Technomancer in MCU


Well, hello there my peeps!
Its been long overdue but I owe you guys an explanation, at the very least.
Well, somewhere around the last week of February, I had to go home due to a family emergency.
It was completely sudden and there was a whole host of tension surrounding the last moment flight, that flight's cancellation and then boarding another flight, yada yada yada.
For context, I have a full-time job and for that, I had to move about 1600km(994 mi) away from my home and pretty much the only way home without spending 30 HOURS on a train is by flight. So, I had to leave everything on pause for an entire week and go home.
The trip there was exhausting. The ride from the airport to the home was exhausting. The stay there was veryyy exhausting.
But in the end, I pulled through, things went back to normal in about a week, and the next thing I knew, I was on a flight back to work on the 3rd of March (Sunday).
Poor naive me thought that I could just pick up the work where I left it but apparently, that is not how things are done in the corporate sector. So, on top of handling all the new work, I also had to work on the pile of backlog that had occurred during my unplanned leave (that I am glad my employer gave me on such short notice).
Juggling that along with writing was a bitch and a half. I stopped going to the gym and since my healthy meals option was with the gym, I started eating junk again and soon found myself with zero energy and motivation to write or work.
I still tried but as you know, the last time I uploaded a chapter was on March 8th.
I soon found out that I would not be able to do everything at once (as much as I wanted to) so I decided to take a break.
For about a month.
It's just that, I forgot to tell you guys about it.
So, don't worry, nothing has happened to me.
It's a little case of burnout I guess. Don't worry though, my ADHD brain is already brimming with new ideas now and it won't be long until you see me with a new story.
Now, comes the slightly bad part. Technomancer is going on hiatus. Temporarily.
The thing is that when I started that story, I had no idea what I was doing. I have learned so much since then and while it has definitely been a great learning experience, looking back, I kinda don't like many of the decisions I took in regards to that.
So, either I might rewrite it with better story points or maybe continue it and give it an ending much sooner than expected.
Of course, nothing's written in stone so who knows?
Anywho, that's all from my side.
I will see you guys soon, I have an exciting new concept for a story in mind and the first chapters of that should be public by April 1 (Don't worry, it's not an April Fool's).

Until then, thank you for reading!

Idle Muse

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.