The Actor and His Sister Are Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Chapter Forty-Five

Chu Xiaoxiao actually didn’t want to go out. Today, she and Sister Yang Yin and brother Qiqi were just planting potatoes in the small courtyard. After a short while, they felt so hot and faint. It would be more tiring to go to the class.

However, Chu Xiaoyi couldn’t wait to splash and roll on the sofa, so he almost used all his acting skills and began to thunder and not rain.

The way Chu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoyi get along is amazing. Although the age gap between the two is huge, they are brothers and sisters of the same generation.

Chu Xiaoyi is already an adult man, and he is not in the category of children, but he is Chu Xiaoxiao’s brother, which makes her think that the other party is in the same rank as Qiqi’s brother.

“I’m going to hold a parent meeting for you, but you are not even willing to visit the crew…” Chu Xiaoyi began to perform on the sofa, complaining bitterly about his sister’s indifferent behavior, and groaned.

He is like acting in an idol drama with a sense of time. His acting skills must be exaggerated and exaggerated, and he has to toss the cushions on the sofa, like a husky who just needs to tear down the house.

Chu Xiaoxiao saw that he hadn’t stopped talking for a long time, so she could only cover her small ears with her hands and exclaimed: “I am willing! Can I still do it if I am willing?”

Chu Xiaoxiao: I’m afraid that he will collapse the sofa and leave me nowhere to jump.

Chu Xiaoyi stopped his artificial acting in one second after hearing the words. He easily got up from the sofa, patted the messy corners of his clothes, and said happily: “Okay, then I will let He Xin come to pick you up.”

Chu Xiaoyi: Xiaoyanger, I still can’t cure you.

Chu Xiaoxiao was a little frustrated, and she was self-explanatory in her heart, and she couldn’t be familiar with animals.

Cats and dogs often cannot control their behavior and will do things that make humans angry, but humans must give each other more tolerance and love.

She treats the cheap brother as a big, ignorant dog, and immediately feels a lot more comfortable.

Chu Xiaoxiao sat in the living room watching TV, while Chu Xiaoyi dragged out the large suitcase and started packing things with his parents.

He will stay in the group for three to four months, and will live in a nearby hotel during filming, and it will be troublesome to go home again.

“Yamila transforms! Colorful magic rain, star dreams and snow crystals, let Mi’er inject hope and love into you!”

Chu Xiaoyi was packing up things while listening to her sister’s TV voice, and couldn’t help but vomit: “What are you watching?”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “”Yamila Little Fairy”.”

Chu Xiaoyi: “?”

Listening to the shameful lines on the TV, Chu Xiaoyi simply stood there and watched. He was dazzled by the colorful little girls, and for a time was inspired to “embrace others”, and finally understood what his younger sister was watching in children’s dramas. Content, “Yamila Little Fairy” is the same kind of dramas such as “Ba La La Little Demon Fairy” and “Dancing God”.

The protagonists are a group of elementary school students with fairy energy. They have to fight for love and justice, and finally unite to defeat the evil villain.

The whole play is full of cheap costumes and fancy fairy transformations. The little actors also have extremely shameful transformation lines. After the transformation, the hair color will change from red to green to blue.

Chu Xiaoyi hesitated: “You have fallen from “Harry Potter” to this point?”

Chu Xiaoyi always felt that his younger sister had a high aesthetics, why did she suffer from the poison of domestic children’s dramas?

Chu Xiaoxiao stared at the TV intently: “These two are not the same content.”

Chu Xiaoyi said sincerely: “You want to watch this play, it is better to watch my play.”

Although some of his previous works are not logically logical, they are still more reliable than “Yamila Xiaoxian”.

Chu Xiaoxiao: “Isn’t your drama similar to this one?”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…” This is really a terrible mockery.

What Chu Xiaoxiao was telling was the truth. She skipped the content that she didn’t understand when she watched TV series or movies, but she could understand everything in “Yamila Little Fairy”, and watched Chu Xiaoyi’s costume drama. When receiving the same amount of information.

