The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Roommate missing

The night is getting deeper.

Chen Xi was lying on the bed with no sleep, thinking whether the three roommates had been involved in an accident such as a car accident.

Looking at the three empty beds, it was as if they were still sleeping in the bed, not far away.

Chen Xi asked Xiao Hui to go out to find another circle. This time he could expand the search range and search the entire city.

Xiao Hui heard that it could go to circles outside the university, happily cocked its tail, and ran out excitedly, like a bird out of the cage, longing for the sky and freedom, running happily.

It accompanies the darkness, climbs up the walls, crosses the roads, and shuttles back and forth among the city buildings, enjoying it endlessly.

It saw a river rushing into the distance, burrowing into the river excitedly, disturbing the fishes from nest to nest.

After a long time, it jumped out of the water, turned into the forest road, jumped up and down among the leaves, getting more and more excited, and going farther and farther.

I don’t know how long it has been, when the sun broke in the sky, Xiao Hui stood on the top of the tall building and stood up to face the rising sun. The shadow-like hairs all over his body were shaking in the wind, and the expression of enjoyment appeared on his face, quietly feeling. The vigorous life charm of the sun.

It was also at this time that it heard the urging from its owner and asked if it had found anyone.

Shadow thought about the carpet search just now and replied that Chen Xi still hasn’t seen it yet.

In the dormitory, Chen Xi, who received the news from Xiao Hui, rubbed his temples, not knowing how to find them.

He asked Xiao Hui to continue searching, searching the whole city, and then he went online in the dormitory, searching for today’s news, such as news that three boys were killed in a series of rear-end collisions on bicycles.

After some searching, he found that there was indeed a similar news in the local area, but the content was not that three boys were in a car accident on bicycles, but a boy was hit by an electric car while riding a bicycle at a corner of an urban avenue. The accident happened last night. At two o’clock, the injured person has been transferred to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and the perpetrator is under investigation.

Upon seeing this news, Chen Xi immediately asked Xiao Hui to go to the hospital to have a look to see if it was his classmate.

Xiao Hui received the map coordinates from Chen Xi and flew to the Chinese Medicine Hospital immediately.

Ten minutes later, Chen Xi received a reply and learned that Hu Jing was lying in a hospital bed, unconscious, and there were no figures of Zhou Wenbin and Luo Mang in the surrounding area.

Hearing this news, Chen Xiteng set off immediately, preparing to visit Hu Jing at the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

As for whether bad luck will cause him to crash on the road, this does not prevent him from visiting his roommate.

The smell of disinfectant is everywhere in the hospital.

He walked into the ward and finally saw his unconscious classmate—Hu Jing!

At this moment Hu Jing closed his eyes tightly, wearing a breathing mask, and the machine next to him made a rhythmic sound.

Chen Xi shouted several times beside him. Hu Jing slowly opened his eyes and saw that the person who came was Chen Xi. His eyes were full of joy, but a sad expression appeared in a blink of an eye.

I saw classmate Hu Jing slowly raising his hand and tremblingly: “They were…”

Chen Xi heard the words and said anxiously: “What is it?”

Hu Jing opened his mouth, wanted to say but couldn’t make a sound, showing unwilling eyes, slowly closing his eyes, his arms hanging weakly.

Chen Xi was taken aback, and quickly called the doctor and nurse to take a look.

After a while, the doctor thought that Hu Jing’s consciousness had regained, but his brain was not very clear because he landed on the head during the crash, and now he fell into a coma. But for now, Hu Jing has the possibility of recovery.

Knowing that Hu Jing was not in danger for the time being, Chen Xi lost a small piece of rock in his heart.

But what did Hu Jing just said, Chen Xi was still confused.

Are they being?

Didn’t that female ghost die, they were caught up?

Thinking of this, he thought it was very possible, because the female ghost died once but was waiting for four people at the door of the big dormitory.

Although she was swallowed by Xiao Hui and sucked up the blood, she is a female ghost, and this kind of unnatural life certainly cannot be contemplated by common sense.

He became silent and continued to sit in the ward, by the way, to prevent any bad luck incidents that might lead to the death of his classmates.

The bad luck period has not yet ended, and accidents may happen at any time.

By the way, he was almost hit by a car on the way to the hospital. Fortunately, he remained vigilant throughout the entire process and escaped the fatal car accident.

So now Chen Xi can’t relax, and Xiao Hui stays with him. Although both of them are in the hospital and don’t plan to step out of the ward, the post said that the way the bad luck happens will become more bizarre as it goes. It is safer for Xiao Hui to stay around.

He continued to sit next to the hospital bed and took out his mobile phone to continue to scan the news and scan the q group.

The q group is the same as usual, except for the water group or the water group.

Suddenly, Xiao Hui, who was watching the scenery by the window, bowed to the side of the door.

Chen Xi was awakened and glanced at the crack in the door that was opened for no reason. There was an eye and an old face. It was an old man.

The old man hurriedly left from the crack of the door when Xiao Hui yelled like this.

Chen Xi frowned and walked over to look at the corridor. There was no old man.

Closing the door, returning to his seat and thinking for a while, he realized that something was wrong.

Is that a ghost?

It’s definitely a ghost!

Chen Xi immediately asked Xiao Hui how many ghosts there were in this hospital. Xiao Hui had hundreds of replies, but they were all weak, far worse than the female ghost.

Hearing this news, Chen Xi took a deep breath. He didn’t expect him to plunge into the ghost den.

Although Chen Xi didn’t know what the ghost was doing to find a living person, he was very dangerous for Hu Jing, who was suffering from bad luck.

It is estimated that today’s bad luck incident is dominated by ghosts, so if you think about it, it is indeed a bizarre direction.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi’s expression became weird.

Doesn’t that mean that you can spend the evening peacefully?

Soon, Xiao Hui verified his ideas.

Since the old man, people have passed by from time to time outside this room, with pattering footsteps, but no “person” dared to come in. It seems that there is a big evil dog in the ward, which makes “person” fearful.


The closer to zero, the sound of outdoor footsteps became denser, and the conversation became very messy. Chen Xiguang stayed in the room and could hear the voices of ghosts gathering for discussion.

For example, the voice of a certain uncle: “What are you looking at, why don’t you enter!”

Then there was the aunt’s pinch outside the door: “You are great, why don’t you go?”

In short, no one dared to enter the door.

Chen Xi was annoyed by hearing it, feeling that they were endlessly fighting each other, and opened the door to let go of the dog.

Wow, the door is wide open!

The downtown atmosphere of the aisle returned to tranquility in an instant.

Turning to close the door, Chen Xi stayed in the ward and looked out the window, freeing his mind to think about the next thing.

The current situation is that Chen Xi’an is fine, UU reading www. One person at was seriously injured and unconscious, and two roommates were missing.

Faced with the disappearance of the two roommates, Chen Xi felt cold and very sorry.

He is not a ruthless person, and he can’t be cold-hearted and look down on his life and death.

But how should he save his roommate?

He was very confused. He turned his head inadvertently and looked out the window. The night was dim, and the full moon hung high, emitting a cold moonlight.

In Chen Xi’s eyes, the moon seemed to expand indefinitely, filling the entire sky.

Looking at it, it seemed to be back to the black cliff night where the huge moon was horizontal and the waves roared.

Ding, a flash of inspiration!

Chen Xi thought of his abnormal summoning technique.

Since the Summoning Array can summon strange creatures, can we summon a creature or item that cross-regionally seeks companions through the detailed description of the summoning guide?

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