The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-5 Anything for Roric

Jaina entered the room, trembling with arousal and anticipation as Roric shut the door. Masturbating during the dance had driven her wild, and she needed the release of sex. She turned to Roric, begging him to take her, only to find out he planned to give her to another.

The shock of those words sent her trembling to levels that nearly made her faint. She pleaded with him to say who, but he refused to tell her anymore. Instead, he made her stand quietly with a firestorm of thoughts racing through her head while he collected his money from the minstrels. It had been a good haul, and Roric had seventy more gold thanks to Jaina's little display. She tried to ask him again, but he refused to say anything until they were back in the room. Even here, he remained silent until she was seated on the bed, then he went to the pile of letters from earlier and picked them up.

“It would appear you have some fans,” he said and waved the stack in her face. “Some of these were just love letters, but quite a few of them were addressed to me.”

“Why would they be addressed to you?” Jaina asked as she was clueless as to where this was going.

“Because they were offers for access to your body,” he replied and pulled one out at random. “Ten gold on this one,” he said and tossed it aside. “Fourteen from this one,” he added and tossed it before picking up the top sheet and holding it before her face. “And this one was most interesting.”

“Forty gold!” Jaina cried and read the offer to have her body for just one night. It was nearly as much money as she made dancing and it opened up a world of possibility. “With this kind of money coming in, you could buy gear, land, resources, even levels.” She looked up at him with a lost expression. “You can’t afford to pass this up. It could speed us to our dream in a tenth of the time we expected.”

Roric snatched the paper away and looked it over before setting it down. He then knelt before Jaina and put his hands on her knees.

“Look me in the eye and tell me you want to serve me in every way possible,” he said.

Jaina was once again swimming in the sensation of arousal and fear. They were talking about her having sex with strange men for money, and her answer now might determine where she spent the night. She twisted her hands nervously as he waited for an answer when another idea came to mind. She would serve him with all her heart, giving him anything he wanted, but why should he be alone if she was with another?

“I want to serve you in every way,” she said softly and then reached to touch his face. “Please don’t let this money go.”

Jaina wondered if her heart ever stopped racing now that she was a part of this world. Even now, it beat like a drum as Roric nodded and told her to go and get his money. The command had been given, and she, as his obedient slave, would have to obey. But there was still one more thing she wanted to do to prove just how much she loved him.

“Promise me you won’t sleep alone if you don’t have to,” she said.

“What are you telling me?” he asked with a raised brow.

“I am going to bring you forty gold. Surely you can find a girl for ten or a little more,” Jaina said. “Go find one and bring her to your bed. I want to hear all about how you made her scream in the morning.”

“You want me to make love to another woman?” he asked.

“No,” Jaina corrected with a smile. “I want you to fuck another woman. I want you to fuck her like you do me and make her so tired she sleeps through the night.”

“I do tend to take you pretty hard,” he admitted.

“And you should,” Jaina replied as her arousal took her to places she had never dreamed. “I am your sex slave. You should fuck me when and how you want. I don't care if it's always rough and forceful from behind. So long as you’re happy.”

“You really mean that?” he asked.

“Roric, I mean all of it,” Jaina said as she twisted in need. “I want you to fuck all the woman your heart desires. I want you to always be rough with me and fuck me hard. I want you to use my body to make money so you can have everything you want. Now promise me you will do all these things.”

Alright,” Roric said and held the sides of her head firmly. “I make you a promise that we will never have gentle sex. It's always going to be like it was today in the field. I will bend you over, bury my knot inside and fuck you as hard as I can. Now, go and earn me my money. And do a good job so word will spread about how good you are.

Jaina trembled as she got up and nodded to her master that she would obey. He then took up the letter, showed her the room on the floor below, and told her to get going. She stepped into the hall naked except for her collar and cuffs, then staggered in nervous tension to the stairs. She couldn't believe she just begged him to be like that, using her for rough sex and profit while he slept with other women. Something about this state of perpetual arousal was driving her crazy, and she prayed it would never go away.