She eliminated the complicated and profound lines in classical Chinese, and felt that there was no difference between the two stories.

Chu Xiaoyi bluntly said: “When you grow up to six years old, you will definitely be ashamed of your love to watch this kind of drama. Maybe you will start to be ashamed when you are five years old…”

Chu Xiaoyi felt that Chu Xiaoxiao’s intellectual development level was extremely fast, maybe she felt wrong after half a year, and realized how naive she was once.

When Chu Jiadong heard the conversation between his brothers and sisters, he glanced at the TV and said, “This show is indeed okay. It just talks about the friendship of a group of little girls, and there is nothing unsuitable for children.”

Chu Jiadong doesn’t consider the production team. He thinks that the story should be true, good and beautiful. Anyway, it is just to entertain children.

Chu Xiaoyi murmured: “This is not like “Blurry and Big Big Wolf”, it’s all that is shown to children in China.”

Chu Xiaoxiao turned a deaf ear to the comments made by her brother and father. She devoted herself entirely to the plot, not caring about their evaluation.

She is very attentive when doing things and is rarely disturbed by the outside world.

Chu Xiaoyi felt that the play was unsightly, but people might be curious, so he packed a few things and simply sat next to his sister to watch it.

Xiao Bi came over with daily necessities and reminded: “Xiao Yi, put the things in your hand, why did you suddenly sit down?”

“Oh, oh, come…” Chu Xiaoyi responded, feeling that the play was so toxic, making him ashamed and serious to continue watching, he saw the familiar faces on TV, showing an expression of uncertainty.” Is this Liu Yunhan?”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “This is Mi’er Xiaoxian.”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…I mean her real name is Liu Yunhan, and she is also acting in our crew.”

Liu Yunhan is a child star. When she first debuted, she acted in many children’s dramas similar to “Yamilla Fairy”. Now she has emerged in TV series and movies, playing various roles such as sisters, daughters, and emperors.

Chu Xiaoyi had contact with her in the lower part of the play, and naturally left an impression on her.

Chu Xiaoxiao was originally watching TV, but her eyes lit up when she heard this, she stood up in disbelief and asked, “Really?

Can you act with Mi’er?

Are you so good? ”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…Wait, isn’t she able to act with me, isn’t she better?”

Chu Xiaoyi: Kids, do you have a misunderstanding about everyone’s coffee status?

Chu Xiaoyi really didn’t understand. He was a TV show, and Liu Yunhan didn’t know whether it was a fifth or sixth. Why does Chu Xiaoxiao think that the little girl is higher than his own?

Is he now inferior to the little actors in children’s dramas?

Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t care about the muttering of the cheap brother. She was not willing to go to the crew to visit the crew just now, but at this time she became excited: “Then can I meet her?”

Chu Xiaoyi: “It can be…but you are not so excited to see me every day, right?

! ”

Chu Xiaoxiao was speechless for a while. She wanted to be excited about seeing Brother Cheap, but at this time she was worried that he might not bring her to visit the class, and said vaguely: “Slightly slightly…”

Seeing her sister fooling herself, Chu Xiaoyi immediately wanted to catch her short legs that ran away: “Don’t let it go, let’s talk about it!”

The next day, Chu Xiaoyi left with the suitcase and drove to the crew for the start-up ceremony.

Of course, Chu Xiaoxiao and others would not visit the squad right away. How could they wait for the crew to run smoothly before they could go to visit their elder brother.

During this period, the potatoes planted by Yang Yin grew small buds. Obviously the three of them did not fail in planting that day.

Chu Xiaoxiao’s summer vacation is still relatively busy. She still has to take Latin lessons on weekends. She usually plays with Yang Yin and Liang Shuangqi, writes homework, occasionally video chats with Annie and Xiaojie at night, and checks Chu Xiaoyi before going to bed. Daily newspaper.

