in this building." Brielle smiled at Alice and saw that boy come skipping out of the bathroom.

"Were you picking on Alice?!" Blake puffs out and glares at Brielle as Alice was now crying.

"No, no, baby. She offered us this place as a permanent place for us to live in. I will have to report to her, but you will be able to go to school. I know that you have been asking about that." Alice got off the chair and held his face in her hands. "These are happy tears."

Blake used his sleeve to wipe her tears away. "I would like to go, but only if I know that you will be safe while I am away." He turns and looks at Brielle. "Why are you helping us?"

"I believe that not all beings are evil, and the man that wants to take over the association wants to put an end to the unnecessary killing. I totally agree with that. Alice has done nothing wrong and can't help that she was born as a vampire just like I can't help that I was born into a hunter family." Brielle smiles happily. "I am curious, though, what is your relationship. You do not need to tell me the story if you do not want to; I am just curious."

"I was best friends with Blake's mother. She went into labour, and I tried to save her, but the change was rejected. She wouldn't have made it if I didn't at least try. So when she passed, I raised Blake in her honour, giving him the name that she wanted to call him. We have been on the run ever since then." Alice moved aside and let Blake sit and eat the pizza. "It is hard to believe that was already sixteen years ago."

After devouring a piece of pizza, Blake started to dip his pizza crust in the sauce on the side. "Alice always told me who my mother was and how much she loved me. She even showed me pictures of the two of them. I trust Alice; she has kept me safe all this time. Moving all the time became second nature. I have been doing correspondence, so I'm not behind on my studies."

"I am happy for you. My ward is the same age as you. So if you would like, I could introduce you to the others in the building that are your age, only with Alice's permission. I will never overstep any boundaries. Alice, if you need some time to think about the offer, please let me know. I also do not mind helping you get some furniture for the apartment." Brielle smiles and starts to relax.

"What was it that you would request of me to help? I am a vampire; there is not a lot that I can do to help you…." Alice thinks for a moment, and then it hits her what she might need from her. "OH! My blood. What do you need my blood for?"

"There is a boy that is also Blake's age that is suffering, not himself but his parents. They contracted a human immunodeficiency virus that turned into acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Nothing can be done using modern science, and I would not ask this of you if I knew that it would be the only way to save them. They got into an accident and then had to have a blood transfusion. There was a mix-up with the blood, and they were given contaminated blood. Seth that is, the boy's name was not with them at the time. He is another soul that I take care of by helping with the hospital fees. He was at a charity auction and was begging for help, so I lent him a hand. Hunters make too much money, so I can afford it." Brielle shook her head and looked at the two.

"Damn, and I thought that I had it rough always moving but to watch your parents deteriorate must be catastrophic. Alice, I think that is a good reason to help. It is not like you will be turning them. If we get furniture and this unit as the price, then it might be worth it." Blake looked at Alice.

"So if I get this right, you will still help if I choose not to help that boy's parents?" Alice asks to be sure.

"Yes, of course. I cannot force you to help, but that does not stop me from lending you a hand. I think that you deserve to stop being on the run. Furthermore, I will pay for Blake's tuition and new clothes. Not that what you have is bad, but I do not want anyone to make fun of you." Brielle nods her head and watches the two. "Is Blake your mate?"

Caught off guard, Alice's eyes go round in surprise. "Well… it is not something we have discussed. He is too young at this time, but I feel that is the case. Hence, the need to protect and cherish him. Working when I don't have to." She looks at the ground.

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