Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

“In two months, I can make such a good appearance, Zhong Lao and Wang Lao really didn’t lie to me.”

Looking at the tokmak device that had just been assembled in the center of the laboratory, Minister Sun couldn’t help but sigh.

Although he knew less about the field of scientific research, this did not prevent him from being shocked by the scene in front of him.

But at this moment, a cold voice came

: “It does look like it, but don’t look like it, silver gun candle head.”

The voice was very soft, but it was still heard by Minister Sun.

“You, you… Why is it so vengeful?

Minister Sun looked helplessly at the owner of the voice, Su Xiaoxiao.

In fact, Su Xiaoxiao’s qualifications were not enough to become a member of the delegation, but considering her great achievements at a young age, and her grandfather was the president of Huaqing University, Minister Sun made an exception and let her join the delegation.

In fact, Minister Sun’s impression of Su Xiaoxiao was excellent.

Even if she abandons her identity as the granddaughter of the president of Huaqing University, she is also a first-class genius in the Dragon Kingdom.

At the age of fifteen, he took the college entrance examination in advance, was admitted to Huaqing University, and then completed four years of credits in advance in just two years, and then successfully applied to the overseas University of Oxford.

After receiving her master’s degree in one year, Su Xiaoxiao directly began to return to China to form her own project team.

Today, Su Xiaoxiao, who is only eighteen years old, is already the main person in charge of a small and medium-sized project.

This is definitely a terrifying growth rate in the scientific research community of the Dragon Country, of course, the object of comparison has to throw Lu Yu this monster!

This girl is a little too arrogant, and too vindictive….

“I didn’t hold a vendetta, I just told the truth.”

Su Xiaoxiao looked indifferent, and was not moved by the fiery atmosphere of the previous laboratory.

Minister Sun sighed helplessly and shook his head:

“Xiao Su, I know that your funds have been cut, and I have emotions in my heart. But if you think about it from another angle, if the [Red Sun] plan can succeed, with the blessing of controlled nuclear fusion, the molecular food you are mainly attacking will also usher in a rapid breakthrough.

“Then he has to succeed.”

Su Xiaoxiao’s expression was still cold: “Minister Sun, how many years has controlled nuclear fusion not broken through?”

“You never know where you dug up such a person and built a tokmak device in just two months.” Do you believe it yourself that this thing can be ignited successfully?

Saying that, the corner of her mouth hooked a sneer, shook her head and said

: “Don’t get it to the end, it’s another H-core time, then it’s just…” Before

Su Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he was seriously interrupted by Minister Sun:

“Xiao Su, you are responsible for your own words, some words cannot be said nonsense!”

The H-core incident has always been a pain in the scientific research community of the Dragon Kingdom, and countless scholars have taboo topics.

After that blow, the chip industry of the Dragon Kingdom slumped, and since then, it has lagged behind step by step, step by step, until it was choked by the Western powers, and it became difficult to even breathe….

Until today, carefully thinking back on the H-core time, Minister Sun still has some palpitations.

“I lost my words…”

Su Xiaoxiao also realized that he had said too much, and glanced at Minister Sun apologetically.

However, her inner thoughts have not changed, and she still believes that the probability of successful ignition of the Tokmak device in front of her is close to zero.

“Professors, Xiao Yang will take you to visit the base next, I will lose company first.”

After Lu Yu instructed his assistant Xiao Yang a few words, he said goodbye to the inspection team.

The day after tomorrow, it will be the date of the official ignition, and he needs to make sure that all the data is correct to avoid accidents….

Soon, after busy calculations and tests, the afternoon was fleeting.

In the base restaurant at night

, Lu Yu was carrying a full dinner plate and wanted to find a random seat to sit.

At this point in time, there are not many people in the restaurant, and most of the places are empty.

Looking around, a beautiful figure suddenly fell into Lu Yu’s eyes.

“Forget it, stay away from her.”

Lu Yu shook his head and came to the selected seat with the dinner plate, just two rows away from Su Xiaoxiao.

Although he is not good at human feelings, he can also see that this girl seems to be a little hostile to herself…

“Forget it, eat.”

Lu Yu didn’t bother to think about it, picked up a piece of chicken leg, and just wanted to nibble.

But at this moment, a familiar electronic voice suddenly sounded in his mind: “Ding! Hearing

this voice, Lu Yu’s body shook!

It’s the system!

Since completing the system task for the first time, it has been playing dead for two months, during which time there has been no movement.

According to Lu Yu’s guess, before officially entering the University of Science and Technology, it is estimated that the system will not be able to help anymore.

However, it was immediately ignited, but the system suddenly appeared at this time, could it be … With the help of the system again, the chance of successful ignition can definitely be close to 100%!

Under Lu Yu’s excitement, the electronic voice of the system sounded again: “Congratulations to the host, activate the new option.”

“Option 1: Hang high on your own business, ignore Su Xiaoxiao’s distress, and leave directly after eating. Bonus: 10,000 hours of staying up.

“Option two: help each other, solidarity and fraternity. Ask what trouble Su Xiaoxiao has encountered and help solve it. Bonus: Ultra-high-speed intracranial computational simulation capabilities. ”

Ask the host to make a choice…”

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