The Actor and His Sister Are Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Chapter Eighty Seven

Chu Xiaoyi hadn’t publicly flattered fans, he finally praised others, and was ruthlessly hung up by his sister, and suddenly felt how difficult things are in the world.

After Chu Xiaoxiao finished boasting, he fled in a hurry, without any intention of staying any longer.

Chu Xiaoyi: You are really righteous to prostitute!

Although Chu Xiaoyi’s delusion of applying to fly to the university was broken, he still enthusiastically offered to participate in the parents’ meeting and wanted to take a stroll to his younger sister’s primary school.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t refuse this time. She felt that it didn’t matter who held the parent meeting, and she wouldn’t show up at the meeting anyway.

Chu Xiaoxiao originally got the first place in the test for ordinary happiness, and forcibly harvesting his brother’s rainbow fart was double happiness.

She is now in a good mood, except for cheap brother’s wishful thinking, basically will not refuse.

The praise from her parents would not make Chu Xiaoxiao so happy. After all, they didn’t ask for it, but letting her annoying brother bow his head was very happy, and even made her have the pleasure of using the grade Rua brother!

Chu Xiaoxiao has been very happy in school recently, but the exam is just a few happy and sad, but Chen Guangsu was lost and distracted after the mid-term exam.

He was no longer a **** that was defeated, but a sick chicken.

In class, Chen Guangsu was distracted repeatedly. He was criticized by the teacher more than once, and even the mathematics teacher who had always liked him put forward his opinions.

The mathematics teacher was explaining the mid-term exam papers. He noticed that the eyes of the intended students were drifting, and said seriously: “Chen Guangsu, if you still don’t listen to class, it’s not a question of dropping one place, but whether the final exam can pass the average score. The level of homework is very low.”

The competitive pressure of the super-normal class is very high, and there are many rising stars such as Xu Xiao. This is not a problem of stagnation and being surpassed, but a problem of lagging behind if the speed is not enough.

The educational resources that everyone came into contact with before enrollment varied, but now the same class is standing on the same starting line, and often people can catch up.

In the past, Chen Guangsu was loved by mathematics teachers. He was originally talented in mathematics and was keen to develop ideas outside of class. He often got the teacher’s fruits, yogurt and other things.

This is a reserved item for the math teacher. He will reward students who come up with new problem-solving ideas and send out some snacks to encourage them.

The first time everyone saw a good-tempered mathematics teacher criticizing Chen Guangsu, they looked at each other suddenly and did not dare to show off.

Chen Guangsu bit his lip, he lowered his head and did not respond, not knowing what he was thinking.

When the math teacher saw this, he didn’t say too much, and calmly said: “Okay, let’s look at this question again.”

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Guangsu with concern. She always felt that the other party’s emotional color was very dimmed recently. It was not that the color became colder or warmer, but slowly became lighter, like being washed away by clear water, even if no.

Even though Chu Xiaoyi was closed in heart when he returned home, his emotional color was strong, otherwise it would not stimulate Chu Xiaoxiao, but Chen Guangsu seemed to be about to disappear.

After class, the math teacher also called Chen Guangsu to the podium. He taught the little boy heartily, hoping that the other party could cheer up.

After all, he is a child with a talent for mathematics, and the teacher does not want him to die inexplicably.

However, Chen Guangsu seemed unconscious and didn’t know if he listened.

After the math teacher left, Chen Guangsu walked slowly to his seat, but happened to meet Chu Xiaoxiao and Xu Xiao who wanted to go out.

Chu Xiaoxiao was taken aback. She just wanted to get out of the aisle, but when she saw Chen Guangsu silently bypassing them, she appeared cautious, afraid to avoid it.

Xu Xiao’s eyes were dumbfounded: “What’s the matter with Lao Mei?

