The Ace Producer

Chapter 10

Chapter 9 – Meet Is Fate

Unexpectedly, when she dreamed back at midnight, she was really scared again.

The phone kept ringing by the bedside, and the time was fixed at 1:05 in the morning. In her dream, she watched with cold eyes, indifferent.

When the screen turned, it was back to my childhood.

The little girl was intercepted by that person from her mother’s wedding. He was holding the steering wheel with one hand, while the other hand stopped her from trying to open the door and jump out of the car over and over again. The car rushed into the reeds in a snake shape. Watching her get out of the car, with red eyes, she asked sadly: I am your father, don’t you remember me?

Only then did she realize that her father was actually a person who often appeared on TV.

And someone my mom doesn’t want to mention.

His world is gorgeous and dazzling, but mother only has herself, and even getting married is to find her a “competent father”. So when that person appeared again and again, at the corner of the school gate, in the shadow downstairs at home, and on the plane she went abroad to compete in, she instinctively chose to refuse and stay away.

Until he crawled and struggled in the darkness, with blood behind him, and the jackdaw howling, he crawled like that, inch by inch, he stretched out his hand, but he couldn’t reach himself anyway, he opened his mouth, unable to reach himself. Words sound, over and over again: why don’t you answer the phone? Why don’t you save me?

Why are you doing this, watching me die, why?

It seemed to be an accusation, and it seemed to be a curse, like thousands of layers of unwillingness and regret bound her, strangled her, and dragged her to hell.

“sorry, I do not know…”

“…Ye Zhen, wake up, don’t cry, it’s okay, it’s okay, Ye Zhen, I’m here.”

Ye Zhen opened her eyes suddenly, clutched her chest and panted heavily, her throat was hoarse and painful, as if being pinched tightly, she couldn’t even retch.

“Is it uncomfortable? Come, drink some water.” Someone helped her to sit up, and handed a cup of warm water to her mouth. Ye Zhen grabbed the person’s hand reflexively, and slowly moved her eyes. It took a long time to realize that it was Rong Chengjue.

“Mint water,” he said thoughtfully, “drink some, it won’t hurt your throat after drinking it.”

Ye Zhen took the water and drank it in small sips. Seeing that her reaction was normal, Rong Chengjue sighed angrily and said, “Is it because of the daytime things that I had nightmares? I’m sorry, it’s all my fault for being too high-profile and causing you to have a bad dream.” Accident, I will pay attention next time.”

Ye Zhen shook her head, indicating that it had nothing to do with him.

Rong Chengjuan just pretended that she didn’t want to say more to him, looked at her with drooping shoulders for a while, and suddenly said seriously: “Do you think I’m a very casual and sticky person, just like those written in the president’s articles, for no reason ?”

Uh, can she say a little bit?

As if he understood Ye Zhen’s eyes, Rong Chengjue said angrily: “I’m not, I said I was annoyed by those things the most, how could I be, I’m obviously because-“

Um? Ye Zhen looked at him with raised eyebrows.

“—It’s because of Professor Lin’s entrustment that he takes such good care of you!”


Rong Chengjue continued to say solemnly: “My father and your mentor, Professor Lin, are very good friends, so we can also be regarded as brothers and sisters. You come to Rongcheng this time to exchange and study, and of course the brother will take good care of you.”

“Brothers and sisters”? Ye Zhen suddenly understood what Rong Chengjue was trying to hide.

Rong Chengjue’s father and Professor Lin are really good friends, not only this time, Ye Zhen knew about it six or seven years ago, because Professor Lin was entrusted by Rong Cheng’s father to take care of a non-staff student , to help with math.

Letting the world’s leading mathematics professor make up mathematics is also drunk. What’s even more drunk is that after Professor Lin found out that this student really couldn’t keep up with his teaching level, he decisively threw it to her, a poor child who just entered the school, and let her First give remedial remedial basic courses online.

This student is Rong Chengjue.

Rong Chengjue had just returned from studying in a first-class university in the UK, but his mathematics was at most at the level of a middle school student. Ye Zhen, as a master of mathematics, was also overqualified for tutoring him. Fortunately, this guy was very polite, and he talked about “senior sisters” on the Internet. , “Senior Sister” made up for Ye Zhen’s pains that she had always entered school early and was young – she was only sixteen or seventeen years old at the time, and although she was studying for a master’s degree, looking at the entire Huada, no one would call her “Sister”.

Just for this “sister”, Ye Zhen also taught her with extra care.

However, since she and Rong Chengjuan have never met, she always thought that Rong Chengjuan didn’t know who she was. Don’t know him anymore.

Unexpectedly, Rong Chengjue knew about it.

And he is still brooding about this study experience.

I just don’t know if he is so “caring” about himself, is it because he is grateful for his good teaching, or because he wants to get back some of the advantages that he has taken advantage of…

Ye Zhen looked at Rong Chengjuan with a smile that was not a smile. Rong Chengjuan felt terrified when she saw it. She was afraid that she would see something, but also felt that it was impossible, so she asked tentatively, “Why are you laughing? Do you think I’m lying?” you?”

Ye Zhen was so happy to pretend to be confused with him, so she shook her head decisively, and stretched out her finger to point to her throat, reminding him that she couldn’t speak.

“Oh.” Rong Chengjuan felt that there was no flaw, so he relaxed, watched Ye Zhen drink the water and lay back on the bed, but his eyes kept on the lamp, and said, “Do you want to turn off the lamp and sleep?”

Ye Zhen hesitated for a moment, then nodded to him.

“Don’t be afraid,” Rong Chengjuan clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha’s name, “Eliminating demons and defending Taoism, this brother is a professional.”


“Really, I really went to Shaolin Temple to learn art when I was ten years old, and I was with the actor Ye Yi, when he was filming “Shaoshishan”.”

Ye Zhen stopped smiling and looked up at him.

Rong Chengjuan thought she didn’t believe it, so he just sat in meditation and played tricks on the spot and said: “The Buddha said that all mantras can cast down demons and drive away ghosts. All heavenly dragons and dharma protectors must bow down, and all demons and ghosts will surrender. Don’t be afraid, junior sister. Senior brother will recite a passage from “” Heart Sutra, listen carefully:

‘Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, practice the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time—’”

——Seeing that the five aggregates are empty, overcome all hardships.

She actually does too.

The Buddhists said: “When talking about all dharmas, the word “cause and fate” cannot be mentioned.”

Mathematicians say that there are more than 6 billion people in the world, and the life span of a person is 30,000 days. The probability of two strangers meeting is 0.00487.

If you always meet someone, then you must have a conditional relationship that is not accidental but inevitable, even if you used to not know it.

Usually, we call it fate.

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