The Artful Match

Chapter 19: 19 Condominium Purchased

"I should be the one asking that, but I am fine. This is just hard. I do not want to lose either one of you. You are the brother that I never had." Ketan loomed up at Emerson.

Emerson closed the door and walked over to the chair, and sat down, looking at Ketan. "I am happy to hear that you feel that way. I always thought of you as a fantastic person. Someone that I would like to hang out with, and you are my wife's twin. Knowing that you two share that bound never bothered me, but like yourself, I too do not like it when she asks for her demise. So I am on your side for that reason. Not because I am afraid that I will die, but because she needs to know that there is more to death and that it is our time to live."

Ketan looks at Emerson, shocked. "Wow. That is deep but exactly what I want for her. Thank you for loving my sister. I know that I may seem like an asshole, but I can't handle the thought of losing you both so soon. Try your best to live. I will be going out now to go to the mall. Do you want me to bring you guys anything back?"

Thinking for a moment, Emerson's eyes shine. "Can you get three boxes of blood chocolates? It might do her some good to have that sweet treat. I don't want her to know that you paid for it, so tell her that I gave you my card."

"Sure thing Bro. I will be heading out now, but it might be a few days. There is something that I am hunting for." Ketan disappeared from sight and appeared in front of the gates, flashing the pass and walked right in.

A lady rushed to his side. Welcome, Sir. I am Gretta, your personal guild if you need it for the day?"

Holding up his hand, he looked at the small tiny thing that came to him, wagging her tail. "Sorry. I am not a typical guest. You do not need to cater to my whims. Sorry to disappoint, but I will take my key for the hotel room that I booked."

Gretta happily placed the keys in his hand. "Of course, Sir. Please enjoy your stay, and if you need anything, feel free to contact one of the employees here." She bowed and left him to his own devices.

Ketan clamped his hand over the key, walked to the elevator and climbed in. After getting in, he tapped the key to the panel that would take him to his floor. He was stepping into the small entranceway. He opened his room; before closing the door, he hung a do not disturb sign on the door. 'Fuck, maybe I should've kept that pup around… she smelled tasty… fuck I am becoming like my parents.' He locked the door and went to the bedroom, flopping on the mattress, closing his eyes, falling asleep.

Brielle and Jenna finished eating and were ready to go to look at the condos. Brielle was standing in the living room when there was a knock on the door. She went and opened the door.

"Good Morning, Olivia. It is always a pleasure to work with you." A lady bowed to her and smiled happily.

"Good Morning, Isabella. Let's start with the other units and leave the one that you think I will like for last." Brielle looked over her shoulder. "Are you ready to go, Tina?"

Jenna happily skipped to Brielle's side, looking her age all dressed up in a cute dress. "I'm ready, Olivia. Hello."

Isabella smiled at the girl. "You must be the reason Olivia is getting another condo. I am Isabella, and I will be showing you the condos. Please ask me if you have any questions. We shall head down to 218 first." She hops into the elevator and presses button number two.

Brielle got onto the elevator with Jenna and stood there waiting. "Isabella is not only the realtor, but she is also on the condo board. So any major issues, you can call her for assistance. She knows what she is doing."

"You flatter me too much, Olivia. I only do my job. You are right, though. If there is a major issue, please do not hesitate to call me. I will be leaving my contact information in your condo for you." Isabella steps out of the elevator.

"It is reassuring that I will have two competent ladies to call when I need help." Jenna smiled happily at the two, and they entered the first condo. Jenna wandered around and saw some issues, but nothing major.

"This unit has had the plumbing updated and the holes in the walls fixed. If you can believe it, this is way better than what it used to look like." Isabella smiled and stood next to Brielle

Brielle looked around, frowning at the paint colours. "There must have been some interesting parties in this unit because those are some god-awful colours. Please tell me the other two units are in better shape?"

Jenna came back shaking her head. "Can we look at the other two before I make a choice?"

"Of course, Sweetie. I am showing you in the order of the lowest level to the highest level. Let's head up to 524 now." Isabella leads them out, then locked the unit, and they got on the elevator going to the fifth floor. "This unit is not all that bad. We had to gut the bathroom, so everything in there is new." Opening the unit, she lets the other two go in first.

Brielle pulls Jenna out of the room and goes in. "You two stay outside." Closing the door, she pulls out her phone, hitting speed dial. "What hunts are in my area?"

Leo answers his phone and was going to say hi, but instead, he starts loading the hunts. "Shit, there are a few in your area. There is a vampire that is in hiding, but that is only a class one, though. Meaning it is a monitor mission. A werewolf that is being hunted right now, but Will is on that one and a witch that is also a monitor mission. Why?"

"I found the vampire. I will purchase the apart and come back at nighttime. If they are a level one, that means they are sane but not a daywalker. Unit 524 in my building." Brielle pulls out the company card.

"You are authorized to deal with this since you are in the building. The card limits are endless; purchase the apartment, and I will bring you the tracking device." Leo pushed his chair back and walks out of the room.

"Okay, I will do that." Brielle went to the door and closed it silently. "I will be purchasing this unit for my company. There is another that needs the room, and they work graveyards."

"Alright, no worries. Is everything okay with the unit?" Isabella looks at the closed door.

"There were black-out curtains that caught my eyes. Everything is fine with the unit." Brielle looked at Jenna with an I'm sorry look on her face.

"Well, since Olivia is taking this one, can we go to 1024 now?" Jenna looked up at Isabella, smiling.

"Of course, sorry, dear." Isabella handed the keys to the unit to Brielle. Then they got on the elevator, she hit the button for the tenth floor, and the ride up was quiet.

Brielle looked at the keys, lost in thought. 'This can go a few different ways. I will need my weapon with me in case I get attacked, but if they are peaceful, then I will work out a deal.' She got off the elevator, following behind deep in thought.

Isabella opened the door for the unit and let everyone in.

Jenna stepped in and gasped. Oh, wow! This is so beautiful. This is much better than the other one." She walked around, touching the counters and into the more expansive open living room. Smiling, she went to the bedroom and then the bathroom. "I love it."

Brielle snapped out of her thoughts. "Okay, Isabella, we will get this unit as well. Do you still need my card information?" She looked around quickly, nodding her head.

"I do. I will charge both units to that account, and for the fees, will they be hooked up to the same account?" She pulled out the paperwork and spreads it out on the counter. Brielle pulled out her pen and signed on the lines for both units. "Yes, that will be perfect. Both units will be added to my account. Tina, you need to come here and sign as well." Brielle yelled around the corner.

Jenna skipped to the kitchen and saw the paperwork. "Where do I need to sign?" Jenna took Brielle's pen and signed where Brielle pointed to.

Isabella collected all the paperwork. "Congratulations on your new homes. I hope that you will enjoy your time here. Oh, the small key on the keychain is your mailbox key. You are free to move in today. Olivia, your elevator is the only one that goes to all floors. Do you need me to make another access card for Tina?"

"Please do. Tina is someone that I am looking after, so she can have the freedom to come and go to my unit. The moving truck in it is one of my stalls that will be moved after Tina's stuff gets moved to the condo." Brielle smiles and looks at the keys.

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