Why haven’t I seen this episode in the history book? ”

Chu Xiaoxiao was surprised and muttered: “I thought he was going to say something like’beat you’ again…”

Liu Wenpei was sitting in the first row. She was reading a book, but now she turned her head and pushed her black-rimmed glasses and said, “He has been lingering for a long time, and I didn’t say anything when I saw him yesterday.”

The conflict between Liu Wenpei and Chen Guangsu has been around for a long time. Chu Xiaoxiao always treats people neither softly nor hard, so Liu Wenpei should be much more straightforward. Her face is only full of “little brother, do you think I care about you”, naturally. Chen Guangsu pinched harder.

Xu Xiao was quite astonished: “This is just a mid-term exam. As for this?

How many days can I fail in the entrance exam for 30 students? ”

Liu Wenpei: “It’s not just about grades. He doesn’t get together with boys now.”

Chu Xiaoxiao pondered for a few seconds, and suddenly she realized something was wrong, and said thoughtfully: “You observe him carefully?”

She didn’t even notice the relationship between Chen Guangsu and the boys in the class.

Liu Wenpei dismissed it and said, “Of course, we are different after all. I really don’t want to get together with people, he pretends not to get together with people.”

Liu Wenpei enjoys the feeling of being alone. She feels that too many people around her have disrupted her thoughts, but Chen Guangsu is different from her. He looks forward to joining the group and is arrogant and stiff, which makes it annoying.

Liu Wenpei pushed the black-framed glasses, she looked at Chu Xiaoxiao seriously again, and said solemnly: “Actually, I observe you very carefully, and I don’t treat them differently.”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “…Then I thank you.”

Although she doesn’t need this kind of fair treatment.

Xu Xiao excitedly said, “What about me?

what about me? ”

Liu Wenpei: “You seem to be relatively simple, and it can be over after a few days of observation.”

Xu Xiao dragged the tune long dissatisfiedly: “Hey—”

Teacher Lu seemed to have noticed Chen Guangsu’s anomaly. Chu Xiaoxiao discovered that they had talked many times in private, and occasionally a strange teacher was accompanying him, but the head teacher always avoided the classmates, as if he had a little secret.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t have the habit of eavesdropping. She left the office honestly every time, naturally not knowing what they were saying.

The real change happened in physical education class.

Physical education teachers often let students play dodge ball, Chu Xiaoxiao and others use a soft leather ball, the surface feels smooth, but it does not hurt when hitting the body.

Because first-year freshmen are not yet able to play basketball or volleyball, they use this toy ball instead.

However, even if it is a soft ball with low lethality, there will still be some accidents, such as accidentally being hit in the face!

“Chen Guangsu, are you okay?

I did not do it on purpose! ”

The boys were still frolicking in the playground, but when they saw the soft ball directly hit the opponent’s face, Chen Guangsu bowed in pain to cover his face, and suddenly looked panicked.

Hearing the movement, the physical education teacher rushed over to check, and helped Chen Guangsu who was crumbling to check, worrying: “Let me take a look, do you think it hurts?”

The boy who lost the ball was also frightened. He mistakenly thought Chen Guangsu could escape, and hurriedly ran from the other end, bewildered and said: “I was really careless!”

Everyone in the class gathered when they heard the accident, and they circled Chen Guangsu with concern, looking at the classmates in the teacher’s arms.

Chu Xiaoxiao found that Chen Guangsu was a little strange, his hands and feet were convulsed unconsciously, his whole body was trembling in the eyes of everyone, and his face was even more pale.

Chu Xiaoxiao: “Teacher, he seems to be out of breath.”

The physical education teacher confirmed that Chen Guangsu’s red forehead was okay. He immediately spoke to disperse the crowd and commanded: “Xu Xiao, you go to the office and call Teacher Lei, let her stare at me for a while, I will take Chen Guangsu to the infirmary…”

Chen Guangsu shook his head desperately when he heard the words. He held his head as if he was about to escape from the playground, insisting on going to the infirmary.

The physical education teacher hesitated, the soft ball is indeed not lethal, otherwise it will not be put into use.

