That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Turning point of Life


India,mumbai, N.H.V high school

In the principal's office, the morning light filtered through the windows, casting a serene glow over the room. The principal, seated comfortably behind his large oak desk, looked up at the class teacher who stood across from him, her posture reflecting both anticipation and pride.

"So today marks the first day of high school for this year's students," the principal remarked, his voice conveying a mix of enthusiasm and responsibility.

"Yes, sir," the teacher replied with a nod. "This time, we have an exceptionally talented group. These children are sure to enhance our school's reputation in the future."

Moments later, the school bell rang, signaling the beginning of the day. Eager footsteps echoed through the hallways as students poured into the building, their faces bright with the excitement of their first day. The corridors buzzed with the lively chatter and laughter of young minds ready to embark on a new academic journey.

At 10:20 A.M., during the lunch break, two high school friends, Akshay and Raj, found themselves deep in conversation amidst the bustling cafeteria.

"Hey, Raj, what do you think of the first day?" Akshay inquired, eager to hear his friend's impressions.

Raj let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Ahhh! This is not what I was expecting. I got excited for nothing. I thought there would be some beauties in my class, but the girls are just not very attractive."

A wide grin spread across Akshay's face, revealing a row of gleaming teeth as he chuckled at his friend's dismay. "Hahaha! I guess I'm the lucky one this time. I got two pretty girls in my class."

Raj's interest piqued, he quickly asked, "Ummm... Akshay, speaking of beauties, who's that pretty girl with short hair? And why is she eating with a bunch of boys? Doesn't she have any girlfriends?"

The person Raj referred to was not a girl, however, but a boy with delicate features that could easily be mistaken for those of a young woman. He had beautiful black eyes that sparkled with a kind of gentle warmth and short hair that was slightly longer than what was typical for boys, giving him a distinctly androgynous look. 

Standing about 5.6 feet tall, he carried himself with an ease and grace that, combined with his pretty features, made him more striking than the average girl. This boy, surrounded by a group of male friends, laughed and chatted, seemingly oblivious to the curious glances he attracted from others in the room. 

His presence blended a soft masculinity with an almost poetic form of beauty, making him a standout figure in the crowded cafeteria.

Akshay struggled to suppress a burgeoning laugh as he watched Raj's confusion unfold, his cheeks reddening with the effort. With a playful smirk, he finally let out a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha! Bro, you were totally deceived too, right?"

Raj's brow furrowed in confusion, and he scratched his head, his expression turning into a puzzled frown. "What do you mean deceived?"

Still chuckling, Akshay wiped a tear from his eye before revealing the truth. "His name is Asta Kugarasi. He's actually in my class."

Raj's eyes widened in shock, his mouth hanging open slightly as the realization hit him. "What the... He? Is she a boy?"

"Yeah, man! He just looks incredibly pretty, doesn't he? You should have seen your face!" Akshay continued to laugh, thoroughly amused by his friend's mistake.   

Raj, now half-embarrassed and half-amused, managed a sheepish grin. "Man, I thought I had an eye for these things. I can't believe I thought he was a girl!"

The two friends burst into another round of laughter, the mix-up adding a humorous twist to their first day of school.

After few classes, As the school bell rang signaling the end of the day, students spilled out of their classrooms and headed home. 

Asta, with his bag slung casually over one shoulder, began his walk home. He hadn't gone far when a prickling sensation on the back of his neck made him pause. Turning around, he noticed a middle-aged man with a suspicious demeanor stealthily following him.

'Is this guy serious?' Asta thought, a smirk playing on his lips. 'He's following me so obviously that even I noticed him.'

Asta couldn't help but chuckle silently to himself. Despite his youthful and somewhat delicate appearance, he was not someone to be underestimated. 'Bro, you have no idea. I might look like I have a girlish body, but I was one of the strongest in my martial arts school. Go ahead, try something funny, you fool,' he mused internally, confident in his ability to handle himself should the stranger attempt anything.

