The Ace Producer

Chapter 19

Chapter 18 – One Mountain Cannot Accommodate Two Tigers

It’s Ye Ning.

Clicking on the simultaneous playback of the surveillance cameras, Ye Zhen’s first reaction was not the case, but Ye Ning’s back looks like that person, they are as tall and straight.

This is probably the wonder of blood relationship. It has nothing to do with acquired things, and has nothing to do with him and him. When the years go by and you look at the one in front of you, you will think of another, and you will think: ah, who was he at that time? Isn’t he also so young, is he also so lively, if he is still alive…

Then there will be a sore nose, and a little softness with the person in front of him—if the behavior of the person in front of him is not so unexpected.

In the video, Ye Ning, who was quite graceful just now, after Tan Jia carefully opened the anti-theft door, suddenly grabbed his collar and tried to push in the door. Clutching the door frame, struggling to explain with him, the voice in the camera was not clear, vague, Ye Zhen could only distinguish “Brother Ning”, “I don’t know”, and “I’m resting at home”.

Ye Ning pushed him roughly, then approached him and said something, Tan Jia obviously hesitated, before saying: “I really don’t know.”

“…Let me ask again,” Ye Ning raised his voice, “It really has nothing to do with my brother’s will?”

“Really, Brother Ning, I didn’t lie to you,” Tan Jia looked like she was about to cry, and shouted tremblingly, “Who would have thought that Brother Ye would leave suddenly at night, okay, what will you say?”

Ye Ning seemed to believe Tan Jia’s words, let go of his hand, and helped him tidy up his clothes carefully. Tan Jia stood against the wall, his face getting paler, but Ye Ning just pointed to the pile of express boxes piled up in the corner , smiling: “Then why did she give you money?”

After finishing speaking, Tan Jia didn’t need to answer, turned around and left.

Even Ye Zhen, who was watching the surveillance, was a little confused by Ye Ning’s trouble. Tan Jia was probably frightened. She sat down on the ground and started to take out her mobile phone to make calls, but she made several calls in a row. No one answered.

With a thought, Ye Zhen took out a spare mobile phone from the drawer, pressed the recording button, and dialed Tan Jia’s number. Before he could speak, she said, “It’s so late, what are you doing all the time?”

“Mr. Yue, Ye Ning came to me, he—”

“—Why are you panicking?” Ye Zhen interrupted him, “You talk nonsense when you can’t hear your voice clearly, Yue always told you that?”

“Oh, no, no,” Tan Jia patted her chest, gasped, and said, “Excuse me, who is it? President Yue, is it not convenient for her to answer the phone now?”

“Since Ye Ning is looking for you, it means he is looking into this matter. What should I avoid at this time? Do you still need Mr. Yue to teach you?” Ye Zhen paused, then said, “Could it be that you have said something wrong? right?”

“No, no, Ye Ning hasn’t found out about Mr. Yue’s quarrel with Brother Ye that day, and I didn’t say anything! Please Mr. Yue trust me!”

“Then what did he ask you for?” Ye Zhen’s voice was hesitant, and her tone was deliberately light, “Because of the will?”

“Is there really a will?” Unexpectedly, Tan Jia was more surprised than she was. She covered her mouth and looked around, got up and ran into the house, and closed the door with her hands, “Why is there a will? Brother Ye at that time Isn’t it fine?”

“You don’t know?” Ye Zhen said intentionally, “It’s fine if you don’t know, it’s okay, just hang up—”

“Hey, wait, I suddenly remembered, I remembered,” Tan Jiasheng was afraid that Rong Chengyue would feel that he was worthless, so he went into guessing, “I went back to the hotel to write the will, right? I said, only Chengzi and I were there at the time, but when we left, Ah Ying also left. Ah Ying was Ye Ge’s assistant, and we went back to the hotel together… This makes sense, Ye Ge is so rich, so he Younger brother Ye Ning is going to fight for the inheritance now, wow…”

“Don’t make wild guesses about some things, Yue will always be angry.” Ye Zhen responded, and then said abruptly, “I heard that the crew of “The Prosperous Tang Dynasty” changed the props later.”


