That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Duel On First Day

"Tsk tsk all he cares about is girl." 

"When will i find my dream girl."Scarlett's hoping that she will find some yuri girl.

"Hero-sama and Nova-san, let's head to your dorm," the Saintess insisted.

Aoto seemed puzzled. "Why? Aren't we going to meet other students?"

The Saintess sighed, exasperated. "You don't understand. You're like celebrities here. Just go to your dorm. Tomorrow, when you attend your classes, you'll have plenty of opportunities to meet your classmates."

His shoulders slumped, and a sigh escaped his lips as he resigned himself to the task at hand. "Okay, I'll do it," he muttered, his voice tinged with sadness and boredom.

"Why are you this sad over something like this?" Scarlett questioned.

"Uhh man this was the perfect chance to meet beauties." Aoto sighed.


Scarlett turned to Aoto, her expression a mixture of amusement and mild irritation. "Really, you're upset about missing a chance to meet beauties? You're at an academy with some of the realm's most gifted individuals. Think of the connections, the allies you'll make!"

Aoto, his mood slightly lightened by the grandeur of his new surroundings, managed a small chuckle. "I guess you're right. But you know, first impressions matter. I hoped to make a grand entrance during the day, not sneak in like a thief at night."

They reached to academy's dorm and....

As they entered the hero academy's dorm, they found themselves in a cozy space reminiscent of a typical room for two people.

Back of the walls was a big window from where sunlight would directly fall on their bed and they could also see the view of the academy's garden outside the window.

In the center of the room, a modest study area occupied pride of place. A sleek desk, flanked by two ergonomic chairs, provided ample space for academic endeavors and late-night study sessions. On the desk, neatly stacked textbooks and notebooks awaited the next wave of scholarly pursuits.

A compact wardrobe nestled in the corner offered storage for clothing and personal belongings, its doors adorned with stickers and doodles reflecting the eclectic tastes of its occupants.

Of course! this type of dorm was not for everyone, only high class students gets this kind of dorm And others also have to live with 1-2 other classmates in same room.

"Wohh so cool! " Scarlett spoke energetically, her voice brimming with excitement.

"So my work here finished.Now I have to go back to royal palace." Saintess said.

"So soon? We just came here."aoto let out a heavy sigh, his expression weighted with sorrow.

Egnoring his words,clare continued speaking.

"This is your first day in academy and there's no class today.So Either sit here all day or go out and explore the academy a little."

"Do anything but don't challenge anyone to duel or accept anyone's challange on the first day.Unlike you both, royals and nobles students have been training magic and swordsmanship since childhood."

"Okay then bye!"

As the saintess, Clare, made her way to the exit, Aoto watched her departing figure with a sense of unease settling over him. Her final advice echoed in his ears, a cautionary reminder of the complexity of his new environment.

"Yeah, see you," Aoto called out half-heartedly, his mind already racing with possibilities. He turned to Scarlett, a slight grin forming on his face despite the saintess's warnings. "Explore the academy, huh? That actually sounds like a good idea."

Scarlett nodded in agreement, her own curiosity piqued. "Yeah, let's see what this place has to offer. But let's keep a low profile, at least for today," she added, mindful of Clare's words about the other students.

Together, they stepped out of the dorm room, their footsteps echoing softly in the empty corridor. both of them are left alone in the dorm and are bored and wondering what to do.then aoto sees a strange otherworldly design black tattoo on Scarlett's chest.

"Hey! How did you get this tattoo on your chest?"Scarlett's chest was covered with bandage, so a little part of her tatto was visible.

Scarlett explained,"It's not a tatto, it's a seal placed on me by Saintess."

Aoto's brows furrowed in concern as he looked at the intricate design on Asta's arm. "A seal, huh? That sounds serious. But why would the saintess do that?"

Asta chuckled lightly, an air of nonchalance in her demeanor despite the gravity of the situation. "She was worried because my physical strength alone could outmatch many here at the academy. The saintess didn't want me accidentally overpowering other students during routine training or classes."

"So, this seal," Aoto gestured towards the marking, "it regulates your power?"

"Exactly," Asta replied, tracing the lines of the seal with her finger. "It's here to keep my abilities in check so I don't go full throttle. But it's designed to be flexible. I agreed to it, because Saintess said, I can bypass the restriction if I really need to unleash my full strength."

Aoto nodded, understanding the precaution. "So it's like a safety catch, but you hold the key to unlock it whenever necessary."

"That's right," Scarlett affirmed with a confident nod. "It's all under control."

"Are you really this strong, I am also became strong after being summoned."Aoto, still grappling with the concept of Asta's hidden power, boasted a bit about his own abilities. "I mean, I've gotten pretty strong myself after being summoned. My strength is 40, you know. That's on par with an average royal knight, and I'm just at level 1."

Scarlett suppressed a chuckle, thinking to herself about the vast difference in their power levels. 'Strength of 40? Oh boy, if he knew my strength is over 8000, he'd lose his mind.'