Seeing that Chen Guangsu seemed to recover, and seeing that the other party insisted on going alone, he simply said, “Chu Xiaoxiao, then you can send Chen Guangsu a visit.”

As the monitor of Chu Xiaoxiao, she had no objection to this arrangement, nodded and followed Chen Guangsu.

The supernormal class on the playground gradually returned to calm. After all, Chen Guangsu could leave alone, obviously there was nothing big.

Chen Guangsu moved very fast, and there seemed to be an evil spirit chasing him behind him, making Chu Xiaoxiao unable to catch up with him.

She realized that the other party was in the wrong direction, and quickly reminded: “The infirmary is here!”

Chen Guangsu turned a deaf ear to her voice, he plunged into the end of the corridor and went straight to Teacher Lu’s office!

In the office, the appearance of Chen Guangsu confuses the teachers.

Teacher Lu looked at Chen Guangsu, who could not help but tremble, and finally sighed in regret. With an unexpected feeling, he began to call his parents.

She said to Chu Xiaoxiao next to him: “Xiao Xiao, can you help me go to the infirmary and call Teacher Li.”


Today, Chu Xiaoxiao is a little errand runner. Her physical education class ended on the run, and she went to the infirmary to look for Teacher Li.

She discovered that Teacher Li was the strange face who accompanied Teacher Lu in the office. They had communicated with Chen Guangsu many times in private, but they didn’t know what they were talking about.

“Is it Chen Guangsu?

Okay, I know, thank you. ”

Teacher Li followed Chu Xiaoxiao and got up. Her desk was stuck with the name tag of the psychology teacher. Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t understand why she stayed with the school doctor.

In the office, the psychology teacher took Chen Guangsu to the infirmary. Chu Xiaoxiao’s mission was also over, but she inadvertently heard Teacher Lu’s call.

Teacher Lu: “Yes, yes, if he really needs to take a leave of absence, the school can follow the procedure here, and we can have an interview after you arrive…”

After Teacher Lu hung up the phone, Chu Xiaoxiao was shocked: “Suspend school?

Is Chen Guangsu hurt so badly?

! ”

Chu Xiaoxiao: I couldn’t keep up with him even with running. He was hit so hard by the ball?

Teacher Lu looked at her panicked and worried look, wondering: “It’s not a matter of physical education, it’s just that Chen Guangsu has a stress reaction recently and may not be suitable to stay in school…”

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at a loss: “What is stress response?”

Teacher Lu patiently explained for a long time, and Chu Xiaoxiao finally understood that Chen Guangsu would be nervous, anxious, and breathless in an environment with too many peers. This is the dual effect of physiological and psychological responses.

He has persisted for a long time since the beginning of school, but now he has started to relapse again.

Teacher Lu used a paper cup to collect water for the small squad leader. She hushed and asked warmly: “Is Xiao Xiao tired?

Drink some water and go back to work to rest. You have worked so hard to run several times today. ”

Teacher Lu was also deeply moved. She had known about the students before the start of school.

After Chen Guangsu was ranked second in the entrance examination, his performance was as usual. Adults felt that he was gradually integrating into the group, but his situation suddenly deteriorated.

This is the brand he left when he was in kindergarten. Although the adults tried their best to guide him, it was not easy for him to come out slowly.

Chen Guangsu was normal before he went to kindergarten. Although he occasionally showed a bit of triviality, he still didn’t have the paranoia to strive for the first place.

Compared to his peers, he was early-minded, and he was quite outstanding in the kindergarten. He quickly caused dissatisfaction among a certain child in the class, and was gradually excluded by the children in the class.

The children’s likes and dislikes are too simple and straightforward. They can sometimes be led by a few gossips. At first they are huddled together and indifferent, but the next behavior is a bit cross-line, pushing and shoving or performing pranks from time to time. .

