That Time I Got Reincarnate As A Medic In The World Of Warhammer 40k

Chapter 13: Frontline Baptism

The briefing room of Fort Hellhound was packed to capacity, filled with the grim faces of seasoned veterans and wide-eyed recruits alike. Colonel Vance Sturnhammer, his weathered face a mask of determination, stood before them, his augmetic eye whirring as it scanned the assembled troops.

"Listen up, you maggots," Sturnhammer's voice boomed, cutting through the nervous murmurs. "The green tide is coming, and it's our job to stem it. Intel reports a massive Ork Waaagh massing in the Ashen Wastes, sector Gamma-9. Conservative estimates put their numbers at half a million strong."

A collective intake of breath swept through the room. Lilith felt her heart race, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. This was it. This was war.

"I won't sugarcoat it," Sturnhammer continued, his voice grim. "We're outnumbered and outgunned. Reinforcements are weeks away. But we are the Steel Legion of Armageddon. We've faced these xenos scum before, and by the Emperor's grace, we'll send them back to whatever hell-pit spawned them."

The colonel's augmetic hand clenched as he spoke, servos whining with the effort. "You've all been through the crash course. It's not ideal, but it'll have to do. Remember your training, trust in your squadmates, and keep your faith in the Emperor strong. He protects."

"He protects," the assembled soldiers echoed, Lilith's voice joining the chorus.

Sturnhammer's gaze swept across the room, seeming to meet each soldier's eyes in turn. "Medicae personnel, your role is crucial. You'll be stationed at the forward aid stations. Your job is to patch up our boys and get them back into the fight. Every lasgun we keep firing is another dead Ork. Understood?"

"Sir, yes sir!" Lilith shouted along with the other medicae recruits, her voice sharp with determination.

"Good. Now, gear up and report to your assigned transports. The Emperor expects every man and woman to do their duty. Dismissed!"

As the briefing room emptied, Lilith hurried to her assigned locker. Her hands moved with practiced efficiency as she donned her flak armor, each piece a comforting weight against her small frame. She checked and double-checked her medicae satchel, ensuring every vial, bandage, and instrument was in its proper place.

Her fingers brushed against the worn leather of Sister Marian's medicae kit, and she felt a surge of determination. She would make her mentors proud. She would save lives.

As she made her final preparations, Lilith felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Sergeant Thorne, his face grim but his eyes kind.

"Ready for this, recruit?" he asked, his voice gruff.

Lilith nodded, swallowing hard. "As ready as I'll ever be, Sergeant."

Thorne's expression softened slightly. "Remember what I told you. Trust your training, keep your head down, and never forget that the Emperor is watching over you."

"I won't forget, Sergeant," Lilith replied, her hand unconsciously touching the silver Aquila pinned to her uniform.

"Good," Thorne said, giving her shoulder a squeeze. "Now get to your transport. The Orks won't wait for us to be ready."

Lilith hurried to the waiting Chimera, its engines already rumbling with impatience. As she climbed aboard, she found herself squeezed in among a mix of veteran Guardsmen and fellow recruits. The air inside the transport was thick with the smell of gun oil, sweat, and fear.

As the Chimera's rear hatch slammed shut, plunging them into the eerie red glow of the interior lighting, Lilith felt her heart pounding in her chest. That strange, unnamed feeling that had been growing within her since her arrival at Fort Hellhound surged once more, stronger than ever.

The transport lurched into motion, and Lilith closed her eyes, her lips moving in silent prayer. "Emperor protect us," she whispered, her fingers wrapped tightly around Sister Mercy's silver chain. "Guide my hands that I might save the lives of Your faithful servants. Grant me the strength to face the horrors that await us, and the wisdom to know Your will."

The journey to the front lines seemed to take both an eternity and no time at all. The Chimera rattled and shook as it traversed the war-torn landscape of Armageddon, its tracks crushing the ash and debris beneath them. Inside, some of the soldiers murmured prayers, while others checked and rechecked their weapons with mechanical precision.