Their conversation paused, a brief silence hanging in the air as they both considered heading out to explore the academy's garden. Just then, a knock at the door interrupted their plans.

"Knock, knock... Hello? Is Aoto Takahashi here?" came a voice from the other side of the door, pulling their attention abruptly to the present.

Aoto was wondering who that person might be but Scarlett opened the door without hesitation.

As soon as she opened the door, her gaze fell upon a girl standing at about 4'10ft in height, her sky-blue hair and yellow eyes. Despite her diminutive size, she possessed an ethereal beauty that commanded attention. 

Despite her youthful appearance, her body was mature in inside but The arrogance etched upon her, lending an air of over- confidence and self-assuredness that hinted,she is troublesome girl from rich family.

The young woman introduced herself with a formal air, "I am Elminia Houseburge, from the Count Houseburge family."

As she spoke, a large shadow loomed over her. Turning her gaze forward, she was met with the imposing figure of Scarlett, who stood before her like an insurmountable wall.

"Are you Scarlett Nova?" Elminia asked, trying to peer around her to see Aoto. "Step aside, I need to speak with the hero."

At that moment, Scarlett said that she shouldn't have said. 

"A loli-girl"

Without a moment's hesitation, Scarlett's respons with a term that instantly ignited Elminia's temper. 

Elminia's expression turned fierce, her eyes flashing dangerously. "How dare you address me with such a disrespectful word? I am the daughter of a count!"

The sight of the petite noble trembling with indignation was almost too much for Scarlett, who struggled to suppress her laughter at the unintended comedy of the situation.

But recognizing the importance of Clare's advice about avoiding conflicts on their first day, Aoto stepped out of the room in hopes of defusing the situation. With a forced chuckle, he tried to smooth things over. "She was just joking—joking, hahaha."

Elminia's anger remained unabated. "No, Aoto-san, she is mocking me!" she protested, her irritation evident.

"I challenge you to a duel," Elminia declared with brash overconfidence, her stance defiant.

Scarlett remembered the words of clare, So hesitated, "Uhh, no, I can't accept this duel."

"Fufufu, you cannot win against me, can you?" Elminia taunted, sensing his reluctance.

"No, that's not it. An adult shouldn't fight with children," Scarlett responded, trying to be diplomatic, but her words inadvertently sounded more like a subtle insult.

Elminia's fists clenched tightly at her sides, her knuckles whitening as her anger boiled over. "Unforgivable! This is the second time you've insulted me."

Scarlett tried to pacify the situation further. "Calm down, girl! I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry, okay?" His voice held a genuine tone, attempting to smooth things over.

Elminia's response was frosty. "Do you think an apology is enough? If you truly want to apologize, then bow your head at my feet and beg for forgiveness."

Scarlett's smile was strained, masking the tremor of anger simmering within her. "Let's just duel then," she conceded, seeing no other way out.

"Very well. In two hours, we'll have our duel. And since I am a mage, let's make it a 2 vs 2 match," Elminia declared, her eyes gleaming with resolve.

"You and the hero, and me and my teammate," she added, setting the terms.

Aoto's eyes widened in surprise, and his mouth fell open in disbelief. "Why are you dragging me into this?" he protested, but the arrangement was already set in motion, leaving him little choice but to prepare for the upcoming challenge.

"I'm sorry hero-sama but you have to understand that this slave doesn't know her place. you just have to stand in corner of ground and we only beat her until she realize that she was worng."

"And I'll forgive her, when she beg me for forgiveness by crying in front of all students."

She leave after saying this and overconfidence on her face was something like winner is already decided.

Scarlett let out a heavy sigh, hir expression weighted with sorrow."Sorry aoto I dragged you into this." But to her astonishment, there was something else was going on aoto's mind.

Aoto's response was unexpectedly gleeful. "Woohoo! I've been waiting for this moment," he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

She looked at him, confusion etched across her face. "What moment?"

"You know, every RPG has these plots where the hero defeats the arrogant girl, and then she falls in love with him," Aoto explained, barely containing his enthusiasm.

Scarlett rolled her head in weirdness, her tone laced with disbelief. "Seriously? You think this is some kind of game? And you don't have any shame considering yourself a lolicon?.

Asto's expression was a mix of annoyance and resignation as he listened to Aoto's scheme. "How can a virgin like you understand the thick ass of a lolicon girl?" he retorted sarcastically.

A look of utter distaste crossed Scarlett's face, her eyebrows knitting together in disgust. "But I'm the one who's going to defeat her, so why does she fall in love with you?" she challenged.

"Are you kidding? I'm your master, remember?" Aoto said with a sly grin. "You go and defeat her, and at the end, I'll step in with some motivational bullshit and rizz her up."

"This is just the start of my harem," Aoto exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

Scarlett sighed heavily, her patience thinning. "Do whatever you want," she muttered, clearly disappointed.

"There's still an hour and a half left before the duel. Let's go inside and relax for a bit," Aoto suggested, leading the way back to their dorm to unwind before the impending challenge.

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