There are probably always leaders and clowns in the class. When the child was the leader, Chen Guangsu was the clown in the class.

If Chen Guangsu loses in the kindergarten, the child will take the lead in ridicule, making people roar around him: “Chen Guangsu, I thought you were so smart, wouldn’t it be the same for you?

! ”

Chen Guangsu and Kidtou were the smartest children in the class at the time. They always competed in all aspects, and that is how Chen Guangsu became stubborn.

He must strive for the first place in everything. If he doesn’t fight for the first place, he will be ridiculed and bullied by others!

However, the better Chen Guangsu’s performance is, the more the child hates him, and the bullying will increase.

Even if Chen Guangsu reacted to the teacher, it was useless. His competitors used to pretend to be miserable in front of adults, otherwise they would not be able to win over the rest of the kindergarten.

The child never bullied Chen Guangsu on the face, he was much more cunning than Chen Guangsu, only using some small tricks.

Even if Chen Guangsu went home to report to his parents, his parents could not stare at him in the kindergarten. At most, the teacher would take care of him.

Chen Guangsu complained too many times, and the teacher couldn’t grasp the handle of the child’s head. Naturally, he felt helpless, so he could only make a good suggestion: “Chen Guangsu, if everyone is unwilling to play with you, do you have to think about yourself? What’s the problem?”

The young Chen Guangsu heard this like a bolt from the blue. He did not understand why being bullied had to think about his own problems. He even confuses the concepts of “unable to get along with others” and “being bullied by everyone”. The so-called fair teachers are repelled.

Chen Guangsu’s kindergarten career ended in a quiet afternoon. After a nap, he put on his little shoes unsuspectingly, but smashed a caterpillar hidden in the shoe, and finally collapsed completely!

From then on, Chen Guangsu chose not to go to kindergarten on a hunger strike. Even if his parents changed schools for him and promised that such things would never happen again, he would not let it go. He occasionally went back to school and couldn’t stay for two days. .

Chen Guangsu’s parents had a headache to guide his son for a long time, such as enrolling in extracurricular classes for him to relieve tension, but he still couldn’t stay in an environment with many peers for too long.

If there are many adults in the class, Chen Guangsu will start to become nervous as long as there are more than three children. He only dared to pick up what Yang Yin held in the pantry, because Yang Yin didn’t look like his peers.

At the same time, Chen Guangsu began to be tainted with some of the original characteristics of the child, such as he wants to be the first in everything, such as being arrogant when surpassing others.

Because he was bullied when he was behind, he felt safe to be the first and was able to lead others.

The child’s head is jealous of Chen Guangsu’s intelligence, but Chen Guangsu is envious of the popularity of the child’s head. So far, he has fallen into a deadlock.

Chen Guangsu left the Latin class first to receive psychological counseling. Only then did he pass the entrance exam and successfully entered the supernormal class.

It’s just that the good times don’t last long, and he’s going to be cute again.

In the class, Chen Guangsu’s seat was always empty, and his delay in returning made the class anxious.

The boy who missed his hand was quite panicked: “Is he really okay?

I don’t like him very much, but I didn’t smash him on purpose…”

The children in the first grade were relatively well-behaved, and Chen Guangsu’s incident seemed to have shocked many teachers, and naturally made the person involved a little scared.

Chu Xiaoxiao also showed hesitation. They didn’t wait for Chen Guangsu in the end, but instead waited for Chen Guangsu’s parents.

Chen Guangsu’s mother looked good, so she came to help her son pack his schoolbags, saying that she wanted to take him home.

Upon seeing this, the boy who missed his hand said hurriedly: “Auntie, does Chen Guangsu still have a headache?

I accidentally hit him. ”

Chen Guangsu’s mother looked at the little turnip heads who came close, and she hurriedly waved her hand to comfort her: “It’s okay, his head doesn’t hurt anymore, he just doesn’t feel well…”

Everyone in the class thought about Chen Guangsu’s abnormality, and then they relaxed and said, “Maybe it’s a cold.”