Lilith's mind raced, reviewing everything she had learned. The proper application of a tourniquet, the administration of combat stimms, the treatment of lasburn and shrapnel wounds - all of it swirled through her thoughts in a dizzying parade.

Suddenly, the Chimera ground to a halt, its engines growling to a stop. The rear hatch swung open with a hydraulic hiss, flooding the interior with the harsh light of Armageddon's pollution-choked sky.

"Medicae personnel, with me!" barked a gruff voice. Lilith scrambled out of the transport, her boots hitting the ash-covered ground with a soft crunch. She found herself face to face with a stern-looking woman wearing the insignia of a Medicae Primus.

"I'm Primus Helena Voss," the woman snapped, her augmetic eye whirring as it focused on the assembled medicae recruits. "You'll be assisting in the forward aid station. Follow me, and try not to get yourselves killed before you're useful."

Lilith fell into step behind Primus Voss, her eyes wide as she took in the chaotic scene around her. The forward base was a hive of activity, with Guardsmen rushing to and fro, the rumble of tanks and the whine of Valkyrie engines filling the air. In the distance, she could hear the dull thump of artillery and the angry chatter of heavy bolters.

As they approached a large, prefabricated structure bearing the symbol of the Medicae Corps, Lilith felt that strange feeling inside her crescendo. It wasn't fear, she realized with a start. It was anticipation.

The interior of the aid station was a scene of controlled chaos. Rows of cots lined the walls, many already occupied by wounded Guardsmen. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood and the sharp tang of disinfectant. Medicae personnel in blood-stained uniforms moved purposefully between the patients, their voices raised in a cacophony of medical jargon.

"Listen up, recruits," Primus Voss shouted over the din. "This is where the Emperor's work gets done. Your job is to keep our soldiers alive and get them back into the fight. We've got stimms, synth-skin, and the Emperor's blessing. Use them all liberally. Now, get to work!"

Before Voss had even finished speaking, Lilith was moving. That feeling inside her, now recognized as a burning desire to heal, to save, propelled her forward. She made her way to the nearest occupied cot, her eyes quickly assessing the soldier's condition.

The Guardsman was pale, his uniform soaked with blood from a vicious gash across his abdomen. Without hesitation, Lilith reached for her medicae satchel, her mind already cycling through the necessary procedures.

"Emperor, guide my hands," she murmured, drawing on the prayers she had learned back at the orphanage. Her fingers moved with practiced precision as she cut away the soldier's ruined uniform, exposing the full extent of the wound.

"Frag grenade," the Guardsman gasped, his eyes glazed with pain. "Didn't... didn't see it in time."

"Save your strength," Lilith replied, her voice calm and assured despite the chaos around her. "The Emperor protects, and His servant heals."

She worked quickly, cleaning the wound with a solution of purified water and antiseptic unguents. The soldier hissed in pain, but Lilith's focus never wavered. She applied a hemostatic agent to stem the bleeding, then reached for a vial of liquid synth-skin.

As she applied the miracle substance, watching it bond with the soldier's flesh and begin the accelerated healing process, Lilith felt a surge of... something. It wasn't quite satisfaction, nor was it pride. It was a sense of rightness, as if she was fulfilling a purpose she had been destined for.

"There," she said, securing a clean dressing over the wound. "The worst is over. You'll need to rest and let the synth-skin do its work, but you should be back on your feet in no time."

The Guardsman looked at her with a mix of awe and gratitude. "Thank you," he whispered. "Emperor bless you, little one."

Lilith nodded, already turning to the next patient. There was no time for lengthy exchanges, not with the constant influx of wounded flooding into the aid station.

For what felt like hours, Lilith worked tirelessly. Her hands moved from patient to patient, treating everything from las-burns to bolt round impacts. She administered pain-suppressants and combat stimms, applied synth-skin and bone-knitters, and whispered prayers of healing over each wounded soldier.

