Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

Ranking System and Last Mission #11

"I can't believe it's already been 7 years since I was last at home" said a young man as he stared at the night sky.

When he stood up, he was 6'3" tall, muscular, his black hair was wild, the tips touching his shoulders, his eyes were misty gray in color, his muscles were ripped and packed with power, his presence was intimidating, in the Union he is a rank S hunter. They ended doing a ranking system depending on the accomplishment of the hunter as well as their strengths. This came up as more vampires and werewolves started popping up in recent years.

S rank were hunters like him whose amount of vampires and werewolves killed or captured are mountains, as well as hunt other creatures unknown to the other ranks, powerful ones. This rank is the only rank that requires strength to achieve since this rank hunters take global missions.

A rank were skilled whose amount is really high and go for the Alpha and vampires that are 300 years and less, though they don't bother with weak vampires and werewolves as they are used to big fish.

B rank go for betas and vampires that are 150 years old or less, though if they need to be in pairs to handle a vampire this strong.

C rank go for betas an 100 year old vampires, they can handle them just fine, they go for omegas too.

D rank go for the recently turn vampires, juveniles, familiars etc. D rank can't go on werewolf hunting because D rank means they had just joined and are new and inexperienced.

It is really crappy system in Lucien's opinions but it works.


His phone rang and he saw the caller ID that's when suddenly an alpha burst into his hotel room.

"Oi!, knock before you enter!" yelled Lucien in chinese as he was in china, Hong Kong to be exact, to hunt werewolves terrorizing the city, they were like the Yakuza Vampires in Japan but whereas Yakuza vampires were keeping order, these were taking advantage of the majority of the people, a quarter of the city was of the vampires and the other quarter was of the werewolves, an even the rich people or police couldn't do much, so they requested hunters and once the request is sent to the nearest Hunters Union, the mission is sent to all of Union headquarters, Lucien took this as his last mission before retiring, the pay for this was in the 6 ceros digits after and this would be a good money to buy Allison cute clothes, not that he needed money but still.


Lucien tilted his head casually as a knife passed by him "Now now, what's the rush? I've never thought people were eager to die around here *yawn*" he said bored.

The leader of the group gritted his teeth and transformed into a hideous werewolf, his eyes glowed red of an alpha, once done tranforming he smirked at Lucien.

Lucien disgustedly spat to the side "Pathetic" he commented "You think this will stop the inevitable?"


The alpha roar and the rest of the group transformed, yellow eyes surrounded Lucien, he shrugged "Suit yourself"

He answered the phone "Hey, Jocy. what's up?"

The alpha threw himself at Lucien first, the rest followed him, sending a punch towards Lucien's face, two of his betas came from the side an slashed at him from the side while another beta jumped high to slash at his head if Lucien were to jump.

'They got me surrounded?' thought Lucien 'but'

Lucien grinned and slid backwards 'they forgot to surround me from behind'

Once he evaded backwards, Lucien saw how the betas hitting from the sides collided between themselves, the one from above fell on top of the two betas.

The alpha growled and jumped above his three betas reaching Lucien but it was too late, while the beta from above was falling blocking the sight of the alpha for a second, Lucien moved in a blink of eye in front of the alpha who widened his eyes knowing it made a mistake to jump over his three betas.

"Meet me at our usual hang out" Lucien hung up the phone after hearing Jocelyn cried 'guess I have to go home quick, man, and I was hoping to get some type of sexual massage here'

"Noo-" screamed the alpha before his head rolled on the ground, the betas saw this and tried to run away.

The one to run away first fell on the ground headless  upon crossing the door, a silver wire shining with blood dripping was there across the door.

"Ha, learned something from Bud at least" he laughed, he flashed to the other two killing them in one punch to their hearts caving their chest in.

He dusted his hands by clapping them before smiling, he suddenly felt tens of werewolves running up the building of the hotel.


One hour later the building fell creating a huge cloud of dust and people who lived near by panic thinking a terrorist attack, it didn't help that they heard roars coming from it, so they ran.

dozens of werewolves were buried under all the rubble, they were already dead before, heads laid around, bodies dismembered. The last attack were four alphas attacking Lucien at once making the whole building shake and fall, but even four alphas were insufficient to make Lucien get serious, after dealing with the alphas, the rest were regular werewolves and pathetically weak in his opinion.

Lucien killed them effortlessly before rushing out of the collapsing hotel

"Man, I won't be able to sell their claws... oh... I can do that!" he was disappointed at first but then remember he can swallow the bodies using his earth manipulation, so he did, he mobilized the corpses underground and took their claws and fangs, once done he took a picture of all the corpses and their leaders as proof that the werewolves had been taking care of.

He buried them underground again and left for his 'date' with Jocelyn.


Tang tang taaaang tang taaang

"Breaking News!"

"The famous Mystic Dragon Hotel collapsed all of sudden, people panicked and fled from the scene saying they heard roars and shrieks as if hell was singing the end of the world...but we have a witnessed here that says he witnessed the whole thing collapsing and a mysterios person on the scene"

The camera moved to the witnessed, an average middle aged man who had some scratches from the rubbles and dust that flew around.

"Tell us, Sir. What happened here?" asked the female reporter.

"It was marvelous yet so scary I actually pissed my pants hahaha"

The camera focused down and showed he actually did pissed himself.

"Screams and roars"

Started the middle age man, the camera focused back to his face.

"That's what I heard, roars, shrieks and banging, it sounded as if that gate of hell had opened and demons sang their excitement by roaring. Then this mysterious person showed up out of nowhere, I couldn't see his face but his hands morphed into claws and he started doing something, I couldn't see because of the angle but I sure as hell didn't want to get near him... I think it was the Devil, the Devil opened the gates and now we will have demons running around the streets!" the man retold everything he saw, he started calmed but finished with a crazed expression shaking uncontrollably on live TV before he fell on the floor and spammed on the ground, his mouth foamed in shock and fear by remembering the events.

The viewers all gasped and became anxious witnessing a 'demon' processing the man.

The camera changed back to the news lady "W-well, there you have it, we will learn more once the police investigate the situation" said the female reported sweating.

The news were cut off, people rushed to their phones and found some leaked videos as well and saw what the man said to be true so far, still the mysterious man couldn't be identified no matter how much they tried to clear the images, people knew then that it must have indeed been the Devil.


"What a load of crap!" said Raph in his office.

He picked up his phone and called Lucien.

"Raphy? what's up?"

"Don't Raphy me Lu- Van! what happened?"

"Well, this happened and then they showed up and so I had to fight but then more showed up and so I took care of it" explained Lucien.

Raph was about to have a heart attack and a brain malfunction hearing Lucien's explanation. He rubbed his temples and sighed "Just get here already, I have your retirement paperwork ready" he hung up and flopped on his chair.

"I'm glad it's his last work" said Raph crying in happiness.

(A/n: Are you liking the book? there are barely any comments that I am anxious😅

Thanks for those stones by the way, I don't really want them as long you guys leave a comment in the chapter comments about the chapter so that I know you are reading and enjoying!🤣)

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