“I don’t think he is in good spirits lately.”

The others gradually dispersed, only when Chen Guangsu was infected with the flu. It was indeed a cold outbreak period recently.

Chu Xiaoxiao was the only person who knew the truth. After hearing Teacher Lu’s call, she always felt that it was not simply “physical discomfort”, and it seemed that Chen Guangsu would never return to class.

Chen Guangsu’s mother’s movements were quite neat. Chu Xiaoxiao hurriedly chased after seeing this and shouted: “Auntie, will Chen Guangsu still come to school tomorrow?”

Mother Chen looked back and saw the little girl. She was embarrassed for a while, and she didn’t know how to answer: “This…”

Chu Xiaoxiao asked, “Is it because of his test scores?”

Chu Xiaoxiao was very happy to get the first place, but she didn’t know if it was a blow to the opponent, and even the initial joy dissipated a lot.

Although Xu Xiao said that this was only a mid-term exam, Chen Guangsu was obviously not the same person as Xu Xiao.


Is your name Chu Xiaoxiao, I seem to have seen you before?

When you are in class outside? ”

Mother Chen always felt that the little girl was very familiar. She heard her son’s rants at home, saying that she would defeat Chu Xiaoxiao and Liu Wenpei, and quickly calmed down, “It’s okay, it has nothing to do with you, it’s not a question of test results.”

Mother Chen knew that the atmosphere of the super-normal class was fine, otherwise Chen Guangsu insisted not to expire the entrance examination, and Chu Xiaoxiao and others would really not have that strong influence.

Chu Xiaoxiao was even more puzzled: “Then why didn’t he come to school?”

Chen’s mother completely emptied Chen Guangsu’s things, not even letting go of the cabinets, unlike short-term leave.

Mother Chen was also helpless, and simply confessed: “Because he himself got into a vicious circle, he always feels that others are going to bully him, so he needs to go home and recuperate for a while…Thank you for your concern. If he recovers fast enough, maybe it will take two days. Come to class.”

Of course, Mother Chen still had subtexts that didn’t tell her children that if Chen Guangsu’s psychological counseling was not fast enough, there would be basically no play this semester.

Chen Guangsu is currently in poor condition. The reason is that he feels like a knife hanging on his head every day. He always feels that he is in a weak position. He always thinks that he will be bullied in the next second.

Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to understand but not. She didn’t understand the logic of not going to class because she always felt that others were going to bully him. She was still young and didn’t know much about psychology.

After talking, Mother Chen asked again: “Do you know how to get to the principal?

I have something to go over. ”

Chu Xiaoxiao speculated that Chen’s mother was going to take a leave of absence. She stretched out her hand and pointed the way to the other party, feeling a little lost in her heart.

Although Chen Guangsu is usually a little annoying in the class, she didn’t mean to let the other party disappear directly. The people in the class were also concerned about him just now.

In the infirmary, Chen Guangsu was alone in the quilt of the hospital bed. It took him a long time to relieve himself and he was able to catch his breath again.

After comforting him, the psychology teacher went out to get things, and now he is the only one in the room quietly.

Chen Guangsu just heard his mother rushing, he suddenly felt relaxed, fumbled for getting out of bed and put on shoes, and then subconsciously turned the vamp upside down and shook to check for any foreign objects inside.

This is a habit he developed after he left the kindergarten. He still remembers the sticky feeling of the insect body bursting, and he will have a tingling scalp when he thinks of it!

Although his shoes and socks were thrown away at a distance, and he went home to wash his feet frantically, he still felt that something stuck to his right foot, which had been lingering forever, and even heavier.

The door of the infirmary squeaked, and Chen Guangsu, who was wearing shoes, was startled immediately. He said nonchalantly, “Ah!”

Chu Xiaoxiao just knocked on the door and didn’t respond, she cautiously pushed the door in, but suddenly heard a violent drink.

