That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

The Training

After nearly kicking the bucket, I found myself in the company of an old geezer who claimed to be the first demon king. Yeah, you heard that right, the first demon king! And just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder, in walks this kid who's apparently the second demon king, but looks like he could barely hit puberty. Talk about a plot twist!

So there I was, listening to this old timer spin his tale about how he's got the power to wipe out universes. I mean, come on, how am I supposed to take that seriously? I barely passed science class, so I have no clue how a pint-sized grandpa could be a universal destructor. But hey, in this fantasy world, I guess anything goes, right?

So, there I was, stuck in this bizarre 15-minute conversation with the demon kings. Turns out, they're more concerned about their own agendas than giving a hoot about each other. Avion, the supposed first demon king, decides he's gonna train me to take down the third demon king. Like, seriously? Is that how it works in demon land? Train your potential usurper, just for seeing them in erotic clothes? 

And then there's the whole deal with these clothes. Avion insists I wear them until I turn his dinky little village into a bustling metropolis. But let's be real here, ruling a village at 17? I might as well be trying to juggle flaming swords while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. But Again, who needs experience when you've mastered simulator games, right? Once I complete my training, it'll be Time to turn his village into not just SimCity but a Whole Nation: Demon Edition!

Avion effortlessly retrieves a massive, red-hued sword from his spatial inventory, its intricate fantasy design gleaming under the light. With a casual flick of his wrist, he hands it over to Scarlett, explaining that it's the weapon she'll be training with for now, a mere imitation of the real deal, when the time come, he'll give the real sword.

Scarlett reaches out to take the sword, but as it shifts from Avion's grasp to hers, a resounding "Thumppppppppp!" echoes through the air. The sword crashes to the ground, too heavy for Scarlett to hold, tearing through her hands in the process. Despite her rapid regeneration, she's stunned. For the first time, she encounters a sword she can't lift, her supernatural strength rendered useless.

Determined, Scarlett tries again and again to lift the sword from the ground, but it remains immovable, a testament to its weight and the challenge that lies ahead in her training.


Scarlett's eyes widen in disbelief as Avion's casual response sinks in. "Ughh....Why is this so heavy, how much does it weigh?" she demands, her frustration evident in her tone.

With a nonchalant shrug, Avion replies, "Ohh... nothing much, Just 10% of this planet."

Scarlett's jaw practically hits the floor. "What the hell?" she exclaims, her mind racing to process the absurdity of the situation. "Wait, so you're telling me this sword weighs... Almost 30 earths?"

Avion's calm demeanor only adds to the absurdity, leaving Scarlett to grapple with the sheer ridiculousness of it all. Even Zephyrion was not shocked like he already knew this was gonna happen.

Avion explains that the sword has a virtual weight, meaning it's only a cheap copy of the real one, which is much heavier. The virtual sword's weight applies only to the person who lifts it. When someone wielding the sword attacks their opponent, the opponent will feel the same weight of impact, and the attack will have the corresponding force.

As Avion and Zephyrion exited the room, Avion signaled to his maid to lead Scarlett to the bathroom. The maid introduces her as Lilith, gracefully took Scarlett's hands and guided her to the adjacent bathroom. 

The bathroom itself was neither spacious nor cramped, designed for the convenience of a single occupant. However, what immediately caught Scarlett's attention was the abnormality of the room—the air was heavy with the metallic scent of blood, and to her astonishment, the bathtub was brimming with fresh crimson blood instead of water.

Hesitantly, Lilith replied, her voice laced with uncertainty, "Ummm... Few adventurers tried to attack the Castle, so the whole room got bloody. Don't worry, I'll clean them in seconds."

But to Lilith's surprise, Scarlett's reaction was anything but what she expected. There was a glint of excitement in Scarlett's eyes, an arousal that sent shivers down Lilith's spine. Was it the Bloodlust skill or just because she liked the taste of blood? Scarlett's cheeks flushed with anticipation as she licked her finger, her movements slow and deliberate, sending a shiver of anticipation down Lilith's spine.

With each breath heavy and hot, Scarlett's voice was a husky whisper, "Huff.. Huff... Bathing in blood, like a dream come true."

Lilith watched, her own pulse quickening at the sight, as Scarlett shed her clothes in a matter of seconds, her movements fluid and sensual. With a smile of twisted joy, Scarlett leaped into the blood-filled bath, the crimson liquid enveloping her in its embrace.  

Next Day

Avion and Scarlett ventured into a secret place for their training. After walking for quite some time in the forest, they arrived at a seemingly ordinary tree, albeit larger than the rest. But appearances were deceiving, for this tree concealed a hidden truth.

As Avion approached the tree, he vanished into its trunk. Following his lead, Scarlett touched the bark and was engulfed by darkness, only to emerge into a realm beyond imagination.