The day of the exploration class chosen by his parents is also very particular. It happened to be when Yang Yin returned to his hometown to do errands and Liang Shuangqi entered the orchestra training camp.

He Xin drove to Yurongtai and picked up the three to arrive at the crew in the suburbs.

The crew is located in a remote villa area, and even the staff live in the villa. The difference is that the director and the main actors live in a separate house, and the other personnel live in a separate house for the photography and recording work groups.

He Xin led the three into the villa where Chu Xiaoyi lived, and asked the life assistant to pick up the ingredients. He introduced, “Uncle and Auntie, this is Xiao Yi’s residence. Your room is upstairs, and the kitchen is on the first floor. Over there, if you lack any seasoning, tell them to let them drive out to buy. Xiao Yi usually doesn’t open fire…”

Chu Jiadong: “Good, good, trouble you.”

He Xin: “It’s okay, Xiao Yi should finish work in the evening. Let’s take a break today and take you to the studio tomorrow…”

The life assistant took Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi upstairs. He Xin saw Chu Xiaoxiao wearing a light-colored skirt and beckoned to her: “Xiao Xiao, you come with me.”

Chu Xiaoxiao’s face was dumbfounded: “But Mom and Dad…”

He Xin: “Your brother said to take you to meet people, you can stay if you are tired, I will tell him.”

Chu Xiaoyi knows that her sister never forgets Liu Yunhan. She often asks when to visit the class when she collects the daily newspaper, and she hints in the lines between the lines.

He is a self-aware person, he is obviously not the object of attention, small things come to the crew for special purposes.

Chu Xiaoyi and Liu Yunhan happened to have a rival play today. Liu Yunhan didn’t have a play every day, so he told Chu Xiaoxiao to come and watch it.

Chu Xiaoxiao immediately refreshed, she looked at her parents tentatively, and asked them their opinions with her eyes.

Xiao Bi said gently: “Go over, your dad and I have to pack things up.”

Chu Xiaoxiao got the consent of her mother, and she immediately followed He Xin with a small ice bucket, which was filled with frozen juice ice cubes.

She, Yang Yin and Liang Shuangqi made a lot of small popsicles in succession, and the three of them ate some of them, but the other two left Beijing for their own affairs, so she brought the rest.

He Xin took Chu Xiaoxiao to the dressing room. It happened that Chu Xiaoyi was resting after a filming. He said leisurely: “Yeah, see who is coming!”

The makeup artists of the crew obviously also know Chu Xiaoxiao. After all, they are children who are all over the Internet. They took out all kinds of snacks and enthusiastically asked: “Xiao Xiao, would you like something to eat?”

Chu Xiaoxiao thanked the sisters politely, and she cautiously probed around, as if looking for a target.

Chu Xiaoyi didn’t know what she was thinking, and said, “I’m asking someone to call, she hasn’t come yet.”

Chu Xiaoxiao heard this, holding a small ice bucket with juice ice cubes, sitting on a chair dignified and well-behaved and waiting.

Chu Xiaoyi couldn’t help but feel sour: “You really look like a squatting fan…”

Before long, Liu Yunhan probed in. She was only about eight years old this year, still wearing a costume, and asked politely: “Ms. Xiao Yi, are you looking for me?”

Liu Yunhan has been rolling in the crew since she was a child. She is quite mature in dealing with people and things, and she calls her “teacher” when she meets people.

The children of the same age are still learning ignorantly in school, but she has already entered the complex crew and started working, so she naturally appears to be much more sophisticated.

Chu Xiaoyi led the bright Chu Xiaoxiao, and introduced: “This is my sister Chu Xiaoxiao, she likes watching your plays…”

Chu Xiaoxiao tilted her head and looked at Liu Yunhan. The other party was not wearing a brightly colored fairy costume today, so she could only whisper, “Mi’er?”