She passed two men in the hall who smiled to see her body, and she waved at them nervously before heading down the stairs. It took only a moment to find the door, and she had to steady herself for a moment. The letter was only an offer for her body. It said nothing about who the man was. In a world with hundreds of races, practically anything could be beyond that door. There were insect-like races, who appeared like ants, or more akin to praying mantises. There were a dozen races based on lions and other great cats. There were reptilian and serpent races with scales for skin. There were even some who looked like goats or sheep, or even lama's. Her body belonged to whatever opened that door, and not knowing was making her wet. With a trembling hand, she knocked and waited to see what fate had in store for her.

For a moment, she thought maybe he was out, but then the door cracked open and purple eyes stared out. There wasn't a single light in the room, and even the window had been covered. All she had was the light from the hall to see a tall, muscular elf. His skin was black as midnight, with silver hair woven into a braid. He wore only pants revealing a well-defined muscular chest. Jaina recognized him as a dark elf and nervously tried to smile.

“Why have you come?” he asked in a dark and cruel voice.

Jaina steadied herself and informed him that her master had accepted his offer, and she was his for the night. A smile spread slowly across his face before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the room. He informed her that he wanted her to change form to her natural appearance so he could fuck the real her.

She did as she was told, allowing the red-haired elven woman to go. Something about taking her actual form sent shivers down her spine as his hands came to her hips and took firm hold. He felt along her body, testing her breasts with a squeeze, then surprisingly, he gently guided her to the bed.

“I want you to give yourself to me,” he said as he unlaced his pants. “I want it to be slow and sensual, like your dance.” They fell to the floor, and he climbed into the bed, laying on his back with his cock hard and straight in the air. Jaina realized what he wanted, and slowly she climbed over him until her body was in place. Then she reached down and wrapped her hand around him to guide it into her wet hole. Slowly she lowered herself down and eased him into position. She had to bounce and work her hips to get him in, but eventually, she sat firmly on his waist.

He put up his hands and blended his fingers with hers as she started a slow rhythmic bounce on his cock. It sent waves of excitement crashing through her being as she tried to come to terms that she was riding a stranger. With a mind lost to arousal leftover from the dance, she leaned into his hands for support and rode with hungry passion. All that mattered was the sensation between her legs, and she was determined it would never stop.

Jaina fell into the sex, rolling and rocking on this stranger as if she were dancing to a song. She moaned with every twitch of her hips, her breath quick and shallow. He held her hands firmly, giving her something to lean against as her legs worked to carry her up, only to fall again. So on the dance went as her body writhed for his personal pleasure, the constant rolling driving him deep inside.

The slow pace felt strange to Jaina as she was accustomed to Roric's brutal breedings. She smiled with every delicate thrust, rolling her hips and stomach to full effect. She realized that this was what slow passionate sex was like, and she was having it with a stranger. Knowing Roric would be paid for this sent goosebumps across her skin and stoked the flames of passion.

Inside, a sensation began to grow as her eager body responded to his intrusion. Every thrust of her hips fed the fire until, at last, she could no longer hold on. Her hands tightened over his as her legs shook, and she cried out in sweet release. Her orgasm throbbed as she contained to ride, never letting up the pace.

“That’s it, make love to me,” he whispered.

Something about that phrase struck a chord as Jaina tried to reason it out. She came here to fuck and make her master some money, but this man wanted love. Roric's last words came to mind as he told her to do a good job so word would spread. Jaina was determined not to let him down, so if this stranger wanted love, that's what he would get.

She released his hands and fell over his chest, her breast crushed between them. She moaned and writhed as her body rolled in waves up and down his firm cock. He put a hand on her back as she continued to work, slowly driving him through her body. Her face hovered beside his as she struggled to breathe, her body alive with passion and desire. He tried to speak, but she put fingers to his lips and shushed him sensually.

“Just make love to me,” Jaina whispered in his ear before moving to his lips to share a kiss. They locked lips passionately as his hands curled around her rear, squeezing gently as she continued to ride her lover.