The other medicae recruits seemed to falter in the face of the overwhelming tide of injured, but Lilith's focus never wavered. She moved with a surety that belied her young age and limited experience, her actions guided by a combination of intensive training and an almost intuitive understanding of the human body.

Primus Voss watched the young girl with a mixture of surprise and approval. She had expected the recruits to struggle, to hesitate in the face of such carnage. But this one... this one worked as if she had been born to it.

As Lilith finished treating a Guardsman with a severe plasma burn, applying a specialized cooling unguent before wrapping the wound in synthsilk bandages, Voss approached her.

"Recruit," she barked, causing Lilith to snap to attention. "Your name?"

"Lilith, Primus," she replied, her voice steady despite her exhaustion.

Voss's augmetic eye whirred as it focused on the girl. "You've got steady hands, Lilith. Keep it up."

Before Lilith could respond, a commotion at the aid station's entrance drew their attention. A group of Guardsmen burst in, carrying a grievously wounded officer between them.

"Medicae!" one of them shouted, his voice tinged with panic. "The Captain's down!"

Voss cursed under her breath. "Throne, it's Captain Thalassian. Recruit, with me. Now!"

Lilith followed Voss to the center of the aid station, where the Guardsmen were laying the wounded officer on an empty cot. Captain Thalassian was a mess of blood and shredded armor, his breathing shallow and labored.

"Ork Nob," one of the Guardsmen explained, his voice shaky. "Caught us by surprise. The Captain... he held it off long enough for us to fall back, but..."

Voss was already moving, her hands a blur as she assessed the Captain's wounds. "Multiple lacerations, punctured lung, possible internal bleeding," she muttered. "This is bad."

Lilith stood at the ready, her mind racing. She knew the Captain's chances were slim, but something inside her refused to give up. That strange feeling, that sense of purpose, burned brighter than ever.

"Primus," she said, her voice steady. "I can help."

Voss glanced at her, surprise evident on her face. But something in Lilith's expression must have convinced her, because she nodded sharply. "Alright, recruit. Show me what you can do."

Lilith took a deep breath, centering herself. She reached for her medicae satchel, pulling out Sister Marian's specialized instruments. As she began to work, she felt a strange calm settle over her, as if she were merely a conduit for some greater power.

Her hands moved with precision, cleaning and suturing the worst of the lacerations. She applied a chest seal to the punctured lung, then reached for a vial of advanced coagulant that Sister Marian had taught her to use for severe internal bleeding.

"Emperor, guide my hands," Lilith murmured as she administered the coagulant via a hypospray. "Emperor, protect Your servant in his hour of need."

As she worked, Lilith became aware of a hushed silence falling over the aid station. The other medicae personnel had stopped to watch, their expressions a mix of awe and disbelief. Even Primus Voss stood back, her augmetic eye whirring furiously as she observed Lilith's techniques.

Minutes stretched into what felt like hours as Lilith fought to save the Captain's life. She used every skill she had learned, every technique Sister Marian and Chief Medicae Helix had taught her. And all the while, that strange feeling inside her grew stronger, guiding her actions with an almost preternatural certainty.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Lilith stepped back. Captain Thalassian's breathing had steadied, his wounds sealed with synth-skin and advanced healing unguents. He wasn't out of danger yet, but he had a fighting chance.

"He'll live," Lilith said, her voice barely above a whisper. "With proper care and the Emperor's blessing, he'll recover."

The aid station erupted in a chorus of relieved sighs and muttered prayers. Primus Voss stared at Lilith, her expression unreadable.

"In all my years," she said slowly, "I've never seen anything like that. You just performed procedures that most veteran medicae would struggle with. How?"

Lilith blinked, suddenly aware of the attention focused on her. That strange feeling inside her began to recede, leaving her feeling drained and slightly confused. "I... I just did what needed to be done, Primus. The Emperor guided my hands."