Liu Yunhan is a smart little girl. She suddenly smiled brightly and greeted Chu Xiaoxiao: “Hello Xiao Xiao, my name is Liu Yunhan, and Mi’er is my role.”

If Chu Xiaoxiao wanted to have a good relationship with someone, she wouldn’t have missed it. The two little girls became friends in a moment and shared juice ice cubes in the corner.

Chu Xiaoyi was full of resentment towards his sister’s favoritism: “Chu Xiaoxiao, do you count as crossing the river to demolish the bridge? I’ll ignore the people after introducing you, really treat me as a tool person?”

Chu Xiaoxiao muttered dissatisfiedly: “I’ll share you eating popsicles.”

Chu Xiaoyi swallowed the juice ice cubes in one bite, and muttered: “This is not enough to stuff your teeth.”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “That’s too big between your teeth.”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…”

Liu Yunhan watched the sibling interaction in a novel way, and couldn’t help but smile: “You guys are so interesting, just like on TV.”

Chu Xiaoxiao blinked, “On TV?”

Liu Yunhan: “That’s the show. I have watched Xiao Xiao speak. You speak foreign languages ​​very well.”

Chu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed at once. The little friends around her didn’t watch variety shows or talked about it with her. Only the child star Liu Yunhan paid more attention to this.

Chu Xiaoxiao politely blew back the rainbow fart: “You are also very good at acting, and you are very famous, better than my brother.”

Liu Yunhan smiled and shook his head, and said, “No, Xiao Xiao is more famous than I am.”

Chu Xiaoyi just protected her younger sister too well and didn’t let her reach the enthusiastic audience. In fact, Chu Xiaoxiao’s popularity on the Internet is much better than Liu Yunhan.

Of course, because Chu Xiaoxiao did not think of herself as a star, she felt that the child star Liu Yunhan was more famous than herself.

Chu Xiaoxiao: “No, no, you are more famous.”

Liu Yunhan: “Xiao Xiao is more famous.”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “Mi’er is more famous.”

Liu Yunhan: “Xiao Xiao can speak foreign languages.”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “Mi’er will transform again.”

As a boring adult, Chu Xiaoyi interjected: “…How long will your unnutritious conversation last?”

Chu Xiaoyi: What is the difference between “rebound”, “rebound rebound” and “rebound rebound and rebound” when I was a kid?

Chu Xiao Xiao Ning eyebrows said: “Kids speak, adults don’t interrupt!”

Chu Xiaoyi: “Okay, I’ll withdraw, you guys talk slowly.”

Chu Xiaoyi was going to perform the next scene. He left the dressing room for the children and asked He Xin to take Chu Xiaoxiao back for a while.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Liu Yunhan communicated happily for a long time, and she finally succeeded in persuading the other party to be more famous, making it difficult for Liu Yunhan to refute.

Liu Yunhan thought for a while. She would forget the story of “Yamila Little Fairy”, but at this time she suddenly became very playful and presented a special performance for her small fans.

She skillfully made the transformation gesture, and said with a smile: “Yamila transforms! Colorful magic rain, star dreams and snow crystals, let Mi’er inject hope and love into Xiao Xiao!”

Although the adult heard the lines awkwardly exploded in place, Liu Yunhan’s innocent face relieved a lot of shame, which made Chu Xiaoxiao very happy.

She applauded admiringly, and praised: “It’s amazing!”

The two were chatting happily when they heard a female voice in the corridor: “Liu Yunhan! Liu Yunhan!”

“Hello, is Liu Yunhan here?”

The woman knocked on the door of the dressing room and asked, and she happened to see Liu Yunhan and Chu Xiaoxiao playing.

Liu Yunhan’s smile disappeared instantly, she hurriedly stood up and said in a panic: “Mom.”

“The director asked you to try a scene. You can come with me quickly.”

Liu Yunhan’s mother didn’t expect the notice to change suddenly, so she naturally hurried around in a hurry, pulling Liu Yunhan to prepare.