She had no idea how much time passed, but during it all, she never let up, riding him with a hunger to be satisfied again. When her next orgasm came, Jaina realized that this was what she wanted, to have sex night and day. She began to think of Alexandria's offer and being in the brothel to use her body to pleasure endless lines of men. Something about that image didn't quite work, and she realized what it was almost instantly. It wasn't the sex itself that was so important; it was that she was doing it to obey Roric. She needed him to choose her lovers, selling her body for gold. Without him, the thrill would be gone, and her actions would feel hollow.

Realizing the truth of her needs drove her to new levels of passion. She loved Roric and needed to be his slave as badly as the plants needed the rain. She needed him to own her mind, body, and soul, and knowing she was here because of him made the task a joy. She lavished this man with all the love her body could give until, at last, his hands curled about her waist. He started to groan as her body rocked across his chest, keeping the slow constant stroke going.

His breathing quickened as she kissed all around his lips, eager to make him feel loved. He finally threw his head back and groaned loudly, but she never slowed the pace. He let out two short pants, then thrust up to meet her, needing to be as deep as possible. Jaina realized his moment had come, and he was in the throes of a powerful orgasm.

Jaina kept riding as long as she could, her breasts sliding across a chest now slick with sweat. Her pussy was alive with hunger and need, but he could take no more. He begged her to stop as she smiled before kissing his hot lips. His arms came around her back and pulled her tight, his cock never quite leaving her body. In that position, he fell asleep with Jaina in his arms. She lay across his chest and listened to the silence of the night. Somewhere in a room above, a woman was moaning in the throes of wild sex. She went to sleep with a smile, knowing that the woman was with Roric.

When morning came, they made love again, with him sitting on the bed as Jaina danced in his lap. He gave her one final gift from his body and then, with a sad expression, acknowledged that she had to leave.

“I could always come back,” Jaina said softly and touched his lips. “Just slip a note under the door and tell Roric what you’re willing to pay.”

He nodded and went to a cabinet where he drew out a small bag. He placed it in her hand and, with a parting kiss, escorted her into the hall. Jaina let out a tremendous sigh when the door closed as the tension and stress threatened to overwhelm her. Roric had just prostituted her, and now it was time to bring him his money. Naked as always, she walked down the hall, wishing a woman good morning as she passed. Outside his door, she paused to listen just encase he was still with his lover. She dared to peek in when she heard nothing suspicious and saw Roric still in bed. One might assume he had spent the night alone, but the evidence was plain to Jaina. His armor was disheveled as if discarded in a hurry. The bed linens were thrown about in a mess with a pillow on the floor. But the most telltale sign was that unmistakable odor of hot wet sex.

Jaina stepped over a pile of fresh letters and headed across the room. She set the bag on the table beside the bed and then went downstairs to get his breakfast. When she returned, he was awake and counting his gold with a pleased look on his face.

“Good morning, master,” she said and brought the food to the table.

“Good morning, my pet,” he replied and set the bag aside before taking her into his arms. “I hope your night went well.”

She nodded and put her head to his chest, feeling the warmth of his fur. “I had a good time,” she admitted.

“I am glad to hear that,” he replied. “I had a good time with a human girl.”

“I know,” she smiled and ran her hand along his chest. “I heard you.”

“So now that you have done it. I want you to be honest and tell me how you feel,” he insisted while rubbing her back.

Jaina took a moment to collect her thoughts, thinking back to the night. She remembered how she realized the sex wasn't what was important; it was Roric telling her to do it. She needed a master to use her body, and he was the one she wanted. With an excited tone, she came clean and admitted that she loved it.

“You really enjoyed it that much?” he asked.

“Only because I was doing it for you,” she said and clung to him tightly. “I can’t do it unless you order me to.”

“Do you want me to keep ordering you into other people's beds?” he asked.

“Please!” she begged and fell to her knees, looking up with a pleading expression. “I have never felt so much like your slave until you ordered me to fuck somebody else.”

Roric ran a hand through her hair and smiled in that odd canine way. He gestured to the letters by the door and then lifted her chin to speak. “From now on, you dance at night and only masturbate if they throw enough coins. Every morning I will collect the offers, and every night, you will go to the highest bidder.”

“Every night?” Jaina said in a breathless whisper.

“Every night,” he repeated as he continued to pet her head.