Voss nodded slowly, but Lilith could see the questions in her eyes. Before the Primus could say anything more, however, the aid station's vox crackled to life.

"All personnel, be advised," a harried voice announced. "Large Ork force approaching from the southeast. All combat-ready personnel to defensive positions. Medicae teams, prepare for increased casualties."

The moment of awe passed, replaced by a renewed sense of urgency. Voss turned to address the assembled medicae personnel. "You heard the vox. Get ready, people. This is where we earn our keep."

As the others rushed to prepare, Voss placed a hand on Lilith's shoulder. "Get some rest for a while, recruit. You've more than earned it. But continue to stand by."

Lilith nodded, suddenly aware of the bone-deep exhaustion settling over her. As she made her way to a quiet corner of the aid station, her mind whirled with questions. What was this strange ability she seemed to possess? Was it truly the Emperor's guidance, or something else?

The battle for Armageddon was far from over as the sounds of battle drew ever closer.

Lilith took in the grisly sight before her, the battlefield was a charnel house. Bodies of both Guardsmen and Orks lay scattered, limbs twisted unnaturally, the acrid smell of promethium and burning flesh filling the air. Her stomach churned, but she swallowed hard, gripping her medicae satchel tightly as she moved with the rest of the unit. The sound of gunfire and the clash of metal echoed around them as the Steel Legion fought desperately to hold the line.

"Steady, Lilith," Sergeant Thorne barked, his eyes scanning the battlefield. His voice, rough but steady, kept her grounded. "You’ve seen worse in the medicae ward. This is no different. These men need you."

Lilith nodded, her face pale but determined. It was true that she had tended to grievous wounds before, but here, on the battlefield, the stakes felt impossibly high. The wounded wouldn't come to her in the controlled chaos of an aid station. She would have to find them, amidst the carnage.

Their superior officer, Colonel Sturnhammer, appeared at the front of the line, his voice booming through the tumult. "Medics!" he called out, his voice steady even under the weight of the onslaught. "You're the lifeblood of this army. Keep them on their feet, or we all fall."

Lilith followed the others as they moved closer to the frontline, the ground shaking beneath their boots as shells exploded nearby. She could see the flashes of lasfire in the distance, hear the screams of men and the guttural roars of Orks, and felt the cold realization that this was no drill.

Suddenly, the line ahead faltered, and an Ork roared through the gap, its massive, blood-stained axe raised high. It bore down on a wounded Guardsman crawling through the mud, helpless and bleeding. Lilith froze for a moment, her breath catching in her throat, but Sergeant Thorne acted in an instant, firing his lasgun and dropping the beast before it could finish its charge.

"Medic!" Thorne shouted, his voice slicing through her paralysis.

Lilith scrambled forward, her training kicking in. She knelt beside the wounded Guardsman, her hands moving with mechanical precision as she cut away the ragged remains of his uniform. A deep gash ran across his chest, dangerously close to the heart. Blood poured from the wound, soaking the ground beneath him.

She grabbed a coagulant injector from her kit and jabbed it into the soldier’s arm, watching as the bleeding slowed. "Stay with me," she muttered under her breath, her hands moving quickly as she applied synth-skin to seal the wound.

The soldier groaned, his eyes fluttering open. "Emperor… bless you," he rasped.

"Not done yet," she whispered, securing a final bandage. She glanced up just in time to see more Orks breaking through the lines, their brutish figures towering over the fallen and wounded.

Colonel Sturnhammer’s voice cut through the chaos, commanding their attention. "Medics, you stay sharp! We’re going in. The Emperor protects but your hands make sure His will is done. Every life you save means another lasgun in the fight. Now move!"

With that, they were thrown back into the fray, following their superior's charge into the thick of battle. Lilith gripped her satchel tighter, her heart pounding, knowing that, on this field of death, her role was as crucial as any soldier's.

The battle for Armageddon had only just begun.

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