The work of the crew is so busy that even if there is no show in the original plan, the little actors with low ranks will be hurriedly called to add the show, unlike the main actors such as Chu Xiaoyi.

The notice will accommodate the time of the main actors, but will not accommodate the small actors such as Liu Yunhan.

Liu Yunhan’s mother looked at Chu Xiaoxiao, who had a familiar face, and hesitated: “This is…”

Liu Yunhan: “This is Teacher Xiao Yi’s sister, her name is Chu Xiaoxiao.”

“Oh oh oh hello hello.”

The woman suddenly realized that she had also heard the wind of variety shows. Facing Chu Xiaoxiao’s kindness and politeness, she looked at her daughter again, “Then I’ll go back to the house to get things first, and you can come here soon.”

After his mother left, Liu Yunhan suggested: “Will Xiao Xiao go to the studio or not, your brother should be there too.”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “Can I go and see it?

Wouldn’t it cause trouble for everyone? ”

He Xin: “I can take you there, as long as you don’t talk, it’s pretty hot outside.”

There should be no noise during the filming of the crew. As long as Chu Xiaoxiao stays quiet, there is basically no problem.

Liu Yunhan soothed: “It won’t cause trouble. There is only one child in the group, and I am very boring to stay by myself.”

Liu Yunhan is the only child in the entire crew. Although she gets along with the adults politely, it is quite boring to be honest, not as good as having fun with Chu Xiaoxiao.

During the summer vacation, she would be filming in the group. Basically, she had no chance to contact her peers, so she naturally didn’t want Chu Xiaoxiao to leave immediately.

It was difficult for Chu Xiaoxiao to push Liu Yunhan’s kindness, so he asked He Xin to take her to the crew. She felt the suffocating heat as soon as she went out, and she wanted to be exposed as a villain on the spot.

He Xin also held an umbrella for her, and he said amused: “Otherwise, go back?

The scene will be hotter. ”

Chu Xiaoxiao firmly said: “No, I can do it, I have been injected with Yamira energy…”

He Xin: “?”

Regrettably, Chu Xiaoxiao couldn’t communicate with Liu Yunhan again after arriving on the set, because the other party was pressed by his mother to recite the lines and had to be repeatedly checked.

Liu Yunhan sat under the umbrella and looked at Chu Xiaoxiao embarrassedly. However, due to her mother’s strict guidance and supervision, she could only continue to read the script with her head down, and a thin layer of perspiration broke out around her neck.

Liu Yunhan’s mother looked very majestic. She checked her daughter’s clothes with a tight expression, looking very detailed.

Chu Xiaoxiao stood there hesitantly, and said: “Let’s go find brother.”

He Xin: “Aren’t you going to say hello to the kids?

If you are embarrassed, I can take you there. ”

Chu Xiaoxiao is a sensible and intelligent child. She felt it was inappropriate to step forward at this time, and shook her head and said: “Forget it, I’ll come to her later.”

As a small fan, Chu Xiaoxiao felt that she could not delay the work of the little idol and chose to retreat strategically.

In the set, Chu Xiaoyi was filming. He looked at his sister who was willing to go out and was flattered: “You have the courage to appear in the sun?”

Chu Xiaoxiao wanted to pretend to be dead now when she went out. She was dizzy at the high temperature of the imperial capital, for fear of becoming a villain.

Chu Xiaoxiao whispered: “I just happened to be walking around.”

He Xin didn’t tell his artist that the other party was just a spare tire. He wanted to get a small chair for Chu Xiaoxiao and simply asked the crew about the scene.

The field reporters simply gave Chu Xiaoxiao a field log box and let her sit on the small box and watch.

Chu Xiaoxiao only experienced how famous he was in the crew. Almost everyone in the crew could call her name, even the director.

The director walked to the monitor, he saw the kid on the memo box and smiled: “This is not Xiao Xiao, are you coming to see Brother Xiao Xiao?”