“And you will bring a girl up her to use and keep you company?” she asked.

“You know I will,” he said and traced her tender lips.

Jaina swooned to think that she would have sex with a different stranger every night. Even as she felt light-headed about the idea, Roric went to the door to collect the letters. He tossed about a third of them away, then sorted through the rest, finally placing one on the bed before her.

“Forty-three gold,” she said as she looked over the offer and noticed an odd detail. “But he only wants my company for one hour.”

“He just wants to fuck you and send you on your way,” Roric said as he went back to the pile. “Hmm, now that I look at this, I see an opportunity.”

“What opportunity?” Jaina asked.

“Well, I could send you to one guy all night for forty gold, or I could send you six guys for one hour each and make almost a hundred gold.”

“You want me to fuck six men in one night?” she asked as her stomach turned flip-flops.

“Honestly, it’s better for you this way,” he said as he sorted out six papers. “You will get a lot more experience, and I will get a lot more gold.”

“But six men in one night?” Jaina said again as she thought of her previous life and the two partners she'd had, including him. Roric was right; it would be a boost to her experience, but how much did she need to level anyway? “I wonder what I got for last night,” Jaina said and brought up her character sheet. She had to blink twice in confusion when she saw she was level six.

“You went up two levels since yesterday,” Roric said as he looked over her stats. He commanded her to pull open her experience history, and it told the facts plain as day. Most of it had come from her dancing; the orgasm live on stage, giving her a nice boost. The rest came from two separate sex sessions with the man in the room below.

“So you fucked him twice,” Roric noted and laughed. “Well, he got his money's worth, I guess.”

“I just wanted to please you,” she said with a blush on her cheeks.

“You did just fine,” he replied and set the papers aside. “Now, let's go see if we can't get me to level five so I can put a proper collar on you.”

Jaina clapped and jumped up, eager to be on her leash. Roric took out and walked her proudly through the streets as his prized sex slave. An hour later, they were in the fields approaching the zemmics when Roric stopped and locked Jaina's hands behind her back.

She smiled and fell to her knees, knowing what her master wanted, and was eager to provide it. She moaned as every inch of his cock was pushed in and then jumped slightly as his knot swelled inside. Once he was firmly rooted, she was fucked like he promised, going at her as hard as possible. Jaina moaned and cried as her body rocked with wild passion, the beast behind her showing no mercy. Instead of holding her arms, he took up the leash and pulled her head back as she suffered for his needs.

On and on, he pounded, her breasts flying in every direction as the first orgasm made her scream. He never let up, his knot refusing to leave her body as he pulled back to thrust harder. Her second orgasm was forced out just a minute later, and she shook from head to toe. By the time her third orgasm started to throb, Rorik was really hammering home. He grabbed her waist and pulled her back, driving his cock to new depths as it pulsed and emptied inside. Jaina cried out as her tender pussy was filled to overflowing, and it seeped down her thighs. Roric held her in place until he was satisfied she was fully bred.

She was allowed to lay face down in the grass, panting as they waited for his knot to shrink. Once again, it came out with a plop, and a river of warm beast seed flowed out. Roric then produced a towel and very gently wiped her down before taking her into his arms to sit on the grass. He freed her arms, and she clung to him as he stroked her back, telling her just how grateful he was that she was his. He sounded almost moved to tears as he explained how special she was. He never dreamed she would embrace being his slave so wholeheartedly. He thought they would always play at it and have their moments, but it would never be like he dreamed.

“I want it all to be exactly how you dream it,” Jaina said and looked into his eyes. She could see his sad expression, and it moved her to act. She rose up and cradled his long snout before pressing her lips to it. Her tongue reached into his mouth as his reached back, and together they shared a long wet kiss. When it ended, she smiled and looked down to see the next place she wanted to put her mouth.

His penis was encased in a kind of skin, but she quickly pulled it back and sucked the soft flesh inside. He moaned as she got him harder, sucking him with tender lips. Suddenly his hand was in the way, and she looked up to see him shake his head.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

He remained silent as he got up and turned her around, and locked her hands behind her back. She moaned as he slid his cock back into her pussy and buried the knot to let it swell inside.

