The Adaptive Quincy of Bleach

Chapter 77: Brotherly bond(77)

Sora continued to train; his daily routine had not changed much.

"Uryu, your pose sucks..."

"Shut it," Uryu shot back, looking slightly embarrassed that his cousin was catching him lacking like this.

"Not my fault. A Quincy Vollständig is supposed to be the peak strength that a Quincy can achieve. The holy form, the holiest of holies... so a bum-ass pose won't do."

Sora sipped his drink as he looked at his cousin.

"Why do I need a pose to begin with? I don't even possess Vollständig."

"Heh, at the rate you're going, give it like 4 months or you get into a major fight or two, and you will get it," Sora sipped his drink.

He needed more of that stuff; it tasted rather good.

"How do you know it will take me that long to achieve Vollständig?" Uryu questioned, looking at his brother.

"It's one of those things I just know. It's like how you know you pull zero bitches and the fact that you come up with the lamest excuses... Just like you, it's just a skill that you can only be born with."

Sora yawned a bit, eating some light snacks while Uryu looked just a bit annoyed at his brother's antics.

"Tough talk coming from the guy whose girlfriend's a ghost."

Well, damn... that hurt.

"Well, at least I pull... You even get rejected on the ouija boards."

Well, damn... no holding back, huh.

"That's rich coming from the guy who tricked her into being with him."

"Wow, what a smart mouth. You can only use it as a bitch repellent."

"Plus, I bet even if you did pull my trick, you wouldn't have pulled," Sora said with a smile on his face.

Uryu just looked annoyed, but oh well, just friendly banter.

"How are you planning to make this work? She is a ghost, and you are a physical being," Uryu suddenly asked.

"I can adapt to it. If I can adapt to a test and basically adapt to being able to hit someone that's technically in another plane of existence, adapting to being able to plow a soul shouldn't be too hard."


"I am 16, about to be 17. I am not a child," Sora added nonchalantly.

"Not a child, huh? Says the guy who still cries when his ice cream falls off the cone."

"First of all, that was one time, and second, who in their right mind wouldn't cry over cookies and cream hitting the pavement? That's a universal tragedy."

"Universal tragedy? You're dramatic as hell, you know that?"

"Says the guy who threw a fit when someone corrected his grammar in class. What was it again? 'I seen' instead of 'I saw'? You looked like you were about to duel them at high noon."

"Grammar matters, Sora! Maybe if you cared about it, people would take you seriously for once."

"Take me seriously? Bro, I'm the one giving you a crash course on Quincy greatness, and you're out here looking like a middle schooler playing dress-up with your half-assed Reishi control."

"At least I don't prance around pretending to be the main character of some corny shonen anime."

"Main character energy, baby. Sorry you got stuck with sidekick vibes."

"Sidekick vibes? I'm literally the smarter one here. I have strategies—"

"—that nobody listens to because you explain them like you're teaching advanced calculus to a toddler."

"And yet, somehow, you're the toddler who still manages to screw it up anyway."

"Bold of you to assume I screw things up. The only thing I've screwed up is giving you my precious time instead of training myself to become even more of a god."

"You're about as godly as a plastic lawn flamingo."

"And you're as exciting as a tax audit. What's your point?"

"My point is, if I ever achieve Vollständig, it'll be despite your terrible advice, not because of it."

"Good luck with that, Mr. 'I can't even hit a stationary target because my glasses fog up.'"

"And good luck figuring out how to make your ghost girlfriend a physical body before you die of old age."

"And good luck explaining to Dad why you still don't know how to properly summon a bow without looking constipated."

Sibling rivalry was always good.

Uryu looked annoyed while Sora had a smug look on his face.

"Acting all cocky as if you are better than me."

"But I am."

"You sure act cocky for someone who only managed to pull once."

"Well, if I really wanted to, there's Lisa from the Visored, maybe Miss Yoruichi, Tatsumi from the school... It is really not that hard when you are as handsome as me."

Uryu was left grasping at straws.

"I wonder what Rukia would think about this?"

A blicky was pointed in front of Uryu before he could even blink or register it.

"What would I think about it?" a female voice was heard saying.

Sora turned around as Uryu finally realized there was a gun in front of his face.

Standing there in all of her glory... Rukia Kuchiki. She seemed to have a new badge. Was she perhaps upgraded?

"Yay, you are back," Sora said, pulling her close for a hug. She didn't really resist; she just let it happen.

"What was I not supposed to hear?" Rukia suddenly asked.

"Oh, Uryu said I could pull, and I did give him a list of people I could pull. However, that doesn't matter—you're all that matters."

Uryu sweat-dropped at that... Sora didn't even try to lie; he was like an open book.

Was he perhaps trying to tell as few lies as possible, making himself appear more trustworthy by being so open?

Damn it... why did he have to be born emotionally smart?

"I shall leave you two to yourselves," Uryu added politely, excusing himself from the room.

'Thanks for not making it awkward,' Sora thought as he gazed back at Rukia.

"So, what brings you here?"

"You did promise to train me."

Oh, she was here for that? Cool, he could do it.

"I'm guessing those pesky nobles only allowed you to—"

"Actually, Byakuya gave me complete free rein to do what I want."

"Oh... brother-in-law helping... guess he's as kind as I thought," Sora muttered to himself.

"Who's Lisa?"