The director played the show stalk publicly, and immediately made the studio laugh with joy, alleviating the irritability of everyone under the scorching sun.

He Xin made a statement to introduce Chu Xiaoxiao, she immediately stood up and said solemnly: “Good director.”

“Hello, hello, do you want to drink mung bean soup?

Let them get it for you. ”

The director sat back in his chair and joked, “Brother Xiao Xiao, if you can’t perform this scene well, then you are embarrassed in front of Xiao Xiao.”

Chu Xiaoyi had long known the director’s joking character, and said: “It won’t be embarrassing, she doesn’t know how to play.”

Chu Xiaoxiao actually felt that the costume drama was similar to “Yamila Little Fairy”, and she could only be ghosts if she could understand the drama.

Chu Xiaoxiao counterattacked calmly: “Brother Qiqi said, you don’t understand music.”

Liang Shuangqi has never remembered the guitar attack he suffered in Chu Xiaoxiao’s home. He said that the inaccurate voice would easily affect the player’s state.

He heard Brother Xiao Xiao playing the guitar that time, and he was scared to go home and play the cello for two hours.

Chu Xiaoyi: “…” The children nowadays really owe them.

Fearing that the world would not be in chaos, everyone even held up a machine to shoot brother and sister fighting each other. They encountered strong protest from Chu Xiaoyi: “No filming, no filming, I said earlier that Reuters is forbidden, and you are not allowed to spread it on the Internet!”

The staff who lifted the machine weakly showed their identity: “Teacher, I am the still photographer in the crew, and my job is to shoot the highlights…”

As the official secret shooter, the still can’t neglect his duty?

Chu Xiaoyi was speechless for a while, he could only escape the laughter of other people, forcibly returned to the camera, and decided to end the public execution with work.

After everyone laughed, they saw the official start of shooting, and they immediately returned to their serious state, and the audience fell silent for an instant.

Chu Xiaoxiao sat on the small box honestly and looked up at the brother in the monitor. She didn’t run around the whole time, and watched them filming obediently.

Everyone didn’t dare to show up during the shooting, staring at the actors’ performances, and slackened when they finished one shot. They took advantage of the gap to adjust quickly, and the pace of work was very fast.

The director likes to be cute and playful. Every time Chu Xiaoyi finishes filming one, he teases Chu Xiaoxiao and asks, “How does Director Xiao Chu feel?”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “I don’t think it will work.”

The director nodded: “Okay, then I don’t think it will work either.”

Chu Xiaoyi: “?”

The director saw another shot of Chu Xiaoyi, and continued: “How does Director Xiao Chu feel?”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “I think it almost meant it.”

Director: “Okay, then I almost feel like it.”

Chu Xiaoyi: “?”

Chu Xiaoyi knew that the director’s bad taste was coming up. He finished one shot again, and learned to be clever this time, righteously saying: “Guide, don’t listen to her nonsense, she didn’t think I had done it!”

Chu Xiaoyi: I really let Chu Xiaoxiao be the director, I can’t shoot today!

Regardless of Chu Xiaoyi’s protest, the director smiled and said, “How does Director Xiao Chu feel?”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “So-so, that’s it.”

Director: “Okay, then this one, who says Xiao Chu doesn’t understand the drama, I think they understand it!”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…”

Chu Xiaoyi: I think you are all possessed by Grandpa Xiao Xiao, and your words are completely irresponsible!

The audience roared with laughter, and the director smiled and checked the required shots on the record sheet. Of course he would not listen to Chu Xiaoxiao’s opinions. He had a thoughtful shooting idea in his mind, but he was just playing with the children. .

Filming is a boring and high-pressure job. The crew is stationed here for a long time, and they also need to relax.

Chu Xiaoxiao’s visit to the troupe undoubtedly brought new vitality and changed the unchanging crew life.

After finishing work, Chu Xiaoxiao was finally able to meet Liu Yunhan, who was busy with work, and the two small carrot heads happily got together.

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