Before her eyes stretched a landscape akin to a canvas of inferno, a hellish realm where every feature seemed forged from the flames of the underworld. The ground writhed and seethed with molten fire, casting an eerie glow upon the desolate surroundings. Lava oozed and bubbled from cracks in the scorched earth, painting the scene with an otherworldly hue.

 The air rippled with heat, suffocating in its intensity as waves of fiery heat washed over them relentlessly. Every step upon the crimson ground felt like dancing on the edge of a searing abyss, threatening to consume any who dared to venture further into this hostile domain. It was a place where the laws of nature bent to the will of fire, a realm of unrelenting heat and unforgiving flames.

Avion stood proudly amidst the fiery landscape, boasting, "This is a small part of the Abyss, A.K.A hell, where I was born. I summoned a piece of the Abyss onto this planet. Pretty amazing, isn't it? I was the previous king of hell, after all. Hahaha."

He seemed unfazed by the scorching heat, but Scarlett was feeling the pressure. Her skin felt as though it were melting, yet her body regenerated itself almost instantly.

With a puzzled expression, Scarlett questioned, "I have Pain Nullification, so I'm not feeling pain. But why is my skin melting? Even my fire resistance isn't working."

Avion responded coolly, "Oh, it's just the normal temperature here, around 10-15 million degrees Celsius."

Scarlett's eyes widened in shock. "What the hell? That's the same temperature as the core of the sun!" she exclaimed, taken aback by the extreme heat of the Abyss. If normal temperature is this much then what's will happen if tempreture reaches it's highest.

Scarlett, her annoyance evident on her face, pleaded, "At least give me a bucket of water to hydrate myself."

To her surprise, Avion handed her a bucket, but instead of water, it was filled with lava. Scarlett's expression turned even more annoyance, twisting her lips with anger.

Seeing Scarlett's reaction, Avion couldn't help but chuckle with mockery. But before he could finish, Scarlett swiftly kicked him in the face, shutting him up instantly.

The atmosphere turned serious as Avion began his lecture. "Scarlett, listen closely. The first lesson is about skills. Normal and rare skills are nothing but experiences and abilities gained by sheer luck. After that comes unique skills.

 These skills greatly affect the user's soul. A person with a strong desire, and for fulfilling that particular desire, the soul of the person itself creates unique skills. But some individuals have two unique skills.

"The second unique skill is generated by the body's requirement. If the body endures something like pain for a prolonged period, it creates a unique ability to turn the situation in its favor."

And in the last comes Ultimate skills, Very few humans knows that Something like Ultimate skills exists.

And In the last category are Ultimate Skills. Very few humans even know that something like Ultimate Skills exists. And there's only one thing I know about ultimate skills: only very rare individuals possess one ultimate skill, representing their inner trump card, showcasing what they are truly capable of.

There are rare cases where two unique skills merge to form an Ultimate Skill. I have one Ultimate Skill myself, but of course, I'm not going to reveal what it is. And you should never share information about your Ultimate Skill either.

Scarlett couldn't help but chuckle as she wondered, "Damn... If I tell him that I have two Ultimate Skills, what will his reaction be?" But she decided not to tell him. 

"You said you don't have talent for any element, but the truth is you definitely have talent for the Fire element," Avion explained.

"It's just that your fire is unique, and your body can't handle it now. So you just have to train your body. You don't have to merge fire with mana, but become fire yourself. A fire that can burn anything, even time and space. After that, your body will become capable of handling your unique fire."

He raised his hands and legs like a dancer, striking a Cringe worthy pose. "So start your training by doing three trillion push-ups."

"Three trillionnnnnnn?"Scarlett exclaimed incredulously.


"It's been more than 2 weeks since Asta went to the Demon realm, and that Rowan guy... After going with Asta, I never even saw him. Did Asta kill him? Or did they kill Asta?" A whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind as I lay on my bed, doing absolutely nothing productive. 

I should be investigating whether Asta survived or not, but here I am, wallowing in boredom. But hey, Asta said he'll survive, so he'll definitely survive, right? 

But damn, without Asta, life is damn boring. I don't really know what to do. 

Ohh! I remember, Asta gave me a task to kill the king and become the king myself. But killing the king is easy—piece of cake! But how am I supposed to become king? Ingrassia never marries someone who killed his father. Sighh! When it comes to planning, I suck!

 "It's a good thing Ingrassia said the king is acting different, because I was planning to kill Ingrassia too. If my theory is correct, then someone is posing as the king by using high-level magic.

That damn princess won't let me do it with her! She keeps saying we can't do it until her father allows our marriage. It's really a hassle. But I have five other girlfriends, especially that redhead, Aisha. She always tells me she loves Chiyoko and she's just satisfying her physical needs with me.

