Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #86.1

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Chapter 86.1

Technomancer in MCU

Rainbow Bridge, Asgard


He had kept watch on his King’s children ever since they were little kids. 

Even Hella Odinsdottir was someone who regarded him and his job with the importance and reverence it deserved.

For he was the Watcher of Asgard. 

Asgard’s first line of defense.

So, why? Why does none of the current Princes respect him enough to actually give him space of thought?

On one hand, there is Prince Thor who, while much calmer than before, has no tact and goes off to galavant to Midgard to mingle with his paramour.

On the other hand, there is Prince Loki, who, quite successfully, argued his case in court regarding his being under the control of another powerful being and getting himself his freedom, also does not respect his duties and even regularly uses the dangerous Old ways to traverse between realms.

When his King had declared that Prince Loki would be the one who would be heading to earth to summon the Singularity, he had been startled beyond belief and while he did not show it on his face, according to him, the choice was wrong.

In fact, not even Prince Thor was properly equipped to handle the Singularity and its Guardian.

His King should have just sent his infamous ravens but for some reason, he sent Loki.

Someone who had spearheaded an invasion of one of their biggest cities just a few short years back. That is pitifully short in mortal time.

In fact, the only people who could communicate with the Singularity’s Guardian on an equal or higher footing, in the entire realm of Asgard, were Queen Frigga and King Odin.

And wasn’t that a frightening thought?

The fact that mere mortals who had only arrived in the universe 9 of Midgard’s years prior to this day, had ascended to such a level of strength that should they ever come to blows, even Prince Thor might lose out in terms of sheer strength and magical power, let alone intelligence which was the strong suit of the Singularity and its Guardian.

He shuddered to think what would happen should Prince Loki provoke them to the point of turning them into enemies of Asgards. Even them adopting a neutral stance towards Asgard could be detrimental to Asgard since there were threats on the horizon that he could not see yet he knew they were coming.

Hela. Thanos. The Surviving Celestials.

And many more that even his sight could not find.

Sometimes, he regretted not accepting his King’s request for bestowing upon Axal his sight but when he thought of his long lonesome service to his King, he thought differently about the Sight.

It was a burden. A burden to be shouldered throughout one’s life all by themselves. It cannot be taught. It cannot be taken away. It can only be given.

He was being selfish, he was aware of that. But to burden his only son with that would make him a bad father and the All-Father understood that.

He was grateful for that. 

That was one of the reasons why he didn’t protest when the King decided to send Prince Loki to Midgard as an envoy.

Except the Singularity’s Guardian was not on Midgard. When the time to send Prince Loki to Midgard came, his Sight failed him.

It was a rare occurrence but exceptionally powerful beings have successfully hidden themselves from his sight but he was of the understanding that only the Ancient One could hide herself from his Sight simply by virtue of her soul strength being high enough to bend the Astral Realm around herself, rendering her invisible to his advanced Sight and senses.

So, in the end, he had to borrow the All-Father’s sight to actually locate the Guardian. Turns out, he was with the Singularity on their base built into the crust of the Moon that orbited around Midgard, or Earth as they called it.

Relying on his King’s sight was always a disorienting feeling since he could feel the scope of his King’s sight and it was truly vast. The only drawback he could see was the energy expenditure which, while not large enough to be a problem, did have its toll on his King’s body and being one of the very few people alive who knew of Hela and how she was being imprisoned, he was very quick in locating the Guardian, sending Prince Loki to the location and disconnecting himself from his King’s sight.

“I know you doubt my choice, Heimdall.” he heard his King’s voice whisper into his ears.

“I am sorry, All-Father,” He immediately kneeled and said, knowing that his King would be able to hear it.

“A parent’s love is vast, Heimdall and while we can be hurt by the actions of our children, the love can never truly be lost. Thank you for being understanding.” The King whispered and then as if it was never there at all, he could feel the heavy presence of OdinForce dissipating from the surroundings.

But he was aware.

Aware of his King’s eternal watch over Asgard.

The All-Father never truly stopped watching over Asgard.