As Asta continued to mentally praise his own capabilities, he was abruptly snapped back to reality when someone threw a cloth over his face from behind. Blinded and caught off guard, he instinctively lashed out, aiming punches and kicks at his attacker. However, every strike seemed to hit something impossibly hard.

"What is this guy made of? It's like hitting iron," Asta thought, confusion and frustration building as his efforts proved futile.

Asta continued to struggle fiercely, but his assailant seemed to handle his efforts with ease. With a swift, seemingly gentle punch to his body, Asta felt an overwhelming force that didn't match the softness of the impact. 

The unexpected power behind the punch was enough to knock him out cold, and his consciousness slipped away as he crumpled to the ground, defeated by the mysterious figure's surprising strength.

Place ???

Asta groggily awoke, his mind foggy as he tried to piece together his last memories. "Where am I? What happened?" he murmured, rubbing his head. Then, it all came rushing back to him. "That's right, I was kidnapped! But who was that guy?"

As his vision cleared, Asta took in his surroundings. He found himself in a massive, stark white room that seemed to extend endlessly in every direction. The sheer size of the space was disorienting, its unbroken whiteness creating an almost surreal atmosphere.

He wasn't alone; around him were twelve other people, each one looking as confused and wary as he felt. They were scattered throughout the room, some standing and others sitting or cautiously exploring their surroundings. 

The contrast between the room's clinical, impersonal whiteness and the colorful, distinctly individual appearances of the others made the situation feel even more bizarre and unsettling.

"hey you overe there..."

As Asta tried to call out to someone across the room, he attempted to stand but quickly discovered that both his hand and one leg were shackled with heavy chains. The cold metal restricted his movement, sending a wave of frustration through him.

"Why did they kidnap me?" he wondered aloud, his mind racing for answers.

The thought of torture crossed his mind. "Well, if it comes to torture, I think I can handle it." Despite the gravity of the situation, Asta tried to brace himself for what might come next.

He sighed deeply, the weight of his predicament settling in. "What a life this has turned out to be... "Sighhh!...What an f*cking life, It's been one thing after another since I was a kid."

"Wait a second,"

"Now that I think about it, I never introduced myself. It's probably a good time for a proper introduction."

"My name is Asta Kugarasi," he began, his voice echoing slightly in the stark, white room. "You might be wondering what a Japanese guy like me is doing in India."

"Well, there's quite a story behind that. You see, my grandfather was from Japan, and he had a close Indian friend. When their children grew up—my father, Ichigo Kugarasi, and my mother, Arti Thakur—they arranged a marriage between them, hoping to bring the two families closer together."

"Unfortunately, things didn't turn out as romantic as planned. My father never truly loved my mother. He was more in love with alcohol and gambling than anything else."

"Growing up under his roof was like living in a constant state of fear. His mere presence would send shivers down my spine, leaving me to tremble and hide."

"As the years passed, I somehow grew accustomed to the turmoil. The fear that once gripped me tightly began to fade, replaced by a numbness to the chaos around me."

 "But one thing for sure father never talked about my girlish appearance beacuse he already saw how manly i am in inside. cough..cough I not praising myself that's just uhhh... fact."

Asta continued to reflect on his past, his voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and resignation. "However, everything changed when I turned sixteen. My father, consumed by his addictions, passed away. My mother, who had always loved him unconditionally, couldn't bear the loss. Overwhelmed by grief, she took her own life not long after."

"Left alone, it was my maternal grandfather who reached out to me. He brought me to India, offering me a chance to start anew. Life here was actually pretty good," Asta admitted with a slight shrug. "But, as always, my luck had a twist of fate in store."

As he mused about his destiny, the empty room suddenly changed. A door materialized from nowhere, breaking the monotony of the white walls.

With a series of sharp clicks, the door swung open. Two scientists, clad in pristine lab coats, stepped through, flanked by three stern-looking bodyguards. The group entered the room, their presence shifting the atmosphere from contemplative to tense.

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