Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 242

The Reborn Princess’s favorite.

While I was crying wow, Nero was hugging me tightly, but he slipped out of his arm as if he had seen me calm down.I don’t think I can’t get caught. Better yet, you’ve been dating me.

Once again, I am happy to see the rounded shape in the cage, which is in place.Oh, I can feel you’re back.

As she snorted and laughed, her big hand reached out.My broken fingers stroke my cheeks with tears.

Close to me are turbid obsidian eyes.Normally, it smiles like a brilliant beauty that melts sweetly.

I was so glad that Nero came back, and the situation that was currently being put out of my head, I blinked.

For a moment, I didn’t really know what was going on.

But soon, I remembered that Mr. Leonhalt had brought Nero, and everything came back to mind in the form of being pulled out of there by the beads.

Ahh, my face got hot with a boiling momentum.

How dare you show yourself!

And what kind of horrible face are you showing in your current progression, me!?

When you understand that someone likes to peek at your messy face with tears, sweat, and all kinds of things, it’s bloodthirsty.

Wait, nose… nose is not dripping!?

I don’t like tears or sweat, but please just give up the runny nose.Even in the same fluid category, there is a clear line as to whether it is acceptable. And give me a break for saliva.

As I faded, I drifted away from Master Leonhalt.

I felt his hands tremble for a moment, but I couldn’t afford to think deeply.

“… princess?”

“Don’t look too much….”

Murmur with a whispering voice that is about to disappear, then ask the surroundings if there is anything to wipe.

I took the hand wipe that was placed next to the bucket containing water and gently soaked my face with lots of paint.

I don’t want my face to look bad anymore, so I put a hand wipe on it to hide my eyes.

What do we do now?

Though the emotions have calmed down, the face is still terrible.Because I cried so much, the swelling on my face won’t go away so easily.

Is this how you propose backwards with a face like a bakery hero?Is it getting any harder? And the success rate has not dropped significantly?


Called, my shoulders bounce.Because I felt a slightly lower voice and a serious appearance, like a premonition that I would be talking about something important.

I’m not ready at all.

Good or bad, I can’t talk right now.Even if you estimate it to be a very convenient story for me, listening with your nose hanging is tough as a maiden in love. I can’t.

That’s why I shook the story from myself, pretending not to notice the air that Leonhalt was trying to cut out.

“How is Master Leon’s injury?”

As if you had been struck by imagination, it would be empty in one stroke.

Mr. Leonhalt showed a little confusion before raising his left hand.Looking through the gap where the face was hidden with a hand wipe, a bandage was wrapped around the thumb and index finger.

“That’s right, I’m a scratch.Fuzuki was also wounded, but he was treated by a magician of local attributes and healed completely.There are no scars left. ”

It’s not a scratch, but I probably didn’t hear anything more because it’s a word to keep me from worrying.


I was secretly worried about Flower Sound, so I’m glad you told me.A bite wound could have caused a lot of trouble, and even if it wasn’t, it would hurt my heart to leave a scar on the girl.

“I ran into Dr. Teleman, but he seemed fine.I was very worried about you.When I found out I was coming to see you, I was told many times that it was cunning.Take me with you. ”

I smiled back a little, like Leon Hart who said with a bitter smile on his face.

I want to see you, too, so I need to get well as soon as possible.

“I refused to take you with me because it’s important.”

Your body feels strong when you squeeze.


The voices blocking the escape route made the confusion worse.

They took my hand before telling me to wait.

It’s a force reduction that doesn’t hurt, but it has a force that can’t be shaken away.The hand was pulled for each hand wipe that was pressed to hide the face, and the bright red face was exposed in front of Leon Hart.

No, no, no, no.

I don’t want you to look like this.

The fever is gathering on my face and my nose feels tight.

I don’t like runny nose, but I don’t like bleeding nose.

That’s pathetic. I don’t know what I’m talking about.

I want to be cute and cool, like a princess of Ogata, like a heroine in a maiden game.It doesn’t work at all. Nothing makes sense.

Your tears are about to soak, and you’re in a hurry.

I couldn’t keep an eye on Mr. Leonhalt, so I shut up.

Silence falls indoors.

It seemed like it had lasted a long time, but maybe it was for a few seconds.It was Leon Halt’s hard voice that broke the heavy air.

“… don’t you like it?”

“… eh?”

“Or are you scared?”

When I raised my fearful face, Leon Hart-sama’s expression was as hard as his voice.

“I am certainly a troublesome man.Besides, it’s very heavy. There’s nothing you can do to be afraid of. ”


Trouble or heavy? I just tilted my neck because I had no idea.

Better yet, I think it’s about me.

“Still, I’m looking for you….”

Words cut off.

After a moment of silence, Lord Leonhalt looked straight at me.

It was reflexive to put myself in a hand that had been stretched again.Never refuse. But I can’t tell you that without explaining.

Leon Hart-sama’s expression changes.His face, with his eyebrows lowered and his eyes narrowed, was no exaggeration to express his grief.

I realized that I had been hurt a little late.I returned to myself in a hurry to solve my misunderstanding.

But before that, Mr. Leonhalt moves.

Stand up and press my hand against the pillow while I hold it.

Léon Halt, who climbed up on the bunk with one knee, put one hand on the bed head and covered me.

At the same time as the sound of the bedding, one of the cushions used to replace the pillow rolls down.

I followed the trajectory with my eyes as it drifted over an unrealistic event.

Then turn your gaze toward the nearby straight face.I blurred slowly and repeatedly.

I can’t keep up with the understanding.

Leon Hart-sama looks up with her lips slightly open and her dumb face still open.

Rising eyebrows on cool eyes. Well-formed lips on a neat nose bridge.Cheeks and jaws drawing tough lines.Even though it was near the 30th Road, I couldn’t find anything called decay.Even though it is unrivalled in beauty alongside art, there is no feminine part.I fell in love with your face as if it was stuffed with my taste.

In the meantime, Leon Hart-sama’s face came closer and closer.I felt exhaled on my lips when I thought it was out of focus.

But it stops on the brink of touching.

After hesitating, I felt “lonely” with my lips leaving without touching each other.

And I followed what I might call my instinct.

Keep away from his face, now get close to me.

Lips stretched up.

Just as the eyes were opened by surprise, the lips were slightly open.

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