“Why?” she asked as the knot became tight.

“Because I want to,” he said and stroked her rear gently. “I assure you, you will spend plenty of time sucking my cock. But today, I want to breed you again and again.”

“And you promise it will always be from behind?” she asked.

“My little pet,” Roric said as he tightened the leash in his hand. “I already promised you that it would always be this way. Even if you beg me to change, I assure you, this is all you will ever get.”

Jaina went to speak, but Roric burst into motion, fucking her body with an animal-like fury. She lost control almost immediately, screaming as she was mercilessly pummeled. Her body quickly responded, and in less than a minute, she was wailing in her first orgasm. She couldn't believe he was fucking her like this so soon after the first go and wondered how many times he planned to do it.

The field echoed with wet slaps as Roric fucked his slave. Jaina swore it went on for longer than the first time, her legs actually getting weak. By the time Jaina was allowed to collapse, she had had four more orgasms. Jaina lay in the grass panting with her arms still locked behind her back. She curled up her legs as his seed seeped from her opening, and without a second thought, she fell asleep.

When she woke up, something was swelling inside, and realized she was back on her knees.

“Roric?” she cried just before the pounding began again.

“I am so glad you made me promise to fuck you like this,” he said as she rocked from his wild attack. “I was starting to feel bad about going so rough. But now I don't have to worry, do I? You want me to use you like this because it makes you feel like my slave.

“Yes!” Jaina cried as her world filled with wild sex. “Never fuck me any other way!”

“Trust me, I won’t,” he replied with a pleased smile and continued to punish her.

Jaina's moan was one long continuous wail as her body shook in yet another orgasm. Again, she was lost to passion as a wild animal fucked her for the third time that morning. She actually started to feel tired from the strain of her body rocking so violently, but she didn't want it to stop. Somehow she craved being this way, helpless while her master used her for what he wanted. Suddenly another orgasm pulsed out as if out of nowhere. Jaina screamed in joy as her body convulsed with wild spasms, unable to abate while the fucking went on.

“What are you doing to me?” she pleaded as he pulled on her leash.

“Power leveling you,” he replied as his cock thundered deep in her stomach. “You were close to seven. I want to get you there before we go back.”

“What about your level?” Jaina cried between moans.

“I hit level five hours ago while you were sleeping,” he laughed. “My collar has been around your neck ever since.”

Jaina went wide-eyed as she tried to move her arms, desperate to touch the collar. Could he have put the actual slave collar on? No, it was impossible. She had to accept it willingly, and she was passed out. She pointed out this fact, and he laughed while pulling the leash.

“You did accept it willingly,” he replied. “I woke you up just long enough to show you, and you took it from my hands and put it on yourself.”

“I did?” she gasped as her body teetered on another orgasm.

“You did, but you were so exhausted that you settled right back down and went to sleep,” Roric said. “But since you put it on yourself, the timer is now ticking. In five days, it locks, and you will be my sex slave forever.”

Just hearing that sent the next orgasm crashing in. Jaina couldn't believe it was finally happening. She was a good and proper slave with a full slave collar. She wanted desperately to pull open her character sheet to see the change it made. But instead, all she could do was provide her pussy to her master to use as he saw fit. Maybe when he was done fucking it, he would let her look.

Roric went on for several more minutes before finally letting out a loud groan. His orgasm pumped even more fluid inside, but that wasn't what Jaina was concerned with. What really troubled her was the powerful orgasm she had in perfect unison with his. He held her still as his knot slowly diminished, slipping out a few minutes later.

This was normally the point where Jaina would fall to the grass, but strangely she felt good. Even her arms didn’t feel particularly uncomfortable despite being bound for hours.

“Not tired?” Roric asked and let out a low chuckle.

“No,” Jaina replied and turned her head to look back. “I could go again, but I don’t know why.”

“I think I can answer that,” Roric said and reached down the unlock her arms. He then took her into his lap, holding her tight as she opened her character sheet.

Jaina was shocked to see a new class for her character. She was now a level five sex slave, a level one morphic, and a level six seductress. She quickly opened her skills to see some old ones were gone, but a few new ones were in their place.