Okay, she had been there longer than he thought. Well, honesty would help.

"Heh, just a Visored I met who reads porn. She has very weird fantasies. She looks like Shunsui's second-in-command but taller."

By shaping his sentence like this, he didn't reveal any of the girl's physical characteristics—just in case that might make Rukia feel even slightly insecure.

After all, from what Rukia knew, Sora had only gained an interest in her due to the Hogyoku. Now that she no longer had it, was that interest also gone?

This might explain her slightly out-of-character moments right now.

"Is... she pretty?"

Yup... his guess was right on.

Jeez, did Rukia look cute right now.

He gave her a kiss—a kiss that lasted quite a long time. As they pulled away, a thin bridge of saliva could be seen between their lips for a moment before it broke as they moved further apart.

"She is, but only you can make my heart beat so fast."

Was that cheesy? Maybe, but it worked. Plus, it was the truth.

Now, it was time to train his girlfriend to at least a low Captain level or high Lieutenant level. He wouldn't want Aizen to use her against him...

Wait. Now that he thought about it, low Captain or high Lieutenant level wasn't cutting it.

But considering the roughly few weeks he had to train her, that was probably the most she could achieve in that time frame.

A/N....Sora may or may not have a secret technique to help spiritual beings get stronger.

Random system I worked on, sending it here just to see if it stick or I need to do some changes.

At the heart of this system were three primary ranks: the Lesser Sins, the Seven Deadly Sins, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, each representing a different level of power and authority.

1. Foot Soldiers (The Lowest Tier of the Hierarchy)

At the very bottom of the system were the basic foot soldiers—mindless, expendable Hollows that served as the first line of offense and defense.

Composition: Mostly of hollows that haven't reached Menos Grande Tier.

Purpose: Used for reconnaissance, territorial defense, and battles where sheer quantity mattered more than quality.

Fate: If a foot soldier showed promise—either through exceptional strength, intelligence, or adaptability—they would be trained extensively and pushed toward the next stage of Hollow evolution:

 Gillian.2. The Transition: From Gillian to Adjucha

Once a Hollow displayed enough potential, they would be forced through intense training and combat to reach the Gillian stage.

Gillian Tier: These massive, mindless beings typically lacked individuality, but those that did retain their sense of self would be further nurtured by Gabriel's system.

Path to Adjucha: Once turned into a Gillian Gabriel would evolve them into Adjucha

At the Adjucha stage, a Hollow's trajectory in Gabriel's empire was determined.

3. The Lesser Sins: The Path to True Power

Upon reaching the Adjucha stage, the Hollow was no longer considered a mere soldier but was now eligible to become a Lesser Sin—the direct subordinates of the Seven Deadly Sins.

They currently only have 5 members as of me writing this.

Selection Process: An Adjucha could either be chosen by one of the Seven Deadly Sins or prove themselves worthy of joining a particular Sin's faction.

Sin Alignment: Once under the command of a Sin, they would inherit a "Lesser Sin" title, a trait reflective of the greater Sin they served.

For example, an Adjucha under Sloth could be given the title Laziness, Idleness, Indolence, or Sluggishness.Similarly, under Wrath, one could be given the title Rage, Fury, or Bloodlust.

However, Gabriel did not allow just anyone to become a Lesser Sin. Before officially joining, an Adjucha had to be transformed into an Arrancar—unless they showed exceptional promise for reaching Vasto Lorde. In such cases, Gabriel would personally ensure that they evolved into Vasto Lorde first before breaking their mask.(remember his power, he in fact can do that shit)

Advantages of Being a Lesser Sin:Direct training from an elite Arrancar.A structured path to strength and potential evolution.Once strong enough, they could challenge their superior and take their place within the Seven Deadly Sins.

Basically once you were a sin, it didn't mean your position was guaranteed, as your subordinate were allowed to challenge you, once per month for your role and rank.

Thus, the Lesser Sins were like the middle of the pact, they weren't weak but they weren't strong,strong.

4. The Seven Deadly Sins: The Captains of the Empire

At the pinnacle of Gabriel's structured military were the Seven Deadly Sins—seven elite Arrancar who embodied the very essence of the sins they represented.

Power Level: Each member was equivalent to a Shinigami Captain or a Sternritter, with some far surpassing that standard.

Origins: Chances were, anyone who became one of them, was a vastolorde beforehand, except (spoiler)

As long as their spirit class was 3 and above, they could enter. So captain level was the baseline.

Identification: Every Sin bore a tattoo somewhere on their body that reflected their assigned Sin, marking them as one of the elite.

The current Seven Deadly Sins, since Gabriel had only recently established his rule, had only 5 confirmed members:

Envy - (oc)

Envy's power allowed him to mimic and replicate the abilities of others, making him one of the most versatile warriors in the army.

Greed - (actual arrancar in the show and was once an Esparda,got murked though)

With no limit to his consumption, he could continuously grow stronger by devouring powerful foes.

Lust - (same)

This group would be a compromise of the strongest hollow, hell...he means Hueco Mundo had to offer.

5. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The Ultimate Elite

They would be the peak of his army.

Unlike regular Arrancar, these four were to be personally modified by Gabriel, granting them access to power only the most elite among Arrancar had: The Ability to have a second release state.

As of writing this, no horseman of the apocalypse has been chosen….

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