But every time we do it, she keeps telling me to make her pregnant! Like seriously? I don't mind, but we're just first-years! Didn't she always say she loves Chiyoko? I don't know what Chiyoko did to her, but who cares? I'm just here for a good time!"

As Aoto lounged on his bed, contemplating where to begin his plan for taking down the king, a pitch-black, bird-like monster suddenly appeared. Alert, he rose from the ground, ready to defend himself. But to his surprise, the creature was carrying a letter.

Realizing it was a messenger, Aoto cautiously approached and accepted the letter. With a flap of its wings, the monster soared into the sky, disappearing into the clouds. Shrugging off the odd encounter, Aoto eagerly tore open the letter.

"Yo! It's me, Asta. I know, I'm fashionably late—almost two weeks, but hey, better late than never, right? Anyway, just wanted to drop a line to let you know I'm alive and kicking. Oh, and guess what? I've got company—a geezer demon king and a child demon king. Fun times ahead!

I've ditched the old geezer's training, so you won't be hearing from me for a while. Until I'm back, stick to the plan and try not to overthink it. We both know planning isn't your strong suit, buddy.

Oh, and tell Irish I'm doing fine. I'm sure she's must be worrying.


Scratching his head in confusion, Aoto couldn't wrap his mind around. "Geezer and child demon king? What the...?" he muttered to himself. But following Scarlett's advice to avoid overthinking, he decided to just roll with it and headed towards Irish's room.

He had two reasons for visiting her. First, to assure her that Scarlett was safe and sound. And second, to recruit her help in taking down the imposter king. After all, if someone had the audacity to pose as king, they must have some powerful backers. Aoto chuckled to himself at the absurdity of it all as he made his way to Irish's room, bracing himself for whatever chaos awaited him.

As the evening descended, dorm rooms became sanctuaries for students seeking solace. Aoto made his way through the corridors, knowing exactly where to find Irish. It took him less than a minute to reach her dorm room, his footsteps echoing softly in the dimly lit hallway.

He rapped his knuckles on the door in a rhythmic pattern: *knock* *knock *knock*. Irish's door swung open, revealing her surprised expression as she took in Aoto's unexpected presence.

"What brings you here?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

However, Aoto didn't hesitate to step into the room. This was no casual visit; it was a matter of confidentiality, something that couldn't afford any leaks. With a determined expression, he entered, ready to discuss matters that required discretion.

As Aoto stepped into Irish's room, a sudden chill slithered down his spine, sending shivers across his skin. His eyes darted around the room, taking in the unsettling sight before him. The walls bore deep scratches, as if someone had desperately clawed at them in a fit of madness. Even the once-plush pillows lay torn apart, their stuffing scattered like a silent testament to some unseen chaos.

Aoto couldn't suppress a shiver of unease as he surveyed the room. The atmosphere was suffused with an eerie energy, a tangible sense of disorder and unrest that seemed to linger in the air like a haunting specter. Yet, despite the unsettling sight, he remained composed, his expression betraying only a hint of concern.

"She sure is missing Asta," he muttered to himself, unable to shake the feeling of foreboding that gripped him.

Turning his attention to Irish, he began to relay the purpose of his visit. "I received a letter from Scarlett," he explained, his voice steady despite the unsettling ambiance of the room.

Irish's reaction was immediate and unexpected. Her joy was palpable, her laughter filling the room with a sudden burst of warmth and light. But as Aoto continued, detailing Scarlett's message about her well-being and imminent training with an unknown individual, Irish's expression shifted, her happiness giving way to a flicker of disappointment.

The news that Scarlett wouldn't be sending any more letters for the foreseeable future cast a shadow over the room, plunging it once more into a solemn silence.

Breaking the heavy silence that hung in the air like a suffocating fog, Aoto finally spoke up, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "And one more thing, I want you to do a task," he began, his tone grave yet determined.

Irish's curiosity was piqued at the mention of a task, her mind immediately conjuring thoughts of Scarlett's earlier instructions, where she tells that, Only do what Aoto's personally tells you to do. She nodded in silent agreement, her gaze fixed intently on Aoto as she awaited his next words.

A wicked smile slowly spread across Aoto's lips, a gleam of anticipation dancing in his eyes. "You're going to love this," he declared, his voice tinged with a hint of dark amusement. "I want you to join me in a little venture: killing the king."

The words hung in the air like a sinister echo, sending a shiver down Irish's spine. Yet, instead of recoiling in horror, a bone-chilling grin twisted across her features, a wicked glint illuminating her eyes. 

In that moment, a sinister alliance was forged between them, bound by their shared thirst for power and vengeance. And as they exchanged knowing glances, a sense of anticipation filled the room, heralding the dawn of a deadly partnership that would shake the very foundations of the kingdom. 

With a chuckle that bordered on madness, she responded, 

"As expected of Brother-in-law." 

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