She was also astonished and horrified, standing still, holding the doorknob motionlessly, and looking at the people in the room in a panic.

The two children stared at each other with big eyes, they were both frightened by each other, and they were silent for several seconds together.

Chen Guangsu saw Chu Xiao Xiaosong breath, and turned his head a little awkwardly.

He was not too repulsive to her. He mainly took Latin lessons together, and he had a subtle sense of familiarity.

However, he didn’t know how to face the newly appointed No. 1 place. He still had a sense of fear for the top ranked people. In addition, Chu Xiaoxiao always reminded him of the psychological shadows recently.

Chu Xiaoxiao hadn’t shown her traits in the Latin class, but she began to have the characteristics of a child king in the supernormal class. For example, the people in the class were willing to vote for her, she got along well with others, and even surpassed Liu Wenpei.

This development trend made Chen Guangsu extremely nervous, and he was a little afraid of history repeating itself.

Chen Guangsu tried to be calm on the face, but in fact he was flustered, but when he saw that Chu Xiaoxiao was not bringing anyone, he assumed the posture of a paper tiger.

However, his mental activity could not deceive Chu Xiaoxiao’s eyes at all, and she could see clearly the other’s emotions.

Chu Xiaoxiao was still calm. After the initial panic, she calmly stepped into the infirmary and asked carefully: “Are you not going to school because of your grades?”

Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t understand the ins and outs, she wanted to ask the person’s opinion, but Chen Guangsu bowed her head and said nothing, and showed an attitude of dissociation.

Seeing that he didn’t say anything, Chu Xiaoxiao noticed the other’s tense emotions, thought about it for a moment, and carefully speculated: “Because I was higher than you in the exam, you are afraid that I will bully you, so you don’t go to school?”

Chen Guangsu was trampled on a sore foot this time, and his face flushed immediately, and he even stammered anxiously: “Who, who told you that I was bullied…”

Seeing that his reaction was so great, Chu Xiaoxiao felt that he was close to the truth of the matter, and simply took two steps forward, and immediately frightened Chen Guangsu back.

To be honest, the environment of the infirmary reminded Chen Guangsu of many bad memories. He had always been teased and made fun of by his children before, and there was no way to collect evidence!

Seeing that she was still moving forward, Chen Guangsu screamed: “Mr. Li will be back soon!”

Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t respond to his harsh yelling, she leaned forward persistently, and stretched out a finger, only scared the opponent pale and about to run away.

Chen Guangsu jumped out of bed and ran away in panic, but saw her fingers poking impartially on her face. This was just a simple poking, like an adult poking a child!

Chu Xiaoxiao imitated the state of the cheap brother poking her face. She poked Chen Guangsu’s elastic cheek with her finger and said, “Even if you have been bullied, the results this time will be cleared. We will start another round for the next exam. .”

Chu Xiaoxiao’s idea is very simple: Don’t you just fear being bullied, can I just finish the bullying?


Since he thinks he will be bullied if she takes a low exam, as long as she finishes the bullying this time, the next exam will be a new start. How can she suspend school?

Chu Xiaoxiao’s concept of “bullying” is quite simple now. It is considered one thing to remove the head rope, but if Chen Guangsu has no head rope, then only his brother-style bullying is left-poke and rub, Rua comes and Rua goes.

Chen Guangsu was stabbed by her. He felt like he was afraid that the enemy would flash a big move, but the opponent shot himself in a hurry!

Chu Xiaoxiao had bright eyes and said systematically: “My test scores are better than you, and I have bullied you now. You don’t need to be afraid anymore. Can you go to school tomorrow?”

Chen Guangsu: “…” What kind of bullying is this?


Chen Guangsu’s heart was broken. He felt that this couldn’t be regarded as bullying at all, but he felt that it was wrong for him to instruct Chu Xiaoxiao to bully himself. Suddenly, there was confusion in his mind, and he was confused by her logic.

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