Chapter 17: 17 No Time for Sleep
After a long rest, Ketan finally got up and looked at his door. "Sylvie, I know that you are outside my door. You might as well just come in and talk to me."
Opening the door, Sylvie hesitantly enters the room. "Are you not feeling well, Brother? It is not like you to be in your room sleeping for so long."
"Don't worry about it. I drank too much blood. I would prefer to not think about my health at the moment. How are things with Emerson? You know you changed him, and now you wish to die because of my thirst, which is all Kitsune's fault, to begin with." Ketan never looked at his sister and just felt her presence move closer.
Emerson stood outside the room, listening to the siblings' make-up. While Sylvie moved and sat on the edge of Ketan's bed. "You shouldn't drink too much of her blood. It is like a poison that could become an addiction. Although you are one of the few that can drink it. As for Emerson, he knows all about our past. That is why I agreed to turn him. When I found him by the mountainside, all battered up, I was at his side immediately. I told him I wouldn't live forever, but I could extend his life for a period of time. Isn't that right, my Love?"
Emerson came into the room and leaned against the door. "I never thought about living forever, but one hundred years is a long time as well. In my human mind, I decided that I wanted to live with my saviour even if my time was limited. It is hard to watch Sylvie, who is so full of life to become weak. I worry more about her than myself."
Ketan nods his head and looks at Emerson. "You are a great man. I am glad that you became my brother-in-law. I can feel the love that you have for Sylvie ever since you joined us. There is no one better for her than you. Kitsune wouldn't take no for an answer. I helped her go into hiding. She went back home finally."
"She went home? That is amazing. I know that she wanted to go back but never had the opportunity to. I am so happy to hear that she went ahead and went home. Are you sure that you do not want a little of my blood? It may not be ideal, but it also won't kill me to give you a little. I trust that you will not drain me." Sylvie reaches over and touches Ketan's cheek. "You really look like you are suffering."
Ketan, unable to resist, bites the palm of her hand and drinks some of her blood; stopping after only a few mouthfuls, then he looks over at Emerson and nods his head. He watches as Emerson scoops up his sister and leaves the bedroom. He licks his lips, getting the residual blood off his lips. Drinking her blood brought his bloodthirst down to almost nothing, and he could feel his powers building inside his body. ~Kitsune, what will you do if that human finds you? Do you want me to take care of him?~
~You are in a dangerous mood. Do not go after him. I will hate you for the rest of our lives. Do you regret taking what you need?~ Kitsune was lying in her bed trying to sleep when Ketan messaged her.
~Kind of hard to feel good taking what I need from her. She is growing weaker by the day. I do not want my powers back. I want my twin to live. Have you seen when she will… no, I shouldn't even ask that of you.~ Ketan lets the tears flow from his cheeks.
~You know that even if I had, I would never tell you. You have to take back what is yours when the timing is right. I will give you many hints when it is time, but you will know. I was trying to sleep, but you interrupted. I can tell you this, I haven't seen anyone's demise for a while now. Relax and come to me if the thirst is too much. My blood will make you keel over.~ Kitsune giggled and cut the connection without getting a reply.
Ketan finally got out of bed and walked down the hallway, concealing his presence. He could hear everything that was going on in the bedroom. The hushed voices were easy to pick up by the door.
"How are you feeling, Honey?" Emerson had laid Sylvie on their bed and sat next to her, cradling her head on his lap.
Sylvie lifted her hand up and watched as the marks didn't heal that fast. "I'm okay. Could you please heal these for me?" Lifting her hand up to Emerson's mouth.
Emerson licked the residual blood, then over the bite marks. They healed as he licked them, but he didn't stop there; he licked up to the tip of her fingers as well. "You have been pushing yourself too hard over the last few days. You need to drink from me, or else I will drain my blood and force you to drink it." His eyes darkened to a black-red colour.
Nodding, Sylvie looks at Emerson. "You are too good for me. Thank you for being my life partner. I will drink, but I will need you to support me. I'm too weak right now. Sorry for the trouble."
"Shhhhh," Emerson places his finger on her lips, "I will do anything for you, Love. I am yours until the end of our time together." Emerson gently lays her closer to the top of the bed and then gets into a position to hold her while leaning against the headboard. He picks her up and lets her settle into position.
Sylvie wraps her legs around his waist as she runs her hands around his neck. She kisses him on the lips then kisses down to the nape of his neck. She felt Emerson's arms holding her body up and the shift of his neck exposing the nape of his neck for her. Sylvie kisses the spot and finally sinks her fangs into his neck.
"Good girl. Take all that you need. I am yours." Emerson holds Sylvie securely as she drinks his blood, and he looks at the door ~Ketan, thank you for opening the connection. I finally got her to feed. It was all because you drank her blood. She has been starving herself… again. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier.~
~Fuck… I... I didn't know. I will stay close to home over the next few months, but I will have to leave to feed or if Kitsune needs me to do something for her. I will leave you two to enjoy yourselves. Wear her out so that she sleeps. She needs it after her hunger strike.~ Ketan cut the connection and went to the gym, and started punching the punching bag, ignoring everything around him.
Brielle woke up only a few hours after sleeping and looked around the living room. She sighed before staring at the painting. Brielle pulled out her phone and searched the painter Kathy Winters on her phone. Finding the website, she scrolled through the artwork until she found another one that caught her interest. She looked at the painting and sat up. 'A silent auction painting. Hmmmm, I want this, so how much should I vote?' She typed in five million, then looked at the painting again and added another zero making it fifty million just to be on the safe side. She placed a bid with all her information. The message afterwards said thank you for your vote. We will email the winner once the silent auction is over. She placed her phone on the table and sighed. 'I wonder if I should check on Jenna?'
Getting up off the couch, Brielle walked over to her bedroom and saw Jenna sleeping peacefully. She crossed her arms, smiling. 'Phew, I am glad that she is doing well. I was worried that she would not settle in.' Walking back to the living room, she pulled out her work laptop and turned it on. As soon as it connected and said she was online, she got a message saying go to bed. ~Now look here you. If you must know, I just woke up, and I am no longer tired. I should be the one telling you to rest!~
~... fair point. I am working on that lead I found earlier. I started to go through the surveillance cameras, but a lot of them were bought online. Furthermore, I tried to track the IP address, but that was a fucking hellish thing. It jumped through thirty IPs and don't even get started on tracking the banking account. That was a bust. What am I to do?~ Leo replied and took a sip of bourbon
Brielle looked at his message in fascination. ~I remember you telling me that you would NEVER fall in love and that it was just an emotion with negative consequences. What has changed your mind?~ Brielle got up and turned on the coffee maker.