“For Asgard,” he whispered as he stood up and removed Hofund from the bridge, turning the Rainbow Bridge off.

For Asgard, he would stand watch till the end of his life. It may even come true if the snippets of vision he had received would come true in this life.

Ragnarok. The End of Asgard as we know it.

Something that all Asgardians strove to prevent at all costs.

It was a treacherous thought but sometimes, he thought of how the current Asgard came to be and what its future could be and then the thought of being able to rebuild it all anew didn’t seem so bad.

It helped that in his visions, even after Ragnorok, Asgardians survived and built another home.

A true home this time.

Not one that is built on lies, blood, and death across realms.

Hela truly did a number on the nine realms, propelling Asgard to become the only power worth mentioning in the nine realms.

Speaking of her, he could still her lounging about in her prison. For someone who had been imprisoned for over a thousand years, she looked remarkably sane.

Then again, the Goddess of Death was scarcely sane when she was the general of Asgard’s armies, let alone now when she had been in solitary confinement for over a thousand years with only her undead summons as company.

He could not yet believe that the All-Father still thought of his sons to be the counter for Hela. 

Thor, with his shackled potential and Loki with his shackled and damaged mind could never hope to match Hela alone, let alone Hela when she gains birthright access to Odin Force and its energies.

That was why the alliance with the Guardian of the Singularity was important. So far, he had shown remarkable aptitude in all things mystical, being the second most skilled Mystic of Midgard, after the Ancient One.

With the resources and grit shown by the Singularity, he was sure that, if given the chance, he would be the one who could save Asgard. The true Asgard.

Hela’s escape from her prison is all but a certainty with All-Father’s health deteriorating day by day. 

The day comes near when Prince Thor and Prince Loki would have to fight Odin’s firstborn and looking at them now, they were absolutely not ready.

Even right now, Prince Thor was sparring with his friends. An absolutely useless spar considering the best weapon he had access to was his innate magical power and his ability to command Thunder without Mjolnir. 

His over-reliance on Mjolnir will be the biggest hindrance in his way to reach his peak, something that will be higher than even All-Father’s if his words are to be believed.

Prince Loki, on the other hand, has not been received well, it would seem.

Judging from his current condition, he was not in any danger but being bound magically and unconscious in the base of a foreign power was never a good sign.

He could have warned All-Father about it but chose to wait it out, especially since he could see that none of the people in the base meant Prince Loki any harm and they were actually getting ready for something.


The Asterisk

–Loki Odinson

He gained consciousness but made sure not to move about. He felt his body moving but before he could open his eyes and check, his body slowed down and then immediately jerked to another direction.

He immediately tried to use his magic to sense the surroundings on reflex but to his horror, found that his magic was bound.

Normally, that would not have been a problem since all the magical binders he had ever come across, all of them just made sure that Magic, or any other energy for that matter, didn’t flow out of the prisoner.

Only the truly quality ones like the ones made in Asgard or Nidavellir took into account the fact that skilled magic practitioners like him could manipulate the flow of magic inside to resonate with the ever-present dimensional energy and use it for devastating effects.

Unlocking most bindings would have taken little effort but whoever had bound him had been very thorough with their job, making sure that he had no wiggle room whatsoever.

With nothing to do, he resigned himself to wait for them to stop this madness of pendulum motions.

When he got the assignment from Odin (he still refused to call him Father), he had been very glad to get out of Asgard for it had been getting suffocating to be in the presence of people who loved him.

He still could not believe his luck that Mother managed to find out about Thanos’ attack on his mind and argued with the court for him.

It was truly unprecedented. The Queen fighting for someone against the justice system of the Royal Court of Asgard.

Even now, he could hear the crowds whispering about his mother and how wrong of a decision she took when she decided to help him avoid the life imprisonment that Odin was about to punish him with.


Word Count - 1726

To be continued

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.


A/N - I truly have so much to write but its already 1 A.M and I have to wake up at 5 in the morning if I want the day to go good.

So, two part chapter it is.

See you guys tomorrow.


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