Chapter 149: Property (58)
The sound of flesh on flesh contact was heard along with the subtle sound of someone exhausted moan.
Miyuki who was seen walking around the living room with a very thoughtful expression on her face heard the sound and her face for a second seem to darken by a lot.
"What is he doing" She said to herself as she walk closer and closer to where the sound was coming from.
The closer she got,the more she started to hear those sounds.
"Wait...."She said as her eyes for a second seem to widen.
She recognize those sounds, it wasn't hard to not notice them considering it was not stopping anytime soon.
"Aw,you tired already and here I thought you could take more~"
She could recognize that voice anywhere considering she basically heard that voice everyday over the past few month or so.
" didn't tell would have been so rough"
Another familiar voice said sounding very tired.
"Hey,you the one that told me to speed up,you have no right to complain about back pains"
Aaron's familiar voice said once again which caused Miyuki's brows to furrow even further.
As she walked closer and closer to the training ground she seem as if she wanted to look inside to see what was going on.
"Aight, get up are you really going down without a fight...miss invisible~" Aaron teasing voice was heard once but this time nothing was heard around Sakura's part.
Only just a groan,"Dam, didnt expect you to get sore so quickly"
Aaron's voice was heard once again saying, Miyuki could visualize what his facial expression would look like right now.
It would be a sheepish expression with a small grin on his face.
The sound of what was footsteps was heard before, before suddenly what seem to be the sound of suppressed moans were heard.
"So that the sweet spot huh~" Aaron voice was heard once again saying with what could only be a teasing smile.
"Shut up"Sakura voice was heard once again this time sounding frustrated at his words to which that seem to get a dry chuckle from Aaron.
"Aw come on, I mean what's so wrong about me finding the sweet spot, it wasn't really that hard to find" He seemed to be teasing her in her way.
Miyuki's mind seems to be thinking of only one thing that they might be doing.
Her brow furrowed even further as she walked closer and closer to the door being only inches away from the door.
She didnt human for the loyal type but to think he would do this in the same house that she was living in, couldn't he have the modesty of at least going somewhere else.
She seemed to he annoyed though for a slip second after she thought about it for a while, she then remember something, she just need to catch in the act and she will have something to use against him in the future.
Not wanting to waste another second, she immediately pushed the door opened expecting to catch him in the act.
Only to be met by the sight of Aaron seemingly massaging Sakura.
He look uo at her and then noticed her expression.
A teasing smile appeared on his face as he opened his mouth and said.
"Who knew Princess-chan had a vivid imagination"
Miyuki cleared her throat before finally opening her mouth.
"Just checking on your progress," she said her gaze flickering between Aaron and Sakura. Aaron raises an eyebrow upon looking at her.
"Suuuuuure..princess, whatever make you sleep better at night"Aaron said clearly not believing her words much to Miyuko annoyance.
For some reason, he knew exactly how to push her buttons.
It was incredibly annoying, and he seemed to enjoy every seconds of it.
"While you are here why don't you be a sweetheart and help Sakura out for a bit"Aaron said much to Saojra confusion.
"Huh" were the words that managed to leave Sakura's lips as she heard Aaron's words.
"What do you want me to do," Miyuki said as she crossed her arms her gaze never wavering as she looked at him.
"You a tough girl aren't you, a prodigy of your race or something like that, I want you to fight her, I want Sakura to experience how it feel to fight under pressure that even one mistake would cost you, plus it's not like you have anything plan for the day, you just train and sleep the whole time so some moving around would be good for you don't you think"Aaron said with a thoughtful expression on his face.
'Did he just say that' Miyuki though to herself as Aaron's words replayed in her mind over and over again.
Sakura on the other hand just looked dumbfounded..
"And to make sure you don't try anything funny, you will be fighting inside the VR world...."As those words left Aaron's mouth his eyes landed on Miyuki as if this measure was put just because of her.
Miyuki averted his gaze and looked away from him.
Time skip.
Aaron looked at the holographic screen....
So far the scores were.
[300] [10]
Just from looking at the score he could tell Sakura was losing every match pretty badly but that was good because that meant she would learn something.
The first time Sakura had won, Miyuki had already won like 30 times in a row.
So it kind of stunned Miyuki's pride and she proceeded to win 60 times in a row.
He should feel a bit bad for Sakura but this was the training she needed, she needed to fight under pressure without letting her emotions overwhelm her as this could lead to her death if she continued letting her emotions control her life.
Though why did he have the feeling that Miyuki was using Sakura as a way to release the built-up anger that she had for him?
Jeez, he couldn't understand what he did to piss her off this badly.
Though she was bearable she wasn't something that would be something he worried about 24/7, as long as she didnt go on a killing spree she could do whatever she wanted as long as she didnt cross any lines.
And to be fair those lines were pretty loose and it wasn't as if he kept her in chains or something, she was free to do whatever she wanted.
She was more a bitchy roommate than anything to him.
"Someone property shouldn't have those rights"A voice in Aaron's mind said.
Aaron's brow lessened a bit as a sight escaped his lips.
" back"
His voice sounded disinterested in the person currently speaking.
"Why do you sound so disappointed to hear me, aren't we bestfriends"
"And I am the most loved man in the multiverse," Aaron said with clear sarcasm dripping out of his voice.
"Aren't you just sarcastic" Yami's voice once again echoed in his mind.
"What do you want" Aaron added as he scratched the back of his nose seemingly just a bit frustrated.
"If the ice bitch is causing you so much problem why don't you properly train her after all, you are the winner of their fight she legally belongs to you, and she became your property" Yami's voice echoed in his mind
"I don't want to do a roleplay of the 1700 hundred, and plus do I give a slave owner vibe to you" Aaron said nonchalantly.
"You could though, nothing is stopping you really, you could just go to her room later tonight and do whatever you wanted, she can't do anything about it she lost"Yami said before suddenly he felt himself being repressed by a lot.
His eyes went to Aaron face and the look on Aaron face told him what he wanted to known.
"What... did I hit a soft spot"Yami teased as Aaron looked at him annoyed.