[Shared orgasm] [accommodate] [Rapid recover] [Naked defense] [Sexual Escalation] [Cleanse]

“What are all these skills?” she said and tapped shared orgasm to discover she would always have an orgasm when her partner did. Accommodate allowed her body to stretch to contain large partners without being harmed and worked for her ass and pussy. Rapid recovery was a healing ability that refreshed her stamina quickly after having sex so she could go again. Naked defense was right up Rorics alley as it encouraged the slave to be naked. So long as they wore little to no clothing, they wouldn't sunburn or get frostbite. They could also walk barefoot over sharp rocks, glass, or thorns and be unharmed. Jaina knew instantly that her boots were going away the moment she read that skill. Then there was sexual escalation, and she finally understood why her final orgasm had been so powerful. The skill caused every orgasm she had to be stronger than the one before it. That meant if Roric drove her to three or four orgasms in one session like he tended to do, she would be screaming out of her mind by the end. Cleanse was a rather useful skill and would come in handy if he intended for her to service six men tonight. It allowed her to refresh her body as if she had just bathed, becoming perfectly clean and unsoiled.

“Now, do you understand?” Roric said with a wide smile.

“I understand that I am all about sex now,” Jaina laughed. “I am essentially a sex slave seductress with a tiny bit of morphic power.

“Yes, and you have two classes that earn experience from having sex,” he pointed out and tapped her character sheet. To her surprise, he was able to open the experience history despite it not being his sheet.

“I can do that because I am your owner now,” he said when he noticed her expression.

“You really do have complete control of me now?” she whispered.

“I do, but I want you to see this,” he said and pointed to her history. Sure enough, she earned experience from sex twice, once for the sex slave and again for the seductress. She realized she was teetering on the brink of another level, and one more good fucking would push her right over.

“That’s why you were fucking me so much,” Jaina said as it all started to click.

“Yes, because I want you to unlock level six for the sex slave,” he said and tapped her sheet to show the skills for the next level. He clicked on one called easy going, and Jaina shook her head no.

“You can't do that to me!” she cried as Roric started to laugh. The skill had one straightforward feature. It made orgasms far easier to have.

“I can and I will,” he said. “I am saving your points so I can put them all there when you level.”

“Roric! Paired with sexual escalation, I will be out of my mind,” she insisted.

“That's how I want you,” he said and rubbed her stomach. “I want you to crave sex and be addicted to orgasms. I want you to hunger to be down on your knees while I pound you to a dozen or more.”

Jaina smiled and let out a deep sigh before shaking her head.

“Well, I think it's time you fucked me to level seven then.”

“With pleasure,” he said, pushing her to her knees.

“Wait, you're ready again?” she asked, unable to believe it.

“Well, there is something you should know,” Roric said with a laugh. “Now that you're properly my slave, I get experience when I fuck you.”

“I know. We talked about that before,” Jaina said as she felt his hand fondling her pussy.

“Right. I knew in advance that I would need a way to keep up with you, so I spent all my points on endurance and unlocked the skill second wind. I can recover my entire stamina pool three times a day.”

“Three times?” Jaina said in alarm as a familiar object began to slide into her body. She started to breathe heavily as he worked himself in, knowing this would be a fucking like no other.

“My pool is so large, I can fuck you twice before I need to refresh,” Roric said as his knot tightened inside her pussy.

“So with three refreshes, you can fuck me six, no eight times before you need to rest!” Jaina cried.

“Exactly,” Roric said and pulled on her leash. “I now make more experience by fucking you than I could farming these worthless zemmics. And just so you know, I intend to do all my leveling by pounding this body.” He adjusted himself, causing her to groan, and then took all the slack out of her leash. “So from now on, I will fuck you eight times a day, and they will all be just like this.”

Jaina’s voice carried over the open plains as she was fucked like never before. She knew she had leveled when the orgasms started to come fast, each better than the previous one. By the time Roric had his orgasm, Jaina had had eleven, and the twelfth she shared with him was mind-blowing.

By the end of the fucking, Roric had gotten his wish. Jaina was now, well and truly, addicted.

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