“A silver sachet in the shape of a gilt hollow peony national color ball.”

Tan Jia let out an “ah” and returned to her original panic: “Mr. Yue can’t blame me for this! Even if Brother Ye has a spirit in the underground, he can’t bother looking for me, right?”

According to Ye Zhen’s investigation, Chengzi was in the props team at the time, so she tried again: “You will shirk it, and you are not looking for you, just looking for Chengzi?”

“Of course, he ordered this thing, maybe he also got a kickback!”

What a word “also”, Ye Zhen raised her eyebrows thinking of what Master Yao said was tricky, “Okay, I see, do you have anything else you want me to tell you?”

“Yes, yes, yes!”


“Well,” Tan Jia gave a fake cough, “hehe” smiled, “at the beginning, Mr. Yue only said that he wanted me to come back to avoid people, but he didn’t say that Ye Ning was here. Now I’m scared, you see This money…do you want to add more?”

“Okay,” Ye Zhen said cheerfully, “I will convey it to Mr. Yue.”

“Hey, okay, okay!” Tan Jiaxi smiled, “That’s it, my assistant, good night! Sweet dreams!”

By the way, it caused Rong Chengyue a little trouble. Of course, she had a good dream tonight.

Early the next morning. As soon as she arrived at the company, Ye Zhen was called by the director Xiong Li.

“Ye Zhen, the artist economics department said that instead of going to their managers and artists to talk one by one, we should have a meeting to discuss it first, so we arranged an inter-departmental meeting in the afternoon.”

“Oh, okay,” Ye Zhen nodded, “Then I’ll prepare the materials.”

“Hey, wait,” Xiong Li motioned her to come closer, and then gossiped, “Ye Ning will also come over, I heard he wants to sign a newcomer.”

Ye Zhen showed a surprised look in a timely manner, and said: “Understood.”

Although it was a relatively formal inter-departmental meeting, when the meeting was held in the afternoon, all members of the IP Development Department were present, but in the Artistic Economics Department, except for some small actors, there were not many artists present, and most of them were represented by agents. Except our Xigu superstar.

“I was called by someone to support your work.” Xi Gu rushed to sit next to Ye Zhen and said proactively.

Needless to say, this “someone” is well known to everyone, Ye Zhen said calmly after hearing the words: “Thank you for your support, we will definitely seriously discuss Xi Daxing’s speech at the meeting.”

“You still want me to speak?” Xi Gu was dumbfounded.

Ye Zhen raised her head and gave him an expression of “Ah, no!” This is not a commercial endorsement, he is a big star who casually sculpts a few poses and it’s over.

“…What are you talking about at today’s meeting?”

His manager covered his face, and slanted over a copy of the meeting materials, Xi Gu immediately picked it up, burying his head in his arms.

Seeing that the time was almost up, but Ye Ning hadn’t arrived yet, Ye Zhen gave Sister Bing Bing a questioning look, Sister Bing Bing shrugged her shoulders, which meant that she didn’t know, so Ye Zhen signaled her team members to put the PPT The projection is good, and the opening said: “Good afternoon everyone, today is a great honor, our IP Development Department, can discuss with colleagues from the Artistic Economics Department-“

“Knock knock—” There was a sudden knock on the door, interrupting Ye Zhen’s speech, and then a slender white and slender hand pushed the door open. It means that it is five points similar to Ye Yi’s appearance, it is Ye Ning.

The last time Ye Zhen met him was when Ye Yi suddenly appeared to celebrate her twentieth birthday with her. Ye Ning, as an uncle, was also brought here. I haven’t seen him for three years. Ye Yi passed away, but Ye Ning still looked like a timeless man. Worrying, huh—

Just as Ye Zhen expected, Ye Ning decided to “forget” her niece to the end. Seeing that her expression didn’t change, she just said lightly, “Sorry, traffic jam.” Then she walked to her seat Sit down and play with the car keys.

Ye Zhen squeezed the handout subconsciously, but no one cared about her gaffe at this time, because the focus was on Xigu who exploded:

“Bai Qiutang! One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, how dare you come to Rongyu to block me!”

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